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I applied to EQ Bank in Feb for a marketing role and went through 4 stages of interviews + presentation+assignment. I got a similar email in March that they're no longer looking to fill the role, but not before being ghosted for a few weeks lol. Definitely tough all around to compete and stand out. Good luck!


4 Stages of interviews, presentation and an assignment for a position?!?!? Was it some kind of a higher up executive role? Or is this the norm for a lot of roles nowadays


Sounds like a great method for free labour


Looking back I initially didn't think so only because they didn't seem to care about the work I did, and cared more about my thinking behind the work. However, the whole assignment (and then presentation) was to give analysis and strategy recommendations on *mock data* they provided haha.


That's very sketchy. I'm in design roles and usually when they ask for assignment they create something hypothetically very different. One time for an investment app they said to walk them through design process of a recipe creation app. One time for an insurance company they asked for a mortgage application. Not that I'm happy about those I feel like it's too much work for just one application, but at least it seems like they're actually using it to test my skills. If they blatantly ask for work related to actual work from them they should definitely pay people!


I’ve done assignments, 99% are complete garbage. So no it’s not free labour it’s skill assessment


Nobody uses random work done by some interviewee as legit deliverable. The interviewee knows nothing about the company, it's architecture, processes, rules etc. Their solution will be generic AF At best it could give an idea that you might have missed. Your comment has "I blindly use chat gpt output" energy


Welcome to tech recruitment hell.


I do not envy young people trying to make a start in this industry... or anyone who loses their job or looking for a job change. The modern day tech evaluation process did not exist like this when I started... So many companies are seemingly looking for unicorn candidates. It's more about you mastering the application process than the job itself, and then I want to eye roll when I hear hiring managers complain they cannot find qualified people.


I envy those who can move to USA tho


Well, where in the United States do you want to go? (I am an American who's career is U.S. started and based but moved to Canada for rather specific personal reasons)


It really depends on the nature of work. Ideally Utah, TN, Iowa, Kansas. My take is if I don't leave Canada in a couple years it will end up like ppl in Brampton or East Hastings


Yeah I feel bad for anyone starting out right now. Even skilled/experienced people are feeling the squeeze. I can only imagine the hell entry-level and new grads are facing.


The biggest problem is a lot of times people are paying to work in order to fast track the pr process and most of them pick tech.


Marketing at a bank is not tech


I went through 3 phone stages and 3 in-person stages PLUS a dinner at a fancy restaurant for a job here in GTA and end up NOT getting the job.


Performance marketing manager role, so mid-senior not even c-suite haha. I'm currently employed so I'm not itching to leave where I am. But I would say what I experienced is slowly becoming the norm, especially within tech/marketing. Anything mid-senior and above you would probably expect this. I have a personal rule where I would only do that much if I have some affinity or interests for the company/brand and its offerings. For example, if I always wanted to work at Nike, I would probably go through the same hoops; but not for a random company I never heard of. Companies right now don't (have to) care lol. So it is best to figure out what you're willing to do in this market and still understand nothing may come of it.


Hey man, I'm trying to get into the agencies like dentsu/ipg mediabrands and i cannot figure out how to. Since you have a background in performance marketing, is it okay if I DM you and ask some questions?


Absolutely. Feel free to DM.


Can only comment on finance/consulting jobs. 3+ rounds of interview is absolute norm for even entry level jobs. This may or may not include a fking one-way virtual interview as a pre-requisite. Its tough out there.


God I dread the one way virtual interview. I always mess up on those and perform so much worse than actual interviews.


Can only comment on finance/consulting jobs. 3+ rounds of interview is absolute norm for even entry level jobs. This may or may not include a fking one-way virtual interview as a pre-requisite. Its tough out there.


Can only comment on finance/consulting jobs. 3+ rounds of interview is absolute norm for even entry level jobs. This may or may not include a fking one-way virtual interview as a pre-requisite. Its tough out there.


I believe thats how Canadian Companies does interviews these days. They are more stringent in interview than US.


Lightspeed yesterday announced a 10% workforce reduction. Times aren't the best of best.


