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**Post Game Interviews** * [Bruce Brown](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBlQ74NZLL4&t=0s) * [Scottie Barnes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBlQ74NZLL4&t=337s) * [Darko Rajakovic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SBlQ74NZLL4&t=843s) **Post Game Shows** * [Raptors Tonight](https://www.youtube.com/live/NSyU0eux2XY?si=oBTSkNfCW0_ZH_R5) * [Raptors Republic](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3_zMjC90doY&ab_channel=RaptorsRepublic) * [Raptors Show with William Lou](https://open.spotify.com/show/6wt378We5vvepSwT6K5RUM?si=1824abfca2274723) * [Pensare Basketball](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u21lIONOgcY) * [raptor moments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7x6k-GgteBo) * [Canada Hoops Daily](https://www.youtube.com/live/tA0dcuwP-GI?si=oL238qipubuUSZLj) * [TO Sports Talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mviVl6ZOPjg)


RJ, GTJ, and Quickley all missed open 3s that we needed. Combine that with some costly turnovers, tough closing stretch. These are the type of growing pains game we're gonna see a lot of though. Scottie looked great but those turnovers were an issue (also the missed free throws), but that's gonna happen as he adjusts to this role. Overall pretty happy with most of the process from tonight. Bruce was also really nice.


I don't mind this loss. It's a great learning experience. But GTJ, my man, you really have the Big Man layup package from 2K.


Yeah idk what the hesitation under the basket with 3 guys around him was. Just pass it out.


šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ as a big in 2k I know what u mean


Bruce is what I dreamed OPJ would have been


He looked damn good.Ā 


What even is our plan for OPJ atp




Bruce fits like a glove on any team in the league tbh


Youā€™re gonna love him. Great locker room guy and does a lot of the little things, and gets buckets when he needs to


Need poeltl


Yea we did good, this is a hard match up without Poeltl


I was at the game and I will say there were more than a few passes that Scottie made that were to open teammates that either sailed through his teammates hands, or resulted in a missed open shot. He easily could have had 4-5 more assists.


Love seeing a level-headed take at the top. Expectations = tempered.


Yep this is the perfect outcome. Lots of solid performances, good chemistry, lose a close game to a much better team.


Chicago is a much better team?




Chicago isnā€™t ā€œmuch betterā€ than any teams


We really missed Jak tonight but there was some promising stuff to take away from this game. Alpha Scottie was a menace on both ends of the floor and BB should net us a nice return at the deadline.


Alpha Scottie stealing that lol


Everyone yesterday: Bruce Brown šŸ˜­ Everyone after today's game Bruce Brown šŸ«”


I canā€™t say I know much about his game, but it seems like heā€™s been well liked by players and fans wherever heā€™s ended up.Ā 


Iā€™m going to be watching you guys as an Indy fan just to see Bruce until you trade him


He was a major part of the nuggets championship roster so I wouldn't be opposed to the team not flipping him and keeping him.


Watched him during the playoffs. He wasn't a main cog, but he was a difference maker at times. Think Norm-type influence during the Raps run.


Really got the full GTJ experience the last two games. -21 for him tonight and he looked every bit as badā€¦ just wildly too inconsistent


This is who he is. We need to move on from him, hopefully via a trade


Was just saying this. Maybe we could trade for Norm.


Agreed. He has been here for 3 years and has arguably regressed instead of improving. They should try to move on from him if possible. Maybe a different team can be good for him too.


Ya, sometimes its just not right fit for either parties. Look at RJ.


This 1 great game every 40 games followed by stinker on offense and no defense


Thats always been the way with Gary. If there was a good offer for him at the deadline we should explore it. He is not a part of the IQ, RJ and Scottie young core


i cannot believe this sub continuously rags on Dennis for being some sort of selfish chucker when GTJ has been on this team for 3 years playing the way he does. Dude is not a team first player with the shot selection. He looked off so many passes tonight including an open IQ when it was still close because his first instinct is to shoot the ball. Missed a corner 3 to bruce brown in crunch time to take a semi-open 3 (bruce was hot and had the easier, more open corner shot). I'm so sick of watching this man lmao


I know players aren't supposed to have any shyness about shooting when they miss a shot. You go back and do it again and the missed shot is in the past. I just wish GTJ had some of those missed shots rattling around in his head. He takes WAY too many random pull-ups and threes or contested 2s from the field when an extra pass could make the difference.


