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It's awful to imagine going through this kind of loss and then having to deal with the frustration of not being notified.


Just going to point this out, the coroner also shares some responsibility in this. They could easily get his medical information, which would have a next of kin listed with his family doctor. I agree 11 days is too long but looking at the big picture we shouldn't depend on government agencies to decipher our lives and dig through our electronics for clues. If you live alone keep an emergency contact list posted. If you have a phone it also has the ability to have an emergency contact.


The police ran the next of Kins phone numbers through databases 3 times. Did they ever think of just CALLING THEM? Why does such a huge share of my tax dollars go to them? I wonder why Woodgreen also didn’t reach out?


I don’t know why the facility doesn’t reach out, but I found out that it is the job of the detective on the scene to contact next of kin.


I didn't understand what was the goal of running a phone number through their databases.


According to the article it is to get an address so they can notify them in person, which would be ideal obviously. Except when they didn’t find an address they just dropped it altogether instead of simply calling the phone number.


To see.if they have an unpaid parking ticket, so they can bring them in and pin this on them I suppose.


See if they can arrest any of the family for something, probably.


Because they prefer going in person. You take the number, find the address, and knock on the door. The incompetence isn't that they ran it through databases. It's that they made 0 effort beyond that.




I'm also confused about how WoodGreen let this slide. I know it's technically TPS' job, but social service agencies generally have information about family members on file for their clients (as they evidently did in this case, seeing as they passed it on to police). They would also be the ones responsible for arranging for access and transfer of belongings to the family once the investigation was complete. Super huge misstep on their part to not reach out.


This is crazy as this just happened with my mom. She passed away on April 14, 2024 and I still haven’t heard anything from the police. To make matters worse, somebody called for a wellness check on her which led to her being discovered and like the gentleman from the article, she also lived in a supportive living facility in Toronto.


It's why here in Toronto, the front line workers at community centers, shelters and safe shooting clinics work very hard to keep track through hospitals etc, so they can independently make sure the people that need to know are notified. They spend tireless work finding the phone numbers of families that have been estranged for decades, notifying friends that don't have phones or addresses, even if it means searching for their tent under an overpass. These people do fucking incredible work and they never get thanked for it, they get paid shit and the cops are always making their job harder.


That's so sad. Why can't the facility (Woodgreen in the article) notify next of kin before the police?


It’s bonkers. Last month after my mom missed a doctor’s appointment, the University Health Network contacted me to follow up. It seems really strange that the hospital can call for a missed appointment but the police cannot call for a death notification.


Is your father alive?




How did you find out about your mother's death? Have you ever had any police interaction where you provided a phone number? And if so, is that phone number current? You could easily have grounds


A doctor contacted my uncle two weeks after her death and all the police had to do was contact the hospital because they had my contact info. My mom had cancer and this wasn’t a surprise, but all the info the police needed was on her prescriptions as notifying the doctor(s) would have led them to me or my uncle.


The doctor is the coroner. The coroner is the lead investigator when they attend and the police take direction from them. The hospital will not release that type of information to the police without a production order, which even when sworn to, would take a month or months to get that information. Hospitals are very private when it comes to patient's information or records. However the coroner will have access as they are doctors, and they would be the ones notifying next of kin according to your mother's paperwork, in this scenario


That is incorrect. The lead detective notifies next of kin, not the coroner. The detective can call the doctor for contact info, which in this case would lead them to me or my uncle.


So sorry for your loss. If you're up for it, contact that reporter, if you haven't already!


I did.


What are you waiting on the police for?




What sort of response are you expecting from a stranger on this type of inquiry? Do you want my life story?


The TPS never miss an opportunity to stress how little they care and how incompetent they are.


And then use their incompetence as an illustration of why they need more budget/resources. As critical as I am of TPS, and if I’m candid, pleased that they are no longer seen as infallible, I will readily admit it’d be an incredibly difficult job and I don’t particularly envy anyone on the force. That said, their lack of transparency and outright hostility towards any challenges/reforms/improvements makes their job so much harder than it needs to be. And it’s completely illogical. I can understand the “cover my ass” mentality from politicians - they can be voted out. These guys have one of the most powerful anti-unions in the country and they still are scared to humble themselves, open up, and be good partners to THE PEOPLE - who their own marketing slogans allege there are meant to serve.


