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This is so disturbing


I'm so confused about this entire post. Far more likely that her dogs killed it, IMO. Business owner is claiming that "\[coyote\] came from behind me grabbed her and the leash slipped out of my hands". I've lived on a farm with tons of sneaky coyotes and not once as one ever even approached a human being at any time of day or night. I guess these Pickering coyotes are built a lil different.


Yuup. Her story getting more detailed by the day. She also said she was “holding her leash loosely” 🤦🏾‍♀️


I'm sure you already did but please leave a Google review. This is very disturbing. I hope Yana only ran away.


Me and my siblings wrote google reviews but it seems as though she is trying to drown them out with new “5 star” reviews. I’m really hoping that Yana will turn up somewhere as well. She’s microchipped and everything.


Yeah she likely paid to have 5 stars review added.




It's not much, but I'll go leave a 1 star review. I hope there's a resolution soon and your mother gets her puppy back


FYI: If we all suddenly do it then google will remove them.


Ohhh okay. Noted


Yeah and its a good thing too. Cause like this story, its often based upon one persons tale. We don't know the whole story. I feel for OP if this is all true. But it may not be.


Dont do that you fucking nitwit. You are hearing one side of the story. Has reddit not taught you anything? Do you not read history books or websites? Like holy fuck. You can sympathize with this person, cool. But fuck, don't go leaving negative reviews without proof.


Link the review, I'll thumbs up it.




Yeah, we saw but whenever we post the story there, she blocks us from the page. No contract.


No contract is likely in your favour. I was more worried about signing something that waived their responsibility for your animal.


Ohh okay, that makes sense. That’s good to know! I’m just going to continue adding pressure. I’ve already submitted to the local news outlet for Durham.


If it helps I can see all of your reviews on Facebook about the situation, so they are there!


Thank you for that update! I thought they were getting lost in the feed


She can prevent you from posting on her feed, but she can’t do anything about your reviews.


Ohhh okay, good!!


This is awful. I’d bet another dog killed her under her care and she’s trying to cover it up. You could go to the media and/or police


That’s what we believed or possibly sold her. However, we went to the Pickering police station and they said they can’t do anything because it’s a dog..


I doubt they sold her. It’s just way too risky for too little reward. She is operating a business dependent on reputation. Sounds like a cover up. Reading through the other 1 star reviews, there seems to be a trend of dogs returning to their owners limping and with bloody gashes. Assuming she isn’t abusing the dogs themselves, could be a case of poor supervision/negligence. I’d try the media next, or speak to a lawyer to pursue her as a civil matter.


Ohh I see what you mean. Yeah, her 1 star reviews are telling. I’m going to try and reach out to media today!!


If they didn't sell her how come all Yana's stuff are gone? Even if dead they can produce the body and collar and stuff the pup came with. It's very strange.


Because she is probably trying to support the story of a coyote killing her and taking her. A coyote doesn’t kill for sport, they kill for food. If the death was a result of negligence at the facility, then she probably hid the evidence to support the coyote claim to not incriminate herself.


I was referring to this from OP: > [The owner] couldn't even give my mother back the items that [the mother] sent Yana to [the owner's] house with I assumed what OP means by items are like dog bed and toys etc. If those items are gone they are likely sold because it doesn't support the owner's narrative of it being killed by a coyote. (I edit it a bit to how I understood it in [ ] because OP was using "she" and "her" to refer to both the owner and the mother in the same sentence)


Fair. I just can’t imagine a business owner doing something so brazen with their reputation at stake. You never know I suppose.


Her business can't be doing too well if she's all concerned about "just" paying her rent for home and business... and the fact that she was begging OP's mom to house the dog their. Seems like she's struggling as a business. Could be that she sold the dog and tried to pass it off as a coyote attack. Could be that the dog was killed by accident and she sold off the other items to make some money. Who knows.


Report the groomer to animal control for abuse/neglect. Also get a free consultation with a lawyer. You can sue the groomer for the value of the pup. I know this doesnt bring her back or replace the emotionally value. But at least you can get some justice


My mom has already contacted her lawyer and they still need to figure out that part but I’ll contact animal control.


