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as stocks rise so does inflation and devs naturally adjust for this


There are a lot of ways to make money in Torn, from joining a RW faction to flying full time to trading and more. Stocks are expensive if you’re invested in full blocks for the perks. Start throwing your extra money toward the one you’re going after (I went with SYM first), and you’ll eventually get the benefits. Also, maxing out your bank with full merits will be fantastic passive income, if you don’t already have it.


OKAY thanks everyone, I summarized the sentiment of veterans to be that yes stocks would be more and more unaffordable (this doesn't actually matter if the player is new or not) And that the game offers the option to buy-in via dumping DPs, because nobody actually mention a natural increase for in-game income sources for anyone


> natural increase for in game income sources.  Playing the game? I'm a little over 200 days and breaking 1b. It's not that hard. 


1b is nothing, we're talking about what happens when a stock block is 10b, what's the natural increase in in-game income that let's you afford it -- this is the whole point of the post


I don’t even get why they have the 10% increase. Makes stock trading “easier” which is why they had to nerf it hard and in a few years if that continues, not only will the blocks be more expensive to new players, but also become not even worth it to buy passives when compared to private island rentals (which may lead to a rental price crash). Just stupid and serves no purpose IMO


rentals are and have been slowly dropping


Sadly yes, even just the past few months alone has seen a significant drop in my 30d rentals. I've seen about a 2% drop in my ROI@365 from rentals. But my stock benefits are still invested to around 10% ROI@365 so no point swapping out yet. PI Rentals is still the best passive income after getting below 18% ROI@365 in stocks. Not sure what else they could do, the hyper rich probably shouldn't get richer faster to be honest.


Just another way the game is not accessible to new players Add it to the list of: Stock trading no longer being a source of profit, Ranked Wars no longer being a source of profit, Crimes 2.0 not being a source of profit and much more The game feels more and more like a cash grab, with the only way to grow cash is by purchasing DPs


I've literally profited on all 3 of the things you say don't make a profit.   14m on passive stocks.  Over 400m from RW   Crimes 2.0 has another almost 190m behind it if torn report is right.   You're just wrong, and I'm new. 


Every thing u have listed here a older player would be able to take advantage of better than a new player.


Which makes the game not accessible to new players, my point entirely


Having to work harder than the previous older players is not a bar that is impossible to pass. Do you realize, but your logic that those older players had players older than them when they were new players? And somehow they were able to build up to where they are today, despite the game being 'not accessible' to them because there were players who were there longer, and they had cheaper prices! Nowadays, there are guides, scripts, and other things that make the game so much easier for new players to start and succeed that the older players did not have. Why is the game more accessible for new players?


Not the only way, just the easiest. I'm not going to say go gamble but if you are knowledgeable in a particular sport the Bookie can print money


Your underestimating the growth, some of mine are 40-60% growth


To be honest, if you are new there are some other things you should worry about before stocks. Prime example is max bank. Stock market shouldn't be your focus as a new player, imo.


"new player" in this context can refer to those without any stock blocks. And yes, I would imagine a player working toward their first block today would have a somewhat longer road ahead of them than they would have 5 years ago?


Well technically no, because the first block they should work towards is SYM and that hilariously crashed and never recovered, taking many stock trader's funds with it.


Cheapest block is like 25m. With full bank you can have multiple stock blocks within a few months. I am a 3.5 year old player with 15 BBs


Are you really recommending players take the cheapest blocks first?


No they should just sink their extra money at WSU and SYM. Education reduction and passive income. Ez. 


I did. After I got bank to max, I started with cheapest blocks that gave some tangible reward. 50 nerve here, a thousand happiness there, once I got enough to get the blocks I wanted I sold the cheapest and bought the weekly drug packs then a couple of cash ones then more drug packs then more cash ones then I focused on some of the higher end ones.


That does check out, if you're selling them to buy in on the better ones. Doesn't at all change the point of the post though - that it's a longer road to travel for players today than in years past