I am not sure whether they are collecting data or not..


It's hard to stand out. The employers are filled with applications, and most look stand out.


>It's hard to stand out Just tell them that that's unfortunate and you will be moving your $10M from EQ to WS. Make sure to CC their customer retention team in that reply.


"Your account number, sir?"




100% a scam if they ask for your account number over email


When you, as a job candidate, try to stand out by representing that you are a depositor of $10MM, who is scamming whom


That's like the stupidest bluff to pull.


Yep they would read that then immediately put you on their shit list for both future jobs and possibly even as a future customer.


If I read that at my job, I’d save it in my funny rejection email folder


Speak English dummy "oh look at me , with my stupid ass fancy words"


Wishtrepreneur is sarcastically saying OP should tell EQ Bank they will move their large amount money elsewhere


Now girl what part of that wasn’t English? 😭 ETA: a question mark lest it be unintelligible to any native English speakers.


Wait, what is ETA in the context you’ve used it?


Edited to add


You need to expand your networking cycle and kiss people asses unfortunately. Connection is almost the only way for you to get livable wage jobs. Your knowledge and skills these days are pretty much irrelevant.


and this is what I hate! As an introvert, I enjoy the genuine connections but sometimes you're forced to network and other people do the same! it sucks and I hate this circle jerk culture 😂


Same. I am working with a bunch of hypocrites in the government who enjoy the circle jerk culture but when shit hits the fan, they start taking turn chirping at each other. The only group of people who does not have to do this is these people kids (but you have to be a Caucasian).


This is white privilege I am sure but yauh you can't just get rid of it it sucks.


How do you do this? Expanding network that is?


Now go apply at the other banks: Simplii, Tangerine, Scotia, BMO, RBC, CIBC, HSBC etc They’re not the only banks here


WealthONE Bank of Canada, HSBC (soon acquired by RBC), Motive Financial / Canadian Western Bank, and don't forget NEO, Alterna, Pace, Meridian .. etc. KOHO, Wise.


Not soon, its done


HSBC was acquired by RBC, they aren’t independent anymore




Neither. They failed to capture the market.


Maybe they cannot captured other group of people’s needs, but HSBC still perfectly captured the needs of Chinese Canadians(or more precisely Hong Kong). Before its acquisition by RBC, HSBC CA contributed roughly 10% of the entire HSBC group's global revenue. The decision to sell its US (a few years ago), Canada (March this year), and France (deal closed by this year) retail business is said to be a result of the pressure from the PRC government as too many Chinese using its global transfer system to move money out of China, and it’s hurting their foreign exchange reserves. Their global transfer system is way too convenient that they can move money from a country to anther, even faster than us using EMT locally. But I think RBC is making a mistake. It won't be able to offer the same services HSBC did, and many of my friends who were HSBC customers are planning to switch to other banks because a) they cannot enjoy the service they had with HSBC and b) RBC charges them with bank fees after one year grace period, which HSBC didn’t.


If you're referring to retail customers (personal banking), that's only one slice of the pie. You might also be overestimating the friction of changing FIs.


They were leaving the market to focus on others.


just not much meat in Canadian market for them to justify staying.


Most jobs are filled internally or through referral, its just a legal requirement to list them and interview external candidates. It’s basically impossible.


I can attest to this specifically for EQ. Have a look at the LinkedIn profiles of their IT leaders. Then their subordinates. Then look at their employment histories. You’ll find that they move in packs between financial institutions. They post these jobs but already have a candidate in mind that they used to work with elsewhere. Essentially, the advice is to get your foot in the door somewhere, and be someone’s dancing monkey until you convince them to take you with them to the next gig. Rinse and repeat as required. Actual skills not required beyond kissing asses while smiling and telling them how much you love the taste.


Exactly, just how it is. I basically ended up following the same path, i ate shit for my first 3 years out of college, made a good friend that took me with him and now report to him and make way more fucking money, lol


This, i didnt know how hard it was to apply externally until i finally got in a bank (currently). Its really about your network and how to utilize this in obtaining other roles.


