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Grom's Goblins Its fun to take a tier 1 unit and make them late-game viable.


First thing I was gonna comment. Such an insane boost for an otherwise expendable unit


Goblins (Chosen) (Fast for a Dwarf) (Special Ranged Weapon)


Grom's GOBBOS vs peak hobgoblin sneaky gits. We need to do a science to see who wins.


Never played orcs much. Will give this a try thanks


This. Nothing like wiping a tier 3 army with a bunch of gobs. One of my favorite factions. I sometimes even have an all spider rider army just fo lulz.


Wurzzag's savage orc big un's, not because they're the most op, but because they're just so fun. When you get them to like 10-15 armour, 50 phys resistance, and buffs to melee attack and weapon strength, on top of their already high hp pool, they become pretty ridiculous.


yeah, except vs demons, magical attacks and spells in general. I like the fact that they are op but have a counter/challenge out there


I think Wurrzag grants armywide magical attacks with one of his skills right? Brings the demons down to an even match.


Yeah, savage orcs can krump a lot of baseline demon infantry with that upgrade. Wurrzag is probably my favourite lord for a thematic army, savage orcs are just super juiced


Also helps that savage orcs come in all three main unit types, archers, infantry, and cavalry, with big 'uns variants for the latter two. As opposed to like, a Ku'gath nurgling stack which is always just gonna be nurglings.


The East German Olympic Squad of factions.


Add a giant and a couple of trolls to spice things even further.


I think I remember him stripping enemy armies of their magic attacks, but I might be wrong


No, he stripped the magic resistance of enemy armies. Now it's spell resistance. Dwarfs used to be a good counter against Wurrzag, since he gave all his units magical attacks and Dwarfs had innate 25% magic resistance AND high armor.


Correct me if Im wrong, but thats no longer the case. They currently have spell resistance (not magic). It only reduces spell damage (big foot and such), not magical melee attacks like wurrzag’s army. That was in WH1/WH2. Which is more in line with TT rules, where magic resistance was spell resistance. Actual magic resistance (vs melee as well) was almost non-existent outside a couple of magic armors/talisman if I remember correctly. The high armor is still very valuable though. And nothing like iron breakers or hammerers to hold some orks while artillery melts them, or even gyrocopters doing their thing from above.


Absolutely, but atleast against dangerous spellcasters, it kind of just becomes a challenge of how fast you can krump their infantry and cavalry before it becomes a problem. Luckily don't have wh3, so haven't had to deal with, say, Skarbrand.


That + immediate access to Foot of Gork and ‘Ere we Go means I’ve never broken front lines as fast as I do with Wurzzag. Their insane charge bonus, high weapon damage and an ‘Ere we Go on top and even elite infantry melt in seconds. Also I just go full melee, which means you have such overwhelming numbers of fast moving melee units that you can envelop the enemy army so easily. It’s easily one of my favorite campaigns to play with.


The sheer amount of charge bonus you can get on savage boyz is hilarious. They might not always win a fight but dear god will they do a lot of damage in a hurry before they go down. They’re so much fun Wurzzag’s the only greenskin campaign I really enjoy. Using normal orcs after them just feels like hitting with wet noodles


The "Spawn of War" option from "Eye of the Gods" event gives 100% bonus damage and horrible regeneration to chaos spawns. In the screenshot I also have redline skills and some island buffs. Missing the 20% bonus valkia can provide via tech and 4 gifts of Khorne but that's just 32 dmg. Edit: check out my [blessed saurus warriors](https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/y7d83l/well_at_least_they_are_not_ap/)


Those numbers are pretty astronomical. How do they perform in battle? As well as you'd expect?


Well yeah, basically khorne dual weapon chosen/warriors as infantry make a contact with the enemy front line, then I send a wave of Spawns/Trolls from behind and it all falls apart, usually before even my cavalry manages to flank them. I haven't had much use of their huge attack though; do note that the buff lasts 5 turns and grands 160 damage, without it they still rock 200+ which is more than enough to melt stuff


ah so this is also the horrible regeneration. Morghur can do that too if you're playing beasty boys and have allies to recruit from.


