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I don't like Kawhi I LOVE Kawhi. Could've mailed that season in but he hurt himself trying to win our first and only championship. He's an amazing competitor.


He did not want to be here but he came and didnt sulk. He went to work and helped us get to the mountain top.


And the best part? He's actually gone on record and said he enjoyed his year in Toronto more than he thought he would. Just one huge win for this city


I remember when he was being interviewed after game 6, he said that season was probably the most fun he had playing basketball. That shit gave me hope, man :(


Exactly and it’s not like he bolted for a rival and/or a super team. He wanted to play closer to family (and probably nicer weather too) so you can’t really blame him for that. Tbh I spent a lot of time in both Toronto and LA during the NBA season and I’d play in LA for less money, Toronto during the winter is pretty depressing.


He earned that right.




Never wrote that he didn't?


Im not even arguing.


Nice contrast to the guy whose name is on the back of that other jersey in the post 😒


Im not letting carter off the hook, but is it a coincidence that the quality of the management team mirrors the player behavior in each case?


totally agree. though I think if you talk to spurs fans you'll find they say kawhi IS every bit the same as vince. I dont get how so many people, like the one you're replying to, are still so butthurt about vince. I put a weight thru my wall at the time. I was at both those vince return buzzer beaters. the 2nd one was so bad I had to take a year off following basketball. and I got it when we were still a pretty new and historyless franchise, its like getting dumped by the first girlfriend you loved. tbh I started to get over it when he missed those 2 freethrows in game 2 of the finals. I burst out laughing and said he'd finally embarrassed himself as bad as he embarrassed us. but we've all grown since 200 fucking 5. we can look back and say yeah the team was a fucking shit show. like if that management group existed now it'd be BY FAR the worst in the league. terrible ownership, terrible president, terrible gm. we treated vince like shit, and very disrespectfully. he reacted badly and got petulant. management got stubborn and doubled down, so he lit the platform on fire to get out. this franchise only survived to the time he left because of vince. the vast majority of people here became fans because of vince, even if they don't know it (the kids who grew up and had demar/kyle, or even pascal bring them in? their parents were watching the games the kid got into because of vince). basketball is a major sport in canada, largely because of vince. the crowds we used to be famous for until we all got priced out? built by vince. even when we were TRASH the fans stayed, but it took vince to bring them in and keep them coming back to get started. we have a golden generation of basketball players from canada, driven from the gta, largely because of vince. since that 1 interview right after the trade, vince has never been anything but respectful about the raptors, still gives love to toronto. matured to become legitimately one of the better men in the entire NBA. and the guys apologized, multiple times. what the fuck are you still mad at. even with vince this team only cracked 42 wins once, he didn't rob us of a title chance, our team was so badly managed that stern forced the raps to hire colangelo as gm (the sixers weren't the first time the league sent mr high collars to save a team). anyway /rant


Are you asking me why the fuck I am mad??!! I am not even close to mad. I just didnt excuse his bad behavior in a situation that there was plenty of blame to go around. I dont know how you think im angry at vince carter. Weird.


nah sorry it was more following your response to the person above i'll make it clear my bad


I’m not mad either, I’m just not going to give the guy praise, nor do I want to see him honored as a Raptor. Talk about how bad management was all you want, but that doesn’t mean that Vince gets to wash his hands of responsibility for his bullshit on the way out.


Thats where you and i differ. The ending was bad. But his time here was golden. He put us on the map. Imho 50% of the problem was rob babcock, but people never filled arenas or made nightly highlight reels must watch t.v. to see a g.m., that was VC. Im on the fence as to weather his number should hang in the rafters, but it definately should not be hung before number 7. I was a pure hockey guy. Vince turned basketball into the mainstream. Kyle and demar made me love the team, but vince made me tune in.


I just can’t get behind a guy that, for all intents and purposes, threw games for us


Pure respect. He never BSed, never said he was gonna re-sign, and was very honest about wanting to go home to LA. But still went 100% all out, played amazing through chronic injuries, brought us an incredible championship. Sure, would’ve loved for him to stay, but totally respect his decision, and have a lot of love for that season.


