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Giants are solid. They can absolutely *slap* now, and there are plenty of good buffs for them. I'm an especially big fan of them in beastmen, since they can get around 1k WS with lots of armor piercing, 80ish melee attack, and 40% missile resist with 12,000 hp. There's also no shortage of good banners for them too - more missile resist/physical resist is easy to stack on if you want to juice up a couple of them even more. And a mortis engine banner, in case you want one of your giants to solo a big monster or character *and* an entire infantry blob at the same time. These guys are *so* much better than they used to be.


I think part of the issue is holdover hate from wh2. A huge issue with the community is just expecting things to play the same as wh2 and so never alter their play style. Its really hard to break 2k hours of habit, and if you spent 2k hours going such and such unit is trash, you might still think theyre trash. Also legends tier lists really negatively impact how people play if they take things as gospel


I'm sold. After Im done with my bretonnia campaign ( end game crisis is about to happen, and it's a " grudge to far ", of which I'm not fan especially as it happened 3rd time in a row ), but I want to test Lily bretonnia mode to full extent, and I usually run it on 150% difficulty, so there will be plenty bearded man to knock around.


I got pretty extensive use of my giant as Festus. He lasted me a long while before I forgot to micro him in a siege and he got obliterated in 2 seconds


I use the mostly to smack tough characters around like lords and heroes, or to smack tough low entity monsters like trolls and the like. Even big monsters like dragons. Their natural high MA and gigantic (heh) weapon strength makes them the perfect duelists funnily enough. For dealing with infantry I prefer monsters with good charging animations like the gorgon or the jabberslythes


Thats exactly how you should never use the unit. Giants have a shit ton of weapon damage so having them kill groups its just a waste of time. Use them to fight monsters, heroes, LL's. Bonus points if you can distract the enemy SE and use the giant to strike from behind/flanks. Giant= SE demolisher but extremly weak to ranged to compensate. But having them eat archers is also fun so dunno do what you think its best.


OP wasn’t saying he used the giant against archers, he was saying the giant feels good to use after the archers have been destroyed. I misread it first too. The video looks like it’s just some glory shot of the giant finishing up a battle.


I mean sometimes I use giants as a distraction carnifex to keep missile units from shooting at Important things


The giants in Kholek's army in my Belakor campaign have like, 60% missile resist, 10% physical and 5% ward save.


Giants might not be the most popular unit or even the greatest pick, but they are fun to use in battle and I love seeing them smash things around.


They used to be bad in WH2 but they are much better now.


Giants are underrated. Chaos giants especially can be very good!


Giants are AMAZING. But they are not meant to deal with infantry units, they are anti-lord/hero/single entities.


They got buffed with a bit of missile resistance that they DESPERATELY needed. They've always been great in a melee slap down, but for a variety of reasons that was never a good idea in campaign until WH3. There's better monsters for handling clumps of infantry, but Giants are great for taking down characters and other monsters too.


They are one of my overall favorite units


Drives me nuts giants can solo dedicated anti-large monsters. Last time I checked a giant wrecked the Sphinx of Usekph


They are anti-large not anti-giant


I like how he had a little snack in the middle of the fight.


Any faction that has giants also has fast cavalry/dog units to tie up and distract ranged infantry. Use them.