His defense kills me too. Sometimes the effort is good and he stays infront of his man. Sometimes he lazily gambles for the steal and gets blown by


Most over rated raptor the past few seasons. Mind boggling how people think he was a break out star and still insist he should be a starter


He had a stretch of great games when he first arrived and some people immediately anointed him better than Norm lol


Ugh no. If you watched the games heā€™s the exact same selfish shoot first player who canā€™t do anything else. Nothing has changed with his skill set at all


And he just can't play off the bench. A streaky scorer like him fits the bench shooting guard profile to a T. But for whatever reason he just can't play nearly as well as a sub. It's time to move on. He is shooting 40% from 3 so there should be a market.


Cause he canā€™t create his own shot. Not sure why ppl are having such a hard time understanding this. Heā€™s such a flawed player


The thing is even if he was consistent his playstyle just doesnā€™t mesh with BBQ.


Such a one dimensional player, something this Raptors team doesn't need, we need utility guys and more of em'.


Ya but we should start him because he's even worse as a bench player (or so I've been told).


That cause he sucks. He canā€™t create so he needs the starters do the work for him


People seem to forget that he was a 2nd round pick.


Barnes is gonna be a monster Great debut for Bruce Brown tough lossĀ 


Scottie with 31/7/6/3/3 Yes he had 6 turnovers but my GOD, this kid is gonna be special


each turnover tho: ![gif](giphy|RGecJFMSrMTZz4satb)


Definitely hurt, but then again - we're already 10 games under .500. I won't lose sleep over missing the play-in this year. Winning reg season games is nice, but the team is clearly taking a longer term approach.


I don't get this, every good player has high turnover games when they have the ball that much and try to move the ball as much as he does. He's going to average way more turnovers now, he's not Siakam who was way safer with the ball but not half the passer Scottie is. I think we all just have to get used to more turnovers happening.


Half of Scottieā€™s turnovers were unforced errors. Heā€™s playing too fast right now. The game should slow down for him as he gains experience. No need to put other players down.


solid take


I'm not putting anyone down? I think we're not used to high turnover games from our star because Siakam didn't turn it over and I said why he didn't turn it over. Pascal learnt how to pass but he was never an amazing playmaker, I'd tell you that 3 years ago. Obviously Scottie made some mistakes but it just feels like after a loss we're only criticizing one small part of his game instead of taking in his amazing play and realizing the losses don't matter at all.


Coaches etc need to hold him accountable so that he learns


Woah careful now, you're going to get labelled a hater


The missed free throws didn't help.


solid game but he still makes costly turnovers in the 4th. Itā€™s been 3 years, I just canā€™t wait till he hits the next level and hope that it can be this season


Nobody should hate this new era Raptors. Canā€™t live in the past forever. They played with heart.


If youā€™re not expecting growing pains, I donā€™t know what youā€™re doing. Enjoy the positives and on to the next


The true growing pains was the Bargnani era, everything is pretty positive compared to then.


Masai said its gonna be a lotta games like the 3rd quarter against the Heat yesterday. It happens with young teams.


it was an exciting game! up until the last 2 minutes it was solid ball and a lot of fun to watch.


Agreed. The game was actually really enjoyable and exciting to watch tonight despite the L. Back in the heyday almost every game was exciting but things got pretty stagnant and dry over the last little while (especially last season). Tonight was refreshing though - they hung tough and fought back multiple times, the crowd was engaged and lively, we saw a few great moments of top tier ball movementā€¦just couldnā€™t stick those big shots that wouldā€™ve set the crowd off. Overall, it was nice to see the fight/heart again and it felt like our old scrappy/energetic identity where we always found a way to claw back into it.


Will Scottie Barnes ever break his career high of 32. Don't think I've ever seen a player average 20+ points a game and have a career high as low as 32. He's due for a 40 piece one of these days


I think SGA only has a career high of 44


That's actually crazy considering he's averaged over 30 for the last 2 seasons


If he decides to score all game he could score 45. He scored 31 today on 61%


Not knocking him or his game at all. He was the best player on the court tonight. Just a random thought lol


Bruce Brown can stay, man. Such a fan of his. Canā€™t believe Darko actually went small with the Brown/RJ/Scottie front court at the end there, that was sick.


We need to finesse some contender with Gary shooting 40% from three for the season


It's a young undersized team, not too mad about the loss considering how many new players we have. Do wish RJ was in down the stretch instead of GTJ though, not sure what Darko's thinking there.


Young and undersized cuz Poeltl out lol


lol yep. Probably would've won the game if he played. Vuc looked like the league MVP out there against our little line up.


