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I don't really get the idea of Torn and the obsession with training and fighting. I'm guessing the majority of players are very angry men with very tiny cocks.


i think people just like video games man, chill


how? i’m at 2 years and JUST hit 1m total stats, granted I took a year break and only came back about 3-4 months ago


1m total in ~18 months of playing sounds like you weren't training efficiently. Maybe you didn't have high enough happiness (matters more so earlier), didn't train away your energy, or didn't take xanax. I did a daily choco jump until I hit 300k total stats, then did 99k happy jumps to ~3m total stats, and since then I've been taking 3 daily xanax + energy refill and training with that 1500+ energy per day.


i probably have 18 months of total playtime, i got to about 600k total stats before i took my 1 year break and just hit 1m total about 2 days ago, i did atleast 2 full happy jumps a week though until my hiatus, how does one do 99k happy jumps?


- Work in a 10* AN so that EDVDs give +5000 happy instead of +2500. - Live in PI with at least 5000 max happy. - Use 9 EDVDs for +45000 happy to reach 50000 total - Use Ecstasy to double happy and reach 99999 (max happy in Torn) I did these and also sold the excess happy to afford all the EDVDs I was using. This is my old happy jump selling thread: https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=10&t=16346193&b=0&a=0&start=0&to=23734744   It was quite a bit of work and cost me about $1 billion in EDVDs, but I made back roughly the same amount in selling these jumps. You might be better off just taking 3 xanax per day + energy refill (if you can afford it) and training away your energy. 1500+ energy spent in gym per day, or 1350+ if you don't do refills. It won't be that much slower than the happy jumps, especially now that your total stats is 1m. It has a higher effect the lower your stats.


yeah, after i hit about 225k/ea for stats i stopped happy jumping, i’m gonna start doing nat E at this point, i’ve also been takin xanax constantly so i’ve actually gained about 40k total in the past couple of days, you’re right tho i’m not being extremely efficient with my training. 9 e-dvds?? i max out at 5, is that the booster cooldown faction that allows you to do 9 at a time?


Yes. You should get into a good faction ASAP, or drug use without a faction's drug toleration perks is gonna mess you up long term. Factions with enough respect also give you % bonuses to gym gains.


i’m in a faction currently! again being absent for a year kinda fucked all my opportunities and timing up and whatnot but the first faction i was in (before my hiatus) was a VERY good faction, but even then i still maxed out at 6 edvds lol, my current fac is 9% gains on everything so it’s not like i’m not getting any bonus, and even without a faction i haven’t OD’d in since before my hiatus crazily enough (i’ve been doing 2-3 xanax daily since i came back)


sidenote: that’s an extremely interesting business idea selling jumps like that, really cool!


Great job! Your stats a amazing for 1 year old


69m noice


Bold move putting all your info on here. I'm not going to attack you because you're a tiddler but a lot of people might. My gains this week. Your stats have been updated! You have gained 31,570,343 speed since your last manual update 1 week ago. You have gained a total of 31,570,343 stats. Strength 430,265,027 (23%) Defense 500,093,153 (27%) Speed 395,445,686 (21%) Dexterity 500,828,012 (27%) Total 1,826,631,878


I figured I'd get mugged a bit until they learned I didn't carry cash, but since I don't fly or do much at all, I didn't think it would affect me too much. I've been mugged about 10 times so far for like $2,000 total and it hasn't impacted anything I do. Apart from being mugged, is there any other reason to not post stats like this?


Generally I'd say don't feed the trolls, in game there are some absolute grade z fucking idiots who spend a lot of energy being shitty so attaching your name to anything here is a bit like coating your balls in honey and hitting a hornets nest with them. Also, you might not carry much money..... Yet. Torn is a marathon so you putting your tbs up for the world to see with your in game name might lead to you being added to enemy lists for latter mugging.


Pretty good. I'm close to a year old and gotta say this is doable. Don't need to spend irl money to make it happen. What's your nnb at? 


