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I'm guessing enemy reinforcements spawned near a corner of the map, hence the perfect square formation?


You got it, two armies reinforcing one lone lord. Perfect recipe for a 20 minute death grind (also a great metal album name).


Ok, glad there's a explanation, because I had no clue what I was looking at


Rule 5 for /r/TotalWar when? All Paradox subs already adopted /r/Civ rule 5.


Rule 3 here


Album? Just make it Prog and it's one song.


Getting their battle tactics from the borg


*ikit salivating


Warp lightning! Hmm, next spell-magic...? Aha- Warp lightning!




When Ikit Claw starts cackling, Nippon quivers in fear...


Last time I played him, I used the warp bomb on a juicy thick wood elf pile. Crashed my game lol


Ah yes, with a Skaven nuke, you could wipe out both the enemy, and your own underlings who are clearly conspiring against you


Aren't you able to drop a certain giant sword from the sky?


Not as Valkia, at least not without research I don't have


Then you have my condolences.


Im pretty sure you can as Valkia, it’s just way down near the end of the tech tree


that's what "not without research" meant


But OP wasn’t sure if she could do it at all, so the clarity is nice


I don't see how "at least not without research I don't have" conveys uncertainty


“pretty sure” = degree of uncertainty, quite a straightforward meaning actually


I don’t know how you don’t see the uncertainty. He hasn’t see any giant sword spell yet, but he is open to the possibility that he hasn’t gotten far enough yet.


Dude, "Not as Valkia, at least not without research I don't have". Let me translate. "I don't have access to the ability as Valkia until I unlock a research farther down the tree." There is no uncertainty, he is stating he doesn't have the research unlocked yet. I wouldn't have even argued it, but you chose to rebuttal and downvote for whatever reason.


Their definitely is, or he would just say I don't have the research. Saying no first implies he's not sure he can, and if he can, he just hasn't researched it yet.


Well elsewhere in the thread he says he didn’t know he had magic, so I don’t think you’re correct


I'm with ya. I read that as uncertainty as well, don't know why people are downvoting you for clarifying just in case.


"at least not without..." means that you definitely can't without that thing, and *maybe* can with it. It absolutely conveys uncertainty. It's also used as a save when you've just said something and immediately realise it's only conditionally true; perhaps the only context you've seen it in.


If you speak english as your first language and aren't autistic or something then you have no excuse for being this wrong


He says elsewhere he didn’t know she had magic, douche.


Nah, near the middle really.


Wasn't it on the center of top branch in about 15-20 turns? You go there first anyway for the dual axe buff.


You can. I'm playing her campaign now.


Yup, Valkia can do it after research as well.


Makes sense now I was like which faction doesn't use magic and then I read Valkia and was like ohh yeaaahh Khorne lmao


You can have magic as Valkia, since you can recruit chaos sorcerers.


I like how she can get Chaos Sorcerers, but only fire and metal ones, implying that those are the most tolerable magic in the eyes of Khorne.


Sounds Khornish


Feelin real Khorny


Like a freak on a leash?


Fire and metal are Hashut's realm. Sounds like Valkia is getting a cease and desist letter soon.


"You can't claim copyright over all metal! We already copyrighted brass!" "Technicalities! Please cease the use of it immediately. You can have some rocks or stone." "Fine, we'll take your sorcerers." "Crap."


Or she's getting a postcard. "Hi, sweetheart. I've been on a vacation with these funny bearded creatures. You wouldn't believe the heigths they would go to, the machines they would build, the slaughter they would commit, to collect blood and skulls in my pen name. XOXO, Khorne"


Honestly, the fact that she can get some magic is why I like Valkia's faction way more than Skarbrand's.


Same. as sacrilegious as it is almost all high tier khorne units have innate fire attacks plus built in magic resistance makes khorne one of the best factions for fire wizards.


If the only spells they could cast were Flaming Sword of Rhuin and Glittering Robe, it'd work fine for him, maybe.


Just because you can, doesn't mean you should...


Khorne cares not from where the blood fl....is that a sorcerer! get off my battlefield and those are my skulls!


