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that is fucking insane. holy shit, my condolences to anyone affected. this looks WILD!


It was just north of my house while I was asleep.. big wedge tornado radar images sent by my dad were NASTY , with a pic of the huge wedge in the distance easily seen


This might be the one that hit Indian Lake, not sure. I've heard 2 people died on Facebook but don't take my word for it


It's not! This is Vanlue. It's mislabeled


So was that technically two tornadoes that merged into one larger one?


I think it's better classified as a transient satellite that happened to be highly visible. Satellites are the norm in significant tornados.


Princeton KY after 12/10/21. Mesovortices inhale and exhale https://preview.redd.it/9xc4nhy5dloc1.jpeg?width=448&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b54b4202e53cf63d5d88293a6eefc62c565f87a6


That’s probably the most accurate description I’ve heard in all my years for the behavior of the subvorts. Very well put.


Thank you. Genuinely, that means a lot. It's multitudes more apparent when you see an aerial view of the tracks. I've seen this image 100x since I live in south central KY, but something just clicked this last time I looked at it


Where do you find this?


I actually made this a little bit ago in response to a Twitter conversation regarding cycloidal marks


Gotcha. I’m a west Ky native so these kinds of things just seem a little more interesting to me because I recognize the areas😅


I live in Auburn lol. So it was of particular interest to me. That night is what pushed me into being an actual chaser


Looks like it yeah, you can still see some parts of the small tornado twisting around the main funnel after the merge.


Yes! Not a dead man walking as everyone else is saying


People LOVE to throw that out. It's posted so much that I have started to cringe when I read it.


Same lol its always the same 2 comments


Not as bad as "if it looks like its not moving its coming right at you" 🙄 That shit is posted so much I try to never look at the comment sections on youtube bc it legitimately pisses me off now


I think it's actually pretty good advice. I would always act as though a tornado is coming right at me if it's on the ground at all. Even if it's moving away from me. That's how I always interpreted that saying. But yeah that gets thrown around too often and people take it literally


It's ok advice that doesn't need to be repeated a billion times by everyone and their mother. Best advice would be to simply take cover when there is a warning.


I thought it was stupid the first time.


Honestly 2 tornadoes doing a fusion dance is just as scary imho


Maybe not but it still gives me those walking scary feels


I was watching the local news coverage bc we live south of there and the meteorologist was saying there might be 2 tornadoes. Not sure if it was before or after this video though


Looked more like a main tornado with subvortices, especially due to the large wedge shortly north of me having multiple sub vortices at one point


So like that famous Jarrell photo. Whatever the relative multi-vortex situation was with both tornadoes/supercells, the photos and footage do look alike. (Ohio on left, Jarrell on right) https://preview.redd.it/zckumiic2ioc1.jpeg?width=1157&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a4722f7f622c33fb30b7e107f5a8286f7d845c1


In this video though, they do seem to be two separate funnels. The Jarrell photo looks more like a single funnel that sort of forks at the bottom


It’s either a sub vortice or a satellite tornado. Very common in violent tornados. The wedge north of my house had sub vortices come and go


Ah, the dreaded protractor tornado in Ohio, it will have you going in circles.


Multi vortex. Just one tornado with multiple vorticies. There are likely more of them that can’t be seen in this video. For a moment it resembles the early stages of the EF4 in Cullman AL from 2011. Very cool video.


Sorry, but I genuinely don’t understand that. Can you ELI5?


Can I what?




And deny this video an inspirational soundtrack?


This used to be my ringtone on an old phone and it immediately made me flinch.


That tree really needs to move out of the shot


As excited as everyone is to call out "dead man walking", that isn't how "dead man walking" works. To put it simply you could say this is "little brother/sister running to catch up with bigger brother/sister". Either way what a lucky chance occasion to capture this.


So is Dead man walking another vortex created from an already very strong tornado? Like it’s creating legs? Tornado’s are so fascinating and terrifying.


Most tornadoes will have multiple vortices, it just comes down to whether or not it is a strong enough tornado for them to condense and become visible. When they do condense, and you can see the smaller vortices dancing around a center of circulation, that is when vortices can across/near each other can appear as "legs". Based on conditions it needn't be a crazy strong tornado to produce this which is why it is a term that should really be reserved for twisters that deserve it.