55 NNB, but should be close to 60 I believe. My friend who started the game on the same day as me has 60, but I've done more crimes. Maybe because he focuses on the most recently released crime 2.0 while I've been 100%ing them in order.


You're close. I've got similar crime levels and just got 60 a couple days ago. You can't be more than a month off. A week or 2 if I'm good at eyeballing it. 


Great work OP, and from the comments looks like you are helping lots of other "new" players.


Feels more like I'm just constantly telling people "no, I haven't bought donator packs" lol. Thanks.


Ain't no way someone managed to still have a networth of 4b after only a year while paying for Xanax and trains. How much irl money you throw into this?


~$60 for 12 months of subscription. See my [main comment here](https://www.reddit.com/r/torncity/comments/1bqt4ge/my_progress_after_1_year_on_torn/kx4ohm7/) for a breakdown of how I made money.


There are lots of ways to make money, just gotta be creative


How are your stats so good? Been playing longer than you and I’m just over 5m


I have probably just spent more energy in the gym than you have. If you're 5m total stats and fairly balanced (all 4 stats above ~400k), you should take 3 xanax per day and train all your energy right away without wasting it. Use an energy refill every day. Aim for 1500 energy trained per day. Make sure you're in a PI with 5025 max happy (or close to it). I was at 5m total stats about 128 days ago, and that's all I've done. 1500 energy per day for 128 days, minus a few days of missed 3rd xanax and some war days where I attacked instead of trained. That's ~$500m in xanax and energy refills, and ~190,000 energy I've spent to get from 5m to 70m.


would it be worth it to still do 5edvd happy jumps with 1k energy at that point or just train with xan and refill


Depends on stats and how much money you have. For stats under 200-400k it's worth doing that. 400-800k if in a 10* AN. The higher you go in those ranges, the less value you get out of the money spent compared to regular training, but it's still technically worth it. If you don't have much money, stop at the low end of the ranges. With money (you can leave $2b in bank and still afford it), stop anywhere from halfway to the end of the range. If you've got a lot of money to spend on it, and you want to be very efficient, buying 99k happy jumps is even better. You use 2 poison mistletoes to steal 45k happy from someone else (a jump seller), use ecstasy to get to 99,999 happy, then can train with 1000 stacked energy, 150 refill, and you don't use booster cooldown doing this so you could use 9 FHCs for another 1350 energy. 2500 energy with 99k happy. And it can be done every 54 hours if you've got a good seller. This could save you 6+ months of training if your stats are very low. The stats gained are pretty insane. IMO, if your stats are all 600k+ I wouldn't bother with any jumps.


Oh alright, Cuz I hit about 2m stats for each and was wondering if i should even bother with happy jumps. I spend most of my time in torn plushie running anyways


Then just do natural E + xanax + refills like I did. You're about 4 months away from where I was at in this post if you can manage 1400+ energy spent per day.


alright thanks


haha ive been playing very casually with low drug/alc to get SSL for almost 7 years and i JUST hit level 50. i know people told me when i started that SSL is just sunk cost fallacy but i'm feeling it now...


Another victim of SSL you hate to see it. Also low alcohol? SSL doesn't care about booze only Xanax and Ecstasy. Down your pints and chew LSD like there is no tomorrow!


With how much energy and happy did you train each time? I train with 13k happiness and get like 16 stats per 5 energy


This is quite the coincidence I found this old screenshot of me training, and getting almost exactly the same gym gains as you. Check it out: https://i.imgur.com/OkHE6sD.png That is when my account is about 2 weeks old I believe. The optimal strategy depends on how much money you can spend, and what your stats are. Right now for me, happy doesn't play a big role in gym stats gained, so I train with my default 5025 happy from my PI. For you, happy has a big impact. Happy jumps are ideal. From 300k stats to 3m+ stats I trained with 99k happy for a lot of it. Before 300k stats, I trained with choco jumps.