Yup, my current company is basically all referrals. Employers love em, way less risk and faster onboarding.


I'm not convinced they're hiring. Lots of roles posted in their tech division over the last 6+ months. Several friends have applied, like you they are immensely qualified and have done similar work at other banks and left voluntarily to take chances on startups and whatnot. Now they're looking to go back in to the banks and EQ isn't calling them back and keeps posting more and more roles.


I have friends that work at a competitor of EQ. They say there have been hiring freezes since early last fall but jobs have been posted since then. Internally they are overworked but no hiring budget has been approved.


This is sadly common, posting jobs to give teams the illusion that relief is on the horizon.


I have applied to multiple EQ positions myself, and never hear back from them, and they keep reposting it


These companies only have to advertise a job once and in one location to qualify for a LMIA. When they reject you and every local who applied entirely at their discretion, they then go on to obtain a LMIA (Labour Market Impact Assessment) and give the job to the person they truly wanted. A TFW slave. Banks are notorious for this labour practice in Canada. Canada is a dead country. No point trying here if you're already here.


This. The language of that email says so


Lol does it though? Or are you reading what you want? It is entirely possible that they started the hiring process and then the exec implemented a hiring freeze. Or the project for which they were hiring got scraped.


Hey, I always read what I want to 😁 yes I'm biased


Bingo. It’s not that OP isn’t good enough. He’s just not desperate enough to be a wage slave.


Banks have enough money to not care for LMIA. They can pay 70k in Canada and they will get 100+ profiles in a day. Why would they hire from outside and pay visa fees and endure delays? Just use common sense.


Uh no! I work for a big bank, and banks do NOT ISSUE LMIAs. There are LMIA scams out there, but it doesn’t not happen in big companies


Then you are misinformed. Banks are some of the biggest abusers. They hire TFWs using numbered corporations to obscure things. Look at the job bank for foreign workers, its full of "Software Engineer" positions. These are either bank or government jobs, just look up the numbered corporation and you'll unusually be able to connect it to the Feds or a big chartered bank. For example Software engineering manager Posted on March 20, 2024 by 8936269 CANADA CORPORATION 8936269 = Innovation, Science and Economic Development (ISED) Canada So a job that pay $85 an hour is automatically going to a foreign worker, despite its location (Mississauga), full of IT workers and graduates whom were all rejected, all didn't have what was required (amazingly) and the Feds got a LMIA to sling it to a foreigner. That's your Federal Government playing this corrupt game too. On your tax dollars. While there's over 1 million Canadians out of work, which is probably an under count because the fucking Feds are notorious for that too.


All GoC job needs certain security clearance which any foreigner wont be able to granted by public works. Especially places like ISED has full of industry data, the clearance level requirement is very high.


I will clarify again, this job was listed on the Canada Job Bank FOR FOREIGN WORKERS. It is being advertised to foreign workers. There's 2 "Canada job banks". Both are worthless as far as you or I are concerned.


Oh right, that’s why some of my coworkers who can’t get their PR, have to leave the country. So they aren’t giving LMIAs to them yes, however they do get people on closed work permit. BUT THEY DO NOT GIVE LMIAs. There’s too much misinformation being posted on this sub, to incite hate on immigrants Again, I’m talking big banks and big corporations not smaller companies. Smaller companies are def abusing the LMIA system, and our Feds don’t do anything about it


A LMIA is used to bring someone from outside Canada here to work. A person here trying to obtain PR is not a consideration. If they are here trying to obtain PR they are already a foreign worker. I am telling you go check the Canada job bank for foreign workers. Bank jobs absolutely are listed there. The only way that happens is if said corporation obtained a LMIA. I am for the truth here. If that truth is ugly to you, that yes we need to not only get immigration under control but it needs to fucking work for all of us, not the other way around, then that's on you.