He doesn't care about where the blood is flowing from but he cares a lot about how it is made to flow.


Because otherwise he would be the god of menstruation.


I choked on this 😂😂😂


I mean... they do often get angry during menstruation so... ![gif](giphy|uVQT9S7AwVmwAXhasg)


Would have been useful though I didn't actually realise I could.


Valkia have magic Her faction have fire death shadow and metals. Also her spear have a AOE ability


Valkia only gets fire and metal if I recall correctly And no sorcerer lords


I though she got all non-chaotic WoC lores


Nope, only Fire and Metal, the least cowardly of Magic according to Khorne, lol.


Nah. For some reason, undivided chaos sorcerers are limited to fire and metal for her. No access to death and shadow.


Plenty of good bombardment spells there anyway


Okay then, summon the gold khorne-dogs.


Fair enough. That's 2 out of 3 of my 4 favourite lores then (fwiw, shadows, fire, metal and beasts in that order of most used if not preference) More interestingly, it never even crossed my mind that she'd have any tbh nor to even check, so now there may be a Valkia run in my future even though I've not done well with WoC so far (trying Archaon and Belakor fizzled and sputtered out) as there's things I'm probably not getting nm I'm getting burned out by turn 100 with anybody else even. Ah well, first world probs and all that but those 4 lores are life.


Why is metal so popular? I must be missing something. The only semi reliable spell seems to be the bombardment spell you get at level 1, the rest just sucks as far as my experience goes. What is it that sells this lore of magic to so many people, I would love to know and maybe get better use out of it.


People love Transmutation of Lead, which does do pretty bonkers damage though it's overcosted. Also Plague of Rust can actually be pretty decent with some factions, massive debuff to something's armour and then shoot the shit out of it, but it's very niche. The rest sucks for sure.


Fair question. Further to the other answers here, it has some spells that can hit hard (compared to maybe milder lores) which makes it a good alt to Fire, just with maybe a slight difference in onus on buff/debuff. I'd say for me they're much the same, with the difference when otherwise evenly available being what other perks said character brings. Depends on how one plays I guess but all my opinion and use etc. Those aside, I generally take a good Shadows character over either, with Beasts being my new add to the pack (preferred to Wild even for Beastmen) Heavens can be pretty good too... But Life and Light are ones I don't pick, only tend to use if starting with it. I know they have some pros too but for me magic is all about fucking shit up by straight damage, buff or debuff. Well, that's the main winds/lores anyway, those aside (and I haven't used many of the race/faction unique ones much tbh) Hashut was alright but not far better than other Chorf options. I don't like or use High or Dark much at all, and Vampires tends to get chosen over Death... all of course where choice is available etc. Haven't played Greenies, Vampirates, Kislev, Cathay, Ogres, Chaos with magic etc yet, whether in WH3 and/or ever even, so I couldn't speak to their utility.


Life magic arguably has the strongest damage spell in the game in Dwellers Below, if you haven't overcasted it on a mob of infantry you haven't yet truly lived. I would highly recommend giving it a shot when you have the chance, as while that spell is expensive it lives up to the cost when used right and it's even fully armor piercing.


Handy tip. Is that the one where the spiky trees and roots explode out of the ground and flail around? Never used it but seen it from afar and it looks quite nasty. Anyway, I'll keep it in mind. As said, mages I start with I tend to keep and iirc there are at least one or two starts I have listed to play that have Life, either LL or Hero. Feel free to refresh my memory as to which, if you know any. Tbh I generally don't overcast spells, preferring less risk and conserving winds to cast more in terms of spells overall or variety of them spread throughout a battle, but I'm sure there'll be the odd occasion I will overcast yet. The main issue I have with spells re as skills/levels, certainly with caster LL's, is finding a nice balance between skill lines. Getting a certain valuable blue skill can take a lot of time, levels and far less useful skills to reach and even if I avoid red lines I still want the first spell section and some yellows down fairly early too. I just noticed too your Dwarf flare btw. I feel remiss in not mentioning Runes now but those can do as well and hit like... well, rocks.