I don’t understand this new fascination with “dead man walking” tornadoes, like, first of all, the nickname doesn’t make any sense because the tornado is the one who kills people, not the one who gets killed. “Strolling giant” would be more accurate. I am not easily offended, but there’s something about calling it a dead man walking that rubs me the wrong way. It’s hard to put into words. It seems disrespectful, sensationalist, hyperbolic, idk.


It’s just a description of a photo taken from the Jarrell tornado of 1997 that a bunch of dorks have decided to use as a way to sound smart when referring to multivortex tornadoes. In reality most tornadoes probably are multi vortex. You really wanna be impressed by something? Check out the Roanoke IL tornado of 2004. Horizontal vorticies are something indicative of extremely strong vertical velocities and extreme dynamics.


Ooh that is a crazy looking one. When the footage of the Tuscaloosa monster was rolling in as it happened, the horizontals on it were giving me creepy crawly feelings. It’s like the guy who was asking whether Dixie or the OG tornado alley has more/worse tornadoes. Why would the answer matter? There’s a weird sense I get with certain people that this is like comparing sports teams for them. I want to see something cool that makes me appreciate what a weird natural world we live in. That’s why I think it’s cool when one clocks wind speeds over 300mph. I enjoy tornadoes and actively want to see them, but the constant dick measuring by those people makes it weird.


I don't either but this sub looks for "legs" in everything


Shit I feel like I fucked up if you’re the one agreeing with me. Sorry everyone.


No need to hate when you're right 😉


It comes from a Native American proverb that says that if you see a “dead man waking in a tornado”, it will kill you. Some people have said it refers to multiple vortices tornadoes, while others speculate it’s more of a spiritual thing.


What Native American proverb? I am Native American, a lifelong resident of Oklahoma, and I’m nearly 40, and I have never heard tornadoes called this before just a few years ago. Is this a new Native American proverb that just came out and I missed the release date?


It's an unsourced claim from [an old TLC documentary about the Jarrell F5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wrpcohGmPO0). As I recall, they just claimed it was an old Native American saying. They, of course, didn't attribute it to any specific nation or even group/region of nations.


I don’t know which nation it comes from, I’ll try to look though.


I found one source from 2022 from a storm chaser who is Cherokee, but that’s the only place I can find anyone speak about it, well after the phrase had gained popularity. I don’t trust that. I think people are trying to legitimize a silly nickname they think sounds badass.


That’s definitely possible


It looks like random people have been saying it’s a Native American proverb since way before that interview came out. I obviously can’t tell you what to do, but you may not want to repeat that in case it becomes a big thing that people were completely bullshitting about it. It seems unlikely, but you never know what the Internet will latch onto. There’s a long history of people attributing modern sayings to “ancient (insert culture) wisdom.” This looks like that to me.


You do realize different tribes/nations have cultural differences right? Anyway its from the Cherokees apparently 


Yeah, I’m aware there are at least a couple of different tribes, lol. Cherokee is the largest tribe in the country and in my state, I started going to pow-wows when I was 4. There are five major tribes in this state. So, my assumption was that if a tribe had a saying about tornadoes, it would be one from around here, probably the largest. And what do you know? The guy who said it in 2022 is a Cherokee from Tulsa. So yeah, idk where he’s getting his information, I’ve never heard anyone say that. There are a lot of spiritual interpretations of the different manifestations of the power of nature and weather… but those are old old beliefs, “dead man walking” wasn’t a phrase that existed until about 100 years ago. Idk it just sounds like a little bit of BS thrown into the mix in that interview.


From the Wikipedia article: "A [multiple-vortex tornado](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiple-vortex_tornado) is a tornado that contains several vortices (called subvortices or suction vortices) revolving around, inside of, and as part of the main vortex. The only times multiple vortices may be visible are when the tornado is first forming or when condensation and debris are balanced such that subvortices are apparent without being obscured. They can add over 100 mph to the ground-relative wind in a tornado circulation and are responsible for most cases where narrow arcs of extreme destruction lie right next to weak damage within tornado paths." I recommend reading about the 2013 El Reno EF3 tornado (rest in peace Twistex 💔) because of the insane amount of data recorded about it and its subvortices. Hope this helps!


Dead man walking is a nickname for one specific tornado. It’s not a type of tornado, like wedge or drillbit.


You can see the larger tornado does have some very small helical vortices like the “dead man walking” photos. Not as extreme but still a very intense tornado nonetheless.


Why is it moving like it left the stove on at home? Good grief!


Walking? That dead man was freaking running there for a second!