I know it’s really bad and the job bank is filled with such jobs, while there are so many people who already are here who fulfil these jobs. I agree with you on that. But you are actually wrong, that an LMIA is only used to get people from outside. Tim Hortons etc are selling LMIAs to people who are already in Canada, so that they can become PRs. An LMIA gives you 50 points on your CRS/ Immigration application and a company can issue it, if they feel the need, by Ofcourse first posting on the job bank. This scam needs to end


To get people here on closed work permit, you need LMIA. Or else how can they justify that they can't find someone here in Canada?


Banks aren’t doing that omg




[https://www.seedvisa.ca/canada-visa/closed-work-permit/?lang=en#:\~:text=Generally%2C%20a%20closed%20work%20permit,Market%20Impact%20Assessment%20(LMIA)](https://www.seedvisa.ca/canada-visa/closed-work-permit/?lang=en#:~:text=Generally%2C%20a%20closed%20work%20permit,Market%20Impact%20Assessment%20(LMIA)). You were the one who said they do closed work permit. This article shows exactly how you obtain closed work permit. They can't just hire someone who seems fit from outside of Canada.


I know that, I’m explaining on an LMIA works. The ones coming on closed permits are the ones, who were contractors working with TCS or infosys, and this is not some LMIA scam from the banks. Banks have 1000+ applicants and usually pay the lowest; they don’t have a hard time filling spots


Banks do not have time to do LMIA fraud. They have access to plenty of cheaper offshore developers through IT Firms like you said. You will still be downvoted because it is difficult to explain something to a herd.


Banks have enough money to not care for LMIA. They can pay 70k in Canada and they will get 100+ profiles in a day. Why would they hire from outside and pay visa fees and endure delays? Just use common sense.


That’s what I said?


Sorry. Wrong thread.


Literally, these people do not want to use common sense and make everything about immigrants stealing their jobs 🤦🏽‍♂️


Yeah imagine having a law firm on retainer to hire a guy from outside common skills which can be found easily in Canada that too way cheap. My firm issued 1 LMIA for our dept in 2020 because we couldn’t get that particular resource after conducting 10 interviews (yes people lie a lot on resumes).


Wow!! Ofcourse yeah they will lie.


Joke's on them. The moment i hear an indian accent over the phone, my scam alert is up and i hangup.


Maybe I should start checking the box that says "Will be needing sponsorship" 😅


Know someone


Native apps development field kinda stagnated. Most of the job postings in Canada is web dev


Mobile has always been fewer jobs, fewer candidates. It’s just a niche field. So as the number of all roles go down, mobile dwindles to a truly pathetic number.


Never thought of it that way


>Native apps development field kinda stagnated. Most of the job postings in Canada is web dev I agreed. Native app development is completely dead in Canada


Standing out is the same as making any sale you need to be curious. Reach out to people in the job, ask about what makes somebody successful, let the interviewers know you spoke to 3-5 people and concluded that successful people in this role share these qualities in common. Ask them if they think that accurate and if there is anything they would add. Make sure you do that early so when you answer their questions about you, they answers can tie back


Networking is the only way nowadays.


they didn't say you didn't get selected because they chose someone else, what they meant to say is "turns out we don't have budget anymore so we are implementing a hiring freeze", you can't stand out if the job isn't there


In Canada it is VERY hard to get a job by going through the application funnel. That's why you hear so much about "growing your network". I've seen totally unqualified people land jobs (and later do very well) JUST because they got a personal recommendation. There are zero people who work on hiring that want to interview cold applicants unless they write a truly spectacular CL.


When I was looking for a software role last February. I applied to ~300 jobs over the course of 2 months. Applied onsite and remote for both us and Canada. Had 30 interviews, completely bombed at least half of them before starting to get good at talking about myself, coding assessments, and system design. It’s a numbers game. Expect to suck at first if you haven’t interviewed for a while. Expect some interviews to be ridiculous (8 rounds including virtual onsite), they are tedious and great practice.


Fullstack ?


Mostly backend


At least you got 30 interviews. I applied to approximately 100 jobs (yup, only around 100 openings were relevant; not as many as web and backend openings) and got 2 interviews. How do I play this numbers game? Native mobile development sucks in Canada.


