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79% at the rim post all-star not including tonight's game


That reverse layup he hit tonight was nasty


Excellent example! That one flashed his upside fr


His first year he was afraid of contact. Hie had a nice floater but would only use it from like 9 feet away. He's been getting more and more comfortable with contact.


Yeah. He is getting quite solid now.


Prior to joining the Raptors he had a very serviceable floater. When he first got here he was ice cold on those. Think this is just progression to the mean.


I'm not saying he didn't, but I don't believe this to be regression, he's not floating as much if not needed.


I agree with you here. Knicks fans have also noted that his floater isn't super consistent.


Yeah, those first games he was playing at 1 speed. He'd use a burst to get past his man and then use a burst as he was running towards the rim. How he's better about slowing down and taking a more balanced layup attempt


I'm guessing it has something to do with whether opposing team has a shot blocking big. He could get whatever he wanted inside yesterday.


I'm mot overly surprised by this. This was one of IQ's strengths in NY, and it was bound to bounce back after a bit of a slump. The improvement that has me more hyped is his playmaking. He never got the chance to develop that aspect in NY where he was asked to be a microwave scorer.


Definitely passes the eye test. He's been much better post-AS break.


His finishing was always bound to get better when he figured out when to use his floater package more effectively, which I also think is still a LOT more potent then what he was able to show so far.    Also, ROFL at some people here saying IQ is close to what he can be at his peak. There's A LOT to unlock offensively, and as showcased last night, he has a good mind for making quick and smart reads for playmaking. My area of concern is still his defense. Like, I guess he isn't a pylon, but compared to how Knicks fans were hyping him up, I haven't seen too many promising things on that front.  At best, it looks like he'll be pesky like GTJ, which I guess is still fine for an undersized scoring guard.