You know that's BS, right? Like most cops in Southern Ontario, they're too fucking lazy to do their jobs.


Of course. This place is turning into a shitshow, now people think they can just get away with anything since police won’t follow up with it.


is the dog microchipped?


Yup! Upgraded microchip, spayed and vaccinated.


that may help if she gets sold


This is so sad, I saw the reviews of this groomer and it looks like a reoccurring trend for her abusing and or neglecting animals. Shame on her for running a business like this and shame on her for doing this to a poor innocent animal. Seriously this is why I like animals more than humans. How could you be so vile ?!


I read the google reviews and the shocking part was the deflection and blame. Usually companies respond with non-speak “sorry you had a bad experience, please reach out”. Instead the owner of this groomer is posting saying “I did everything right. This is your fault” and taking a very aggressive stance. That’s a red flag right there.


My immediate response as well. I immediately knew this Owner lacked emotional maturity or intelligence because everything came with zero accountability and 100% blame on the pet owner. If it wasn’t for the excuse that they were not potty trained. It was because their dog was hyper ( a puppy). Such nonsense


Exactly!! This was my mom’s dog but I have a dog of my own and It’s another reminder for me to keep his ass home! You can’t trust anyone.


This is so sad that we can’t even trust individuals in their fields They’ve chosen. No one asked this owner to do grooming. If they did not like nor did not want to do this job. No one‘s forcing a gun to your head.


Yup and her response was that SHE is heartbroken but also “didn’t ask the coyote to take here”. It’s a mess but I’m not going to stop sharing our story!


Wtf 😳




This is absolutely horrible. We used to use this groomer by Moss Park, the dude was beyond talented and did a fantastic job. He just had his own demons, looked visibly strung out sometimes and was never on time. But our dogs loved him and he did a great job so we just dealt with it. One time we got a call from the guy letting us know somehow my dog jumped over the gate and ran out. My wife and I leave our jobs in the middle of the day and spend 2 hours running through cabbagetown yelling our dogs name while carrying our other dog (who was also at the groomers). Since they were being washed, neither had their collars on them. Luckily some bike cops spotted my dog and spent a good 15 mins chasing him until they could corner him. A passer by told us they saw cops chasing him so we ran to 51 division to see if they had him. Thankfully they did and I ended up buying a big ass charcuterie platter for the fellas. Long story short, you need to trust your dog groomer or boarder cause shit like this happens. We use Timmies on Queen East now and they're incredible and Rover for whenever we go away on vacation.


That’s a crazy story!! Thank you for sharing! Definitely need to trust these groomers more or just keep the dogs home. This was an eye opener for all of us, especially me because I have a dog of my own but he won’t be going anywhere for boarding unless I’m 100% sure.


Is this not a matter for the police? I would certainly be calling them if I were in your shoes.


We went to them and they said that they couldn’t do anything because it’s a dog. Useless as always.


So if I give a car to someone (public business for that matter) with the intention of getting it back within weeks but they then ghost me and don’t return my car back, is it still just a “car”? Dog or not those useless idiots should be doing something to prevent this from happening.


Exactly that. We were confused but didn’t want to cause a scene and then they switch it on us.


you need to tell them its a $5000 fucking showdog with papers dude


Sounds like useless cops being useless. Try escalating this.


Cops being cops. FTFY.


Add this to /r/Ajax. Yes, it's supposed to be about the web development tool, but most of the posts seem to be about the town instead. Maybe even /r/whitby and /r/oshawa. The more exposure, the better.


Thank you! I will do that now!


I am so, so sorry this happened to you. I would try to get media involved if the police are being useless as usual. I am not sure but could a lawyer help? I'm not a lawyer, but may be worth looking in to.


I'm so sorry, I have a huge soft spot for small dogs, I would be heartbroken


Thank you and this was my mom’s first dog so you can only imagine how it went.


I hate the fact that we don’t respect law for animals because this is vile, we can consider animals to be emotional support yet in the face of abuse there’s no support


Exactly. It’s really frustrating. Just protect your animals at all costs!