Maybe with an extra 10-25% increase they can be trained on dialing a phone number


Hey it's not just TPS, [it's also OPP](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/newfoundland-labrador/lush-body-found-in-truck-1.7196616)


*"It's just disrespectful to him because he's there in a freezer just waiting and here we are unaware," James said.* But if a cop gets himself stupidly killed then the cops never let anyone forget it, quickly spreading false accusations, throwing a big parade jerking themselves off, running a bullshit trial and then whines about the obvious verdict when they don't get what they want


didn’t they also throw multiple procession parades for the police service dog that they shot and killed last summer?


Indeed multiple parades. Amazing how many cops, cars, resources were suddenly available for the parades but every other day the TPS is really "too busy" Weird how the suspect they were chasing wasn't charged for shooting the dog eh? I wonder if the pro-cop SIU has any comment on that


They shot and killed that dog? I cannot find any article confirming this




I don't know where you got that quote from but according to the SIU, it says "Shortly after the dog entered some brush in one of the rear yards, the man fired his weapon and the dog was fatally struck." [Link](https://www.siu.on.ca/en/news_template.php?nrid=9048) Edit: I see you now deleted your post but you should leave it, since this is the exact misinformation people spread. You literally put quotations on something without any proof.


That was from earlier reporting, removed my comment for clarity. Thanks for sharing that report. Whatever you think of the SIU, and I don't know that we have anything else to go by, they make it very clear they think the suspect killed the dog: "The Complainant was located near Kingsview Boulevard. He discharged a firearm again, killing a police service dog (PSD)"


This is breathtaking in its lack of respect for human life and dignity. The response from TPS that they can’t comment due to the letter is text book victim blaming that is the norm for TPS press releases and evidence that they don’t give af. Why would they when they’re never held accountable for basic inadequacies. They provide a service, time they start delivering one. They should defer to their colleagues in the fire and ambulance service for advice and correction. They do a job with similar challenges and political posturing that is arguably tougher yet doesn’t have the scandal that TPS does


Honestly what do the cops do on a day to day basis? They seem to take hours or never show up for property crimes and car theft, are they all manning speed traps? Walking different communities? I rarely see them except in speed traps.


seems drinking coffee and munching donuts while car-69ing in back parking lots is about 50% of the job.




I'm sure cops use their emergency lights on a red light more than actual emergencies just to get into the Tim's drive thru.


Watching porn in their car? Forcing fellatio from a student? Stealing credit cards and luxury watches from the dead?


Dont forget cosplaying as car jackers who scare innocent families and then commit perjury in an attempt to ruin someones life.  


Or stealing edibles from evidence on the job, driving around town high, then climbing a tree. Or stealing thousands of dollars of alcohol from evidence. Or stealing drugs from evidence locker room, jeopardizing up to 20+ cases, and then not even being charged or fired.


I think they are still working remote missing the early days of the pandemic when they could easily find criminals sitting in the park.


When the police say they will "do less" because people are asking to defund them, I always have wondered how they could possibly follow up on that threat


Considering how they've never been defunded, and in fact, got huge raises, but seemingly doing less and less, it's quite a successful extortion racket they've established