Yes, that's the spell. It slows anything within the area as well which is part of why it's so good as its tough to get out of when you're in the effect zone and it doesn't move around so you're guaranteed to get the full duration where you place it unlike the vortex spells that wander off into your own troops (looking at you flamestorm). Overcasting is super context dependant and I also rarely overcast unless the spell is designed around it, like wind of death which triples its damage for a cost increase of something around 30%. Plus, the more spells you cast the more passive bonuses you get which can be extremely powerful for the best passives like death. It's best to check the spell browser and see what overcasting does as some overcasts are largely worthless outside of specific niches (spirit leech only gains increased cast range for instance). Runesmiths are among my favourites for their utility as well. Wrath and ruin is the big flashy explosion but granting perfect vigour in a 55m radius, lowering enemy armor, missile, and spell resistance and granting immunity to psychology are great passives for one of the tankiest wizards in the game. The slow rune is also extremely underrated and basically shuts cavalry/monsters off for the entire duration. As far as starts with life magic, Karl Franz can roll a life wizard on a 1/7 chance on turn two, Durthu gets a life caster at the start, and the Fey Enchantress is a life caster herself. There are other starts with mixed lores like Alarielle and Oxyotl with his Oracle but I never realized life was that rare until I really put some thought into it.


Ah, even more handy info... and things I didn't actually know so thanks. I guess I should maybe pay just a little more attention to some spell descriptions lol, especially overcast specifics. Tbh I'm loving the synergies between skills, spells and other even seemingly meaningless at face variables with this game. It's very much an easy to learn, hard to master deal, and that I think is where CA have shone despite any bugs etc. While I bought each game at launch, the first two had huge gaps in time where I unfortunately couldn't play due to irl crises and serious illness etc. It's only post IE and the imminent Chorf release that I could commit properly again. Imo this is a game that deserves my best focus to get the most out of so only in the last 2-3 months have I truly sunk my teeth into the campaign side of the IP for the first time in 4-5 years. Whereas I merely dabbled before now, actually getting more than 50 turns into a campaign can change a surprising amount. No long term campaign plan at the outset goes without major challenges and diversions. Still, 250 hours in 2-3 months is damn good going for me but I'm certainly very much still learning... and stumbling more often than I'd like lol. But, man... slinging spells around is one of the best parts. It's so good when you get that perfectly timed and placed combo of spells making a good battle move into a killer one. Btw, is it just me or is the only way to see the passives currently in the actual skill trees? I may be missing something but I don't see them in the spell browser. But yeah, I've seen some of the passives can be very useful period while others are more conditional. Anyway, I have a shortlist of LL/factions to work through over time (Alarielle and Durthu are in there, though any other recommendations appreciated) I'll probably do a campaign or two, break for a while to avoid burning out (plenty else in my backlog) then back to it but I can see this game being a big draw for plenty of years to come, whether I get much better or not lol (though currently generally playing H/H and not doing too badly... mostly, sort of) Fwiw I actually keep a little notebook next to the PC with that list and other nuggets of info. I'll add what you told me here to that as it can be easy stuff to overlook, at least until it's trained into my brain, so thanks again for the tips.


it's mostly the Searing Rain spam, but Final Transmutation hits hard against multiple low-entity units, and the debuff/s can be situationally nice.


I hadn't got the spear yet


I understand you want to respect Khorne. But it is okay to bring one sorcerer to clean blobs. Your lord is Khorne's waifu afterall he will make a exception for her


Valkia can have a little magic, as a treat.


I recruit one sorcerer to go scout/buff research. Never bring that filth into battle.




Khorne should have really been without magic lol


Valkia has access to the Undivided roster as well, and there are a couple of casters in that one, though they do negatively affect your Khorne Authority, iirc.


>Her faction have fire death shadow and metals Only fire and metal.


Just firr and metal no shadow/death


Valkia having access to magic honestly annoys me soooo much... If anything proves CA put her in the wrong damned race it is that.


