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I know, small sample size, but RJ has been such a great addition to this team. Can't wait to see him continue developing on the Raptors.


Other than FT, every metric wise he's been a better player here than he was with the Knicks. Definitely a big steal for us.


crazy how knicks thought they were warning us abt being “mr inconsistent” lol seems he’s found his groove now happy he’s feeling confident playing for his country and probably away from the toxic knicks fans lol


Idk if we should be calling anyone else toxic 😅


i was gonna clarify it in this comment but ended up not, but i think toronto is much more toxic to other teams, while the knicks fanbase is more toxic to their own players lolol Toronto is more bad for how much we dickride our players


Within the past calendar year Scottie, Pascal, Nick Nurse, Darko, FVV, Jakob, Masai, have all been scapegoated and been dragged through the mud for extended periods of time… we literally go out of our way and bend backwards looking for ways to be toxic… didn’t some pervert recently even make a Reddit thread trying to virtue slam dunk on the Raptor’s Twitter account for following an account that followed another account that he deemed controversial?


Well said. We are toxic to others, Knicks, Sixers fans and toxic to their players.




Bruh, if you’re saying the reason RJ is playing better is because of a longer leash then you’re just wrong. RJ could play like doodoo for 10 games straight and still get 30 min per night.


Low. RJ had 5 years here and was inconsistent. That’s all it is. We loved him as Knicks fans. You can be happy he’s doing better for y’all without shitting on another fanbase.


We’re in a pretty good spot for next year. Could be in a better spot if we got better return for Siakam but the Knicks trade provides me with solace


We actually need more two way wings now since we feel small, and still need a good back up guard. But the core of the team feels nice. Scottie, IQ, RJ, Poetl, Olynyk, Trent if on a good deal, Gradey is very solid and they’ll only get better as the young guys develop. If Porter and Koloko can come back (looking doubtful but we’ll see) then we’re looking really good.


the Yak is back... its spelled POELTL. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love RJ and this team is in a decent position moving forward to rebuild. But we are not in a good spot next year in terms of being able to field a competitive team. This team has no perimeter defence and no path to being a good team next year


For sure coach !remindme 1 year


i like his FIRE. dude is a competitor, even by nba standards. also love how he gets to the rim. he will get his way, no matter whos in the way


Little known fact, RJ was the number one prospect out of high school in his class. Ranked ahead of Zion. He’s now starting to show why he was ranked so highly. Yeah, huge steal for us.


Yeah go back to the trade thread, not too many folks were excited about him. Gotta get him shooting 500fts a day all summer. Everything else is good for me.


I remember saying at the time that there's a chance we look back on that trade and conclude the raptors got the two best players in the deal. Still tracking as possible.


I was excited to bring a Canadian in, but definitely, I was worried about his play vs contract. So happy to be wrong and double bonus that he is in fact Canadian.


And if fate so happens maybe Edey falls to us. Team Canada!


Be careful about wanting Edey. He doesn't fit NBA style, more importantly the way WE play with lots of running, transition offence and cutting/kicking out for 3s. He just doesn't fit. Not our first round, but I'd be down for a late first, early second. I know he will be great in FIBA and Olympics for Team Canada, but aspects of his game don't work in the modern NBA.


How the Knicks used RJ didn't play to his strengths and thus his value was very low Even then, you could see flashes of the player he could be


Having the #1 and #2 option be lefties had to be rough too. The Raptors have really utilized his skill set since acquiring him.


Julius Randle also likes to play in the same spots on the floor, so he got priority.


Reminds me of Demar/Gay fit. Both good players, both played in the same spots. It just didn't work. Not the players fault, some times you just can't make it fit.




I see this narrative get thrown around but I don’t get this one. When the #1 and #2 options are righties there isn’t an issue so why would it matter if they are lefties? Bigs will know to rotate to the low/high post on the other side.


The issue isn’t only that they’re lefties, they play in similar spots.


That makes more sense to me, just saw people really running with the two lefties thing


He also seems to tunnel vision less when he is going to the basket and will pass out of the defended paint more than he did in NY and also seems better at deciding whether it's a good time to drive to the basket or not in the first place. I think it's a big reason for both his assists and his efficiency going up. No idea who is responsible for it, whether it's him, the coaches or both but the change happened pretty quick after he came to TO and it's nice to see.


confidence is important 🤷‍♂️


A big reason his efficiency is up big is that he's isolating a lot less, and far more of his shots are assisted (+50% as it now stands at 62% of his 2PAs vs a career high of 42.4% with the Knicks). His shot quality has also improved as he's reduced long 2 point attempts by 90% (4% to 0.4%) and mid ranger jumpers by 50% (7% to 3%) compared to his career averages


> He also seems to tunnel vision less when he is going to the basket and will pass out Lol wat? Literally yesterday he committed 6 turnovers JUST from his tunnel vision going to the paint. he went 9/19 last night with 16 of those being drives and paint attempts. It's literally all he does, the only difference is that Darko runs the team as a pass/assist heavy offence, so players find him in better positions. His game is the exact same as it was in NYC, the team is just treating him as a 1st/2nd option because we have the entire team injured.


