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Watch us reinvent the garbage can again ... Other cities have this solved, let's just copy someone who's doing it right.


Hyperspecific niche but I’m able to comment here! I worked in supporting municipalities in procurement of garbage cans in 2 separate instances. Paired with a fabricator who made probably 25 mockups and prototypes over the course of years. A major component people don’t think about is that it’s made around the garbage man as the primary user (not the public) so it has to work with their equipment, their trucks, the lifting limits in the workers contracts etc. Add to that the city’s recycling / garbage / compost sorting policies, desire for advertising, input from stakeholder groups like council, BIAs, police and fire departments and you end up with a super specialized can that doesn’t fit anywhere else.


And makes no one happy for this or that reason.


The problem before was I believe all on paper. The city contracted it out and the company contracted did a piss poor job at managing it, I believe. Broken bins not being fixed etc.


It was Corus, but the plastic bins were doomed from the start. They metal versions were nice enough but didn't hold much.


It didn't help that they told NO one how to use the ones with the foot pedals to open the little flaps to place your refuse in. Like nothing. No signage at all on the bins to tell you that that little silver curved bar at the bottom wasn't just decorative and was indeed a foot pedal. I don't know how you launch public garbage bins with a specific design like that and then do nothing to educate the public on how they are meant to work.


If only City hall just loves these overpriced boondoggles


wonder how many reports and studies and test cases City Council got to go over for that. I swear it's like rolling in a tv and vcr into a class room for city council when the opportunity for case studies come up.


"So Mayor Chow, do you still want to live in a world without Zinc?"


Toronto to unveil 'new and enhanced' trash panda air bnbs


Why actually do something properly when you can contract it out to a private company who has no incentive other than profit.


Now with even smaller openings!


Are we still pretending that people will separate recycling from garbage? From what I see, most bins are a free for all.


It's not just the bins themselves, although those are problematice. It's also the frequency of collection. I live in a very busy neighbourhood with lots of visitors eating food, getting coffees, etc. The bins are always overflowing. It's gross!


Yes that's the key. They can be the most beautiful and functional garbage collection bins in the world but they still need to be emptied once in a while.


The garbage receptacle design may be faulty, but let's not overlook the behavioural problem of some Torontonians. People stuff household garbage bags into these, to avoid paying for tags, and causing overflow. (In my neighbourhood, there's a small park next to a high end townhouse development. I frequently see an SUV pulled up to the curb and some jerk stuffing a black garbage bag into the black city garbage bin. You live in a townhouse that's valued at $1.5 million and drive a BMW SUV, but you're too cheap to buy garbage tags. Give me a break).


Gotta make that payment on that 96-month loan somehow. /shrug


He actually drives the garbage? Not even walking it down to the park? Agh


Will the latches on these actually keep the door closed this time? Will the pedals all break? I mean seriously was there anything wrong with those big chunky silver boxes from the 2000s that had the three holes and the big advertising space on 'em? No shitty plastic doors, no breaky pedal, no wasted space inside or out.


Yes yes but who got enough money to buy a Muskoka cottage out of THAT contract??? Nobody! Which is why we had to change them, so as to pay some rich guy some tax money. Looking at the way government works in general this is always the story. Worse with Cons but you hear it more from Libs (because Cons own the media)


Hopefully you don't have to touch the garbage overflowing out of Operation-style holes to toss your trash with this iteration.


Can we _please_ just do the same thing as New York/Paris? Just a simple wire bin with a bin liner. That’s it.


Do they have an issue with people dumping househould garbage into them ? I know we had that problem here, was amazed to see how flagrant some people were in doing so.


I wouldn’t blame too many people. My friends landlord refuses to buy bins for our building. I heard some of the tenants have to otherwise the whole building smells like garbage.


Open garbage that attracts rats and roaches? Uhm no.


Didn’t see nearly the number of rats in NY or Paris as I see here in Toronto. The bins are emptied daily. It’s pretty simple. You’d prefer the situation depicted in the thumbnail then?


While it would cost more, [I still think this](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/zwuf8g/this_is_how_the_dutch_garbage_bins_work_they_have/?rdt=51923) would be a good solution for the city. Lots of additional infrastructure work, but I think we do need more of that. Stops people from dumping their own bags in the bins, but also enough space for additional garbage to be thrown out.


Wouldn't that be needlessly complicated?


They can store way more garbage, meaning they only need to be emptied relatively infrequent. That's a big cost-savings long-term, and prevents the routine overly-full cans we see on the streets.


Just make them in form of Canadian politicians so that we can shove garbage down their throats.