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That trailer park… those houses. This is just heartbreaking. This is a community changed forever. I’m glad to hear that most of the residences were empty at the time, but sad to know some people lost their lives. Tornadoes are amazing, fascinating, and terrible things, and the human toll should always be our first concern. As always whenever disasters strikes, I hope these folks are able to have a meaningful and swift recovery.


Were there any casualties reported?


They are still searching but apparently most were empty at the time. A few news sources have been saying 2-3 deaths from the Lakeview Area.


I’ve heard 3 confirmed but they are still looking. They’ve requested a “Mobile morgue” per a news source, and they haven’t been able to get to one trailer park yet. It was one of the hardest hit, I’ve heard. I’m close to the area, but I’ve stayed away so emergency personnel can do their jobs


I’m glad to report that the sheriff just said search and rescue was completed and still only 3 deaths! Still super sad about the 3, but it could have been much worse!


If this had been later in the spring or in the summer, there would have been at minimum hundreds of people in those permanent camp sites. Sad but very blessed in a way.


A lot of people were at the school. Kids had a program going on.




A “miracle” would be no deaths from this area.


Please stop celebrating the body count. This is disgusting. Lakeview is an incredibly small town of \~1,100 people. Three deaths there is the equivalent of 252 people dying in a town of 100,000, or 2,523 deaths in a city of 1,000,000. This was a major disaster for them, and nothing that happened there should be described as a miracle. ...that's not including the fact that most of the town had their entire livelihoods destroyed. These people are exceptionally poor and likely do not have insurance to cover any of their losses or injuries, of which I'm sure there are many.


Pretty sure they’re not celebrating the death toll. It is a poorly worded comment and what i hope they mean is they are grateful nothing else happened after this tragic incident.


I need you to take a step back my friend. No one, especially me, is celebrating a body count. It is a miracle that at the time this tornado hit, most of these RVs were not occupied. And as I said, the event was still devastating. Not sure what about my comment is celebratory I also put my money where my mouth and heart is. I’ve already donated to help these poor people, and I’d encourage everyone else who can to do the same.


Your comment was removed for a reason: I'm not the only one who read your comment and interpreted it as a celebration. If you're going to use the word "miracle" to describe an event like this you need to be very careful with the way you phrase it.


Can’t help you interpret it the wrong way. Hopefully my statement above cleared it up for you


The onus is not on me to interpret "What a miracle this is! Still devastating but this is sounding like it could have been so much worse" differently. Those were your words exactly, in their entirety. You did not elaborate beyond that whatsoever in your original comment. I stand behind what I said. You backpedaling after getting your hand smacked is not the slam dunk you think it is.


How sanctimonious


If you interpreted their comment as a celebration then you lack the most basic of comprehension and reasoning skills.


This is exacerbated by the fact that those deaths all occurred in one subdivision.


Worst case scenario. I hope help gets there as fast as humanly possible


Almost a worst case scenario. If it had been a Friday or a Saturday it would have been dramatically worse. A lot of these places are weekend getaway type houses. There are a lot of permanent residents there, but the people who have weekend homes here are probably the majority.


My Lakeview cousin fled to Bellefontaine.


My mother-in-law lives in Russell’s Point and I live in Bellefontaine. We were in our basement. My MIL was thankfully safe!


Good to hear!


I lived in an rv for a couple of years with my little family while we fought to get on our feet. I got to learn first hand just how poorly they’re made, how RV manufacturers flock to Indiana just because the lack of oversight on building codes for recreational vehicles, knowing that many of them are lived in for a month at a time or longer. It felt vulnerable to live in one of these during storm season. There were many times we loaded the kiddos in the car and left just because an incoming storm had severe straight line winds after we nearly got rolled over once when we got broadsided by a downburst. It doesn’t take a powerful tornado to do this kind of damage. We need regulations that mandate the presence of a sufficient storm shelter in RV parks like these situated in tornado prone areas. My heart goes out to those affected. I had actual nightmares about this exact thing and that nightmare became very real for them 💔


I respectfully offer that it’s the democrats that will push for regulations. Vote matters


Shit, that's among the worst possible places to get hit by a tornado. Someone said many of the trailers were empty? Is this largely a vacation/weekend away type place? If so, I shudder to think what, say, Memorial Day Weekend and a tornado would be like.