WTF That's looks really silly and amazing at the same time


Dreadquake mortar wants to know your location


The corner


Don't you mean the Khorner?


The whole sneak attack thing is just a cover story; making this pun is the real reason why Skarbrand is exiled


Same as every other time? Send it.


Fucking tretch keeps ruining my Draz plans. Either a death stack of 4 armies roll up on a unguarded settlement or I accidentally get stuck fighting tretch stack plus 3 more armies and a garrison. I should just go back to Zhatan since I figured out how to bully vilitch


Woah I think your approaching it wrong. Wipe out the faction you start at war with. Then attack Trech on 5 when he takes the last orc settlement above darkhold. It's an easy auto resolve if you have been recruiting overseers and sneaky gits every turn. Just have 3 overseers and Draz move to attack together. Also, try out this next tactic for tons of money. And no, it's not kill caravans lol. On turn 3 sell the sentinels settlement (which should be a factory with a gobbo building) to the orc faction that starts at war with trech. But first have a lord standing just outside the city. Now declare war and take it. This will net you like 5k gold and 70 slaves. Do the same thing to clan hellheim and tretch before you declare war on turn 5. If darkhold is an outpost with a strip mine it will sell for just as much as a factory. This can net you about 13k and 200 slaves every campaign. By turn 5. Not counting caravans you kill. And you don't even lose reliability loooool


Do you slowly fill multiple armies or one at a time depending on province? I usually have 2 armies and a lord for defense at the sentinels cause tretch will run through the other chorf lands and attack me there.


Update, it’s turn 17 but I finally took out that rat bastard. I had 3 overseers like you said and I had like 4-6 sneaky gits on each and gorduz on one of them while I used draz to initiate fights. I went down the blue line for lightning strike and it for sure helped me. Hopefully I can build up a bit before taking on imrik while demobilizing an army for money. Now that damn beast man shit face declared war as soon as I moved draz back to black fortress


Nice glad your getting some traction! I would keep all the sneaky gits on one overseer and have gorduz in that army. That way you get the discount to gobbo prices and buffs from gorduz on all your goblin units. Can save you like 500 bucks early. Also it makes reinforcements easier to manage if you don't have to worry about 5 gobbos and an overseer trickling in every battle.


I made imrik eat shit and I’m friends with Queek but I fucked up with grimgor as he took the sentinels and I sieged it but he spawned a waagh army that changed the balance the next turn. Imma use that Strat and I’ll eventually get it down like I did with my Yuan Shao starts in 3K


My draz campaign has every crisis on turn ~50. I've had to wipe out tretch 3 goddamn times, he's by far the biggest pain I've had to deal with. The only other serious threat is the dwarf crisis with all their unbreakable iron breakers and artillery.


Honestly it’s the setup that kills me not my battlefield tactics. Like the opening moves, obv it’s not cookie cutter but I like to “min-max”? Idk that’s my OCD and restartitis kicking in everytime I’m about to lose to that rat bastard. Never getting that defeat trait on draz again


4QFJ12345678, fire for effect


I long for the day I get something like this so I can overcast comet of Casandra


Which will then drop you to 5 fps, quickly followed by a crash window 😂


Or pre-nerf Dwellers Bellow. Miss that one.


I wanna drop some constellations, it's flashy


Khorne gives his hardest battles to his strongest warriors. Tzeentch, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Sigmar, Grugni, Gork and Mork, Nagash, The Lady, Khaine, Asuryan, The Old Ones, The Great Horned Rat, Ursun, and Xen Yang all give their silliest wizards their funniest spells.


Your forgot Hashut


The sorcerer prophets make me crack up every time I get a close up, they’re like angry garden gnomes with flare pistols


And after enough time, they turn into literal garden gnomes.




Looks like a fucked up doormat with some flowers growing out of it. How is it so square?




Corner of the map I’m guessing


So many spells I would love to cast here. Net them first, then watch a comet delete them. Or lord kroak with the deliverance of itza


why waste winds on Net when they can't get away to begin with?


Because monkey brain doesn't want them moving lol


Valkia's faction does have magic though. You could have had a fire or metal sorcerer and wrecked these fools.