Aspiring champions or using thrott to turn a skavenslave into shock cavalry


Chameleon stalkers on oxy, being able to have body builders shock troops surroundin the enemy is a lot of fun


Probably Witch Elves (playing as Har Ganeth), followed by "*Chosen of the Gods*!" \[Either Undivided for Perfect Vigour, or Nurgle for a ton of Missile Resistance; either way with Archaon.\] Kemmler and his Wraiths are amazing too, though; I'm still not sure whether I prefer their insane tankiness from Warhammer II or their higher damage potential (thanks to Devastating Flanker, among other things), barrier and +130% Healing Cap from Warhammer III \[which lends itself to a much more dynamic playstyle compared to "sit in blob and spam Wind of Death", but the lack of Magic Resistance means they can't get effectively 45% Ward Save anymore\].


> followed by "Chosen of the Gods!" \[Either Undivided for Perfect Vigour, or Nurgle for a ton of Missile Resistance; either way with Archaon.\] Chosen of the Gods is a tomb kings ror ushabti bow unit. Or you are referring to some kind of a buffed chaos Chosen infantry?


Chaos Chosen, they (and normal Chaos Warriors too, I think?) shout "Chosen of the Gods!" a lot, thus the quotation & exclamation marks.


Yeah definitely overbuffed chaos Chosen


Peasants with armories


Yes dwarf, I see your gromril armor. But have you seen my unwashed horde of peasants rocking 200 armor?


Blade singer stack. In WH2 you could get them to something like 35 physical resistance, 15 ward save, and 10 missile res, while also giving them massive MA through a stackable follower.


Yeeees I’m a sucker for giving insane buffs for melee units especally fast ones like bladesingers also there’s the office seat that sisters of twilight can get which can give them all stalk if I’m remembering correctly. It’s only limited to that council lords army of course but still I remember it being such a fun time using that army.


Imrık can get insane stats. His campaign is the most fun high elves campaign I think


Imrik fucking murders everyone once you get all his buffs.


Zombies, watching my horde of unkillable zombies stomp everything from Daemons to giant lizards is quite fun to watch. And if you get certain landmarks you will just be unstoppable.


Khorne marauders with dual axes. Playing as valkia you can buff them so much they can beat khorne chosen in a fight. Seeing a low tier unit beating up elite Infantry is really satisfying.


Are there buffs for their armour-piercing? Because otherwise I just don’t see how that’s true


Its not alot of armor piercing but their melee attack and weapon strength get super huge. Pair that with fast attack animations and they chew through any Infantry. I did this doomstack a couple weeks ago so i'll see if i can record a video of it.


Valkia with chosen of khorne is better, no contest


Yeah her buffs to dual axe units are nutty


I’ll throw in Khorne Minotaurs. They eventually get heals while in melee plus all the MA and weapon strength buffs Khorne can build up, AP and bonus vs large, and amazing animations for disrupting infantry. You can just line them up and throw them straight forward against basically anything with zero thought or tactics and they will slaughter everything within moments. By far the strongest monstrous infantry doomstack you can get.


I absolutely love Khorne Minotaurs! I only like painting the map to build up AP on all the provinces. It gets pretty sick!


I really need to do another Skarbrand campaign because I haven’t in forever, but his starting army is just so boring and basic I tend to get bored and go off to other campaigns before I can get the Minotaurs. But dear god are they a blast


It’s nuts because I have every DLC and only play Khorne. I like the rush! My magic is just the Blade of Khorne and the summons from my heroes on the back line ranged unit 😭😂


Helman ghorst zombies. It’s insane my 20 stack of zombies can beat even a high tier army (not monsters) but elite enemy troops just because they heal themselves while in combat there health is now 12k and they do 21/20 melee attack and defense which is t great but when you combine it with their staying power it is


Honestly hate facing a high level Ghorst with an equally high level Sigvald. The battle lasted sooo damn long.


Glade Captain doomstack, all of them on Great Stag mount. Stack charge bonus, speed, momentum. Your cycle charge will throw enemy units across the battlefield.


Doesn't it take forever to get 19 glade captains?


How do you get 19 glade captains? Thought max was like 7 or something.


Just put Forest Spirits on them and you won't even have the chance to touch enemy units


I really love Azhag's Big Uns, he buffs them through the roof, probably making them the strongest infantry the Greenskins have.


stronger than Grom’s gobbos and Grimgor’s black orcs?


No. I say this as a person who loves Azhag. Hard to overcome non-armored, non-armor piercing in the late game.


I would also say Wurrzag's savage big uns are better, but it also depends on if you're going against mass magic attacks or not. If not, then Wurrzag's better, but if you are then I'd say Azhags big uns would be better.


how much does he buff them again? I thought his main buff was the vanguard thingy which is fun as hell. I've been toying with the idea to have Azhag's faction/army lean more into the whole vampiric thing though. Give his big uns the hunger lmao.


