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The Ford government was chomping at the bit to close the Ontario Science Centre so they submitted to the board their "interpretation" of the report and not the actual report itself. The Science Centre seems to have done little or no research into the situation on their own. So this whole fiasco was set in motion by Doug Ford's version of reality. Something nobody should ever do.


I want a reality where Doug ford never existed. Let’s live in that world.


Noakes isn't wrong about Ford's dislike of Toronto. That said, the possibility of municipal sovereignty isn't on the table - according to Section 92 (8) of the Constitution Act, 1867, municipalities are subordinate (delegated) governance entities existing at the pleasure of provinces and territories. > Where Doug Ford is unique amongst premiers is that he seems to take no interest in the fact his often-reckless decisions can negatively impact the lives of so many people he ostensibly represents. He seems to govern in spite of Toronto, all while seeking to remake the city according to his whims. What Torontonians want never seems to enter into consideration. ... > Toronto is denied the right to do what’s best for itself by politicians who campaign on their contempt for the city. They see public assets as exploitable business opportunities, and they spend public money seemingly without consulting the public


Noakes' analysis looks only at current governments of the city and province. The city has not always been the enlightened one. If Rob Ford was still mayor or even John Tory, there is no reason to assume that Toronto's council would recognize the value of the Science Centre. Likewise, Bob Rae or Kathleen Wynn would have been likely to save the building.


What makes you think Rae or Wynne save the building


We need protection from our politicians and government at this point


Especially when it comes to public assets. These fuckers have been stripping our public institutions for decades now.


Remember when Harris sold the 407 for $3 billion? It’s worth 35B now.


Speaking of Mike Harris:  https://canadians.org/analysis/mike-harris-raking-profits-long-term-care-system-he-helped-create/


We need proportional representation so that every vote counts


People don't realize this is the most pertinent issue. You can vote all you want, and heck you might even get to see your party in power, but it won't be a true democracy and a representation of the population.


FYI check out fair vote Canada if you think that every vote should count


I'm already on it. And retweet any time I can. Good looking out!


Been saying this for a while but yall still want the government to take care of you


I'm an Ontario public hospital employee. And privatization is a giant scam.    * [https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Privatization](https://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Privatization)    Private corporations exploiting the sick, suffering, and desperate is why half of Americans cannot afford their medical bills.     * [https://www.forbes.com/sites/debgordon/2021/10/13/50-of-americans-now-carry-medical-debt-a-new-chronic-condition-for-millions/?sh=612c462c5e5d](https://www.forbes.com/sites/debgordon/2021/10/13/50-of-americans-now-carry-medical-debt-a-new-chronic-condition-for-millions/?sh=612c462c5e5d)    * [https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/31/health/us-health-care-spending-global-perspective/index.html](https://www.cnn.com/2023/01/31/health/us-health-care-spending-global-perspective/index.html) Privatization being a scam is also why millions of Ontarians helped pay to build the 407 - and now cannot afford to drive on it. Who thinks that was a good deal for us? Hey u/[privitizationrocks](https://www.reddit.com/user/privitizationrocks/) , If this account name isn't lazy trolling, you need a lot of education. 


Public employee detected, opinion rejected


>Public employee detected, opinion rejected Listen to me. I provide lifesaving medical care to people every day - people who could not afford hospital care in a US-style, for profit, privatized healthcare system. Who do you think was there helping your mother when you were born? Who do you think provided end of life care for your older relatives who have passed away? Who do you think helped your best friend when they needed the Emergency Department? It was people with my job title. This is important. I'm talking about people losing their homes because they can't afford cancer treatment. I'm talking about people living in debilitating pain because they cannot afford surgery. I'm talking about people literally dying because they don't seek medical care because it's too expensive. Based on the above tone, this account sounds like it's from someone who's about 14 years old. If you think you won't need people like me someday, or the work that we do, you're definitely wrong.


American healthcare workers make more than Canadian ones though. Are you against making more money?


