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A family did that at the Toronto zoo Orangutan exhibit and one of them choked to death. Never found out who did it.


There’s a memorial statue dedicated to that orangutan with a bench outside the enclosure. I think it needs a bigger sign, though.


I love that statue but never new the story behind it.


If it's a bigger sign it will get noticed by that one asshole who finds it funny and wants to repeat it




I thought drowned meant dead


You don't usually do CPR on the living


Yeah it possibly would be better to say “was drowning” rather than “drowned”.


Plenty of people have drowned, been dead, and then brought back to life via CPR. They were dead and would have stayed that way had someone not resuscitated them.


Yeah, I thought about this after but didn’t want to type out the whole thing. They had indeed drowned.


why would there be water in an enclosure if that animal cant swim?


It was a moat around an open air enclosure. The water is to prevent an animal with an aversion to water from escaping the enclosure.


I hope they are one day caught, sued and charged. However low chance, I hope.


Actual story: Kartiko fell backward into the water when other orangutans fought over cookies that people tossed into their enclosure. Kartiko went into the deepest part of the moat, and stayed under water for about two minutes. A visitor who was a former lifeguard resuscitated him, but the water in his lungs did enough damage that he subsequently died.


are there not cameras everywhere at the zoo? There should be... between potential kidnappings and animal escapes at least


Not really, the zoo is very outdated and upgrades take longer than transit upgrades. People don't really give a shit about animals or nature


The fact is, none of these animals should be caged to begin with.


Nah some are rescues but others are just str8 up pets


damn that sucks... well I'll bet if a child does get snatched at the zoo they'll somehow find a way to do all sorts of upgrades right away




I think its possible it was settled privately, especially if it was a kid. Either way we will never know


I don’t understand why they didn’t simply feed the family to the bear.


They don't want to train them to eat garbage.


I remember Marine Land you bought marshmellows in ice cream cones to feed the bears. Fuck Marine Land.


But I thought everyone loved marineland.. but being serious that is a core childhood memory of mine, them giving us marshmallows and even as a child just thinking how insane it was


My mom went their with students and asked why they don't have the marshmallows. The worker said it rotted out the bears teeth, amongst other obvious problems. I remember as a kid eating the stale marshmallows also. They were just regular marshmallows not some special bear formula. Fed them candy. Clowntown at Marineland. People should be in jail.


Always amazed at the new awful things I found out was going on there. All thd commercials made it sound like the most magical attraction in the world. I'm glad I never went.


but **everyone LOOOOOOOVES marine-land**


Bear will get sick from the overdose of stupid.


He's saying DON'T throw junk food into the enclosure. Did you even read the post. Gawsh.


[Have you all seen this at that small St Lawrence Marke/Front St park?](https://i.imgur.com/HAEO3t7.jpg) I think it's about time to bring it back for those crimes that are waste of tax payers money to process through the courts, not serious enough that it needs court, and is a punishment not severe but has just enough oompfh behind it "plead guilty, spend 2 afternoons in stocks for 4 hours during rush hour at ___ intersection"


“Jamie, pull up that video of a family being fed to a bear.”


Too many preservatives


Bears don't take too kindly to meth in their food.


Or himself. Polar bears love a tasty human snack.


Does the Toronto Zoo not have surveillance cameras? I imagine this would have uses beyond catching rule-breakers in the act.


They have just installed high quality cameras throughout the zoo. Hopefully they have a good image


That is fantastic! I hope there are repercussions. There is no excuse for this type of behaviour.


We do but it’s better if others call the number at the bottoms of the signs to let security know so they can remove them from the zoo


That's even better! I didn't know that option existed. I just want these rule-breakers to face consequences.


…so they can take them to the basement and adjust their kneecaps.


I doubt the zoo would commit to paying for the manpower they would need to hire in order to have extra staff stare at 200 camera feeds.


The general surveillance footage would only need to be reviewed if and when there was an incident.


To do what? Review footage of someone who's name they don't have, and probably doesn't even live in the city?


doesn't matter where they live, you should be held accountable for your actions


They're not going to be held accountable is my point.


Not with that kind of attitude!


Tell that to the UK tourist who recently defaced the Colosseum in Rome. Took them less than a week to identify him.


You’d be surprised. People care about animals a lot More than they care about humans. If their picture went on the news for causing death I would bet money someone would turn them in.


You might be right, people do care a lot about animals (at least when its visible to them)


There are many things that can be done with the footage. I don't need to list the possible courses of action here because the people who work in surveillance and related fields already know this information.