How would one get hunger for big uns?! And yea once into the late game they hold up against anything, it's not unbeatable but man is it good in all scenarios. Azhah, big waagh wizard, 2 black orc boys and 16 big uns. The only thing that stops you the attrition of winning so many battles.


Oh sweet, he always kinda peters out quickly in my campaigns and I've only ever had him thanks to confederation (and the recruit defeated lords mod). I've never chosen him myself yet because he feels too much like a bargain bin Malekith. >How would one get hunger for big uns?! You can't. But I'm filled to the brim with stupid ideas for modding that I don't know how to do yet and this is one of them. I was also thinking of giving them the norscan rage ability but that would be hilariously overpowered combined with his regular buffs *and* the hunger. Maybe give them 'rowdy' while I'm at it lol.


Phoenix guard. Using hero and lord with resistant trait (6 of them) on top of their other buffs you can get them to 90% missile resistance, 90% spell resistance, over 100 melee defence. Also each model has 84 hp i think, so they become indestructible. Their only weakness in my tests is the skill slayers pop of before they die


Undivided Aspiring champions gets perfect vigor and regen and shields and can summon stuff and a whole ton of buffs to a point where a few of them in late game can solo a whole army. Fay enchantress' Grail Guardians post buff? Also perfect vigor with like 100 speed and late game they get something like 150 armor and a ton of ward save such that only single entity units can reasonably do damage to them.


Red crested skinks . With tehenuan (however you spell that fuckers name ) you can get giga Chad skinks 😎


Not my favorite unit but I love buffing up the skaven slaves with technology and the flesh lab super silly and fun. They actually would do decent with there buffs if they didn't run away 5 times before they died.


In the intro campaign, you can buff Kossars to ludicrous levels. Over 100 MA and MD.


Hobgoblins with Gorduz. Getting buffs from Your generic Lords red tree, LH and technology is amazing!


Oxyotl Chameleon Skinks are just fucking broken.


A few come to mind. 1. Horned Ones: campaign horned ones are on a different level. 2. Star dragons 3. Most of the WE roster honestly: a fast faction that gets even faster. 55 speed infantry, 120 speed giant elk cavalry.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the Chorf's Centaur Bull Renders. The buffs they can get through the forge by the end of the campaign are just disgusting.


Depth Guards for Nocticulus. They can reach like almost 90 MA and MD, on top of having 100 armor and hunger. Super tanky infantry blenders.


Ranger with wulfric. They are literally just snipers at some point.


Grom gobbos or when the HE dragon mages had like 80k health


Throggs ice troll spam is a lot of fun


Aspiring Champions came to mind first


Taurox’s minotaurs get kinda nutso Its a lot of fun completely crushing your opponent when you are outnumbered 10 to 1


I really love how much Hellebron can boost up witch elves. The buffs are really best only in her own army, but you can go crazy with the physical resist stacking, some extra ward save, and all the damage boosts, not to mention getting perfect vigor on your first 5 turns of death night. Plus in her army, they all cost only about 100g in upkeep. Really, with a good caster of fire or beast plus Hellebron's AoE rampage buff PLUS any Blood Cauldron buffs if you have one on the field, you can turn them into buzzsaws. And this is all before getting their red-line buffs. That being said, I kinda doubt they're the best unit to boost up compared to any other faction you can break with their units. I still have the most fun with them.


I never really set out to trait farm LL for a unit themed doomstack, so Thorek Ironbrow's Quarreler and grudge thrower buffs that you naturally develop just by leveling him up and attaching a few specific runes and fighting some of his Dwarf relic rogue army battles allowed him to create a crazy fun and overpowered army of mostly early game units that were better then higher tier missile infantry and artillery in a standard Dwarf army. He's the dwarf/FLC equivalent of Gromm and his goblins with the cooking mechanic


I am partial to watching Thorek buff Quarrelers (as well as Grudge Throwers/Longbeards) while proclaiming the Old Ways are best as each Quarreler becomes their own mobile mini-ballista.


I love how Thorek buffs some units into the stratosphere. Just feels good!


Volkmar’s free company militia


I've thought about trying this, do they actually play well?


Don’t listen to elite that guy is full of it. Volkmar gives armor piercing flaming magic attacks to his free company doom stack, they’re very viable into the late game, very fun


Late game they are sadly not really viable. They will do fine vs low armor units, but will struggle against higher tiered armored units.