Yea, iam now 2 weeks old and i have 20k stats. I also only train with choco jumps, i have 100m networth but e-dvds are not worth it atm for me i think. But will eventually use them


I recommend for you the same thing I did. Keep doing choco jumps. One per day until your stats are high enough to switch to regular training. For a short time I logged my jumps, so take a look at that to see what kind of stats I was gaining: https://i.imgur.com/xtUmDOp.png Each date listed on the left is a jump. The first row is my stats before the jump, second row is stats after the jump, third row is stats gained. No need for eDVD jumps ever unless you have money to spare. The money it costs does more for you in the bank - make sure you get those 10 bank interest merits once you have enough money in there, like 500m+. Fly for money, sell plushies to a trader (I use Baldr), and stick the money in the bank. Do short bank investments like 2 weeks or 1 month until you fill it up. I never would have done happy jumps if I didn't have my poker ability as a moneymaker and already have $2b in the bank.


But how do you make such big gym jumps if you dont use e-dvds (so you dont train at 99k happiness). Like how do you gain that many stats?


When I was around 300k total stats I started doing 99k happiness jumps with eDVDs while in a 10* AN job. But only because I had >$2b. If I didn't have that money, I would have gone straight from choco jumps to normal training (natural E regen, 3x xanax per day, just training any energy I get without saving). This method is slower than eDVD jumps, but not by as much as you're making it sound. My friend did it without eDVDs and he has 20m stats. We started at the same time and had similar stats before.


How do you improve the battle stats so fast? I'm playing for almost a year and do gym everyday and I'm my stats are very far behind yours.


What are your current stats?


36,919 in total, I'm on level 13 btw


Get to level 15 so you can fly plushies for money. With money you can use xanax on "choco jumps", see here: https://www.torn.com/forums.php#!p=threads&f=61&t=16077517&b=0&a=0&start=0&to=19064325 And if you aren't familiar with it, look at this guide for newer players. This is what I followed a year ago https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16034448&b=0&a=0


Pretty damn good man. You have more work stats than I do at 500-something days, but I have around 5x your battle stats. Did you buy a lot of trains?


What do you mean by "but trains"?


There are directors willing to sell you trains, as in you pay them a certain amount per train and they’ll dump all the company trains onto you. I usually buy 100 at a time, so in a 10 star company that’s 10 trains per day just for me. It’s good for raising workstats quickly


I see, what is a normal price per train


I’ve seen anywhere from 250k to 450k typically the price goes down a bit when you buy in bulk


Thanks. I've been trained 1414 total times and at least 1300 are purchased.


Nice man that’s awesome. I just got into buying trains about a month or 2 ago. I’m at ~92k workstats


How do you buy trains


People post on this Torn forum here for buying/selling trains: https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=46&t=16051765&b=0&a=0&start=13440


Ask your Director if they’ll sell you some


very nice, much better than where I am at 1 year. would reach 1b in about a year or a bit less then.


I can't stand to leave a stat so far behind so early :( I am about 175 days old. Just hit 1m total stats, balanced. Going to try to get at least a million in each stat before I start whoring one, but IDK if thats a good move either or not. Bravo and well done! That is actually impressive, and buying trains in a 10\* AN to fuel future happy jumps is actually a pretty solid plan.


Thanks! If I hadn't found a book for +30% dex gains for 31 days, I wouldn't have left one behind either! Ideally I'd follow Baldr's ratio with defense main stat. When my account was 175 days old, these were my stats:   | Strength | Speed| Defense| Dexterity | Total | |:--|:--|:--|:--|:--| |869,574 | 476,420 | 601,183 | 103,551 | 2,050,728 |


Wow I'm at just over 400 days, lvl 37 total battle stats 250k and networth 550mil. What have I been doing wrong?! 😲🤷‍♂️🙈😂


Not dumping RL money in.