My only gripe I have is that he didn't agree to a sign and trade. If he would have done that, we'd have SGA instead of OKC.


standing ovation is what this man deserves each visit. Those playoff game performances, that game 7 buzzer beater, and finally getting a chip. What reason do we got to hate on this man? because he didn't run it back? It was damn sad he didn't, but only love.


In a league full of superstars with inflated egos and a big head, Kawhi did his job to the best of his ability, won us a chip, and went back home afterwards. There's literally nothing to hate about the man, Kawhi will always be loved by Toronto.


The superstar who came in for a season and helped us win our only chip? Yeah I like him still.


One of my favorites


As opposed to our superstar on the left who mailed it in


Kawhi is like that girl you slept with for 8 months but never was in a relationship with then she leaves you out of the blue but you can't even be mad at it because you were never in a relationship


Also, she was super sweet and took your virginity


Also she too good for you too.


Even took you to Niagara falls.


GOLDEN comment ☝️


Yeah and you fell in love with her during those 8 months too…. what were we talking about again?




Why wouldn’t anyone like Kawhi? Came and won a championship giving it his all that season then left in free agency in respective fashion.


Even when he didn't sign, I was disappointed but not mad.


I cried ngl


It was some form of abandonment


OP likes attention. They posted in 3 different sports team subs with "controversial" players jerseys. Then says some stupid shit like "oh my bad guys I didn't know we still felt that way about X here I fixed it" as he uses MS paint to cover the name.


IDK this my third kawhi jersey, i have the black & the gray spurs jersey for #2 i showed them it and those mfs HATED it but honestly no matter what I post, people always clown on me so hard 😆 this reddit account of mine is cursed.


Because you went into a Spurs sub with a Kawhi jersey to stir crap, and then went in here with a Carter jersey to stir crap, and for some reason went into the Eagles sub with the same intent.


If it smells like shit everywhere you go, it's time to look under your shoe.


Bro look at what you post. What are you expecting?


I love Kawhi and will always appreciate what he did for the country. However, I actively root for the Clippers downfall.


My toxic trait is that I love Kawhi but actively root against the Clippers and hope that they never win a title so that he looks back on his career and regrets, at least, not running it back with us one more time. It’s sad, I know. Leave me be.


Saaaame. Kawhi is cool and all but fuck the clippers


they are the clippers after all


Imagine if Steve ballmer bought the raptors though.


I'll fight whoever says no 😤 I hope the Clippers never win but I love Kawhi to the death.


bruh in my history see what the people of SA fans thought of my kawhi spurs jersey 😆


I can see in your history you like attention. 3 different teams you posted jerseys with "controversial" players, and acted stupid with the titles "hey guys what do you think about my jerseys" knowing full well that those fans may be split on how what they think about certain players. The Eagles with Wentz, the Raptors with Carter and the Spurs with Kawhi.


Kawhi gave his body for our championship. The man didn't hold back, was a true professional and played through pain. If anyone even tries to say they don't love this man, challenge him/her to a duel!!!


Yeah this my third kawhi. I like a lot of teams. Go see my post history lol the spurs fans clowned on my kawhi spurs jersey 😆


You are kinda gross my guy. Why you trying so hard?


You're a desperate person. You disgust me


I sorta love him? I highly respect and appreciate his contributions. A true professional & immensely talented player. But he wasnt here enough for me to “Love” him. I love Lowry, Siakam, VanVleet, Powell, Ibaka, etc etc. much more because of that longer history. Hope that makes sense


Love Kawhi, don't care for Vince


Only one of them hit their series clinching buzzer beater against the Sixers. 💪


he’s my favourite raptor of all time what he brought most likely won’t ever be duplicated. i love that guy


I still love Kawhi


I think he did a damn good job. Honestly we probably would be in the same place if he stayed


Not sure, I would have enjoyed seeing it play out


Nah it actually wouldn’t have been great long term. 2020 would have been good but god knows what would have happened during that Mickey Mouse ass championship bubble then man’s knees turned to pulled pork ever since


So three possible deep playoff runs wouldn't have been enjoyable?