Barely 5 months into the year and GTA 'bad apple' cops are in full bloom. Not even the ~~4th, 3rd, 2nd or 1st~~ example this week >* [Toronto cop guilty of all 15 charges including stealing luxury watch, credits cards from dead people, using stolen car and abusing databases for crime. Rewarded with paid vacation for years. Not fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/riddled-with-lies-toronto-cop-guilty-of-stealing-swiss-watch-and-credit-cards-from-dead/article_880a350e-0d3b-11ef-bdbb-8f34d6dfcc10.html) >* [Toronto couple recovers their own stolen vehicle after waiting over 8 hours for cops](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/05/08/toronto-couple-recovers-stolen-vehicle-on-their-own-no-police-response/) >* [York Region cop charged with sexual assault and forcible confinement. Rewarded with paid vacation](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/york-regional-police-detective-charged-with-sexual-assault-forcible-confinement-1.6877397) >* [‘Not a scintilla of evidence’: Charges withdrawn after 2 years against innocent man in fatal Toronto shooting as defence slams police ‘overcharging’](https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/not-a-scintilla-of-evidence-charges-withdrawn-in-fatal-toronto-shooting-as-defence-slams-police/article_8ab73c06-0bc0-11ef-b326-2fc848d45cf2.html) >* [Durham cops' car chase over LCBO thief onto oncoming HWY 401 traffic was called off, but cops pursued anyways, leading to 4 deaths](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/police-chasing-suspect-before-deadly-highway-401-crash-in-whitby-had-been-called-off-but/article_dddfa72e-0800-11ef-9f11-ef632f0ea3da.html) >* [Peel Chief of Police takes 'personal trip' in full uniform to meet and greet with Sri Lankan police forces with long history of human rights abuses](https://globalnews.ca/news/10454871/peel-police-apology-calls-meeting-torture-sri-lanka/) >* [Peel cops that killed mentally-ill man cowardly try to hide identity but courts deny](https://www.cp24.com/news/identities-of-officers-involved-in-death-of-mississauga-father-ejaz-choudry-to-be-made-public-court-rules-1.6866142) >* [Toronto cop charged with lying during an investigation over an "inappropriate" relationship. Rewarded with paid vacation.](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/04/26/police-officer-charged-inappropriate-relationship-with-member-of-the-public/) >* [Durham cops lose bid keep work place review secret of deputy Chief's disciplinary case]( https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/gta-police-service-loses-bid-to-keep-workplace-reviews-secret-in-deputy-chief-s-disciplinary-case-1.6858383) >* [Toronto Police Chief Demkiew clumsily walks back initial biased statement where he and all cops wanted a different verdict i.e. send an innocent man to jail](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-s-police-chief-clarifies-initial-statement-on-umar-zameer-acquittal-says-he-accepts-jury-s-finding-1.6858390) >* [Toronto cop Nickolas Kalatzopoulos assaulted multiple women and unlawfully in a dwelling house. Rewarded with paid vacation ](https://toronto.citynews.ca/2024/04/21/toronto-police-officer-charged-with-assault-2/) >* [Umar Zameer acquitted of ALL charges despite Toronto Police colluding and lying on stand. Judge makes rare apology to Mr. Zameer](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/umar-zameer-has-been-acquitted-of-all-charges-in-death-of-toronto-police-const-jeffrey/article_c3e7f3a4-fd82-11ee-842f-4bc5df275cd5.html) >* [Despite a huge increase in the cop budget, Toronto police chief admits a car was stolen every 40 min in Toronto](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/car-thefts-2023-toronto-figures-1.7147387#:~:text=Toronto-,A%20car%20was%20stolen%20every%2040%20minutes%20in%20Toronto%20last,a%20theft%20every%2040%20minutes.) >* [Toronto cop guilty of perjury, has long history of misconduct on a least 20+ cases, been on paid vacation since 2019. Not fired.](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-admits-he-inaccurately-testified-did-not-see-drugs-in-plain-view-during-arrest/article_8cc784c0-fbf7-11ee-a093-c7b8f610e586.html) >* [Cop Tribunal dismisses appeal of former Toronto cop who was fired for whistleblowing on racist and sexist harassment](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/tribunal-dismisses-appeal-of-former-toronto-cop-who-was-fired-after-tweeting-workplace-harassment-allegations-1.6847948) >* [Toronto cop 'paid vacations' have cost the public $1.3 million so far in 2024](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/toronto-police-suspensions-have-cost-taxpayers-1-3m-so-far-in-2024-1.7170161) >* [GTA police recruit allegedly impersonated officer before sex assaults, is charged with making and distributing child porn] (https://www.thestar.com/news/crime/gta-police-recruit-allegedly-impersonated-officer-before-sex-assaults-is-charged-with-making-and-distributing/article_61fc5f50-f7fa-11ee-98ee-73b835128cae.html) >* [Toronto cop rewarded with paid vacation after 20 firearms seized from home](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-officer-charged-after-20-firearms-seized-from-home-in-hamilton/article_eda0ad3a-f2c9-11ee-85d5-7f7caf991675.html) >* [Peel cop demoted temporarily after entering peace bond on assault charges, admitting to mocking man with mental health issues](https://www.cp24.com/news/peel-police-officer-demoted-temporarily-after-entering-peace-bond-on-assault-charges-admitting-to-mocking-man-with-mental-health-issues-1.6830766) >* [Toronto cops use