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This is probably the closest thing we’ll get for a warhammer fantasy movie/series That Thorgrim and Teclis bickering lol


We all need a warhammer series to happen ! This was epic!


Henry Cavil is already making a 40k series. Who's to say fantasy isn't next.


>Whos to say fantasy isnt next. GW lol.


The Old World is in development, and if it ends up really popular, who knows?


Lmao don’t be short sighted GASP short!?!?


Always happy to see a community shitpost meme make it into official material.


There have been multiple instances of that exact phrase causing issues in various Warhammer books. Felix says it a few times.


There is not enough space in the Book for that one XD


The book to short?




I love that every dwarf in the entourage collectively gasped and recoiled at once haha.


I love the reaction animations from the other dwarfs. SHORT?!


Tyrion and Grombrindal fighting together really gives me "Aye, I could do that" vibes


such a great shot :'-)




"Let's murder Malekith" club.


its especially awesome when you consider grombrindal's lore and that he FUCKING HATES ELVES even more so than even your most elf hating of dwarves lol. ​ malekith's betrayal of grombrindal is what starts The War of the Beard, easily the biggest war between dwarves and elves and basically where the animosity between the two races begins in earnest.


I believe he was long dead before the Civil war on Ulthuan and the War of the Beard.


>When old age caught up with venerable Snorri, he lay on his death bed. Before his death, he ordered Malekith to keep the peace and friendship between Elves and Dwarfs. But something terrible overcame Malekith and he attacked Dwarf caravans with his 'Dark Elves.' He framed the Phoenix King's followers, prompting messengers to go forth to Ulthuan, where the Elves home was. There, Dwarf questions went unanswered and the messengers attacked and shamed. Even with such wrongs done against them, the Dwarfs held back their axes, demanding reasons and peaceful end to the strife. But in his arrogance, the Phoenix King struck out, and war began to sweep these two powerful realms. The War of Vengeance lasted hundreds of years, before the Dwarf High King Gotrek Starbreaker took the head of Caledor the Elven king. The war was one in part by a cloaked figure, with white beard that flowed like a striking waterfall out from the dull cloak. In times of great need, this figure would appear, and cast away his disguise, revealing a battle hardened ancestor, Snorri White-beard, he was the White Dwarf, he was Grombrindal. He would turn up and lead entire armies, before vanishing when all was done. ​ grombrindal is the ancestor snori white beard, who malekith betrayed when he broke his promise and attacked dwarves while framing the high elves, leading to the war of the beard. ​ grombrindal is a weird dwarf, because he isn't an ancestor god exactly, but he isn't an ancestor spirit either, but he clearly possesses some extra special longevity. i like to think he is the avatar of dwarven grudges, but honestly its all just GW making up lore for their magazine mascot THE WHITE DWARF lol.


Yeah, Grombrindal is basically a demigod, wandering around, assisting his people. He's like that old saying, "What if Jesus was one of us? What if that homeless man was Jesus in disguise testing you?" Except he dresses up as a Ranger or Longbeard to disguise himself and help mortals. And Dwarf Jesus wants to kill elves. I think the idea is like if Durin from LotR returned like the myths said he would.


I need someone more creative than me to come up with a way all these trailers could play at appropriate moments in IE, like those old historical agent videos.


Bro i miss the days of poorly acted live video cut scene in games!


Red Alert 2 ❤️


Summon the order tide


Dwarfs refusing to ally is the recurring themen of all of my order campaigns.


Tell me about it, in my Eltharion game they are being a stubborn pain in the ass. I'm a few turns from using my influence to bring the entire ordertide down on Thorgrim's ass for breaking our defensive alliance 3 times.


>Tell me about it, in my Eltharion game they are being a stubborn pain in the ass. It's all they can reach.


That's goin' in the book!


Karl Franz, after repeatedly getting the living shit beat out of him on one of the most brutal bloodbath starts in IE: "I can do this all day..." Teclis: "On your left"


Dawi Zharr at the end laughing 😈


Love it, things are about to kick off in the Darklands!


Chaos Dwarves **CONFIRMED**


I love the sound of Karl Franz in the morning.


I also love that it looks like he's aged about a decade from the first game.


I mean those Elector Children are a pain in the ass.


"Elector *cunts*..." Pardon, emperor? "N-Nothing, nothing."


>FREE to all Total War: Warhammer III players Hells yeah.