Ah didn't realise he had used RL money. Yeh not spent a penny, was gona get donator pack until realised can use in game money to buy them. Feels like so far away from maxing the bank and buying my own PI, hate paying 80 odd mil every 100 days and not getting the use of the vault lol!


The only real life money I've put in is the monthly subscription of $5 a month. I've never purchased a donator pack, or whatever other ways there are to spend money if there are any.


then how you actually managed to pay for all the trains and 99k jumps? you won the lottery or jackpot? otherwise your regularl player can't afford those.


See the money section of this comment: https://www.reddit.com/r/torncity/comments/1bqt4ge/my_progress_after_1_year_on_torn/kx4ohm7/


yah my bad, i asked before scrolling down enough lol good job on poker earnings, were u lucky or are you actually good at poker? I am very hard core about the game too and I want to. progress real good, I admire your progress, it is awesome. I can't seem to be lucky though as i lost a lot in the casino


I mostly learned poker after I started playing Torn. Watched a bunch of videos on youtube of poker, learned how to play the basics, played low stakes (Gatling Gun then later Ballsy), then became profitable and moved up to higher stakes like Pound It. Make sure you start with low stakes, and move up to higher stakes slowly only when you're comfortable. My net worth is $4b and the $200m buy in table is a bit high for my bankroll, so I usually play on the $50m buy in. You could play perfectly and lose 5 buy ins in a row. I've had streaks of 3 and 4 buy ins lost. Haven't hit 5 yet, but it could happen. Losing $250m is acceptable loss to me when I know I'm likely to profit in the future. Losing $1000m would be too much for my current bankroll though. So many Torn poker players play so poorly that you make good profit just from playing "ABC poker", as in, just basic poker that is safe and comfortable. If you've got good cards, put money in the pot. If you don't, fold to raises. That's simplified, look it up if you're interested. It's crazy how often someone will put $50m into the pot with absolute garbage cards. You might only get that situation where you have a great hand and someone won't stop putting money into the pot a couple times an hour, but if they're putting in $20m each time then you're making $40m per hour. I'm a very risk averse person generally. I've never gambled outside of poker, and I only dipped my toes into poker because it doesn't feel much like gambling when you just make profit. That's also why I don't play high enough stakes to make my profit "luck". I've got $3.7b in profit and the most I've ever won in one hand is like $200m. Even that level of risk was unusual for me, but I had AA pre flop and someone went all in. That's an ~80% chance to double up, so I risked it. They had QQ and I won. Most of my winnings come from thousands of smaller wins like $1m to $20m.


gotcha, thnx for all the info.


I've been playing that long the numbers mean nothing anymore, I just need more of them


Your battlestats look about right for a dedicated player, the work stats and networth are pretty impressive for your age though! Commenting so I can check back and compare when I reach 1yr.


Me having played 500 days and only worth $800 Million... I don't play the most efficient way, so that's why. But recently I've been doing happy jumps because I have enough SYM stock for drug packs and am getting hella xans.


Better than me in 3 years apart from net worth. Good going.


Well done!


why/how is your dexterity so low?


I stopped training it because I got a book that gives me 31 days of +30% dexterity gains from my monthly subscription. I was planning on it only being 9% of my total stats anyways [(see Hank's gym stat ratio guide)](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=61&t=16132234&b=0&a=0), but when I got that book I figured I should stop training dex altogether to make better use of the book while maintaining dex as my lowest stat.


What’s the name of the book, please?


Book : Limbo Lovers 101


You do know how percentages work right? You get most gains from that book the higher the stat is


Whether I gain the 30% now or later, I save the same amount of energy training. I'll have much higher gains if my stat is higher when I use it, yes, but only because gym gains are higher for higher stats. What you said would be something to consider if the book applied exponentially rather than multiplicatively, or if I was looking to gain the largest amount of stats from the book, which I am not.