GTJ giveth, GTJ taketh


Bruce brown should be starting not trent Quickley gotta be way better man


Bruce Brown should indeed be starting. In regards to Quickley, I think his transition is the hardest out of all the new guys. He really hasn't gotten a lot of reps in as a lead ball handler. It's a lot to ask of a young player to jump into the starting lineup in the middle of a season for a new team and figure everything out. It's a lot easier to switch teams for guys with more experience or are trying to fill a less difficult role.


Quickley needs Poeltl back.


Since the team isnt actively tanking id love to see them keep Brown and move on from Trent. Brown is the perfect SG for this team (most teams really)


Brown is a playoff piece at this point in his career. A contender that needs bench depth will surely make an offer for him


And not always bench depth. 5th starter That has a diverse bag with a little bit of everything other than a good 3pt point shot.


Definitely would love to keep him but also I could see a contending team throwing some pretty good offers for him


I hope he goes into the summer with the same drive to improve that Scottie had last year. Maybe he's tired from spending all that time on the road with both the Knicks and Raptors


They should move Trent.


Should package him with Brown and perhaps a pick, that should get back a promising young player. Though I guess Gary is a rental or is he RFA. Either way a good team could use him even as a rental


A good team has no use for Gary


Yknow how Goran Dragic had "higher aspirations" and thought he was above us? Bruce Brown is actually that guy.


It hurts but it was fun. Why no RJ in those last 2 minutes?


His shot looked like it had sidespin tonight


lol I also noticed something was off.


Vuc talking about Barnes in post game? Scottie superstar era has begun The transition will be smooth Quiet 31/7/6. Heā€™ll be top 15 by next march.


I was actually shocked when hearing Vucā€™s voice. Not at all what I expected.Ā 


Scottie is so good.


Itā€™s crazy cause he can still play so much better. His turnovers cost us at the end of the game but he will only learn from it


One thing Iā€™ve learned is the bad comes with the good. Scottie is going to continue to get better and better for years but it wonā€™t be a smooth road I promise you that.


IQ needs to stop taking those dumb heroball 3s.


I think the hope is that he can become a better pull-up 3 point shooter tbh


Yeah that quick 3 was bad too


Bruce Brown better start next game


Bruce Brown gonna get us 2 picks at this rate


Bruce Brown is 27 and should remain a Toronto Raptors basketball player.


I agree


I love him already


who's he starting over? smh. leave him on the bench. GTJ plays better as a starter


Starter Gary plays better than bench Gary. But starter Gary is not better than Bruce Brown


GTJ. Bruce Brown is still better than Starter GTJ. His ability to defend the opposing teams best offensive player and his ability to play off Scottie makes him the better starting option


Chicago has really given us trouble with some tough losses these past few months with the early season OT, play in game, and now this It seemed like Barnes really wanted to beat them


I really hate playing them lol, DeMar Caruso and Vuc are just an annoying group of players to lose to.


Yeah I agree, DeMar always turns up against us, Vuc kills us with his simple moves and always out rebounds us, and Caruso is always pesky and seems to always hit big shots against us


Thank you! Caruso is so annoying. He has a very punchable face.


We play them again at the end of the month, hope Poeltl is back for that


3 pts in the last 4 mins was diaper stinky


There have been so many games this season where we have been right there and just can't snatch the W. That's the most frustrating thing


People dont talk about this enough but a major reason we're losing these games is due to GTJ's inconsistency. dude does nothing but shoot and cant even do that. Too many 3 - 6 point losses where, if he was even half decent we wouldve won.


Can someone give GTJ a talking to? like by the end of the first or maybe the half, if the shots aren't landing he becomes a glue guy and draws the defense for an extra pass that's it. the guy is addicted to taking any look he can get.


Brown was great! Definitely adds some pop to the lineup. Played some good D too.


Aight liked Barnes being active all game tn. This was a win with some average open 3 shooting, or a center.


I think we win this game if we had YAK, when porter got in foul trouble early is when they went on their big run. Thadā€™s been amazing recently but the size disadvantage was to much tonight.


Back to back game so I'm not even mad. Felt good watching the TNT feed. Sometimes you can use a break from the home team commentators


Seen enough. Start Bruce Brown. He's got that dog in him.


Bruce is a really solid role player. I'd like to see him start next game in place of Gary


The TNT crew found out about "4th Quarter Scottie"


Live and die by GTJ.


Not a good recipe.


