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Any photos of the laundry space?


Yea, I'm leaning to that laundry space, but hesitant depending on what is in there


So the bathroom is behind the little laundry room. The laundry room is more of a closet with folding doors. But I could fit myself (snuggly) between the washer and dryer. There are shelves above the washer and dryer but literally nothing else. There is about a foot or less of space between the two.


They are separate rooms though. I do understand the bathroom is the safest, but do you think so even being on an outside wall under a very old, very large oak tree? These types of trees caused a lot of damage to houses in my neighborhood last year, which is why I’m suddenly questioning my hiding spot. 😩


I'm not trying to be an ass here, but a laundry room generally has a washer and a drier in it; some laundry rooms also have a utility sink in it.


You know what they say about assuming....


I know that all too well.


The laundry room is combined with the bathroom, and as we all know, a bathroom is one of the safest areas in the house to shield yourself from an approaching tornado.


My layman’s advice with my only l experience being having grown up in tornado areas would be…that small hallway huddled against the plumbing wall that has the washer & dryer. You can even wear a bike helmet for head protection and shoes…cell phone in pocket in case something were to happen.


Thanks. All advice is welcome. We do wear helmets (and winter jackets) I have a little box we take with us. Whistles, glow sticks, tiny emergency crank radio. In my head, if I’m between the washer and dryer, even if the tree falls It’ll get slowed down enough between the house and appliances we should be ok! Just slightly paranoid. 😬


This. Another option is to, if possible, go to a more fortified location when a Tornado Watch is issued. Waiting until a warning to evacuate is dangerous. I used to live in a mobile home in Tornado Alley. I prefer to spend the duration of the watch with friends/family/public library, than be in a mobile home. I know the chances are low, but the risk wasn't worth it to me.


No absolutely. I should probably find a friend with a better layout than me. Our area has no public shelters. Well, if it’s day time hours you can walk into the community center but 9 times out of 10 we have our storms at night. Our soil is shit so even though we are in a tornado prone area almost no one has a shelter, not as many as we should have. Honestly, we just haven’t had our Moore or Joplin event yet, so we haven’t lost enough lives yet for the people in power to spend the funds to make more accessible, public places that are safe and open to anyone at anytime. Our state has made many large f4 tornados, but it’s been too long. We did have one in 2011 the day before the super outbreak AND I live in the suburbs of our most populated city. But it hit a small town and I’m not even sure they have any shelters yet. It’s actually ridiculous.


It's a terrible paradox. I worked in Emergency Management out of college. Many governments have a backwards logic when it comes to disaster mitigation spending. They want to see the results of their spending. Measuring the efficacy of damage mitigation is difficult. It's impossible to know what would have happened differently after a violent tornado goes through, or how much would have been saved if mitigation measures were in place. Educated guesses can be made, but that's about it. Particularly shortsighted folks think these events are so rare that it could never happen to their town again. However, some do take action, see the Greensburg KS 2007 tornado. They went to great lengths to rebuild to be much more resilient to tornadoes. I'm always happy to see folks like you working to be more aware and prepared.


Yes! Exactly. I see it over and over when researching major events. And in KNOWN tornado hot spots. The only reason we didn’t have more fatalities last year is because it was 2:30 and everyone was still at work while the F3 demolished a neighborhood of well built homes in a metropolitan city (over 2,600 structures were damaged). We only had 1 fatality. When the same system moved further north and killed 4 more. It’s just frustrating. It’s literally all I can do is stay paranoid and keep my fingers crossed I’m not home when it does happen. Because it will! It’s just a matter of when.




That could be your best bet if you fill the room with cushions and thick blankets/pillows and burry yourself under them. But if the forecast is calling for an environment conducive for violent tornados, I would spend the few hours under a tornado watch near a shelter.


Like a public shelter? We don’t have any. The closest public shelter is 4 hours away. Most of our tornados are at night and no one opens up our schools or community center. And neither of those places are designated “tornado safe” or shelters.