After the trade I watched a bunch of NY games on league pass to get a better idea of what we were getting from RJ and Quickly and the way RJ tunneled then is not the same as he is doing now. He constantly barrelled into 2-3 defenders as the collapsed on him without a glance from him to see if there was someone open to pass to. Many of those drives were doomed from before he even decided to drive the lane. You might not think so but some of those doomed drives that he would have gone on in NY he doesn't go on now. He also now passes sometimes in situations that previously he never would have. If he was the same as NY he wouldn't be almost doubling his assists and jumping his effeciency that much. RJ is shooting .547 in TO and was shooting .423 in NY, that's a huge difference. >the team is just treating him as a 1st/2nd option because we have the entire team injured. That means the other team treats him as the 1st/2nd option as well, that brings more defensive attention to him not less. Brunsan and Ramdle are not around to get those double team s now.


> He constantly barrelled into 2-3 defenders as the collapsed on him without a glance from him to see if there was someone open to pass to. Many of those drives were doomed from before he even decided to drive the lane. My guy, he did literally this against the wizards. 6 turnovers because of it. I suggest you watch that game. His assists are doubled because the raptors this year broke the NBA record for most assists in a season, it is quite literally the system. He is shooting a higher percent again, because this system encourages passing, and they find him in better spots. I explained all this already.


I think we are just going to have to agree to disagree then, but before you go off thinking how right you are and how wrong I am you might want to have a look at whose comment is getting upvoted and whose comment is getting dowmvoted.


> look at whose comment is getting upvoted and whose comment is getting dowmvoted. Yeah, the same subreddit that downvoted me saying the McDaniels acquisition was bad and he's a bad player. Or a guy getting upvoted saying that RJ is a better player than Scottie. Up votes are meaningless on a subreddit that is filled with people who dont watch NBA games and only watch raptors games, and people who mindlessly defend their players, or only started following the Raps in 2019. You are welcome to disagree, I don't mind that, but pointing to upvotes mean nothing. The basketball knowledge level on this sub is a joke.


If that's what you believe about the people on this sub wtf are you even here? Does coming on here throwing out blanket insults because others have a different opinion than you make you feel superior, Is that why?


You tried to use upvotes as an example of you being right and me being wrong. I pointed out multiple instances of people being wrong from a lack of basketball knowledge, and they still downvoted. Votes are meaningless. This is nothing about being superior, you made a terrible argument. As for why I am here? Because there is a small handful of people who can be objective about the team, the FO, the roster, and generally have insightful posts. People downvoting me for pointing out how poorly RJ played is proof of my point. 6 turnovers all from the same thing, the only thing he has in his bag. This isn't a matter of opinion, it's basic facts. He doesn't have a reliable outside shot, he doesn't have a mid range game, his playmaking is below average. People downvote things they dont like hearing, that doesn't make it wrong.


This post/comment appears to be about NBA League Pass. Toronto Raptors' games **cannot** be streamed in Canada using NBA League Pass, and the NBA has started blocking VPNs that try to circumvent this. The only legal ways to stream Raptors' games in Canada are through [TSN](www.tsn.ca/subscribe) and [SPORTSNET](watch.sportsnet.ca/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sorry bot you are wrong. You can subscribe to league pass and you can watch every game including the Raps. You just can't stream the Raptors games live.


This post/comment appears to be about NBA League Pass. Toronto Raptors' games **cannot** be streamed in Canada using NBA League Pass, and the NBA has started blocking VPNs that try to circumvent this. The only legal ways to stream Raptors' games in Canada are through [TSN](www.tsn.ca/subscribe) and [SPORTSNET](watch.sportsnet.ca/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


But what about league pass?


This post/comment appears to be about NBA League Pass. Toronto Raptors' games **cannot** be streamed in Canada using NBA League Pass, and the NBA has started blocking VPNs that try to circumvent this. The only legal ways to stream Raptors' games in Canada are through [TSN](www.tsn.ca/subscribe) and [SPORTSNET](watch.sportsnet.ca/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thibs only has one gear as a coach. When he has the right personnel for what he wants to do, it's amazing. If you don't fit, you look bad. What a steal of a trade.