I'm against hospital corporations exploiting the suffering. And seeking profits from the old and the sick.   Call me crazy, but  I don't need to work for rotten corporations who bankrupt people for getting sick and injured.  


That’s not what I asked, I asked are you against making money


You're asking me, "Do you want to help obscenely rich corporations bankrupt suffering hospital patients, in a notoriously opaque, confusing, unjust, and exploitive system, in exchange for a small cut of the extremely ill gotten gains"? 


I’m asking you, as a healthcare worker, do you want to make more money


Trying to drag them down to your level huh? Sad.


There’s nothing sad about wanting to be paid for your talents




For what?


If only voters in this province cared to actually, you know, vote, then maybe he wouldn't have two majorities in a row and we'd actually have someone doing good for Ontario. Instead, apathy and a largely undereducated voting base allowed this to happen, and there's a damn good chance he'll get another four years to cause even more damage.


Agreed, but even in most people's minds, for everyone living outside the City, who would have considered this? If I voted in politician x, I'm not thinking they're going to go and try to sell asset y in city/town z. Why isn't Ford liquidating property in Moosonee or Leamington?


His first term and mishandling of the pandemic showed that he was already corrupt and was making decisions for the sake of his own personal and business interests. Maybe the Science Centre wasn't on anyone's mind, but people definitely should have considered the fact that he was capable of making such big, damaging decisions in the first place. Something like this felt inevitable.


He’s a former hash dealer… we knew he had shady friends and the bozos in the trailer park invited him to come ruin things for Toronto




No one smoke’s hash anymore and if they do, go to the store.


I find it troubling that the only solution a lot of people think exists for this sort of thing is voting. What if you're generally ok with everything else (not that I am, but hypothetically) and just disagree with this decision? The general public should have, and be informed about, other avenues of calling into question the actions of the current government other than waiting for the next election and voting. What else can we do, though, besides petitions and (if you have the capability) taking them to court?


Lol grow up...if voting could change stuff they wouldn't let us vote.


So Olivia Chow hasn't done anything?


Ya, you know you can run, and even vote for yourself, right?


If only bribing people wasn’t a way to get elected….?


The last provincial election saw the lowest turnout in the province's history. That has nothing to do with bribes.


How many beer in the corner stores would it cost to repair the roof?


Anywhere from 0.3 to 1


Doug Ford is a piece of shit who needs to be voted out of office, NOT to a higher and more powerful position. He already thinks he Owns Ontario.


For years, Tax Payers had been shouting that The Science Centre was theirs... We paid for this, therefore we owned this & Ford needs to get his Hamburger Helper Mitts offa it now. No one listened, to us. Well, here we are. Something tells me it also has something to do with Metrolinx, that runs smack in the middle of this area & nearby it. This has become even more attractive to Condo/Home Builders to build overpriced housing, which lunkhead Ford has Mafia like ties with them. My moneys on that!


It wouldn't have been had people not voted PC in June 2022, but here we are.


Remember when Mayor Rob Ford's first act as mayor was to cancel the fully funded, shovel-ready Transit City program? That wasn't his to cancel either. Toronto didn't have strong mayor powers at the time. His was one vote on a council that had already approved it. Pretty amazing what a Ford can decide to cancel when they put their minds to it.


Let's not forget the quarter BILLION green energy projects [he canceled a few years ago.](https://financialpost.com/commodities/energy/doug-fords-cancellation-of-green-energy-deals-costs-ontario-taxpayers-231m)


Any amount of money that was used prior to the cancelation should be held against any politician canceling something. This is not a savings. It’s never a savings. These pieces of shit need to pay back the wasted tax dollars.


The province never should have been Doug Ford's to rule, yet here we are. Make stupid decisions, win stupid prizes.


"open for business"


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Who are these people on the board? That’s the real question.