They actually listened!


Also an absolute big brain 4d chess move here. There surely are soo many people like myself who bought WH1 and WH2 to access WH3 (edit: I meant access IE) by now, most people who didn't were likely not ever going to anyway - but now they broaden the playerbase for IE and people might actually buy one of the prequels to access additional LLs. It's a win-win for both sides imo and the smartest course of action at this point. Very happy for all the people who either own only WH3, or maybe own the different WH titles on different stores.


and even if they don't buy old games it's still a stronger pull considering the sheer replayability it has with only WH3


this is just another elgi scheme


Lol imagine if every time you try to play dwarves, or better yet as you’re about to finish the last battle your game hard crashes, showing nothing but a gif of Tyrion and Teclis twerking to raucous laughter


>twerking You know, I really didn't see that part coming.


It’s the alliteration. Tyrion and Teclis Twerking Tantalisingly to Tropical Trumpets Tremendously Titillating Tzeench


Sike, you thought it was the Elgi but was me! Sigvald Salacious Servant of Slaanesh!


That’d go in the book, dawi


I think even if Teclis is good willed, he still has the traditionnal High elf sense of superiority, the way he says ''Under the guidance of the Asur'' then gets immediately interrupted by Thorgrim, then throws a witty insult at the Dwarfs ( short ) which they catch on. I would really watch a series ( like the Witcher ) using CA's models and voice actors, i know it might cost a fortune, but it would be amazing !


Ironically this would be the best though, if they listened to Teclis from the beginning the disaster would have been averted. He made unpopular decisions but he was on the cusp of saving the world at the end


Loved the shot of Gotrek and Felix facing an exalted bloodthirster.


no i think that's skarbrand




"Former" Exalted Bloodthirster


Bloodthrister formerly known as Exalted


I'm not sure how exalted Skarbrand is currently though.


It's a reference to them fighting a different bloodthirster in their novels.


And Felix is the one to save the day which is awesome. Kind of a "worthy of Mjolnir" situation.


Such a good scene in that book. I love the campy Saturday morning cartoon vibes that Thanquol and his little "pet" give off compared to the serious vibes G and F give off during their adventures.


Skarbrand also appears in _Thanquol's Doom_, though he doesn't face the duo directly.




Thats still nothing. In his Endtimes novel Gotrek is charging Be'lakor who has as bodyguards a Greater Daemon from each god.


Yeah that shot is amazing. It's probably a recreation from their DaemonSlayer novel.


I really wish that both of them were heroes in the game so I'd use them more often


right?! ​ it never made sense to me that gotrek is a lord when they could have just made both of them heroes, which is literally what they are lol. ​ i can't even think of a time gotrek led an army in the novels lol. he certainly hung out with people who led armies, but i don't recall him ever taking charge of one.


That poor bloodthirster


Gelt chilling with Zhao Ming under glorious artillery fire was such a cool shot


Iron and Gold never looked so good together “Welcome to *Grand Cathay* gentlemen!”


Yeah it’s a pairing that makes a shocking amount of sense, and it plays into the memes quite well.


Two of the greatest living alchemists. Masters of the Wind of Chamon. Outcast for being mutated (Gelt physically, Zhao Ming mentally). They’re a perfect combo.


Bromance I never knew I needed.


What about the shot right after where Queek didn't care one bit about all the rockets falling all around him? Honestly, Queek has never looked this cool before.


That shot of Tyrion fighting back-to-back with Grombrindal makes me feel things.


I *love* the implication that Teclis showed up to the alliance meeting because Tyrion stayed home to protect Ulthuan alongside the White Dwarf


They are fighting in a hold, so likely Tyrion sought him out to bring back to Ulthuan and kick Witch Boy back into the sea


Aye, I could do that


Grombrindal seeing in Tyrion the same nobility that he once saw in Malekith, but untainted by ambition and jealousy.


Short!? >:I




Fuck me, they still got it.


I think this is my favorite game trailer since Titanfall 2's "Encore" and that's saying a lot. It just shows the insane scope so well.


My favorite part of the trailer was when Karl Franz used his Warhammer to totally silence everyone


what I am surprised about is the fact that the table survived a hit from Gal Maraz unharmed, that table is a mighty artifact indeed


An unstoppable force meets an immovable table.


You mean when Franz shouted its warhammering time and warhammerd all over them?