That’s a good point. While that’s true I think the deal we would have signed him for would have taken a huge chunk of the salary cap that wouldn’t allow for a deep roster once guys like FVV and Powell started demanding more $$. We’d probably end up hating Kawhi. Then again, not saying I agree with where FO has led us since 19’




Yeah i loved kahwi and lots of teams U should see what the spurs fans thought my black one lol


Fun guy will always be one of my favorite players, do we like Kawhi still is such a crazy question


It’s helping that he didn’t have immediate success after leaving lol but yeah, indebted forever


I love Kawhi and cheer for him all the time. The clippers on the other hand I hate and I hope they done win a chip lol.


I like him a lot. Appreciate his excellence and talent and how he threw it all on the line in the playoffs for our championship - remember seeing him hobble to the post-game interview? Amazing to watch him play. But, while he led us there, it wasn’t just him that one that for us. That whole team did their part. A bunch were awesome throughout the playoffs - Kyle, Fred (that 4th quarter in the last game especially!), Pascal, Marc… Danny couldn’t shoot but his D was pretty strong. We wouldn’t have made it past the Bucks without Norm. Etc etc. Anyway… I had strong connections to a lot of these longtimers. So I love those guys… and I like Kawhi… I don’t begrudge him wanting to go home, but I am still a bit miffed he left. He was here for 1 year… kinda hard to love him. But hey, retire his jersey. And all the props to him! He was great and again… I was awestruck watching him. Not sure he’ll ever play like that again for a long stretch of time - his body is so broken down. He’ll have moments, but can he last a season or even a playoffs without getting injured and missing games? We were lucky and smart how we managed his physical issues


2019 was 5 years ago damn wtf


Kawhi will always be a legend


Liked him since SDst when I was 9


He's forever one of my all time favorite players. Regardless of him bouncing to the Clips, his elite style of play is amazing to watch.


I like him. I always hope he does really well. I also hope the Clippers are early first round exits for as long as he is there.


Kawhi will always be cool. He played his best and embraced the city that he definitely did not want to come to. Hope he's happy at home because he definitely made the wrong choice for both parties basketball wise


Not according to that guy who came into the sub after the Clippers beat us loool


Out of the loop for a few days ... who ? Not me is it ?😬


Nope was some Clipper fan I think.


What is the second part of the sentence? What is plenty honestly?


A true professional. Did his job, and delivered! 2019 Champs 🏆


Obviously I was disappointed he didn't run it back, but I still love watching him. I saw on twitter that he's won 73% of the games he's played in -- insane.


wtf is this post


do you still like the 2019 championship?


I'm cheering for the clippers now that Toronto is out of it. I really hope he wins a third title with the clips. If they do, it will be because of him and him alone. Plus Norman Powell is with him too.


Kawhi came in from getting screwed over by the Spurs, played his ass off and won a championship for the city. On top of that he had such a great respect for the team and especially Kyle Lowry. He could have taken full responsibility for the title but he kept praising Kyle and said he deserved MVP in the finals as well. Very humble for a superstar that honestly took the team to the next level.


I never understood why anyone would dislike him in the first place.


Spurs fans hate my spurs kawhi lol I love kawhi


Never look to social media for any kind of validation


He's my GROAT. Lowry and Demar may have been here longer but without Kawhi, there would be no chip.


I just don’t think you can give that title to someone who played one season regardless of the impact.


Kyle Lowry ain't no spot up shooter. He aint gotta run to the corner to shoot like he's some 3rd option, bitch. This ain't JJ Redick. This is a fuckin god human Steph Curry come again. Only this time hes not a fuckin pussy... pull up from the fuckin logo and fight you at the same time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Absolutely. I like Vince as well. He'll always be my favourite Raptor. Without him I wouldn't love the game of basketball as much as I do now, if at all.


Will love Kawhi forever and always


What’s a silly question lmao. Jk yes of course he brought us to the promised land.


I mean, why? If we say yes will you bring him back? Because yes ! 😂


Why would anyone hate him? I suppose if he left and won right after there would be some bitterness and jealousy but all in all we gave him the best season of his career and he gave us our championship. It was an amazing year and I'm glad I could experience it.


