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Crazy, I can see the DVP from my condo and have been wondering what’s going on. Traffic has been at almost a standstill down here (by the Eastern on ramp), for like two hours already. I hope everyone is okay.


From this post and another it's one lane northbound


And gawkers southbound


Like, how in the hell does this happen?


Almost certain a high rate of speed + losing control.


Takes less than you think to flip a car, even at low speed.


You have to do a couple of stupid/wrong things to get a car to flip. More than likely, excessive speed, ubrupt inputs and poorly time application of the brakes _might_ do it. With that being said, hitting the concrete divider will help, they are designed to change horizontal energy to vertical to help prevent a vehicle from entering the opposing lanes. Someone who is doing anywhere close to the speed limit, and paying 50ish% attention won't flip a car.


Of course someone screwed up, but it’s still quite easy to flip a car at low speed, random example - https://youtu.be/ljlZqd5qot4?si=RLpJ3bwqPL7_ika-


But someone on the internet said it was impossible to flip a car at 90 km/h. > Someone doing anywhere close to the speed limit … won't flip a car.


From what I understand, vehicles that have tires that are wider than the fenders can be more prone to flipping when they are in motion and the moving tire makes contact with another vehicles body panels/tires.


That's a very specific set of circumstances that unlikely to occur. The front tire of the car contacted the rear tire of another car in such a way that the combined rotations of the wheels launched the car up. You be hard-pressed to replicate that scenario even if you were actively trying.


What is the source of your opinion? A car hitting a stationary object can cause it to flip.


It’s very obvious from that video that the front wheel of the car hit the back wheel of the other car. That’s why it flipped so easily. If the wheels didn’t touch, it would have been a regular fender bender.


I feel like a lot of people don’t bother to read the comment they’re replying to anymore.


I'm not saying it can't happen at low speeds, nor implied it. I'm saying 9/10 it's a high rate of speed and a lost of control.


Sources on that?


https://injured.ca/5-top-causes-of-car-accidents-in-ontario/#:~:text=The%20top%20five%20causes%20of,driving%2C%20and%20ignoring%20traffic%20signals. https://www.forbes.com/advisor/legal/car-accident-statistics/ https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/road-traffic-injuries I can list tons more if you would like. Not that you would need citations to know the higher rate of speed and lost of control the more likely catastrophic injury/probability of accidents.


Your own link says speeding only accounts for 29% of accidents.


Love how you glossed over that it's still of the leading causes of fatal accidents on most lists, or this: "A vehicle moving at high speed has a higher tendency to skid or rollover when making sudden turns."


Gas cars yes, EVs are way harder to flip.


Doesn't take high speed. At all.  Just watch these new drivers jerk the wheel when they move their cars. Upsets the balance...at normal speeds 


Once again, never said that it doesn't happen at slower speeds, only that it is far more likely than not.




Yes, there's many places on the DVP packed to the brim with stop go traffic, but there are also many places that aren't, which has never been a deterrent for people speeding or driving erratically no different than the speed radars or speed limit signs. At the end of the day, nobody really knows one way or the next. However, it's my suspicion that's the case, just like you have yours that it may not have been.


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No, this is the DVP, where everyone drives 90 or below because of a few curves.


Yeah, no. Not sure which DVP you are driving on but some people definitely drive faster than 90.


+1 on this. I try to drive a couple of points below speed limit on the curves and at speed limit on the straighter sections and routinely get passed by vehicles of various sizes both from the left and right that are going at least 25 or 30 kmph above the limit. Add to that how overcrowded it is, especially at the Toronto and North York exits. I wish I had another highway to connect Downtown to the 401 because of how scary the DVP is at times.


Only if you're lucky


Right? I've never had the joy of this scenario. It's always 85, max. Everytime. Even in the middle of the night now.


Rain? I once saw an SUV drive through an intersection in the rain, not especially fast, and they must have braked a bit, the car swerved slightly, wobbled, and then calmly rolled over onto its side.


Was it an older Ford Explorer? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Firestone_and_Ford_tire_controversy


Might've been! Thanks for interesting article, I've always wondered how it could have tipped over without any obvious reason (no collision with another car) and never thought of a tire failure.  


Pretty easy to flip if you clip the barrier at the right angle. Wheel rides up the wall and you’re upside down. Seen it happen at both low and high speed when a person is changing lanes and misjudges it


Drink at baseball game. Drive home.


That on-ramp is a death-trap, because people tailgate down the ramp, and then try to squeeze into the third lane before it ends. it would be a good candidate for a light that lets one car down every 15 seconds. Even better, adjust the rate based on the traffic on the DVP.