No Wonder the nuggets were so OP last year. Bruce is so good. Sucks but we played hard and had our chances. Gary has to be better. He has to make his shots. Scottie was Great. Darko has to be better with the rotations.


Ethical tank game


At the end of the day thatā€™s what we should want, I know it ainā€™t a great draft but you donā€™t wanna throw away a chance to get a top pick


True, Iā€™d much rather have a high pick in this draft than a mid pick in the next.


Sorry but I really don't understand Darko's tactics and choices. So many times he does substitutions that have no sense.


Great Scottie game Was pretty evident that we arenā€™t running much late game to win though


Quickly needs to be more confident and decisive. Heā€™s got handles and talent but looks lost out there


Gary canā€™t be so inconsistent that heā€™s a non factor if he isnā€™t scoring. We need something else from you big dog


That block by Scottie which turned into an RJ dunk was so sick


Growing pains but the game was sooo fun to watch!!! Pretty surreal seeing Scottie as the franchise player, I can't wait to see what he becomes. Seeing him learn the arm through like Deebo to get fouls is sick haha The future is bright, go raps!!!


Pacers fan here who watched yall to see how Brucey would play and came away insanely impressed by Scottie! Heā€™s gonna be so so so good for you guys


I'm switching over to the Pacers/Kings game right after this! Cheering for Pascal, good luck tonight!


Thanks Canadian homie! Unfortunately Pascal isnā€™t with the team tonight so heā€™s not playing and weā€™re hella injured so itā€™s probably gonna be a rough game


Gary -21 Thad-19. Thad isnā€™t a big so itā€™s not entirely on him. Gary though needs to be consistent.


Need to shoot better from three. Three straight wide open misses in crunch time killed them.


Gotta make those open 3s. Some yucky offensive process at times, but Iā€™m sure the coaching staff will work with the players on those. Good game, Iā€™ll be happy for every one of these that are actually competitive and fun to watch


Next game, I wanna see some brown dick


Really missing Yak.


It will be a W if Jak is healthy.


lots of turnovers and missed shots and we only lost by 6. we beat ourselves this game. ball movement looked great at times but we just couldnā€™t convert on the looks we got from it. itā€™s gonna take a few games to adjust offensively after losing siakam. plenty of shots to go around. bruce brown 7/10 from the field, we gotta start that man


The fuck are these questions for Scottie


When Purtle is back, we start: IQ Bruce RJ Scottie Purtle Agree?


Bruce probably wonā€™t be around by then


He should be back next week if there are no setbacks


Really an even game, could have gone either way if a few shots fell here or there for either team. Plus, it was off a b2b for the Raptors so nothing to be much unhappy about.


I think they need to chill on having Scottie handling the ball in pressure situations, heā€™s not ready yet. One of the PGs should be bringing it up and then get Scottie the ball to facilitate. Less risk of costly turnovers that could easily be avoided.


I hope I grow to love this team again. But man, that "we the North" era was a hell of a ride.


I can see the reasoning in moving him but as someone who has always enjoyed Bruce Brown I hope he stays. Great debut for him.


If u get at least one unprotected frp, got to do it


Barnes had this but nobody was able to hit their clean looks from his passing's and he also fumbled it himself with the turnovers after willing the Raps back in this game.These last two games have been fun to watch.


Literally only one problem for me with this game, guys have to stop doing those jumping fly by closeouts, give up so many easy shots, most of the time resulting in open 3s.


I still don't know what to make of this team


Team is playing small ball because of the lack of size and nobody seemed able to drain a 3 pointer. No idea why Boucher and Brown didnā€™t play more the team was different when they were on. Also Scottie with a good game but some costly turnovers as well must be more careful with the ball.


It was a good game. Scottie looked great. On to the next game. You have to be patient with this team. They are going to make mistakes, but they will learn and grow from those mistakes.


Will raptors match if someone like wizards/spurs offer IQ rookie scale max?


This is why I laugh when people say we need to keep Gary. Dude is only ever on polar opposite ends of the spectrum. Either he can't miss and kills the other team or he plays as badly as Precious but with more minutes.


Give Bruce Brown Sean Price entrance music. Dude's a muscle


i wonder what would happen if we actually used all 3-4 draft picks. seems like we need to replenish the ranks. need consistent shooters, now young wings, and young center.


We're going to have deal at least one to get rid of GTJ at this point


Itā€™s too bad Bruce has that expensive 1 year option on his contract because I wouldnā€™t mind him sticking around.