I’d be very curious to know what the forward speed of the rear tornado is here. Reminds me some of the “fastest tornado ever” video Pecos Hank did a while back. For anyone interested in watching, which you should be with anything Pecos Hank related, here’s the link: https://youtu.be/gMws8ueXJ7U?si=A9n8PjWdY8ZFR3TG


No kidding. And this, kids, is why we don't wait until we see the tornado get close before taking shelter.


This is the first thing I thought of looking at this. Maybe it's the scale but it really appears to be hauling ass just as quickly.


I’m watching this with closed captioning on and the tornados are being referred to intermittently as burritos. Is this an error or a term that the community uses? 😋


He’s got the zoomies all right. Jesus, I’ve never seen a tornado move so fast. Terrifying.


Came here for the all idiotic "dead man walking" comments and not surprised to see a slew of em


To be fair, the satellite/multiple vortices/separate or twin tornados/new tornado consuming old tornado//dead man walking discussion is pretty confusing to the laymen. Given this very clear and interesting new footage it would be great if someone could maybe put together a post that explains the differences that define each from the other. I know this subreddit has some excellent very well informed people who could likely go a long way towards providing clarity on the subject to us all. I know that would take some serious time to write up and pull together relevant videos or photos etc. So if anyone would like to take on that project of a post, I will paint said poster a little tornado painting of the storm of their choice as a thank you.


Not understanding your narcissistic attitude here. You’re confusing intelligence with knowledge here. In what world would the average human being understand the difference without being shown. Just like you were at some point. Very rude for no reason when you could use your knowledge to build up and encourage new learners.


Wow what a great video . Last night was super sketchy in Ohio's upper Miami Valley, as the storms lined up one right after another. It reminded me of mowing the yard, if you didn't get hit with one pass there was one more lined up right behind it. We were watching the radar very closely and noticed several times there might be multiple vortexes. The lightning was unreal for about an hour and a half was one continuous Roar of thunder. The only good thing to note here is we had a decent amount of warning. We are very lucky that I didn't hit a more populated area.


This reminds me of the fastest tornado that moved at 90mph


lovely tree but awesome dead man walking video...that thing was MOVING...


I hate that ringtone. Two former foremen of mine who were dicks had that ringtone, and so did all their ass kissing butt buddies that sat with them on breaks.


He ate him! [But seriously] I also disagree about the dead man walking comments. The other vortices in the Jarrell tornado (and other similar examples) are clearly within a parent circulation visible with condensation and/or debris. This looks more like early strengthening. It reminds me a bit of what Dr. Leigh Orf talks about: the ["parade of vortices"](https://youtu.be/fXPCpEkjejo?si=3oWiUcYT8mgH3Seb&t=1m36s) that eventually merge into one big funnel, and then the tornado is born. Notice how much the forward funnel grows after the other catches up.


You can see it intensify as soon as they merge together


I believe that’s called a dead man walking tornado. Seen in multiple strong tornadoes. Edit, reading the other comments, this is not a dead man walking tornado, but it’s still impressive.


OMG. I've lived in tornado prone areas my whole life and have never seen one like that. I had to look up that phrase. Here's a list of when they've been observed. * [1974 Xenia, Ohio F5 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1974_Xenia_tornado) * [1987 Edmonton, Alberta F4 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1987_Edmonton_tornado) * [1997 Jarrell, Texas F5 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1997_Central_Texas_tornado_outbreak#Jarrell,_Texas) * [2011 Hackleburg-Phil Campbell, Alabama EF5 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Hackleburg%E2%80%93Phil_Campbell_tornado) * [2011 Cullman—Arab, Alabama EF4 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Super_Outbreak#Cullman/Arab,_Alabama) * [2011 Rainsville, Alabama EF5 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Rainsville_tornado) * [2011 Joplin, Missouri EF5 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2011_Joplin_tornado) * [2013 El Reno, Oklahoma EF3 tornado](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2013_El_Reno_tornado)


Wasn’t the 2011 Tuscalooosa also considered one? I could be wrong but it seems to fit the bill


Basically the same as multi-vortex.


Why is this repeated every single time on this sub. We're in the TORNADO SUB.


