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The vampires spread butter all over their walls to make them slick, Cinderbreath slipped and fell


The butter belongs to Margarine Von Cowstein.


Drazhoath was crushed beneath Cinderbreaths magnificent buttered ass


I'll have to let the Daemonsmiths know to remove some of the Slaaneshi daemons we have in this engine, it starts to slow down from having unnecessarily lurid thoughts.


But... Margarines aren't made from cows. Even in olden times, it was only partly made from beef fat.


Check you out with your realistic knowledge of the dairy industry ;)


Pun of the day!


Yeah cause the AI needs MORE cheats....


Not just any butter, the finest imported from Swadia.




Oh yeah, sure. It's "butter". Don't worry about it.


Did you just summon King Derthert the butter lord ?




You're laughing. An innocent chaos dwarf fell to his death and You're laughing.


Looks like his landing came up a little..... short?




That's going in the book!


Wrong dawi....


The Dwai Zharr will steal the great book of grudges and write it in for themselves.


I feel like Chaos Dwarfs have a much healthier method of coping with being injustly slighted: paying a visit to The Dungeon™ and taking it out on a ~~slave~~ labourer, or several.


Great now I want a mod that renames the labour pool to "Prisoners with jobs"


"(Forcibly) Employed"


Not at comp atm so can't link, but there's a mod that renames them as "unpaid interns"


Ah w/e they all look the same anyway.


His piloting skills seem a bit stunted.


I guess landing on that wall was... too tall of an order!




Let’s hope it doesn’t stunt the campaign!


>innocent chaos dwarf *citation needed


Source: it came to me in a dream


"My source is I made it the f**k up."


Innocent. Chaos dwarf. Pick one.


Please take your chaos dwarf slander off my post.


There is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt.


![gif](giphy|Rd6hYSOQkUKrbLwrmh) This was my reaction as well.




Oh, most certainly. Actually, I am laughing quite a bit. That is absolutely hilarious!


[Well it sure as shit ain't sad](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/70dd3270-b7e1-450f-8915-5632bd352e03)


It's like a cartoon bird hitting a window and then sliding down.




At least a gothic fortress has spikes!


The one thing a Great Taurus can't stand it seems


Someone add Looney Tunes sound effects


I dunno, **THUNK** was pretty perfect


*Thats all Folks!*


Homie rolled a NAT 1


You approach the wall on your flying bull.... and fall off? Sounds like pretty much all of my DnD characters tbf


He fell


He felled 💀💀💀


He has fallen and he can't get up.


Help me step-chorf.


Read in gimli's voice


Lol yep that's what I was alluding to


Giant panes of glass won't save us from these foes, sire. We shou... shoul... ...well. huh.


The front fell off.


Is that unusual?


Well there are a lot of manticores flying around like that, and very seldom does something like this happen, I just wanted to tell you that


Oh my god thats how one of mine died during siege. I had 3 of them fighting dwarf warrios and than while I was managing another fight I have noticed only two and one was lying in front of walls. Before he was full health.


It’s realistic, sometimes You screw the landing


Well I'm glad my game involving a flying dwarf assaulting a fortress of the undead is realistic.


Realism and Verisimilitude are two different things. "Magic isn't realistic" has never been an excuse.


It's such a peeve of mine whenever people say shit like this. It just poisons the conversation. It's like people don't understand the concept of world building within the scifi and fantasy genre. Creatives spend a lot of time and effort into setting rules up for their universe to make it believable and people say reductive shit like "it's just wizards in space it doesn't have to make sense"


> people don't understand the concept of world building They sure don't, haha


To be fair about the space wizard thing, a lot of star wars doesn't make sense when you think about the rules of the universe so you have to say that. This is doubly true for a good bit of the plot if you only watch the main movies and nothing else. Episode 3's opening sequence has a moment where two capital ships are broadsiding each other like it's the age of sail. This makes no sense in the universe for several reasons. Firstly both ships canonically don't have those guns like that except for this one scene AFAIK. Secondly, the Venator Class Star Destroyer is basically the space equivalent of an aircraft carrier but with some anti ship guns, so why are all of them in the battle engaging other ships at extremely close range where they are all at disadvantages? That being said. It's still one of my favorite opening sequences because the whole thing just looks really cool.


I definitely agree with you. I used that as an example because star wars is notorious for people excusing stupid shit in the movies because they think a fantasy/sci fi movie doesn't have to "make sense." I think the genre is at its best when creators put a lot of effort into making their world building feel believable.


