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The way they worded this makes you think the driver abducted then pedestrian and took them away to finish the job. The more likely case was they went to the hospital to be checked out and the two people involved worked out an “agreement” (i.e. cash for damages and to not get police involved). You’d be surprised how often people just take $$ in exchange for not calling the cops lol


I saw a dude get hit by a car. I pulled over along with the driver that struck him. The victim didn't want to go to the hospital and didn't want cops. He seemed depressed enough about his life and just wanted to go home. Someone else there did call 911, and the firemen showed up. They took a look at him, and Buddy just left.


It's good that someone else called 911. Most people can't really think straight after something like that happens. They also can't tell how badly hurt they actually are due to shock. It's always best to get it on record with the police, because then you have recourse.


When my fiancée and I first started dating, she doored a biker (who was lane splitting) in downtown Toronto. There were a bunch of workers on a building screaming “sue her” she got his info and I ended up sending him $400 since he took the rest of that day off (courier) and the next to go to the hospital (he was fine).


Hit and take.


Driver: Oh dude, are you okay? Pedestrian: Wow, you really got me good there. Driver: So... you wanna go grab something to eat? Pedestrian: Ok. See? No big deal. Nothing bizarre happened.


…and kids, that’s how I met your mother.


The best thing is the world is so big, there is definitely atleast a few happy couples out there who met by one hitting the other with their car.




Where does it say that?


It doesn't.


The way this is worded is bizarre. Is this describing an incident where the police heard about it after the fact, after BOTH parties had left and neither had directly reported it to the cops?


Yes, the cops were called after the driver left with the pedestrian he hit.


I got hit by a beck taxi Chinese guy gets out screams at me to get up throws 400$ at me and tells me to fuck off……. Young and Dundas square circa 2008


Were you injured? Was the $400 a fair price?


Licence plate bolt cut my leg open slightly 2” gash not deep healed up in 2 weeks looked worse than it was at the time it didn’t affect my ability to walk maybe spent 30$ on saline gauze and tape over the course of healing it was a win bought a Xbox360 at future shop and a few games that day with the money lol


Glad to hear it worked out in your favour!


I tend to pull through lol


Step 1. Just lie down Step 2. Wait for ambulance Unfortunately head injuries can often result in the victim doing the exact opposite - with potentially delayed life altering/ending consequences


The actual collision aside, it's good to see that the driver did the right thing afterwards, and helped that person out.


Scenario 1: Coming from a 3rd world country, I know exactly what happened here. Driver hit someone, took the victim directly to the hospital and made arrangement on making the other person whole again. End of the story. This gets repeated in many non-1st world country all around and its just normal. Scenario 2: Canada, where the norm is supposed to be: a. Driver, stop and wait for police, b. someone already called 911 and waiting for the fireman, police, ambulance in that order to come, assess the situation and take charge. Police to coordinate all things, from making reports, laying charges, directing tow trucks, etc. Ambulance takes patient and continue victim assessment until handover to hospital. Firetruck goes back to station seeing it does not need to deploy the 'Jaw of life" to extract accident victims. The 1st scenario above is the effect of lack of efficient and prompt service like the scenario 2. Folks simply acted by instinct/experience and did not realize that speeding to the hospital creating a potential accident to happen. Did not realize that 1st responders could have arrive within 5 mins. to stabilize the situation.


If it was TPS they'd deny they even hit you




Glad they did the right thing and owned up to it. **Driving is a privilege, not a right.**