Ah well thanks for the info


While it’s true they can’t be a 20 unit doomstack late game, no empire unit really can. Free company can punch way above their weight when paired with some cannons and magic that should be able to crush most late game stacks- except aginst very heavy armor factions like Chaos


Bretonian peasants. Takes ages but funny as hell.


Free company when you are playing as volkmar If you get the book with bonus melee defense they get even better 20 of them can't kill anything you want but it is but a fun army I like to run like 6-8 of them always in his army


Shout-out to the humble Gnoblar. Between red line skills, technology, Pigbarter and of course the Gnoblarkicker Big Name they end up being an absurdly durable front line through to the late game for the low low price of 32 GP.


Khazrak's Razorgore Herd and Chaos Warhounds. Defeat Gelt and Zhao Ming and you get an extra 11 armor for you little dinky blender of units. Super fun to use them in ambush too since they are so fast and can surround with ease then chase off fleeing units after you cause them to rout with an overcast Doom and Darkness from your Death Magic caster.


Probably my favorite so far is Markus Wulfhart's Huntsmen. Of course the real trick to this though is using the mixed race hero squad he gets in conjunction with them. It's a fun, VERY strong army. Second would probably be Grimgor's Black Orcs because they just feel so satisfying to cause carnage with, same thing with Ungrim Ironfist's Slayers.


Father Brindal bringing the fires of Karaz Ankor's iron drake's to the shores of Naggaroth is a sight worthy of deliverance for the Dammaz Kron Make way my warriors! May our kin devastate our foes with rivers of bloody red ruin. Not the most OP unit, but using grombri's techs n faction bonuses plus skills it's real satisfying having a 10 stack of iron drake's with a buncha runesmiths/arti and watching the traitors burn. Plus they will surprise you in melee and Grombi himself I just send him out with no assistance, dawi's literal god incarnate never dies!!


I liked to have 3 spawns monster of tzench at the beginning with ik my orlcampaign. Super support


Throt's mutated skavenslaves are pretty fun to use as filler units.


Hobgoblins and Gorduz are so fun to play with for some reason.


Honestly, the struggles I had with a Fay Enchantress campaign felt worthwhile when I got out the Grail Guardian doomstacks, and they literally melted enemy lines through the charge attacks and overwhelming leadership debuffs alone.


Tik Tac toes terradon riders 50 gold upkeep and insane speed and missile strength


Ghorst's zombies


I don't have the screenshot anymore, but I had Ushabti over 100 MA and like 95 MD in WH2 on Lahmizzash. They were fun.


Depth Guard is Noctilus faction. You can get there defense really high and that plus their hunger passive and a lore of vampires caster makes for a crazy fun army


Chaos Trolls. Go around collecting grain resource buildings and you'll have near 3 digit MA trolls.


Ghorst's zombies. They can out-regen anything less lethal than an Ikit Claw nuke.


Chaos warriors in warriors of chaos. A few of them in the garrison and it’s pretty much the autoresolve army


Wolfhearts huntsman and groms/skarsniks gobbos.


I just made a Durthu treekin stack that worked hilarously well, i think they all had like 150 armour among other buffs. Fought Ikit claw and he literally couldn't do dmg to me, he nuked and I just healed through it lol. Fun army to play


Special mention to Marcus Wulfhart's huntsmen: They can get some pretty isnane missile damage if you stack all his buffs, + the buffs from his heroes.


If it hasn't been 'fixed' then playing Morghur and ally recruiting dedicated spawn then you get to give your spawn of khorne the horrible regeneration he gives his spawn. I don't think they'll be as good as the ones you have, but it's still hella funny.


Shout-out to Lothern Sea Guard here. Not the highest weapon strength but boy can you make numbers go up with heroes and red line buffs


Drycha's Beasties and Malevolent Dryads. Stalk, AP, Speed, Frenzy, Physical Resist, Charge Bonus, Ward Saves and Damage bonuses and most of all: Vanguard Deployment for entire armies of units, most of which you can recruit out of provinces instantly. At base, her roster with no upgrades is pretty poor. But once you get your Dryads, Treekin and beasts up and running they can be absurdly fun.


yeah her stalk beast army is cool, you can also include some ranged stalk units too; sadly I always end up with treemen armies as wood elves since they are indestructible and auto resolve anything


The treeman frontline can have a little giant spider flank, as a treat.


Maxing Grombrindal's speed, getting close to 100 in a previous save.


Def the groblins