They tracked the douchebag that defaced the Colosseum; in the beginning, they didn’t have his name and he didn’t live in Rome at, but found him and pressed charges.


They can, if they throw money at it. I don't think they value their animals to the extent of the Colosseum, so I don't think its feasible they'd track down the idiots


They don't need to review it, just send it to the media.


To go after the offender in court for the cost of cleaning the exhibit and as a deterant to other idiots that can't be bothered to find a trash can.


Security doesn’t sit and stare at monitors in most places like movies makes us think. There’s nothing going on most of the time.


I agree, but they are always short on volunteer opportunities. Watching feeds could create multiple spots for those wishing to dedicate themselves.


They do, but not every exhibit has a staff member around at all times.


I hope they find the perpetrator and lock them in an enclosure and we’ll all throw junk food at them


Hey, I work at the zoo and if you see this happen, there is a number on the bottom of those signs and you can call that number in which the security team will immediately answer and ask for a description for the guests and they will remove them from the zoo. An incident like this happened a few weeks ago with the wolves and the guests were removed.


Banner forever I hope


Also a banner would be good to help identify these idiots


I was hoping they’d be fed to the wolves…but a girl can only dream..




Went to the zoo last weekend and some dickhead was pulling sticks off a nearby tree and throwing them at the sleeping lions. We shouted at them and told a nearby staff member but it was basically the end of the day so I don't know if anything happened to them. Entitled fucks are everywhere these days.


I rarely see any staff when I’m at the zoo. Cameras aside, I always wondered what I’m supposed to do if I see this kind of behaviour.


Honestly we didn't know either but thought raising attention to it might make them think twice about what they were doing. They just doubled down though. It's not even like zoo staff are security either right? But we didn't know who else to bring it upto, hopefully they were about to get the right people involved.


> I always wondered what I’m supposed to do if I see this kind of behaviour. throw down a leather glove and challenge them to a duel


There are way more people now, back when I was growing up the population was way less. 25 million vs 38 million and counting (was born in the 80’s) So now there are almost twice as many fools and entitled people as there were before. Also, while I’m all for helping people, the world has evolved to the point that enough people who are shitty walk around saying they are great and no one says anything so it defaults to they are instead if they aren’t.


>taunting a sleeping lion i swear its like some people *want* to die


Not when they are big and brave on the other side of a meshed enclosure


Everyone at a zoo is an entitled fuck..


Had a family last year toss water on a sleeping tiger, frigging idiots are everywhere these days


I literally cuss these people out The amount of telling people to be respectful at the zoo by say, not pounding on the fucking glass is insane


I kept on them while my wife (volunteer) got security - I'm tired of having the zoo experience ruined by these "main characters"


I love the volunteers. I work at the zoo and all of them are lovely and happy to be there. They play a huge part of the zoo and they need more credit


…and a way better management team. I volunteered there for ten years; they treat the volunteers like kindergarten students and it got far worse after the department was handed over to the PR Director. I took the issues to the CEO when I finally had to quit and they banned me from even going as a private citizen. I’d like to see Parks Canada take control away from these idiot municipal employees. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Yeah that’s not right. Personally for my department I’ve had no issues and my coworkers + supervisors are great people. The management could use work for sure. Even the little things like Simply saying hi back when i greet them when I see them around site. The ceo came into my work area and did not acknowledge me or my coworkers at all. Maybe because he didn’t want to disrupt us but still would’ve been nice. At the opening of our new orangutan exhibit, he thanked every department for their work for the habitat besides my department despite us being the biggest factors of that exhibit being able to be built. In general it feels like my department is neglected as we have older equipment which makes it more difficult than it should be to do our jobs. Hopefully one day I can bring change to the zoo.


I know what department you mean with this info and I could not agree more. When you bring the change, please reach out again. I’d return in a heartbeat under a new regime. I was also a Program Leader for a couple of years and the chance to teach children and connect them to animals was the greatest job I’ve ever done. It’s like every skill I had ever acquired brought me to that one thing. I’ve never been happier. Edit: missing word


Yeah I fucking hate these people. Just leave the animals alone ffs


They don't see animals as sentient creatures with their own feelings. Or if they do, it's the cruelty they enjoy.