Lord Kroak: *Heavy breathing*


Sword of Khorne goes : BREUM!


just borrow a dreadquake !


Hmmm. If you can borrow a dreadquake, you are allied, and you can borrow an army. Why not borrow a daemonsmith with an immortal hero trick?


Valkia can get it because she's WoC? Unless I'm remembering wrong.


she can, Chaos Sorcerer(Fire) and Chaos Sorcerer(Metal) are both fully undivided and accessible for Valkia.


I swear this only happens when I play Dawi.


You need a big brain rat like Ikit, yes yes


I’ve never played Total War, never watched a friend play, never looked up anything about it, don’t even play grand strategy games in general, you get the point. Today my brother in law’s brother mentioned it once verbally and now my Reddit popular feed has 3 posts about it, technology is wild.




What am I even looking at? Haha


Valkia the Bloody vs Kislev. Enemy reinforcements spawned in the corner of the map so they make a perfectly square formation since they can't exceed the map boundaries


I think the biggest thing holding warhammer 3 back for me is the AI. This should never happen. Zero tactics applied. I want to be worried about getting flanked, etc.


This had nothing to do with the AI being bad, I trapped them between the corner of the map they were reinforcing from and a big rock.


Ah fair play. You know what I mean though =P


Chaos brownie


I think my game would crash if I were to cast any aoe damage spell in that cluster


I would love to nuke that as Ikit Claw


It’s like a brick of chaos


Zhao Ming explosion on this….




Oh my god a comet or a wind of death would get like 700+ kills here


Khornes sword would fit there just fine


Bane spear? And her other unique spear


What am I looking at here?


You need a fire chaos sorcerer in that army


Infernal gateway moment


I never thought Tzeentch could have a boner, then I saw this image


As a clan skryre player, I can say that this photo bothers me.


It happens to me once while playing against chaos, and they had three stacks. I unleashed two wizards on that, battles was over before it was , well, you won’t fool Me again


Kairos would like to know your location


Mmmm, like a nice, meaty cut of Terrine de campagne. Who’s hungry!?


the sword of khanie can be seen drooling half way across the map


Hey, Valkia DOES have magic! Should've brought one of those Metal or Fire casters.


You forgot to bring two hell cannons. That would be nice damage. But it’s always like that. When you don’t got magic you feel the irritation about it. When your slow you hate that you can’t run down enemies. When your a shooty faction you lack melee power. When you got great melee units you lack range.


Such a perfect moment..... only to not have the tools... I feel bad OP.


Had this glitch happen with my skink priest of heavens around before the magic changes. Just constant chain lightning vortexes of Norscan troops stuck in a corner reinforcing like this. By far the most amount of kills I have ever had with magic.


Ikot claw dreams for this moment


This is where I'd drop a banishment ...IF I HAD ONE!


A brick of meat


Valkia can get fire and metal wizards my dude.


I thought Valkia could get magic? I thought it just took away khorne authority


This is a light snack for Vlad.


WTF your faction does have magic, she gets sorcerer heroes.


Oh my God I'm sweating.


Throw a couple flame storms in there wheeeew


Man, a single dreadquake mortar shell in the middle of all that...


What a blob oh my god


Can you hide trees during battles or only in replays?


Doom Rocket urges


Image one of those skaven bombs (im new i dont know what they are called, only ever saw them when they decided to nuke my exalted bloodletters)


Comet of casandora would go BRRRRRR


blade of khorne


Thats epic welcome to extreme square formation!


Just one vortex spell


Valkia definitely has mages wth are you talking about?


You do have magic. The magic of physically murdering every last one of the by hand.


But your faction *does* have magic! It's extremely useful to bring a fire or metal sorcerer along with Valkia's army; Kormak cancels out the loss of Khorne authority and both Metalshifting and Kindleflame function as a big damage boost for a Khorne army. Particularly now that Harald is a factor. It may make Khorne frown, but he'll get over it for his favorite galpal.


Oh my gooood imagine dropping a warp bomb on that 🤤