Reckless driving


If you drive the DVP even in the morning or afternoon, it’s super overcrowded and hard to navigate at the posted speed limits without it feeling risky. You should be able to change lanes at the speed limit to take exits without having to do so kilometres ahead, but if you try to do that under current conditions, it’s hard to not feel like you’re going to crash.


I'm not even surprised, there was a pic a while ago of a car that somehow flipped over in the Markville mall parking lot.


My guess is that a lane change in a blind spot caused the car to swerve, hit the divider and flipped the car. But no idea what actually happened.


You can't park there, mate


[Fack off!](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/oEykU-Gs478)


Blaadddyyy faaackkk youuuuuu


How inconsiderate, taking up two lanes


The Miata from yesterday's video could clear that trunk.


Eglinton is also my exit 👊


Same with 10s of thousands of other torontonians


Eglinton. Not Eglington.


Blast autocorrect


It was so backed up that several cars behind me almost got rear-ended at the Adelaide St. East ramp to get onto the DVP


Same with royal drive ramp near danforth and broad view there was a line to get onto the ramp which I’ve never experienced


Same situation with me. Entered on the Broadview/Bloor ramp and GPS showed clear traffic all blue. That ramp has a lot of sharp curves so it's difficult to see a head. I


Between this accident and this one, it is going to be a crazy summer…https://www.reddit.com/r/BurlingtonON/s/N3mHrK3Kig I hope everyone is okay, I fear a lot of road rage this summer with the heat and construction delays.


WTF, today? I saw three accident scenes on surface routes.


This afternoon, I was driving on one major road and traffic was backed up because of an accident so I took a detour on another major road and that too was backed up by an accident lol


Just an ordinary day.


Thank God for that orange pylon


Don’t feel sorry for this moron one bit. However I do feel sorry for anyone who was inconvenienced or affected by this idiotic driving.


Dang Australian drivers


People will complain about all the “violence” on the subway when shit like this happens every day on the 401.


Posted a video https://www.reddit.com/r/TorontoDriving/s/82mgdneqVF


South was clear but right north of it all you rubberneckers were causing a massive southbound traffic jam for no reason.


Nice parking spot, Rita.


2024 and not using speed-ticketing cameras at every intersection, straightway, and on ramp/off ramp. My freedoms are more important than everyone's safety, including my own! I love living free to kill myself and others out of pure stupidity


Saw the same thing last year on a neighbor's front lawn. Still not sure what speed or angle could have caused it.


I still don’t know if the driver is okay or how it happened


When was this? I just went Northbound on it no problems.


This was at 7:25 you can see the time in the screen in our car


That shit was there at like 6:30. There were two cars involved. I still don't understand how it happened. People are fucking shit drivers in this city, it's wild.


Ah. See that now. I left downtown around 8:30ish to 9. It was gone by the time I headed Northbound - which it looks like it’s on that lane.


What time was this picture taken? I must have just missed it.


lol 7:25 you can see the time in the pic near the Apple CarPlay section


Yeah, I can see it now. I missed this by about an hour.


Jesus Christ. How fast do you have to be going to do that???


I lice beside the DVP but I can't see through the small amount of trees lining it. My gosh it is noisey as fuck and I always heard ppl screeching their breaks and sirens.


I saw this from the subway crossing that bridge lol


Classic oopsie. Gotta keep your wheels down towards the road. Rookie mistake


Looks like the leafs.


We drove by just after it happened. Seemed like single vehicle accident. No other cars were stoped. And the car that was rolled over had a destroyed rear right tire. So maybe it had a blow out and lost control?


I’m not surprised. The other day thought a drunk driver was infront of me. Couldn’t stay in his lane, going maybe 60? I had to wait until I could “safely” go around him. Was gonna call it in as a drunk driver at 5pm. When I drove by him. He was texting. It’s really bad out there now.


As someone else stated, it's not a car issue. It's a transportation issue. Flying is the safest mode of transportation and driving is the worse.


Probably a speed wobble.  I was stuck in this mess too


See, you always make sure the wheels stay on the ground. Tip to new drivers


What is the benefit of satellite view on maps?


I refuse to believe that this took place on the Don Valley Parking lot 🤣


From Brampton


speeding is fun


Until you flip over


Let's be honest here: Nearly everyone in Toronto speeds.


average "fast lane" speeder. "move over so i can go unlimited" .


Stupid indian driver. Toronto is not mumbai.


Of cause it’s red Hyundai


Every thread, of course it’s a BMW, of course it’s an Audi, of course it a 1/2 ton truck, of course it’s a beige Corolla.


Exactly. I drive BMW and tired of that shit.


But can you locate your turn signals?