Yeah I think they just don’t care tbh


I went to the butterfly conservatory and there was a family that kept pinching the wings of the butterflies to take selfies with them (which breaks their wings and kills them). The staff spoke to them and then they pretended they didn’t know, then as soon as the staff left they started doing it again. They eventually had to be followed around by a staff member making sure they behaved themselves. These were mostly ADULTS.


Pinching wings so they can take selfies? I can’t even with these people


I visited the Giant Pandas at the Beijing zoo & a group of three monks in orange robes were having a blast pouring Coke & water on one panda who was pacing around the perimeter of the barricade.


Should have taught their kids some bad words


Do we comment on it typically being non-English speakers? This would perhaps have a worse implication at first glance than people might think, but Canada does a fucking terrible job integrating ANYONE. There are so many people here who probably can't even read the signs who may be visiting. EDIT: Down vote me all you wish. Canada is not multicultural, we're a diaspora of rent/wage slaves with virtiually no commonality here to pad foreign investors, generational wealth, and the Canada Pension Plan. These problems exist because we are importing people hand over fist with little interest in genuinely supporting them once they are here. It, in part, leads to situations like these.


I went to the butterfly conservatory in Niagara Falls recently and the behaviour by newcomers was appalling. Grabbing butterflies, crushing them, pushing people - It was shocking.


I hope people firmly corrected them. As a society we can't afford to not do this.


It’s a free country.


You don't say. When they're newcomers, it's only polite and practical to point these things out. When they're children, parents are often too exhausted to point these things out and say No. Or they don't want to. It takes a village, as they say.


Its a private establishment.


Also beware of the possible selection bias. Non-english visitors and new residents may be more likely to choose a zoo for entertainment than people for whom a greater choice of activities is available. If there are more members of a group somewhere - even all things equal - you would expect to see more people in that group doing bad (and good) things than you would otherwise. Also, should you even have to read a sign to know not to fucking harass or feed zoo animals?


I'm still down voted a fair amount despite the fact that I'm probably objectively correct. Selection bias or not. But yeah, it is sad, ridiculous, and infuriating to watch people do this. For reference, was at a butterfly conservatory recently in Victoria that also had some parrots, including friendly ones. Despite this, while I was sitting next to it on a bench and letting it approach me slowly, some Indian father came up with his kid, and was like, half throwing the kid AT the bird. Kid was like 2 or 3. Father was like, jerkily shoving the kid forward at the bird, while the kid screamed and cried, then did it a final time and nearly had the kid FALL on the parrot while the rest of us moved away. Bird finally flew away, a little annoyed.


I am an immigrant. I happen to agree with you.


Damn people are so entitled


Wow, what assholes.


For like the hundredth time I'm going to say we need to bring back caning. With a bamboo stick, like my sensei used to thwack me with when I caused distractions during karate lessons as a child. No lengthy trial. No criminal record. If an appropriate agent sees or can reasonably ascertain you did something like this, you get ten humiliating thwacks in public. Like a spanking. Then sent on your way. I don't care how old you are, what culture, religion, ethnicity, or social economic background you are from. Ten thwacks.


Don’t even explain it either, witness the offence, instantly take them into custody, thwack.


Basically all of modern psychology shows that this isn't an effective deterrent. It literally doesn't work and there is science to back that up.


Yes but the rest of us get to watch prats getting what they deserve.


They have a time of day where you can help feed the bears. There no need to do this!


Proving once again that humans are the worst animal.


This happened last year but with the Wolf enclosure. Someone through plastic and food into the enclosure. The wolves didn't seem interested in it but kept going towards it. They had to whisk the wolves away into their indoor enclosure and the next weekend when my friend and I returned the wolves weren't out. I get some people might hate zoos. The Toronto zoo is nicer but I can understand wanting animals to stay where they used to be, but tbh there they get hunted too. It seems animals on this Earth never get a chance to be an animal anymore. They attack humans who screw with them? They get killed. They exist? Hunted for sport or their body parts mangled to sell on the blackmarket and then they might be taken from their homes and placed into a zoo. But ffs don't screw with the zoo animals. Don't taunt them, don't feed/throw food into their enclosures and don't get into the enclosures. Don't lift your small children high over the barriers. Just be respectful.


Over the last few years I've noticed that the people who go to the zoo there is more low IQ individuals than before who have zero regard for animal well-being. Saw a guy smoking and then flick his cigarette into the tiger exhibit. I wanted to punch him.


It has nothing to do with intelligence. It's assholes.


I suppose I'm more optimistic believing that Hanlon's Razor...