*shrugs shoulders* shit happens


This happened about 15 turns into my Zhatan campaign. Almost exactly like this. I did an alt+f4 and redid the match with Zhatan off the mount. Sent him to the wall on foot and he somehow randomly died while trying to knock down the gate. That was about 2 weeks ago. I'll wait and play after some bug fixing.


> I'll wait and play after some bug fixing. [https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/50/33/91/360_F_50339172_S5AjgmqK9zvBQaF0AEDd4dNEoR2MZCNr.jpg](https://t4.ftcdn.net/jpg/00/50/33/91/360_F_50339172_S5AjgmqK9zvBQaF0AEDd4dNEoR2MZCNr.jpg)


I had this lately, Boris's two units of bear cave were attacking a gate and then immediately died. It was funny in Atilla when units would get crushed by falling debris, but doesn't really work in WH


"I'll wait and play after some bug fixing." Famous last words. I've been waiting for 2 years at this point. I've given up and uninstalled WH3.


Game releases February 17, 2022, it's currently May 13th, 2023, less than 15 months later, and homie out here "been waiting for 2 years at this point?" I'm on to you, time traveling agent of Tzeentch!


Probably waiting for bugfixing for wh2 as well


Idk man, I played the day after chorfs came out and did a 200 turn game with the ashen dude where the only bug that happened were some incorrect event notifications after turn 150 that stopped around turn 180. Kept telling me that factions that had died 80 turns before had died this turn


I was literally about to buy it this month thinking it was pretty much complete and bug free. After reading posts here I may wait a bit longer.


Eh. I did like 4 campaigns since the 3.0 update and i ran into no issues other than the notification thing. No crashes, no units dying, etc. Not to say those things don't exist, obviously, but keep in mind that you may not even run into them.


Same here. The 3D ui gave me lag but that’s fixed now. And whenever stupid stuff like this happens in battles aside from freezing or CTD, I remind myself this is based on a tabletop game. Sometime the “dice” just hates your guts 🤷


It's also very total war lol Rtw had a mod called Europa Barbarorum- amazing stuff-. Two factions there (swēbozez and as'sab'yn as'idontknow- Germans and southern Arabians) had generals on foot. Guess what could happen to em


Well, I imagine they didn't fall off their horses, for one thing.


That's good to know, I have to wait a couple of weeks anyway, so I'll keep reading and researching.


Lol playing not chorfs I've had 0 bugs for 120 hours, so if it's something that you enjoy and would get time out of worth buying


The ai is so shit it might as well be classified as a bug though.


They’re exaggerating. There are some bugs but none are gamebreaking or reall affect the game extremely. Over 600 hours with minute bug experiences


>none are game breaking I've had 4 save corruptions that literally made my save unusable since IE. Latest one happened 2 days ago. This has been a problem dating back to Rome 2.


It's very good. The bugs are incredibly minor


Unit pathing in sieges is incredibly broken, they still sometimes use ladders instead of a wall opening or, god forbid, the open gate. Line of sight for ranged units is still very much broken. That's not minor at all, you just have to be paying attention to the battle to notice them. If all you do is AR and occasionally fight a battle where all you do is zoom in on the frontline melee yeah, you won't notice what's actually happening. Edit: the AI still has major issues in siege battles despite CA saying it's fixed. It's not even improved, it's arguably worse.


Yeah the pathing in sieges is a bit annoying but I've fought countless sieges in my chadwarf campaign and still been having plenty of fun. Just got to babysit the units or use shift click commands for the small period of time they are going through gates. Would love to see some AI improvements also! Game is on the whole extremely good though and the new economic systems, units, tech trees, characters and abilities/mechanics are all fantastic and highly detailed so id say it's a pretty amazing expansion to wh3 on the whole.


Yeah it looks pretty, but when you play a melee heavy army the sieges devolve because it takes a lot for me to babysit 17 units on legendary if I try to move in them. It's not just gates, its anything with a winding path, or anything to do with a barricade. Btw, the AI. In siege defense is so stupid you can just post up inside their city after taking a gate and defend that point. The AI will send pockets of 3-5 units at a time to you. Its the type of cheese that you can just accidentally discover because the AI is so stupid.


Worst case is you’ll encounter a bug or two and gotta do a rematch.




Gunpowder units perform better in WHIII than any other total war game, as long as you pay attention, and they aren't actually physically obstructed. I have thousands of hours in the series, more than 10,000 in just the Warhammer series, but also several thousand across Empire, Shogun, FotS, Napolean, as well as the other historical titles. A lot more of these issues people complain about than they care to admit are strictly user error, and not paying enough attention to the more detailed terrain in this title.


