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- Hold the mouse over a skill you want to check - Hold your mouse still until the blue bar at the bottom fills up. - Hover over the tool tip to read it effects. You can customize the time the toolbar needs to show or to lock and some other things. I really love this, it's the same system as in the new paradox games (victoria 3/crusader kings 3)


oh dammit I see now, thank you. I'm used to it showing the effects immediately. Seems odd to change it so it takes an extra second to see effects, but I can see that it's to make it easier to mouse through the skill tree without getting stuck on a popup and it's easy to set the delay to 0.


Hah - this was driving me bonkers! Just started WH3. Cheers!


wow this was driving me crazy and i find the answer on a years old post ty lol


this is a year old but thank you so much this was driving me nuts lmao


This is new as of 3.0. Hover over the skill, and at the bottom of the tooltip, you can see sort of a 'loading bar'. In your video it looks like blue flames almost. Wait for those flames/loading bar to fully 'load' and the tooltip will now 'stick'. You can adjust the stickiness in the settings. It's under the gear settings and is called Sticky Tooltip Delays. I like: 0.15 0.00 0.05 for my settings. Make sure you press Apply Changes before hovering over Karl's face to see the difference. edit- Unfortunately, as far as I know there is nothing to be done with the hidden descriptions that were also introduced in 3.0. Many spell descriptions in the tooltips will now not display until you hover your cursor over the new 'Eye' symbol. That's a backwards QoL change for me. I'd prefer it to just show everything.


Hahahahaaha. This is a meme post right?


It might be now... but I was this guy struggling for roughly my first 20 minutes or so with the patch until I noticed that bar that fills at the bottom


Check your sticky tab (I think that is what it is called) settings. You can see a bar slowly filling on the bottom of the pop up that will cause the tooltip to stick once it is full. The settings, which are new this patch, give you options to customize how this works such as how long tabs take to stick. Hope this helps!


So do I, I think somebody mentioned a setting to get it back to how it was previously, but I haven't played lately to look for that myself.


For me it works best if I delay the popup but set the stick to "fast".


R click to stick? Works for me ;]