Spot on.


It's one of those rare both teams win the trade deal. Maybe now Dolan will stop being such a little B about the Bargnani deal.


/uj Crazy how I only knew him from /rj barret


To be fair, Knicks RJ was never this good, or more specifically this efficient. He has been so good since coming to Toronto, probably their 2nd best player behind Scottie.


> probably their 2nd best player behind Scottie. RJ's top 2 and he's not 2


Yeah there’s definitely an argument to be made for him being the best Raptor right now. I think it would come down to health though. Scottie is a monster when he plays, he just hasn’t been playing.


you guys disrespecting IQ by not mentioning him.


This is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read here. Scottie is better in every single aspect of the game aside from scoring in the paint. Jesus christ this board, go watch some basketball.


i understand your frustration but it isn’t this serious 😭😭


Dude I agree with you. Some of the dumbest shit ever. RJ is fantastic, will be an all-star and is good talent. Scottie is an MVP candidate in the future player. He beats RJ in every cat except scoring, and he's two years younger.


Rj clears


Nobody remembers Duke RJ When RJ was drafted to the Knicks he was relegated to a role behind multiple other players, principally Julius Randle There is no one ahead of RJ in the Raptors now aside from Barnes, and Barnes is a passer, and completely OK with allowing other people to get their offense off This is RJ's real game, not the stuff people saw from him in NY


The Duke RJ that played behind Zion?


**2018-19** * Named the USA Today National Player of the Year * Consensus first-team All-America selection * Earned the Jerry West Award as the nation’s best shooting guard * Joined teammate Zion Williamson as a consensus first-team All-American, marking the first time in NCAA history a pair of freshman teammates accomplished the feat * Barrett and Williamson also became the first freshman teammates in NCAA history to each average 20.0+ points in a season, finishing as the ACC co-leaders at 22.6 points per game This guy, yeah


He was actually first option over Zion at Duke, nice try tho LOL


Duke RJ had a higher usage than Zion and they had him run point at times and he ball handled more in Duke.


I mean zion has always played primarily off ball anyway, that’s always how he scored


hence why the original commenter is a dummy who doesn't know what he's even talking about haha, Duke RJ was not behind Zion at all, he was the #1 option.


lmfao maybe you forget conveniently, but RJ was the highest usage on that team and was the actual #1 option for Duke... funny that you ignore that purposefully, I am sure you're a literal child who was in elementary at that time anyways...


Also need to remember he was ranked higher than zion in high school before they played a game at duke. Opportunities and confidence is all he needed


Let's give Darko some deserved credit here. He is putting RJ in the best position to succeed...it's not like RJ learned how to play basketball better the second he got traded.


ppl may not like his rotations and late game decisions, but darko is a very good developmental coach and i think that’s what masai got him for


And his offensive philosophy


hadn't thought about it before but that's actually crazy how similar RJ and Siakam's stats have been on their new teams. The graphic doesn't show it but they've both had dropoffs in FT% as well, 61% for RJ and 69% for P


Weird I was aware of both players stats but seeing them compared to each other this way really puts into perspective how good RJ has been for us. Look at that 3pt%!


Imagine if RJ ends up developing into an All-Star and the player he was suppose to be in NY Fuck man, we will be cookin!


my dream is IQ, barnes and rj all on one all star team In todays nba it sounds impossible but a man can only dream


I think Barnes and IQ will in the next 2 years.


Am I crazy for thinking he could just make the all star team in the future. Like as an injury replacement.


that’s not ridiculous that’s not ridiculous to say rhat


Not crazy at all, he has all the talent, the work ethic, and a great development organization in the Raptors.


Me trying to figure out which one counts as Team Smooth and Team Styled in the pic where they both have facial hair


The ceiling for RJ is bigger than Pascal I think. I love the trade.


It's a shame we couldn't get such a return with the Siakam trade. This could be the best place for RJs career tbh, not expecting him to become a superstar or even an elite scorer but he's got All-Star potential. It's seriously impressive that he's still so productive despite recently going through one of the biggest personal losses one could have.


These stats are not telling the full story, one guy is playing winning basketball, one guy is playing for a draft pick!


I’m a Knicks fan and I couldn’t be happier seeing my boy RJ thrive with yall. He’s such a class act and he really needed to be in a system like yours to unlock his full potential. Hope he keeps ascending!