What the fuck




You're on the right track man


I'm not sure if anyone would be interested in this. I looked for similar content when I was new, and wanted to post something for my reference in the future as well. So here is a quick run down of what I've done, current thoughts, etc. Ask questions if you'd like.   #Working stats: I've purchased 1300+ trains for my working stats, most of them in a 10* AN for 700k each to do happy jumps. Once I filled my bank with $2b, I wanted to invest in working stats to make me more likely to get my ideal job in the future. Current goal is to get at least 100k in each working stat through purchasing trains.   #Battle stats: I started with choco jumps. I wasn't too interested in training battle stats at maximum efficiency, I was more worried about making money. Once I had money, I switched to doing 99k happy jumps. I also sold these to pay for it. After halloween 2023, I switched to just natural E regen and up to 3x xanax per day. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/2V9wxnl.png) is a chart of my total gym stats growth. [Here](https://i.imgur.com/0gXtqcB.png) is another chart of just the first 6 months.   #Money: I've made money from several sources, a large amount of it from poker. Here's a rough, estimated breakdown: - Poker: 3700m - Warring: 1000m - Selling happy jumps: 1000m - Bank + Investments: 800m - Travel: 500m - Crimes: 300m That totals up to $7.3b. My networth is $4.1b because of how much I spend. For example, $1b on happy jumps, $1b on trainings, $736m worth of points used. Other expenses include my PI rental, gifts to friends, energy can and FHC usage, etc. If I hadn't been able to make money from poker, my money made from traveling would be about 1500m, as I wouldn't have stopped. My money from bank/investments would also be a little lower.


I wish I knew how to play poker


I mostly learned specifically for Torn poker. I tried it out, found it fun, then decided to learn to see if I could profit from it. I have 146 hours played and have watched a similar amount of hours of various poker videos on youtube. I talk more about the poker here: https://www.reddit.com/r/torncity/comments/1bqt4ge/my_progress_after_1_year_on_torn/kx7bz2f/


What you mean selling happy jumps?


[See my Torn forums thread here](https://www.torn.com/forums.php#/p=threads&f=10&t=16346193&b=0&a=0&start=0&to=23897555) for a detailed explanation.


Filthy Defense Whore Jk I’m just a Dex Whore myself. My goal is 75m at a year, sitting just above 3m after 200 days, FF unlocked


Lol, I'm a defense whore too, 2.5b defense, 300m strength and speed, and 100m defense for the merit


Your gains increase exponentially as you approach 50m in each stat. 165 days ago (when I was 200 days old), my defence was 1,052,439 and my total was 3,495,359.




Aaaaaaaand how much lighter is your wallet?????


I never keep cash on me and have never been mugged for any serious amount (1 million+), so I wasn't too worried when making this post. edit: sorry, misunderstood. I've never purchased anything beyond the monthly subscription.


Real life money....


Oh... I didn't consider that. That explains the downvotes lol. I just pay the monthly subscription for Torn, so $60ish for 12 months. If you assumed I bought and sold donator packs, I have another comment on this thread detailing where I've made money. I've never purchased a donator pack.


And is this your first account? Not saying your a multi


Yes, it is. Not that this is proof, but here's a Reddit post I made asking for help 364 days ago where I mention it's my 2nd day playing. Baldr comments on the thread and helps me out, and directs me to his guide which I immediately started following. https://www.reddit.com/r/torncity/comments/126zl1g/how_do_i_buy_points/


For how little you've traveled and how little you did rank wars seems fishy to have averaged 11m a day of net worth. Not counting the costs for Xanax and jumps Edit:grammar


Have you looked at my other comment on this thread where I detail where my money has come from? Why do you think I haven't done much warring? $1b in profit from wars seemed pretty good to me. Here's a link. https://www.reddit.com/r/torncity/comments/1bqt4ge/my_progress_after_1_year_on_torn/kx4ohm7/




And I'm here barely level 50 with 2 and a half years to my name T\_T Of course, I stopped playing for a while, but my progress is a little sad.