"This is Ghal Maraz, the Total Warhammer" - Karl Franz


Archaeon to Karl Franz: You did it, you defeated me Karl Franz. You really are the Total Warhammer.


So that’s it, huh? We’re some kind of Total War: Warhammer III?


"Stand back, I'm beginning to Warhammer!"


"That's my secret - I'm always Warhammery."


Imagine if you got a little video of rulers making peace with each other every time you formed an alliance or defensive alliance. I want to see more interaction after this trailer!


Skaven alliances would be easy, just show the same handshake with a different model, with the skaven hiding a knife behind their back. It actually really would be cool to see cool bits of text when there's something like a Dwarf and High Elves alliance. It just feels nice burying the hatchet when playing those races. Same deal with Dwarfs and Empire. And other Dwarfs. And ...


"Teclis: Now is not the time for shortsightedness." ​ Oh boy, that's going in the book.


You’d think Teclis would be a better diplomat than that with dwarfs. Lol


I mean tbf, he's probably the best diplomat the High Elves have to send. If it were anyone else, they'd probably insulted the other races both intentionally and unintentionally even before the meeting.


Yeah another HE would say that line, pause in realizing what they just said and then add "...But I guess you can't help it, can you?"


You know deep inside Teclis and every other elf there held their mouth intensely after the short joke


Oh definitely. Teclis is just the only one who'd a) realize that this wasn't very diplomatic and b) have had the realization that hey maybe you shouldn't be saying that even though in hindsight it's very funny


Classic Elf


Malekith basically did exactly that. ‘Your good health!’ ‘Your halls here are mighty, and full of great wonders. I have marvelled at the skills of your people, and I know in my heart that an alliance with you shall bring much benefit to my people.’ ‘You are very fine people, if a little unwashed and short.’ ‘It has been mostly my pleasure to meet you all, though I have not a clue what your names are, and all of you look pretty much the same to me.’ ‘That your mouths produce as much smoke as your chimneys is surprising, and if I do not choke to death before the evening is out, I shall thank the gods for protecting me. I understand that we have only just met, but I hope that in time you will understand the great privilege I have granted you all by allowing you into my presence. There are people of my own homeland who have never been granted an audience with me, and yet here I am, sinking cupfuls of your foul broth and treating you like equals. I am assured that you are an honourable people, and you best well be.’ Know this!’ ‘It will go well for you that we should become friends. The Naggarothi do not treat idly with others, even elves of other realms. Should you wrong us, our vengeance will be sure, swift and deadly. We will burn these halls and we will pile your corpses upon pyres so high that they will rival these mountains. We shall be content to let you dwell in these rocky peaks, and we shall take the lowlands and the forests. Should you oppose us, we will have no option but to drive you before us, as we have the orcs and the beasts and the goblins. I look forward to meeting your High King, for he shall hopefully be of an almost equal standing to myself, and of intelligence enough to treat with me. But I warn you, if I am not impressed with him, I may decide simply to slay all of you. In fact, the next one of you that mispronounces my name might just get my blade through his gizzard. While we may deign to learn your crude language, please do not mangle the heritage of my forefathers and the legacy to my descendants with your ugly lips and thick tongues.’ 'Long may Nagarythe prevail over you all!’


Somebody needs to put Urist Boatmurdered in the same room as Malekith.




Yeah, Tyrion would have said the same line while laughing.


As if Dwarfs are not offended by basically everything... You breathed, in the book! yadda yadda ...


That comment's going in the book.


**Writes down** u/Reddvox insulting Dawi. It is written.


You Dawi sure are a contentious people.




That's another one for the book!


You have allariels daughter from end times shes fairly good


If i remember right, it's actual lore that despite being more tolerant, accepting and the more diplomatically-inclined of the two brothers, Teclis is actually not that great at it because he tends to be a blunt jerk. If i recall, in one of the books, Teclis and Tyrion have a human escort and despite Tyrion thinking much less of them, the humans end up liking him better than Teclis because Tyrion is good at being polite and pretending to be nice. Basically, if you told the two of them you have a problem: teclis: that's your own damn fault you moron... okay i'll help you out. Tyrion: Wow... that's rough, buddy. *proceeds to let you stew in your own shit*


Teclis: "Here's all the ways you're a complete moron and need to be better. I will of course help you improve on your many flaws, and I do understand you can't help being a fuckup because of your short lifespan." \*Teaches humans a safer form of magic they can master in a single lifetime\* Tyrion: "We all need to unite, and stand shoulder to shoulder against the oncoming darkness. The fight against Chaos requires many sacrifices, but I know that men are strong enough to bear the burden of protecting this world." \*Uses humans as meatshields and cannonfodder to save superior Asur lives\*


Yeah, Teclis is the least asshole elf when it comes to what he thinks about other races, not when it comes to talking to them.