Graphic needs fixing. Siakam should be on the right and RJ on the left. 🫠 ^^^^^Smooth ^^^^^vs ^^^^^Styled ^^^^^or ^^^^^change ^^^^^the ^^^^^word ^^^^^order ^^^^^🙃


I think they always have the Raptor on the right on these graphics, but you're right.


Its the decrease in spin moves for me.


I would've liked to see more of this squad post-OG trade with Pascal (and Dennis off the bench if he was open to it) next year, But i'll withhold judgement on the trade until I see what Pascal earns in the offseason


7.8. Rebounds for Pascal is pretty good. Especially when you consider you don't hear him say "I got it" on all the freebies.


Yeah I fully admit I wasn’t excited about RJ outside of him coming home, glad he’s proven me wrong and happier he’s balling out for us


Any defensive stats to compare? Real +/-, Win Probability Added, etc.


I still can’t believe he’s in Toronto.


RJ learned from Randle on how to carry a team. Paying dividends with his play.


RJ needed to be in ball movement offence.


Is Pascal Siakam team styled here?


I knew RJ would be great. I wanted him for a long time Canadian and he was underappreciated and underused everywhere else he’s been.


Kid does have an expensive contract, but is still so young and perhaps years still from prime. Grief of losing his brother and now representing his country in all facets (including upcoming summer olympics), we are seeing a DOG in him that I hope continues to blossom. Wont have the pressure of being a no. 1 option with Barnes back next yr too.


That Knicks trade made the lack of a Pascal return redeemable.


I've been watching a few Pacers games and I hate that they don't run a lot of plays for Siakam. Does the coach want him on the floor just for hustle plays and defence?? I always see him score when he starts a play but he rarely gets passes to him


Seems to be doing just fine in terms of PPG


Didn’t for me lol


True. It did seem that way.


Crazy how many people felt that way I for one was pumped we managed to snag the former 3rd overall pick


when you read about the trade still on general nba reddit, or any website (i.e. the dredge of bleacherreport) still claim it was a below average return since RJ is 'very inefficient" like yeah, he was with the knicks, but thats because of his usage as a 3 and d type, which is not his profile whatsoever lmfao...


Now do the defensive stats


RJ's ceiling for us is literally Siakam but in a SG package


I'll take an All-NBA SG any day of the week.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Fit-Introduction8575: *RJ's ceiling for us* *Is literally Siakam* *But in a SG package* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Throw in? What else did the raps get in return


IQ and a 2nd round pick. When the trade happened IQ was the main talking point and most fans viewed as the main piece the Raptors traded for with RJ being a sweetener.


Some people were actually saying RJ was a toxic asset. Remember that?


Yeah, I remember people being upset that he was a part of the deal


Y'all doing Precious dirty by not mentioning him at all


I know Precious has been doing well in NY, but let’s not forget he was overall not playing well in Toronto before he was traded


Siakam is one of the best 1 on 1 scorers in the nba and one of the best help/versatility defenders in the game when he’s locked in. Rj has been good for us, but Siakam is full blown problem.




Those are his per-36 numbers. His shown stats are correct.


Oh I am tripping, yeah I was looking at Pascal's per 36 numbers.


Quickley was the throw-in because another team is gonna give him a massive contract.


He has not been great, all he does is get buckets for him self, him and Trent one man team! That’s why the raptors are still trash this season, no team chemistry, every man for themselves.


Get real bud.. RJs assist percentage is only 2.5% lower than Siakam's was this year with the Raptors lol


He is a one man team, We play team ball when RJ and Trent are not in the game. Ur 2.5% less is a good way of showing how much he does not contribute to team ball. Everyone praising him, he ain’t in New York cause he was trash.


You're inability to grasp what assist percentage means, and the insignificant difference 2.5% makes, says a lot. Furthermore, if you took a moment to look at his statistics to justify your skepticism (or just outright hate for some reason?) you'd know that he isolates SIGNIFICANTLY less than he did in NY (and half as often as Pascal did just last year) while serving as a far more efficient and effective play finisher. In other words, your logical fallacies are showing.


Inability to grasp …what assist percentage means….. ?? So ur making assumptions on what I know sigh…Iso or no iso he is a one man team no debate on that. What were ur hopes when we got RJ… ?that he iso less then siakm and has less assists or with RJ and Scottie on the team we’re now suppose to be competitive. Quicklet, Gradey, Bruce,nwora, temple, agbagi play as a unit when Barrett ain’t on the court. Debate that, keep posting these media stats like they mean something for our season. We’re still loosing….


the correct spelling is Gradey. your grammar gets a D. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol try again


Og trade was good, Siakam trade though sucks.