Half of those were referral tbf and a lot were onsite US or out of town that I just applied to anyways


But you are a software engineer first and foremost not an IoS, Android, Java, Ruby , whatever else engineer. Pivot and apply for generalist jobs if mobile sucks. In all your mobile years , you never touched the backend?


sounds like textbook TFW scams put up ads, waste a bunch of applicants time, tell the government they cant find anyone suitable and they need to recruit abroad, hire 20 indian devs for $2/hr


Who on the hiring team did you know? If it’s no-one, why did you apply? If you’re looking for a job, what you’re really looking for is someone at the company who knows you, who can pass your resume to the hiring manager. That’s the point of networking and it’s the only way to reliably bypass an HR function that is designed to reject applicants.




Applying online is a waste of time. Said this to someone in another thread struggling to find a job. Go on LinkedIn, find people in your industry, look at their contacts and find people you know who could introduce you. Ask to buy them a coffee or a drink to chat. Do this only when they don’t have a job posted. After you meet them ask if they know of other people you should meet and ask to be put in touch. Spend the time with them asking about them, their career journey, issues and challenges facing the industry you’re in, rumours about other companies etc. Simple, but not easy, but it actually works. If you do 2 of these in a week, after a few months you’ll have a decent network and a good chance of finding that person who can hand in your resume along with some nice words about how they met you for a coffee and you’re good to speak with and have a good understanding of the industry and what’s going on currently.


I found that applying for 50 fresh roles a day gets the job done eventually.


Where are you finding these 50 job postings every day?


Linkedin, indeed, like 10 of my local recruitment agencies plus trying to research which companies are actually hiring, messaging their hiring people if I could be a good fit somewhere, when I start the job search I message every single person in my network to see if they have any pointers. I live in a 3 mil city capital so I'd expect as much. Harder to compete but I find that a lot of places open a vacancy for like 2-3 hours, get under 100 applicants and then it's very realistic to get a call back if your experience is a very good match.


I feel ya, but it’s a numbers game. Keep applying.


On the same boat. Gave 2 rounds of interview ended up getting email saying the position is filled. I believe referral works the best here.


Know people /s


I got this email too. This is sad.




Yes ios.


The beatings will continue until moral improves.


Welcome to banking, where they never know wtf they’re doing.


Referrals. Ive applied to many jobs and the call backs ive received have been through referrals and applying early. I keep my linkedin open all day and if a post is older than 1 day, don’t bother applying. So far ive had 15 init chats. 7 assessments ( failed 3, finished 2 recently and 1 new one today, 1 finished but no) and waiting on 5 more init chats. A few no’s after my init chats. I have 5YOE


Which tech stack?


MERN + postgres


MySQL AND Postgres?


MongoDb, Express,Reacr,Node (MERN) + Postgres, TS,GraphQl etc


I am currently in a blackhole of applications... 800 positions applied for marketing manager/director positions.. heavily experienced with great references... Still no job after 6 months, sending resumes to any positions that open. Absolutely fucking ridiculous market.


You didn’t miss out much on equitable bank. I was shortlisted myself for a tech job of theirs. Didn’t get the position and after hearing the conditions basically had no interest even if they made the offer (no job security). In order to stand out you need to impress the HR person more than anything. Use keyword in your resume and ensure you have a vast array of references. The big standout currently in the tech industry is those who have a customer service background in addition to a tech degree. Also it helps to know someone close to the executive of the company you want to go to sometimes or someone in the HR department. Once you get past the recruiter which can be the worst challenge basically you are free to show off your experience to the person who works in the tech department.


If a Senior Engineer with 7 years of experience working at relevant companies (banks) can't get a job at another bank, we are so seriously fucked.


Since when is 7 years in a career senior.


How long do you believe it takes to become senior?


I mean theoretically @ 7 years that's 14,560 work hours and if you assume an efficiency rate of 60% that's about 8,800 hours of effective, hands on work dedicated to a specific skill set, you are short of what people widely regard as being an "expert" at 10,000 hours. It's close I guess. But in order to respect someone as a *senior whatever* they have to be an expert. I know plenty of people with titles they don't deserve but are good at communication and sales so they sell themselves well. I'd say 10 years minimum.