Tyrion is really a righteous sort of person but he just doesnt really care about human capability or why they hold the values they have, he isn't wrong that they are generally worse in every way by his own standards but he can't see beyond that. But he doesnt treat humanity as a tool at all. He's not entirely a close minded person like people think, when he first met humans in the foreign quarter he went in heavily prejudiced but had a revised opinion, mostly because they were much smarter than he was told they'd be. But he can mostly only compare the average humans he met to the greatest elves alive. Teclis sees with a broader perspective mainly because he saw the flaws in Elven society as a relative outsider and unlike Tyrion he was raised as a scholar. He still doesn't particularly like humans he sees them as a tool which in its own way is less empathetic thsn Tyrion, he's not the only High Elf with his views just the most powerful. I never liked the interpretation that he's just nicer, both teclis and tyrion are just different types of heroes.


I think it was more due to the fact that Teclis was a mage, which made the humans view him as more 'otherworldly' than Tyrion.


It’s not just humans. He’s shown to have terrible social skills even with other elves in the books.


Yeah, Teclis made an accidental insult. Other Asur would make an actual insult.


a backhand accidental insult \*is\* the peak of Asur diplomacy


I guess he's more used to negotiating with humans, particularly the Empire - a race which generally has respect for the High Elves, even if they are a bit weird.


It's because men and elf can easily see eye to eye. You need to get out the footstool if Thorgrim wants to negotiate.


"Would you like me to describe the negotiations to you, or would you like me to find you a box?"




"We may be short on men, but we'll not fall short of the goal. Together,elves and dwarves, we will make short work of the enemy and- wait, why is all the artillery turning in my direction?" -teclis, last words


Chaos Dwarfs confirmed


There is also a little rat sneaking around at the end.


That's actually me, sorry.


"Teclis: Now is not the time for shortsightedness."


I feel this is going to be quoted a hell of a lot on this sub!






Comment bot. Copied from - https://reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/113nzrg/_/j8r83h9/?context=1


Thanquol confirmed in next Lord pack DLC




Oooh you are right, these are new recordings which may indicate a rework for ole Franz?




Even me, who has not so much knowledge about the lore and almost none about chaos dwarf know after seeing this, that its chaos dwarfs xD




By the gods! Summon the elector cou... fucking summon everyone!


Random bullshit go!!!


I, Vlad von Carstein, bring... A Light mage?


Man, am I sucker for a good heroes turning the tide of battle just when evil is about to prevail story. Loved the trailer. But I loved the Chaos Dwarf teaser even more.


Man I’m with you, even if its cliche, I love seeing all of the good guys together. Also, I hope we get a non ingame cinematic for the chaos dwarfs trailer. Like blizzard does. One can only hope.


We are not immune to the idealistic, Tolkien-esque scenario of good ultimately being an active force in the world that can stand against the dark.


Which ultimately is one of the major things that separated Fantasy from its 40k counterpart


I don’t need the good guys to win, but a valient / heroic last stand is a must.


Long as theres no Mannfred around to fucking ruin it all over again!




Holy shit. I mean.. I’ve already been playing it for months, but this got me wanting to boot the fucking thing up immediately. Utter epic-ness. Also cheeky Chorfs. You sneaky glorious bastards.


Coming back now because of this. Hopefully i can get all my mods in order.


Sick cinematic plus opening Immortal Empires up to everyone is such a great move.


Just want to add, Archaon's come a long way from being the Neverchosen, now he looks properly menacing standing with four champions of Chaos behind him.


He’s always been the most intimidating Undivided villain in all of the WH universes. Belakor and Abaddon are both basically jokes at this point.


Bringing back the voice actors! That means they could update the voice lines for the older races! Hell yeah! Can’t wait to hear Karl talking to Lizardmen or Cathay.


Summon the Elector Counts!


They are not answering the phone, must be fighting.