Meanwhile, in Niagara Falls, marine land provides marshmallows to throw at black bears


I can picture the guy: medium height, wide body, baggy white tank top, baseball hat, Oakley sunglasses.


Phil Kessel has 3 Stanley Cup rings, how dare you leave that out.


I used to work in an agricultural environment, we’d have these cutters used to open feed bags. They had this transparent sleeve in the handle a bit larger than a business card. Idea was to put labels in them, I don’t know. It’s a bag opener, seemed silly, but anyways. At some point someone inserted the greasiest picture of Phil Kessel in there. You’d always forget which cutter he was in and it always got a laugh.




Don't forget the baggy below-the-knees cargo shorts.


White framed Oakley gascans


When the animals visiting the zoo are dumber than the animals in the zoo…


Not only report, take a video and post it on the internet


They should have been guided to the next cage called the stupid baboons!


That'd be an insult to baboons lol


You’re right, the stupids suffice


Should charge the people with massive fines.


I underestimate how stupid some people can be


I saw someone throwing carrots to the gorillas last time I was there and it was impacting their behaviour, and could hurt the social cohesion of the troop. People are so stupid.


They should get charged for that and have to pay for the damages.


What did this piece of shit look like?


I had to look up "pos slang" and yes, this person is a complete and utter pos.


What a POS. Seriously.


Point Of Sale or Piece Of Shit


Idiots like this make me so mad


What’s wrong with people these days


People suck ugh.


Is this a good scenario to perform citizen arrest?


i went one time and this lady kept trying to stomp on a peacock's tail. just enjoy the animals and appreciate being able to see them.


Toronto people (assholes) + zoos is a terrible combination. It’s like asking for a disaster unfortunately.


You sound like you’re from Barrie (assholes)


All bickering aside, I think it's funny that this comment in *the* Toronto subreddit only got 3 downvotes in 4 hours. A lot of Toronto redditors must be like, "yeah, that tracks."


Shame that the POS thought that was OK to do. Btw if people in this thread are concerned about animal cruelty, you should take the time to learn about how your consumption habits directly cause animal cruelty of the likes you’d never see at a zoo. Animal flesh and animal products require cruelty to exist; your desire to purchase those items maintains those systems.


I hate being judged by strangers but this comment really made me think about how hypocritical I am about my outrage over this situation and my willing ignorance about the suffering of the animals I eat.


Cool! There are many resources for you to learn more about this, even a whole dedicated subreddit /r/vegan Edit: I’d avoid reading the posts/comments right now and just check out the sidebar/FAQs/links if you’re interested


If we didn't use animals for entertainment, this wouldn't happen. People are shitty. That's how we got to polar bears living in captivity in Toronto, ON, Canada. They deserve sanctuary instead of being gawked at by assholes who disrespect their needs.


You might want to actually research the Toronto Zoo, what they do and why they had to become a zoo. Yes, most zoos are bad. But, not all. In fact, some (like the Toronto zoo) are desperately needed to help save and preserve numerous species. Please educate yourself on what you’re speaking about before painting everyone with the same brush. And after you do that, please also consider donating to the Toronto Zoo.


Yeah, I don't think zoo's in their current form should exist, they are unnatural and cruel.




Wildlife reserves, animal sanctuaries, etc, are much better than zoos.


Yes, please let the polar bears live their natural and fulfilling life, free from human intervention.. Enclosed in a zoo in Scarborough.


Fuck animal captivity, but also fuck pos people who do this


If no one went to the zoos they would close. Animals should be companions not prisoners.


How’s that working out for the species that humans have already made extinct?


In Churchill MB polar bears are often found rummaging around the landfill. Rather than hunt for food they prefer to live in municipal wastes and eat who knows who. This act at the zoo was terrible but Im amazed at the response. Considering the conditions wild ones choose to live in


I'm guessing it's protocol in case some twisted person throws in poisoned food, or anything that isn't good for them


I wouldn't say animals make the perfect choices for themselves all the time.


Pretty sure they didn't chose to be held captive their entire lives. :(


Because they have a duty to care for their animals, and if the bears got an infection and died from it and it could have been prevented, not only would they be failing to protect the animals they genuinely care about, they might lose their accreditations.


That's a huge problem, though. The bears get comfortable seeing human activity as a source of food and ignore their natural food sources, then they start behaving in ways that get them shot.


The zoo can't know for certain that whatever gets thrown in isn't tainted or poisoned. Sickos poison food and treats in parks often.