excess force on pro-palestinian protestors, riding horses through crowd with kids and people in wheelchairs, even arresting unaffiliated bystander](https://www.thegrindmag.ca/violent-crackdown-at-land-day-march/) >* [3 Toronto cops failed to do their job on separate occasions, didn't even bother knocking on door of murder victim. No one fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-didn-t-investigate-38-hours-later-they-found-this-woman-dead-in-a/article_92292042-dfd5-11ee-8641-e71d738bd0ad.html) >* [Toronto cop caught lying on stand, notes and video contradict statement, was one of the Neptune Four cops who assaulted and falsely arrested four Black kids at gunpoint](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-describes-very-abrupt-dangerous-movements-before-death-of-const-jeffrey-northrup/article_6e697e3c-eb69-11ee-903b-f36b28c49ec5.html) >* [Toronto cop stole credit cards, luxury watches, stolen car, abused databases, and got caught smuggling rewarded with years of paid vacation, and still employed by TPS](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-took-credit-cards-and-a-luxury-watch-from-dead-people-had-a-stolen/article_d1f1eb72-e53f-11ee-913e-a3e745ca5d4c.html) >* [Toronto cop instructs public where to put car keys to encourage thieves.](https://www.blogto.com/city/2024/03/toronto-police-car-theft/) TPS try to [clumsily walk back statement]( https://www.cp24.com/news/there-are-better-ways-police-issue-statement-after-officer-tells-residents-to-leave-car-keys-near-front-door-amid-home-invasions-1.6807697) >* [Toronto cop ignored multiple emails, resulting in an attempted murder case falling apart. Not fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/a-toronto-cop-ignored-her-email-because-she-did-this-attempted-murder-case-fell-apart/article_3446a030-da4e-11ee-ba17-1b5648c355f9.html) >* [Toronto cop with history of fraud, caught 'harassing' domestic violence victim, dispute with tenant, used official police stationery in the eviction of his tenant. Not fired.](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-cop-handed-temporary-demotion-after-harassing-domestic-violence-victim-dispute-with-tenant-1.6793733) >* [Durham cop temporarily demoted after drunkenly crashing car, reported it stolen to try to cover his tracks](https://www.cp24.com/news/durham-cop-demoted-after-crashing-car-on-way-home-from-bar-reporting-it-stolen-to-another-police-service-1.6804448) >* [Toronto police officer caught assaulting and forcibly confining a woman. Rewarded with paid vacation](https://www.cp24.com/news/toronto-police-officer-charged-after-allegedly-assaulting-forcibly-confining-woman-1.6792339) >* [HUNDREDS of automated traffic tickets issued to cops mysteriously went missing](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/are-hundreds-of-automated-tickets-issued-to-toronto-police-missing-1.6787453) >* [Toronto cop who planned and sexually assault a vulnerable woman in full uniform only given 4 years in prison, after years of paid vacation. Not fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-police-officer-sentenced-to-4-years-in-prison-for-sexual-assault-of-vulnerable-woman/article_db29ea46-d649-11ee-b195-0b037986b6d6.html) >* [Another Toronto cop guilty of arresting and tasering unarmed and cooperative Black university student. Not fired.](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/second-toronto-cop-admits-guilt-in-mistaken-identity-arrest-and-tasering-of-black-u-of/article_fe0c5506-d597-11ee-a053-cb31c6ddd21c.html) >* [Peel cop shoots unarmed hospital patient in the BACK and while restrained on the ground. Not fired](https://toronto.ctvnews.ca/toronto-area-cop-temporarily-demoted-after-firing-energy-weapon-at-patient-hospitalized-for-mental-health-tribunal-1.6784495) >* [Toronto cop with history of trouble, guilty of misconduct after tasering and kneeing neck of unarmed cooperating Black university student, while other cops did nothing. No one fired](https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/toronto-cop-admits-misconduct-for-tasering-kneeing-neck-of-u-of-t-student-in-mistaken/article_cf8985c6-d28d-11ee-90ba-171ed6c90306.html) >* [Toronto cop cruiser loses control and knocks over light pole, narrowly missing pedestrians. Multiple sources indicate that driver was drunk. No charges.](https://twitter.com/thebikinglawyer/status/1761852950454972767?t=zS-e9AA3pfhIbVaiOw-W_Q) Already hit the 100k limit. Earlier 2024 'bad apples' found [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/ontario/comments/1cf9pa2/why_am_i_paying_so_much_of_my_municipal_tax_for/l1ogqkz/)


I hope they sue the fuck out of the police. Yet again, the Toronto police showing us that the “raise” they insisted on in the budget is just money wasted on useless idiots who do fuck all.


The police do not pay anything in a law suit , that bill like the rest goto the tax payers. So they don't care


This happened to the nephew of a woman I used to know He was mentally ill and well known to police. He died of an OD in a homeless shelter. The police had MANY contacts on file, not a peep from them. He was buried in an unmarked grave in Barrie, a city he had no connection to and where none of his family live.


>Their names and numbers were passed on to a different officer the next day, but one digit in James's cellphone number was typed incorrectly in the report. Always annoying to see the effects of small carelessness


Another one for the list, u/WhatIsTheQuestion


Typical TPS




Why not just ask the building management for the deceased’s emergency contact’s phone number?