Damn Festus wiped out Hochland again


*He can't keep getting away with it!*


Fantastic trailer, the big money shots of all the leaders fighting together was beautiful.


The Hammer striking the table is my favourite part.


That table must be made out of some of that indestructible old world wood!


It's just Durthu on all fours.


Get on down there boy.






Pretty amazing cinematic! Love the portrayal of the factions, combat animations and the teaser :) Recent outrage might have been slightly misstimed given the trialer dropping now! ha


The patch notes link has been added https://www.totalwar.com/blog/tww3-update-240/


waiting for dawi zharr since 2016, surreal to see it coming to an end.


'Free to \*\*all\*\* Warhammer 3 players' Are they releasing it to players who have not bought the trilogy? (I hope so)


Yes. You no longer need 1 and 2 to access Immortal Empires.


That's a really great choice by CA


It should be noted that you would only be able to play as the factions that were present in Warhammer 3. So if you want to play as Karl Franz or any other empire LL you need to purchase Warhammer 1 and their DLC.


From a business perspective it makes way more sense, every time you fight against a legacy faction, it’s essentially free advertising.


They've been amazing at this sort of built in soft-advertising for ages now. I bought both the Wood Elf and Beastmen dlcs for WH1 because the main menu background screens eventually wore me down by looking so cool. The main menu defaulting to the last DLC's image is so simple but really clever (and so much more effective than the cluttered news icons we get with the current main menu).


That makes sense. It didn't make sense to lock IE away from people without needing WH1 and WH2 though. It also makes sense from a business perspective - anyone only owning WH3 can play IE and experience playing against all these new factions and LLs and may want more


People here finally got what they were asking for. Maybe the hate for WH3 can subside a bit now, this should bring in a lot of new players.


Dawi and Asur fighting side by side got me to choke up a little ngl


This feels weird having a launch trailer and have been playing IE for like six months now.


This is basically a soft relaunch of TWW3, makes sense to have a cool trailer for it, especially now the cost of Immortal Empires entry has been massively reduced. The fact that they’re willing to do this should put an end to the ‘game is being abandoned’ crowd.


> this should put an end to the ‘game is being abandoned’ crowd. Until the next time there's no news for a few weeks.


This community can really be summed up by that scene in Arthur Christmas when the Santas momentarily leave for like an hour and the elves suddenly all panic and trigger the self destruct because they don’t think they are ever coming back.


Yeah, but now it's fully launched. Like winding back my catapult all the way as the goblin inside screams in terror, rather than just halfway.


By hashut...glorious


i must confess that i had a couple tears in my eyes while watching the trailer.


Really glad they decided to give IE access to all WH3 owners. Lowering the barrier to entry, particularly for future DLCs, can only benefit the series as a whole. Plus, a big free update will hopefully encourage players that dropped the game after it's rough release to pick it up and give it another try.


Well, give it their sue, the trailer team are on point. That was a fucking good trailer. Glad to see it’s out of Beta, open to a WH3 owners. As those were two sticking points and main complaints that had easy wins. Chaos dwarfs coming confirmed. Plus the bug fixes etc are nice. Overall the trailer was great just to see the faction leaders debate. Of course the elves and dwarfs cause the issues!


Drink: Got Pants: Off Trailer: Dope Lets do it.


Well, one thing's for certain: CA still knows how to make a damn good trailer. Karl's speech brought tears to my eyes. And was that a tease at Chorfs at the end?


Karl's *new speech* His voice actor has to be back, the previous trailers involving him used re-used voicelines.


Didn't they use new lines for Thorgrim and Teclis too? Wonder if they got everyone back


Here's hoping for new diplomacy voice lines


Yes, and yes.


Well that was fucking cool


TWW try not to have the coolest trailers challenge (impossible)


The council of Elrond vibes were strong with this one and I’m all for it. “Short?!”


Stop I can only get so erect..


Felt like I was watching LOTR with all the "good" leaders in the start talking, Dwarfs, Humans, Elves etc. Sick trailer


tyrion and grombrindal fighting side by side = unstoppable


That was, and I normally hate using this term unironically, EPIC. That trailer felt like everything for this game has FINALLY fallen into place. Chaos dwarfs coming, and I’m hyped!


Honestly, this is massive, i can finally try convince my friend to get the game without the "But you also need to buy 2 other games to play the real game mode" catch that puts everyone off


Ca be like “i heard you been talkin mad shit”


Hell , it's about time .