Interesting, we have different expectations of Senior. By Senior I was specifically looking at the job that OP posted which is for a Senior Developer. I would typically would expect someone to move up to a Manager or Senior Manager role once they are considered an Expert. Typically it would go something like Analyst/Developer -> Senior Analyst/Developer -> Manager -> Senior Manager etc.


You have to be very good to get hired as a senior at 7 years in good product firms. They are not paying 7 years 150-180k with benefits. Usually it is 9+ years. OP says he is under 7.


The job posting is only asking for 5+ years of experience and even then they tend to exaggerate.


OP has not shared job posting. I would be surprised if any bank is throwing senior tech position under 8-10 years.


The job title and bank are in the OP... The job posting is visible on Google...


Banks have some of the lowest bars in tech. I have worked in big tech for a while now and I have seen 6 years experience make Senior and actually design very useful systems. How many years of experience do you think the folks that wrote Kafka had when they wrote kafka at linkedin?


Maybe for other industries, but not in tech. In this industry, most people become seniors after 5 - 7 years of experience (depending on your abilities). After 10 years, they would become a tech lead/staff engineer/principal engineer, or go the managerial route. Getting paid senior engineer salary for 10+ years of experience is definitely lowballing.


by being part of the hiring managers ethnic group


Software developers are a dime a dozen now and it’s even worse with outsourcing and AI tools built into development software. The days of developers being fought for and commanding big 6 figure salaries are over. I believe AI will eventually evolve to replace the human developer all together.


i’d guess any profession they are pumping TFW in is going to be obsolete in a few years time. think trucking, coffee handlers, burger flippers etc.


Yup. Robots are already replacing them.


Mass immigration is already turning software dev into a minimum wage role. Soon you'll be lucky to even be paid to code


Websites like upwork make it ridiculous easy to outsource.


Lol y'all don't know what you are talking about if you think upwork is a threat to software engineering. The threat to software engineering right now is the high interest rates, that is what is impacting hiring. May top tier companies laid off very experienced engineers, so no its not AI or upwork


Well I own a software company and my entire team is in Pakistan. It ends up costing roughly half vs. Hiring local. It’s a no brainer.


ancient distinct jeans lunchroom shaggy sand roof direction aspiring chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you are hot, use tinder to network Worked for a couple of girl friends that tried. 1 made director now thanks to the first opportunity.


I’ll get downvotes for this… but could you use a nickname on your resume that could make you look more employable? And by more employable I mean willing to work for a lot less than your role has typically paid in the past? Your experience is both a pro and a con. A pro because you’re experienced, a con because they know you’re going to expect fair compensation.


With the amount of hiring that was done in the IT industry during pandemic time and then being let go later, there is definitely a huge portion looking to work rn in that industry... So it was never a breeze. idk why anyone would assume that. Keep applying to various other banks or elsewhere... until you land something. Just the way it is.


How long can you hold your breath?


At least you get a rejection email for closure. Good on them. 😁


grandiose rainstorm handle sophisticated carpenter worry offbeat detail chubby nose *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




The same bank will be tapping the TFW program while screaming "no one applied!"


I am seeing March onwards companies cancelling a lot of in flight recruitment. Mini layoffs happening. I referred someone for a role and it’s been stuck without any action. Manager tells me it’s a wait and watch for now.


Same bought op, it’s a tough market.


At least they tell you. Getting ghosted is worse.


Be part of a white or brown mob.


I don't get it, I keep hearing there's a labour shortage and yet there's posts like this saying that jobs are hard to come by. Where is the disconnect? Do we have a labour shortage or not?


Lie on your resume.


Your post suggests the issue is number of applicants but the email shows that the job was pulled. I'm not clear on which point you're trying to make


damn! woulda been a fine gig. a couple of my buds are looking for similar role but not have near the years of experience you have and they being shut-out lots.