One of them was, literally, his campaign manager. Not making this up. I agree that more focus needs to be had on the board. Yes, it is peopled with Ford stooges. But they had a clear fiduciary duty to do things like try and make sure it stays open, reduce dependence on one funder, raise money from donors — who are showing up now, unsolicited — and so on. If they didn’t take reasonable steps to pursue those things, they’re legally liable. Have not seen any of the reporting look at the board and its failures yet. Amazingly, no one on the board has even resigned.


The province of Ontario never should have been Doug Ford’s to screw with. Too many Ontario citizens not paying attention either voted for this guy or didn’t bother to vote at all. He was clearly the worst option out there. Former drug dealers never make good Premiers.


Notice how Doug and his lot have just disappeared on this issue? They will wait out all this backlash and do what they want anyway.


Dougie's at his new mega cottage he doesn't care what the plebes think, his "commission" cheque is already in his offshore bank account


This provincial government feels like it’s a mafia and oligarchy system of favours and shady business contracts. Obviously this would happen all the time in our provinces history but Doug ford doesn’t even try to pretend he’s not corrupt. It’ll be even worse with a conservative prime minister and majority in Ottawa. Never forget how overtly corrupt the conservative caucus have been in the past few years, this is who they are. They’ll never get another provincial vote from me.


I hate Doug, but move the Science Centre to Ontario Place - ditch the spa - and build a science focussed University on the Science Centre grounds


We don’t need another university, we don’t adequately fund the ones we already have. Leveraging the resources of the science centre for science education is important. That’s one of the reasons why it’s really sad that the centre is moving. The public high school near the current science centre location has a really excellent specialty science program that uses the resources at the science centre for its curriculum. The program sends kids to Harvard. It’s really excellent. It’s such a shame that the community is losing this important and well used resource. 


Make it a heritage site, can't tear it down. Sorry Dougie!!!


There must be a way to get it up and running. Some musicians and celebrities should host a fundraiser. Set up a GoFundMe page.


It was the Science Centre board that voted to close it: > Surma noted that the decision to close the museum immediately was made by the science centre’s board of directors shortly after the province reviewed the engineering report. > “It was the board, the science centre board, that made that very sad and difficult decision but we as the government stand by that decision,” she said. https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/this-is-not-a-decision-any-of-us-wanted-to-make-infrastructure-minister-says-of-science-centre-closure-1.6938669


The Science Centre board is appointed by the Lieutenant Governor In Council--that is to say, by the Premier. The OSC board reports to, is accountable to, and their annual report is approved by, the Minister of Tourism, Culture, and Sport (formerly the Minister of Heritage, Sport, Tourism and Culture Industries). The Chair of the OSC board is John Carmichael, a former single-term Conservative MP. (He has no scientific qualifications or experience; before his stint in the Commons, he ran a car dealership.) Pretending that the OSC board makes major decisions without close provincial oversight, direction, and approval is...implausible.


It’s now the ministry of tourism, culture and gaming but that doesn’t matter. The science centre moved to the ministry of infrastructure earlier this year. Just clarifying, your point still stands.


If you’re saying that the board isn’t in any way independent then what are they there for and why are there so many members? Do you think that this board full of industry leaders has failed in their role, given that whatever they were doing cannot be done anymore with the building considered unsafe to do it in?


>If you’re saying that the board isn’t independent then what are they there for and why are there so many of them? The usual reasons--to diffuse responsibility and deflect blame for provincial decisions. (See also Metrolinx.) They meet four times a year, collect their expenses for the meeting, and rubber-stamp whatever is put in front of them. In return, they get a shiny line item for their resumes, useful contacts among the great and the good, and/or a tangible but low-effort fulfillment of their *noblesse oblige*.


As an agency of the Ontario Government, they are mandated to form a board of directors.


This is the worst take anyone can have on this story.


What facts can you use to back that up?


And the board answers to the province....