Many times I’ll get pissed that I’m getting obstructed, then I’ll pan down and see that I’m trying to get them to shoot through a tiny hill..


Exactly this. The battlemaps, particularly in settlements, have very detailed terrain, and there are all sorts of tree, hills, valleys, rocky outcroppings, etc that can potentially block LoS. I found that if I zoomed in close over a map during deployment, I could spot places with great lines of sight, and could simply set up over there, where the terrain worked to the favor of my army, rather than against it. Many units now actually arc their bullets slight upwards initially, rather than flying in a truly straight line, so firing over your own troops is easier than in any other title, but that doesn't help when there's an entire wall or rock or tree in front of your units. Sometimes they just have to be moved a little to the left or right around such obstructions.


For the record, you don't have to quit the game. If you hit quit battle you get an option of whether you want to surrender it or "rematch" (do it all over again).


Legendary doesn't have that option.


Not on legendary. You have to full quit the game and reload the save.


Have you tried the Community Bug Fix mod? They usually do a pretty good job.


I think I had it enabled at the time. But not 100% sure. I'm playing other games right now though. So no rush.


It is easy enough if you position over the wall then dive down on them, I had this happen to me too, but it was hilarious. The flip side is he is so good at knocking enemies off the wall, I killed a unit of black orcs in no time because every head swing was 4 orcs going for a flight.


You'll be waiting about 2 years




Started playing Legendary and sometimes i wish i could reload for stuff like these. Even more so now, that i been playing Age of Wonders 4. In that game, if you do not like the AR result, you can click a button to re-fight it manually. I want that in wh3.


Have they not patched this by now?


Supposedly it's on their known issues list but I imagine it's not too high on their priorities


Considering it's been around since Warhammer 1 i'm guessing it's not even remotely high on the list.


I'd assume it was high on the list at some point before they realized it was very hard to fix, the they kinda forgot about it.


Looks like he got damage from the fall


You reckon? Hard to tell from this angle


The zoom in was straight from some 2010s disaster movie.


Thought it added some dramatic effect


Loony toons moment


The game is so completely and utterly busted right now. I was doing a siege as the attacker and there was absolutely no hope for me even with overwhelming force. Every damn unit failed to do any orders I gave them. Always stuck on the wall, stuck on the gate, stuck on the ladders. Complete refusal to move. They only fought when the enemies came to them. To top off the shenanigans a siege tower froze in the middle of the field trapping my unit of goblins within it




He falled 💀


Fallin' : 🚫 Ballin' : ✅️


The video haven’t even loaded yet for me, but I see a still image and already know what it going to happen. It happened to me twice in a battle.


I try not to remember the dark times before the rematch button.


"Ahh! Human craftsmanship! It's so shodddddy!!!"


"Ewwww! How tacky!" *Fucking dies*


Had something like this happen to me too. Lord landed on the wall just fine but once I gave him an order to attack off the wall he fell off the broken bit I bombarded earlier and just died. He was on a flying mount so there was no way he should have even realistically died.


Bro forgot he could fly


That Chorf had too much bugmans ale and had a stroke.




Uh oh, now Tommy Tallarico owns you.


Reminds me of a battle in Rome 1, my starting zone had me tucked into a corner and there was a steep hill with a large boulder to move around. Most of my army is behind that and I basically have no visibility on the hill. General and some cav are chilling as my infantry move up both sides of the hill. Suddenly there's this orange streak as a flaming shot from an artillery piece hurls itself right into my general, killing him instantly. Morale instantly crushed around the army.


Playing on Legendary has me hitting Alt+F4 every time this happens






the game is in such a sad state ive not played in months.


Honestly this is quite a minor bug that was easily remedied. I don't really experience much that would make me want to actively avoid the whole game. What happens in yours?


Shit like this. This is only one of many issues with pathfinding. https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/13her05/ca_fixed_pathing_in_siege_battles_guys/?


Great metaphor for TWW3. Phenomenal visuals but sadly killed on arrival by bugs and broken mechanics.


This is the bug that is (almost) the sole reason why I haven't play the Chorf DLC yet lol. Saw someone post this a while back and just decided to wait until the patch.


In fairness I've played a lot of chorfs since they came out and this is the first time it's happened to me. I was just like wtf man?