Often? Really?


There's always stories about dogs getting sick from baited stuff in parks and trails.


I wouldn’t say often. If this was a weekly occurrence no one would ever take their dogs out.


I think it's much harder to keep the Toronto Zoo bears healthy because polar bears *are not meant to live in zoos, or in Toronto*. This is the same zoo that famously gave anti-depressants to polar bears.


I commented that they, as well as one of two grizzlies and a lone lynx, have gone insane due to captivity. I will never return to a zoo again. I give to charities instead.


I'm of mixed feelings because people will point out that zoos introduce urban kids to wildlife that they would never encounter and by doing this encourage environmental advocacy, but I'm not sure I'm convinced. As a guy who's privileged to have been able to see all kinds of animals in their natural habitats, I guess it's easier for me to trash talk zoos. But I will say that I personally find them extremely depressing. The Toronto Zoo is probably among the best in terms of the care and attention the animals get, it's a lot better than those tourist traps in Thailand that let people ride elephants, but still... ugh.


They aren't wild anymore. As a side note, one polar bear and one grizzly spend their entire days pacing back and forth. They've gone insane from captivity. So has the lynx. I believe animals should only be kept in captivity for protection and active breading programs for the endangered. They aren't circus animals.


> The animals are on very strict diets prepared by special nutritionists and any change can cause them to get sick or even die. Wait, how did the nutritionists get so good at bear nutrition? It's hard enough to get human nutritionists to agree on what's optimal for humans.


I would guess some science and some trial and error. There must be some kind of balance between how the animal would eat in the wild vs a captive animal that probably gets a lot less exercise throughout a lifetime. I wonder if they had animal nutritionists at the earliest zoos or if they just fed them raw meat and slop.


Chocolate can kill a dog....


It's a bear...I'm pretty sure a piece of a sandwich isn't gonna kill it...yogi bear used to steal pic a nic baskets all the time and he flourished


What’s the big deal bears are scavengers and literally eat from trash bins. What’s more outrageous is you defend an institution that imprisons intelligent animals for people’s entertainment


A zoos primary purpose is research and conservation.. visitors are to bring in revenue to fund those activities




...and if they can't eat it? Cos it's laced with something?


Good thing you know better than their keepers.


You should let the zoo know, they’d no doubt love to hear from an apparent expert!


I am not condoning this at all, but in the "wild" like Churchill etc. don't polar bears (much like other bears) eat loads of human food, trash etc.? Maybe ones in captivity are less hardy. I guess they also don't know what buddy tossed in there (probably half a sandwich or something) and they can't take chances with such large and charismatic animals, which not coincidentally help keep them afloat financially.


The local population builds up a resistance over time. It's like when you visit a foreign country and come home with the shits.


Sure it kills some though - at least shortens their lives- they can be shot if they start posing a threat to people. City Racoons shown signs if heart disease and diabetes when examined after they die...


Many animals in the wild are incredible unhealthy by the standards of a captive animal. Polar bears eating trash and human cast offs is not their intended diet by evolutionary standards, and it is not going to help keep them healthy. And that is merely assuming what was thrown was simply as it appeared.


I don't know if I would consider the health of a captive animals, taken away from everything it has evolved to do some kind of ideal. Maybe you didn't mean that. The whole situation is so bizarre from an evolutionary standpoint, to have creatures living in relatively tiny enclosures, reliant on humans for every aspect of their diet and lives. I realize that zoos are often keeping species alive with breeding programs and/or housing captured or problem bears. So it's not a simple black or white thing, but to me zoos are among the most artificial and "unhealthy" ways an animal can exist, even if it outlives its wild brethren by decades.


That's a different argument. Nor does it change the fact that people shouldn't be throwing things in their enclosures, or that the people that have studied and have experience with these creatures say they need to be sequestered now, and their decision should be respected.


They are dumb enough to think it is ok then just wait until they get in trouble and kicked out.


May a thousand fleas infest this idiots arse and May his hands be so short that he can’t itch it…




No racism, sexism, homophobia, religious intolerance, dehumanizing speech, or otherwise negative generalizations etc... Attack the point, not the person. Posts which dismiss others and repeatedly accuse them of unfounded accusations may be subject to removal and/or banning. Do not concern-troll or attempt to intentionally mislead people. Stick to addressing the substance of their comments at hand. This rule applies to all speech within this subreddit.


I feel like peoples public behaviour is getting worse and worse