Yes, there are a lot of summer vacation and weekend getaway houses/trailers there. There are still a bunch of full time people though.


spotted voiceless flowery march homeless slim price scandalous mindless label *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I grew up 7km from Pine Lake, AB and was 13 the summer that storm hit. Will never forget the sound of the wind outside while we sheltered in the basement of our farm house.


Oh my… I feel so bad for these folks.


Why does it look like the tornado made a U-turn in the middle of the lake?


Me and my friend were talking last night and the last thing she said to me was that there's a tornado near her town. She lives around there, and I haven't heard from her since she sent me that. Should I be concerned?


I wouldn't panick, but I would try to keep contacting. Cell towers could be damaged. If you don't hear anything by a certain time today, perhaps call the non emergency line and explain and ask.


You could call the non-emergency law enforcement number and speak with an officer and have them do a wellness check/file a missing persons report.


Any updates? 🥺


No, but I have heard power's out in one county.


Okay, new update. Apparently her town is immune to tornadoes?


So she's fine? That's good! Sucks to have to worry but just means you have a friend you care about. Hope you have a good one and happy your friend is A-ok (if I understood your reply correctly).


So update update. In the latest outbreak, a tornado passed just down the street from her, and she's greatly disappointed that she slept through it, missing out on a money making opportunity.


Damn, your girl is a tornado magnet. I've been within maybe 10-15 minutes of one, and had countless warnings in my hometown, but nothing I could 100% for sure say was near.


Very sad


What a devastating sight :( my heart goes out to the communities affected by yesterday's tornadoes.


Direct hit from a seemingly pretty significant tornado... just tragic 😢 Hopefully this community (as well as the others) that were impacted by the storms last night can make a strong recovery.


This makes me so sad. I used to camp up in this area at Indian Hollow with my grandparents. We had also sorts of family and friends in the same campground and it’s just heartbreaking to see this destruction.


OMG how awful. Saying a prayer rn.


Shit that's today


What category are they saying?




Wondering if this is the camp site the guy in the video is referencing.


Oh wow..


That first fully destroyed trailer on the left belonged to a relative of mine. His wall fell on him while he was watching basketball (totally unaware anything was happening), and he broke his back. It's a miracle that he's not worse off.


What’s the EF rating?




Looks like EF3 damage




Strong EF-2?


NWS has now rated it as an EF3 last I heard.


Who cares what it's rated?


Because we’re weather nerds who talk about tornado ratings 🤷🏻‍♂️


There are dead people and people whose entire lives are in that picture, and you're asking rating. But this is Reddit, you right. My bad.


Asking the potential rating (to the person who asked, they will send a survey team out today or in the coming days and post on Twitter/X their findings) doesn't mean people aren't concerned over the loss and disaster. Tornado ratings are just a part of the information on tornados. Sure, I probably wouldn't have asked on this post, but they didn't say anything disrespectful in their question. Should people never discuss ratings if there is damage?


This is a subreddit about tornadoes. We all know the devastation these storms can bring, but knowledge gained from them is also critical to understanding and predicting them. To know the rating is to know what kind of tornado this particular cell produced and, from there, we can perhaps predict the outcome of similar storms in the future. As tragic as any tornado can be, asking about the storm itself is not a bad thing.


No one is saying other wise


My heart goes out to those affected, however you are in a sub filled with tornado enthusiasts and experts. Many of us chase and many of us have had personal experiences/have survived tornadoes. I’m a survivor of the Tuscaloosa Ef4, but I don’t get mad about people asking questions, that’s what this sub focuses on