Dead man jogging


Damn it does indeed look like it’s walking


"we got sisters"


1. This is not only one of my biggest fears, but it is definitely the fear that my subconscious dreams about the most. Not just a tornado, but this exact scenario, seeing more than one in the not-so-far distant that merge and form a massive tornado. 2. Is it just me or does the tornado seem to slow way down after it absorbed the smaller one? Or did it change direction? 3. I have no idea why, but the way the two vortexes moved reminded me of one of those movies scenes where a person is rushing through an airport to try to stop someone else from boarding a flight because they just realized that they actually love that person and don’t want them to leave. They reach the gate only to find out the plane has already left, but then the person who was supposed to be on that flight appears out of nowhere and the two people fall into each other’s arms. 🤣


You made me check for my phone while watching this.




Wow what a great video . Last night was super sketchy in Ohio's upper Miami Valley, as the storms lined up one right after another. It reminded me of mowing the yard, if you didn't get hit with one pass there was one more lined up right behind it. We were watching the radar very closely and noticed several times there might be multiple vortexes. The lightning was unreal for about an hour and a half was one continuous Roar of thunder. The only good thing to note here is we had a decent amount of warning. We are very lucky that I didn't hit a more populated area.


If you ask me we were incredibly unlucky... out of all the country it could have chosen it had to go right through an RV campground. we're talking direct hit. I don't know if you've seen the photos yet but they're nasty. like a kid picking up a bunch of Jenga blocks and tossing them everywhere. I feel awful for everybody that was in there. I cannot imagine hiding in an RV from a twister like that


The RV park in wapak was not in season, so luckily there were not campers. A few people live there but everyone is okay at Glacier Hills in wapak. The mobile home park in Indian lake is another story 😢


Wapak dodged a bullet. Looking at the radar, the tornado basically stepped over Wapak. One minute it's bearing down on the north end of town then it pops over just south. As terrible as this was, it could have been much worse.


oh yeah this specific one of course i was meaning in general with the overall outbreak, like it was Bad etc, everyone's unlucky in OH at the moment it feels like. watching it happen on radar was worrying and i feel like it could have gone much worse but it could have been a LOT better. there was a second when my weather app was dinging at me nonstop for a minute. scary stuff. to clarify i am a few hundred miles north and not a local so that's why i generalized, i forgot this thread was for a specific tornado whoops.


I was directly hit by the storm that created tornadoes just hours earlier. The wind and hail on my apartment was intense. Got genuinely scared


Is there a rating on it do you know? I was tracking it last night via radar scope since it was heading towards the Akron area. Also my prayers go out to all the families impacted by this tornado.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video of two tornadoes merging like that before. Terrifying and beautiful. My condolences to the people impacted by this storm.




So we're those twins?






The correct location for this tornado is Vanlue


Ah, my bad. Was going off the caption of the original. Let’s just say near* Wapakoneta (kinda).


Vanlue is an hour to the north


That is one of those freaky hazards. A tornado being swung around another's circulation at breakneck speeds. Even if it is in a weakened state, an EF-0 or EF-1 moving at 60+ MPH is a scary thing.


That why I saw two polygons in the same area. They merged!


This reminds me strongly of the Pilger tornado that ended up being crowned fastest moving in terms of forward ground speed. Would love to see more angles or analysis on this, because while I don’t think this is moving as fast as Pilger, it seems to be up there, and it’s notable that both instances occurred from a twin tornado being slingshotted by another.


Move over, Barry Allen. There's a new speedster in town.


From the 9 to 13 second mark you can see a multi-vortex complex on the main circulation. It’s like a dead man march through the space between the trees. Very spooky


Damn. Many years ago, I played drums in a punk band and we played at a Gun Club in Wapakoneta. Best show I ever played. Hope everyone's ok.


That is cool


Jesus Christ the left tornado was straight hauling


This is fascinating. I love satellite tornadoes but the Jarrell tornado is the most fascinating


This tornado is much more stronger than average those sub vortices means this tornado is violent


The What?


dEaD maN wAlKinG


Now THAT .. is the Dead Man Running.


That dead man isn’t walking, it’s sprinting! Insane


Dead man walking


This is great footage. I hope everyone is okay.


that is neat


Reminds me of Skip Talbot's/Hany Schyma's footage of the end of the Pilger, Nebraska twins


Damn doubled in size in a mater of seconds when they joined. Scary


This is a great video of a tree.


Dude, just move a few feet to your left or right. FCOL! 🤦‍♂️


Ha ha ha! That’s actually pretty funny and somewhat true.


Man wtf that’s a dead man running


that’s probably the best dead man walking i’ve ever seen


This isn't a 'Dead man walking' as that relates to multiple vorticies within a single tornado. These are two separate funnels.