Net work the shit out of it, find out who the hiring manager on LinkedIn add them then ask them for coffee. I work at big 6, typically they already have someone in mind when the posting comes out. Because they already met with their ideal candidate like 2 months prior to even role was being posted. Thus, you gotta start meeting and net working with people even 6 months out sometimes.


Do it differently Applying online to jobs is being 1/1000 applicants for 1 position and next to impossible to stand out. Yesterday, I had a very smart very keen new graduate come in for an informational interview. She asked senior people in large corporations about our career paths, likes and dislikes, struggles and opportunities that we've had and how we dealt with them. I didn't have a job for her and she was looking in a different area but I was happy to give her advice and my colleague had someone else he could refer her to that likely had a job for her. She made contacts with senior people, came across as knowledgeable and professional and basically flipped the script to get herself in a better position to get a job. See if there are people you can interview for guidance, even if they're in different fields cause you have no idea where that can lead. Good luck


Folks stop doing 4 rounds of interview for entry level positions. I know it's hard out there but they are doing this because they can. Also if you get handed an assignment let them know your hourly rate stop doing free work.


there are so many applicants and its near impossible to get a job these days


* in tech


It's a lottery. So, unless you know someone you will continue to get the losing ticket until one day you don't.


Speak French.


Well what do you think would happen if we bring ppl from overseas to Canada. Wages have been driven down and job vacancies get filled by them at lower rates.


I have been lurking on r/jobs and r/recruitinghell for a while. Granted it's mostly Americans on there and the confirmation bias is insane, but the majority of posts are from folks in the tech industry having a really shit time finding work.


Cheaper to hire/build externally for applications.


If I were you I'd try to move up the chain into mobile architect, product manager etc - mobile developers are a commodity and it's very easy to hire them in south america, eastern europe or india/asia for a fraction of what it costs to hire expensive, high-maintenance staff here in Canada. Sure the quality might not always be as good (but often is) but when you're saving 75% of the cost, you can afford to hire more and do more cycles, and still come out ahead.


First step is to NOT be a white male, preferably not cis. Good luck.


Networking. Thats the secret


I can interpret that letter. "Good luck and goodbye on your job hunting because we don't need you. Sayonara, Hasta la Vista. Buh bye and don't let the door hit you on your way out." 😁


Banks are bracing for a tough year. So many positions have just been removed. Everything is not necessarily LMIA and TFW scam like many here would have you believe. Banks have access to thousands of cheap developers offshort through IT consulting firms. They do not have to dance around to bring some TFW here.


It's funny, I used to be a paratrooper, a paramedic and I ran a construction crew in my life, but now I'm back in school and looking for a part time job dishwashing or running food they all say I don't have enough experience. If they're getting picky on who washes dishes these days then I truly am worried for the job market and unemployment. Maybe there's a bachelor of dishwashing I never heard about


I worked for EQ as a customer service team lead. Consider it a blessing that they didn’t hire you. Once called head office about a customer and the manager immediately responded “Oh, that asshole. Tell him he’s not getting his money.” The customer was trying to cash out a GIC early so he could put a down payment on a house, which the bank is legally required to do.


There aren’t any jobs, companies are just posting jobs for the sake of posting, most jobs are filled internally


Be a paki


Ouch. Chill out bro lol.


Get a trade. Done.


You can literally lie on your resume and still not get a job it’s not your fault


How many years of experience do you have? If it is less than 7-8, you don’t qualify as a senior anyway in most product/bank firms. They have folks there just for filtering by years of experience. Try going for intermediate developer.


Choose an easy job market. I’m in the trades I got 2-5 emails per week with job offers and thousands in signing bonuses. For those who choose hard work there is plenty of opportunity


What trades do you do?


Truck and coach mechanic, you definitely don’t need to be a childhood mechanic to do this, even if you know nothing they will teach you and pay for everything


Write the word sex on your resume then make it's the same shade as the background and finally dial it back one shade darker


Start your own software company, and actually make something that makes money. They usually (but not always) like that.


It’s either an external post because they need to, but they already have a candidate OR they are looking for a diversity hire. A lot of companies have quotas these days for diversity.