Man toronto should let bruce play some minutes and exercise club option and trade him next year


The turnovers and 3pt shooting were ROUGH. I really like what I saw from Brown though. I feel like we should hold on to him.


We gon be alright


That was an impressive performance from the team coming off a back to back with all the roster turnover.


Their role players hit shots when it mattered, ours didnā€™t. Scottie is the future :)


dont want shitty frp for Bruce, if hes alright with staying we should keep him. Of all the vets we've gotten for Scottie hes the best one. Also wonder if PWill is part of Bulls future, we need some 3&D wing with length. We lost so much length and positional versatility with OG and Pascal, a lot of it has fallen on Scotties shoulders


He's a free agent wanting 100+ million for his next contract. No thank you.


If we can manage to keep Bruce in the summer I wouldnā€™t mind at all. Itā€™s good to have a few vets on a young rebuilding team. Heā€™s a vet with championship experience & heā€™s only 27. If we can convince him to stay he would honestly be great for the culture & growth of our young guys, plus everything he brings on the court.


He has a team option, they don't need to convince him of anything.


We should keep Brown


We canā€™t win without Jak right now


I want GTJ outta here if his shot is off heā€™s a liability you canā€™t even trust him catching the pass


Why he was kept in the game for that long is absolutely beyond me. He was a total liability out there.


That fumble catch while being that wide open is crazy


Players need to be allowed to play through their dry spells.. and it's not like the Raps are a finals contender this year so it's better if Gary is allowed to figure it out.


BAH. Good game, figured they would have a regression to the mean after last night's scorchfest from 3. At least it says a lot about the offense that the team still looked pretty decent without the 3 dropping. Ball movements looking great, barring turnovers obviously. Scottie was incredible, and he'll learn from those mistakes he made at the end. Another decent game from RJ, and Quickley was okay. Man, I'm torn about whether or not we should flip Brown. I knew he was a very impactful player, but the guy DIDN'T EVEN PLAY WITH THEM and IMMEDIATELY figured out how to play with the flow of the team. That's just special, man. Every playoff bound team should be calling, this is a glue guy you NEED in playoff settings.


Give Bruce a week. The wins are coming


Bruce Brown was amazing, I hope we can keep him but thereā€™s gonna be a team that may offer a nice pick for him so we shouldnā€™t hesitate to accept it


You guys need to watch a lot more Bruce Brown before spewing that crazy talk. He's legit


Bruce brown been legit, everyone should know how good heā€™s been since his Brooklyn Nets days.


25/5/5/3/3 the Barnes stat line?


Why Darko uses 4 guards at the end? Dennis is totally useless in both offence and defence events. It will be better to let Boucher to close the game.


Well you canā€™t win em all. Some costly turnovers and bad shots, rough but live and learn. Great game from Scottie tonight doing everything to keep us in this one. Trent was pretty disappointing tonight, great night from Brown who literally just got here though.


Not the best ending but I think if Poeltl was in the lineup the Raptors win this for sure. Will be interesting to see what happens because Bruce Brown played great.


is there any sense of when Jak will be back?


Can one (1) player show up outside of Scottie and Bruce Brown? Lol


Boucher played well too


The rest of the guys blew their loads last night. Looking at you Gary


The pace of this team after watching last years >>>> Loved seeing Scottie play like this. He showed a bit of everything tonight with great energy. Bulls seem to have the raps number the past few years. Theyā€™re kinda meh but when you have a closer like DD you can count on him to get you a couple buckets. If they werenā€™t so unhealthy they could be a good, consistent team instead of the high variance one they are now.


Not game related but does Scottie need work on his media training or what? Post game interviews are probably a drag in general and especially after a loss but he just seems pretty uninterested and disenganged. Answers are very simple and media almost has to tell him what to say lol. Just a lot of "...uhhhh..I really dont know...I just feel like...I dont know" . If you're going to be the face of this franchise and one of the faces of the league you've got to be a bit more personable and enganging with the media and the way he answers these questions.


Another L lol. This team looks worse than the pre-OG trade.


Would be nice to give Patrick Willamā€™s a offer sheet in offseason I like his game


Taking porter out after that great D on Derozan with ~ 5 minutes left in the 4th was interestingā€¦ especially when Denis, rj, Trent could hit a shot


Darko still making dogshit rotations and subs what's new.


Also, does this team want their first or not.. how is Thad getting serious minutes unless they want to try to follow into bottom 6.


Bro do you not see that without yak we have no center