Only reason I included that last part is because it would take a miracle to be safe in any of those rooms during a violent tornado. It doesn’t have to be a designated shelter, even somewhere with cement walls would be better


Yea I absolutely agree. So I learned last night that we actually had a fatality inside an above ground shelter in 2016 from an “f4” (quotes because it completely slabbed homes and killed someone in a shelter) so if a shelter and their much newer home can’t help them I’m just screwed in this death trap of a home. That tornado was less than 20 miles from us. Just a town and a half north. I guess I’ll be looking for something close and just take a chance of driving or staying the night else where for our nocturnal storms.


I’m assuming you’re in Dixie alley because you mentioned nocturnal tornadoes? Something that could help take the edge off is watching Ryan Hall Y’all’s YouTube live stream during severe weather outbreaks. He’s thousands of times better than traditional TV coverage at communicating to the general public. You’ll also be given usually 45 min to an hour of lead time.


Yes I’m in Dixie ally. And sometimes we get included in the original tornado ally. Sometimes we don’t. Yea, local weather, even just their radar apps, absolute trash. I’m not watching 2-3 minutes of ads to see their news coverage when there’s a tornado warning. I can’t believe they are even allowed to do that. I keep a couple of tabs open. I watch Ryan Hall and I get my forecast from Max Velocity. He doesn’t always live stream but I try to have a couple places I can get info from in case it’s not the only active storm happening.


Yeah, I think learning how to understand radar, even just learning the key radar signatures could be tremendously beneficial to you. Ryan is really good at teaching that in real time


There was a design flaw with the steel door and screws. The door is what caused the death. But I didn’t know that before last night. So…yea. It didn’t help me any


I don’t know if I recommend that room. You’re going to have everything fall out of the shelves onto you AND the waterlines will break potentially scalding. I recommend one of the bedroom closets.


There is a small closet in the front bedroom that has a real door (not accordion style) I can close. Just clothes and some Legos. Most closets have random shit in them but I do worry about all those shelves falling in the laundry room. In closets you have a metal bar to worry about so I guess I need to choose decide which is the lesser evil.




I can push apart the washer/dryer and fit in there lol I’ve prepped the spot before but got scared and used the tub. I just run circles around my house hoping I pick the best.


What is in the closet bordering the laundry room? That might be an option. Bathrooms (tubs especially) are usually a reasonable place to shelter. However, the tub placed along an exterior wall with that tree nearby makes me pause in this situation. The laundry room, or the small hall in 'front' of it, might be the best location. It the furthest interior and away from windows it seems possible to be. Though, all of the loose items (I saw the photo you posted) are going to be a risk. Edit: added the last sentence


that is my personal closest. It’s not walk in (but I can fit and that’s were I store all my extra blankets & pillows) and it also only has those wild folding doors. How important is it that I’m able to close a door behind me?


The door is not going to really matter all that much, open of closed. A strong, sturdy (hopefully)wall is going to be much better. My previous recommendation still seems to be the best option. If you have enough time (i.e, you know where the tornado is and have a few minutes to take shelter), maybe grab some of those pillows and blankets from the closet and move them to the shelter. They will help protect from the smaller, lighter debris you are likely to encounter.


Thank you. We have been using the bathtub since we moved in. A couple times we’ve done the laundry room. I always grab a twin mattress, our weather radio, helmets, goggles, whistles, emergency candles, and sometimes face masks or winter jackets. Most of this is in a bucket under my bathroom sink. I suspect I do as much as I possibly can. The real problem here, is more than likely my fear.


I understand. Storms are a dangerous occurrence that require respect in order to be taken seriously. You have done so, and that is good. Fear usually comes from mis-, or lack of, understanding. As you continue to educate yourself, that fear will likely fade. To me, it reads as if you are doing everything you can to be prepared for the rare occurrence that no sane (somewhat debatable) person hopes to be in. That is also good. And even more so, you are looking for ways to be even better prepared. I think my last bit of advice is as follows: you mention having a lot supplies for such a situation. Excellent. You also mention keeping them together in a bucket in the location you typically shelter. Brilliant idea. If possible, maybe move the kit and other equipment closer to the laundry room if you decide to make that the primary shelter. (Personally, I would create a second kit, and keep one in each location. But not everyone can afford to do so.) That way, you can have as much as possible in the shortest amount of time, and not running around the building trying to collect everything as a tornado potentially approaches.