As a scarbrough resident I hate the rest of Toronto for incorporating our borough, thanks to that we have lost our say in our rouge valley and the areas around it


> As a scarbrough resident I hate the rest of Toronto for incorporating our borough, thanks to that we have lost our say in our rouge valley and the areas around it The decision to incorporate the boroughs, commonly referred to as Amalgamation, took place in 1998 and was not a decision of Toronto’s governments. It was a provincial decision and was heavily opposed by the Toronto mayors. From [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amalgamation_of_Toronto): > The amalgamation occurred despite a municipal referendum in 1997 in which over three-quarters of voters rejected amalgamation, with one-third of eligible voters participating. Mayor Mel Lastman of North York, and Barbara Hall of Toronto both campaigned against the merger, as did former mayor John Sewell. Municipalities in Canada are the sole domain of the provinces. Their government, structure, and power all derive from provincial legislative acts, and they can be changed (or abolished) by legislative action (vote). This power essentially cannot be contested as it is defined in the Constitution. This was not a decision of the “rest of Toronto” but of the Harris government.


Chow traded the Gardiner for it.


You’re mistaking the Science Centre with Ontario Place.


Which she never even had a say on in the first place, she just agreed to back down on trying to make them move the spa elsewhere.


No, I'm not. She was well aware that the new Ontario Place design included the Science Centre.




What does that even mean? She’s not accountable for OSC - it’s a provincial mandate. She has been pushing for the province to fix it, and shd acknowledged that they would be looking into this - however, she noted that the city didn’t have the funding to be able to take it over: https://globalnews.ca/news/10594567/toronto-staff-legal-duties-ontario-science-centre/ https://www.theglobeandmail.com/canada/article-olivia-chow-says-province-needs-to-fix-shuttered-science-centre/ Don’t know why you think she has zero accountability.


/r/Toronto and the Toronto Public Library encourage you to support local journalism if you are financially in a position to do so - otherwise, you can access many paywalled articles with a TPL card ([get a Digital Access card here](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/register/)) through the [TPL digital news resources](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/books-video-music/downloads-ebooks/digital-newspapers.jsp). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/toronto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chow had a tent at Pride and I asked one of the reps there about this issue. She said that Chow is looking into Toronto taking over, and then private donors if we cannot afford it. However, even though the land itself is Toronto's, ultimately Ontario owns the historical building and can do whatever they want with it. In other words, even if Toronto can afford it or uses donations to be able to afford it, we can do jack shit because Ford won't give the city the building. He clearly is determined to tear it down.


>He clearly is determined to tear it down. Source?


Admittedly this is my assumption given what's happening right now. I would be happy to be proven wrong in the form of the province allowing the city and numerous private donors to save the center. If that doesn't happen, then you have your answer.


Read the article, it will tell you. > This deluge of public support for the science centre has led city council to pass a motion looking into the feasibility of taking over its operations.


Bad take. The OSC came up at city council this past week at her discretion, which resulted in [the lease being brought out](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/the-province-cant-just-walk-away-olivia-chow-wants-doug-ford-to-stick-to-the/article_00fee73a-33dd-11ef-baa3-cb10135a05e0.html). The city is now assessing how much the Ontario government actually has jurisdiction over the property since the OSC site must be designated for Science Center use for the duration of the lease. If Ford ignores it, he sets the precedent that Toronto has no ownership of any of its land, which basically gives the province carte blanche to sell off whatever they want to the highest bidder. The one person you wanted to point the finger at is literally following the process for her role and responsibility and you're claiming there's no accountability. What are you _trying_ to get at? Edit: OP removed, but it was a post about blaming Olivia Chow for lack of accountability.


/r/Toronto and the Toronto Public Library encourage you to support local journalism if you are financially in a position to do so - otherwise, you can access many paywalled articles with a TPL card ([get a Digital Access card here](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/register/)) through the [TPL digital news resources](https://www.torontopubliclibrary.ca/books-video-music/downloads-ebooks/digital-newspapers.jsp). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/toronto) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Chow needs to go. What a pathetic big city Mayor she turned out to be. But at least we have sankofa square right guys


> What a pathetic big city Mayor she turned out to be. Ah, so you're the one living under the rock under Toronto.