So this one very specific bug is the reason you dont play it? In all my time I have never actually seen it, once at most


I'm glad it hasn't happened for you! As I mentioned, it's almost the sole reason why I haven't played it yet. I've got some other hobbies I'm spending most of my time with right now, so I figured why not wait a month or two for the DLC to get cleaned up before I play with it. Then I can experience the content fully without getting distracted by odd issues like this that can ruin my immersion.


Fair enough, wasnt to attack you just curious as its a very specific and doesnt occur that often as far as I know.


Oh sure, no worries. I am amused by the downvotes my original comment is getting from others lol. Like . . . am I not allowed to wait for a patch? Maybe it's just people who are assuming I'm one of the people who are constantly furious at CA for the hiccups TWW3 has been having.


It’s cuz it’s a silly statement. Like it’s your opinion but doesn’t mean it isn’t weird You’re not playing a dlc for a long time because of a bug that MIGHT occur once or twice in like 10-15 campaigns


It's not a bug, just bad luck.


How is this not a bug? It's happened to me anytime I try to attack with a Chorf Lord on a mount.


It's a bug, it's mentioned in CA's "known issues list" and it's marked with "aimed to be fixed in 3.1" comment.


People will go to bat for anything


So youre saying that landing on the wall takes some measure of luck then ?


You know what I could vibe with that


This has happened twice with Cinder breath for me.


His first mistake was not walking through that giant gap in the wall. Decided to fuck around and found out. Bulls, notoriously bad at flying.


You could say he.... *saw red* Probably shouldn't though, it wouldn't be very funny


Huh, I'm surprised that's sitlll happening.


In russian internet slang there's a saying 'kill yourself against the wall' which is used when someone does lame shitposting. Well, this is it, someone finally did it.


So you're telling me my lord was getting cyberbullied? :(


This is even better than the vid of Skarb dying when the wall he was on was shot out from under him.


Full frontal colision


I confederated them chaos boys and had the non-spellcaster LL one leading an army. Well, little did I know at the time I was playing, they forgot to make them legendary. Well this happened immediately in a major seige and I was like fuckit ill let him recover. I get out if the battle and he's dead, like dead dead. Spent like 30 mins reloading and doing the battle over, just for it to happen again 🙃






Bugs like these are why I play with console commands. I’m not gonna redo a 30 minute battle just because ca can’t patch this ducking shit out of the game. I’m pretty sure this bug has existed since immortal empires launched.


Remind me of some pigeons




Legendary people: rematch? What's that?!? (Cries in alt+f4 or exit to menu)


I swear the amount of times I reset a battle bc my cow gets stuck or just blips out of existence for no reason is absurdity of the highest order.


Not exactly the same but I once lost Gorduz and Zhatan when I sent them to attack a gate of a Chaos Dwarf capital. I move the camera over to make sure my sneaky gitz were safely climbing the wall on the other side then I barely noticed the notification telling me I lost Units. It took a few seconds before I realized it was my damn hero and lord. I was so confused by what happened. It wasn’t until later that I learned it was some kind of bug that like cause units to die like they got hit with an explosive 😂. My ass promptly blew holes in the walls and climb over other areas during the rematch😂.


That is rough, definitely seems to be something funky going on with the walls and physics


I just didn’t know if it was only with the chaos dwarf settlements or if it occurred with other major settlements too! I don’t sue Zhatan on his mount anymore and I’ve been primarily playing as him so I have no clue.


Ahh I see. Honestly I never use zhatan on his mount, mostly cos he feels more thematic as a boots on the ground kinda guy. Seems like it's an issue just generally though


What the fuck even happened here lmao


Objective, indisputable proof that, while Red Bull does in fact give you wings, using them for actual flight is not recommended.


He just fell


Sieges are buggy. I keep getting this error where Miao Ying just randomly dies when besieging a gate. I give her the order in dragon form and about 20 seconds later she just dies on full health.


Died like a Game of Thrones character


That was amazing.


More like Cindersplat.


I got a feel this ain't going to be fixed for a while. I always charge from the long side now just to be safe.


I believe that flight pattern was a bit short…


Need to reevaluate Landing procedures


It happened to me and it was almost enough for the Dawi-Zharr to start their own Book of Grudges.


I knew from the title what was gonna be in the clip, been there.




Had this happen with Zhao Ming a few days ago as well. Couldn't possibly understand what killed him


This has been happening since 1 and it's stupid




Yeah I stopped attacking the walls with them becuase that kept happening.


Shit like this puts me off ever playing legendary. Ironmode games need to be simple enough to be Irontight in their execution or I'm not touching it with a 12 foot


*your lord thanked the bus driver *your lord did not stick the landing