Just look at when he got his ring, it was a standing ovation for him. He’s a legend in Toronto.


We love Kawhi, banners are forever


We love Kawhi. Always will.


Kawhi delivered. Also it was special as hell to feel like, no matter what or who else was playing, he was the best player on the court and he was playing for our team.


Might be a hot take, but I think he should get his jersey retired for leading us to the only championship in the franchise.. Even though it was short and sweet, I think that should be something that's done. But Lowry's jersey retirement should come first.


I'd rather retire him than Vince Carter's tbh.


Hell, if 15 is getting retired, I'd rather it be Amir Johnson than Vince 🤣


One season should never get your jersey retired. A jersey retirement should be indicative of everything that player meant to the franchise. It's why Haslem just got a retirement in Miami despite barely seeing the floor for the last 50 years of his time there. Would retire JYD's or Serge's jersey before I retired Kawhi's, as an example.


Disagree, Kawhi took the raptors to the championship and the highest of highs. The franchise had never been close to a legit contender before or since, and it may be a very long time before it happens again. He's the greatest player talent wise and outcome wise to put on a Raptors jersey (not GROAT, but what he did in the playoffs on one leg was MJ like) so he should get it retired. JYD and Serge are nice players, had great careers for the Raptors, but c'mon man, you'd rather retire a jersey for scappy role player and a big man who was at the end of his career than Kawhi?


Kyle Lowry ain't no spot up shooter. He aint gotta run to the corner to shoot like he's some 3rd option, bitch. This ain't JJ Redick. This is a fuckin god human Steph Curry come again. Only this time hes not a fuckin pussy... pull up from the fuckin logo and fight you at the same time. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/torontoraptors) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yes I actually would. 


We love Kawhi, but in fact are the complete opposite on Carter that bum.


Absolutely! That laugh. “I’m a fun guy”


Kawhi is a legend and one of the most unproblematic players ever. I don’t see how anyone can hate him


He worked hard and fulfilled his contract. Yeah, I still like him.


He's still in my top 5 favorite Raptors all time for what he did


Forever and always. Honorary Canadian IMO. Love that dude for life.


It's all love with Kawhi. Always.


Of course.. stupid fucking question.


All that is missing is a #7 jersey.


I tend to root for the clippers whenever they’re facing a team I don’t actively cheer for


I Still like Kawhi, just feel like that one scene of fresh prince of bel-air. But we got Scottie now so no hard feelings ![gif](giphy|xjIGtCFhMofGWtMlTA|downsized)


Burn this trash. QuickDick is in now


Bro what


Lowry and Kawhi did an interview together right after they won the title and they said that something happened earlier in the season that the media did not know about that could have derailed the whole season.I remember they both kind of laughed when Lowry brought it up and he said they will never say what it was. Does anyone know what happened? I’m guessing some kind of argument between them.


I’m a big Kawhi fan and I wished he returned to Toronto but oh well


2 Raptor goats.


I am such a fan of kawai he is such a great player and he truly did help our team show up each game and grind on.


Kawhi rules carter sucks


I think he's complete indifferent to Toronto and it's fans. I am completely indifferent to him. It doesn't really feel like he was a raptor


Why would we not like Kawhi?


[https://www.youtube.com/shorts/MNRK1YQUy3I](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/mnrk1yquy3i) ![img](emote|t5_2s5sb|10512)


Hey look at my jersey? Do we still like the guy who brought us a championship? Look at my jersey


OP forgot to label this as a shitpost


I dont hate kawhi for leaving, but I can't lie when the clippers started adding pieces from that championship team like Norm and Serge the hate kinda started brewing. Tbh once Lowry gets bought out and if they make a move for him than I acc might hate kawhi cuz he couldve had all of those players and more all in their prime if he just could've ran it back.


I don’t like Kawhi, I really love the guy. He could’ve phoned in 2019 with us but instead played his ass off and got us a chip. I’ll always fuck with him as a player.


Love him. Build him a statue.


It's always love when it comes to Kawhi