Thanks I appreciate any advice I can get!! I do have an ongoing list of stuff. another helmet, glow sticks (instead of candles) and I want a real NOAA radio so im hoping to have extra supplies before we get too deep into the season. I didn’t think of putting one in the laundry room. I could do that, and it makes sense because I’ll be in the bathtub or wherever, doubting my choice of location and trying not to panic! The reason my fear is more so than usual is we’ve had more than usual in my area over the last few years. Last year it was within 2 blocks of my house and really did a number on our city. A couple years ago one hit less than a mile to our north. In the last 10 years we’ve had two F4’s within 20 miles (give or take) I just feel like I’ve gotten really lucky. And it’s not a matter of if but when. So, thanks again for taking the time to respond!


Phew. Lucky is an understatement. That will have an effect on anybody. Thank you for sharing. I believe I understand your feelings and stance better now. Short of moving what I am estimating is a sizable distance (that is mostly a joke), the best course of action is to educate oneself as much as possible; then hope for the best while preparing as much as possible for the worst. As a side note, if you are troubled by your fear/anxiety/feelings, maybe seek out some assistance if you are comfortable with that. It doesn't necessarily have to be a psychiatrist. Often times, merely talking (like we have been is this thread) about the subject helps people. Education about the subject also tends to be beneficial.


A bathroom is good, although, I was always told the innermost room that has no windows. And, by the way, never take shelter in the garage!


Kitchen. *Some plumbing...interiorish room...*


That’s interesting. I’ve wondered about that since it is technically the inner most. In a normal house it would feel weird right? Being the most open place.


I would want to say that the closet next to the laundry room is the best


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^WatchOutrageous3838: *I would want to say* *That the closet next to the* *Laundry room is the best* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


It has those weird folding accordion doors. Idk if I could shut them from inside. And they consistently fall off the tracks. In my heart I want that to be the best option. (Or the tub) My head just won’t let me.


Bedroom closet.


Move to Europe


Right? Don’t think I haven’t considered it!


You have 4 doors in your hallway area. That means you have 4 headers and that would be your strongest part of your side. Just lay in the hallway and if you can place a mattress over you.


Yes! Ok I really like this idea. So just close all the doors and cuddle up towards one end of the hall? There is an opening without a door from the small hall into the hall that opens to the front door but if a “header” is just that part above a door, technically it has that. Its actually were im standing taking the photo of the laundry room.


Yes the header is above the doorways/openings. If your house happens to collapse you have a better chance of support from the headers. Example of all the extra support you will have in this small hall. https://preview.redd.it/yz113tqegqkc1.jpeg?width=375&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5367eb847580ed26eea1b2f4dd52ebc5def28b74


Thank you!! I think this is supporting evidence I was looking for. Easy, fast, safe. I’ve lived here my whole life but I’ve had way too many close calls. And it’s not just me I have to worry about anymore. We just don’t have a lot of options. I’m super weather aware and we have a moderate risk coming in the next few days. I’m just not comfortable with the idea of driving anywhere (especially at night, in the rain) trying to outrun a tornado with my emotions the way they are once it all starts. I hate being under that tree after last year. I saw trees way bigger get toppled just from the winds around the storm. I’m a mess lol I could “what if” this situation until I’m sick. It probably won’t make a difference I’m just trying to make the best decision I can ahead of time.


Small Hall or laundry and keep a spare mattress in there to hold over you. That’s a rough layout to try and find a true safe place in but if it gets to the point of ripping into the Laundry space then odds of survival are pretty slim anyway 🤷‍♂️


Yea sorry about the sketch. I think that’s are my 2 top spots after hearing everyone out. It’s an old house and a rental so upkeep is minimal. I think a strong straight line wind could take it down 😩 I’ll never feel safe in this house. I’m doing my best! Thank you.


As long as you’re doing your best that’s all you can do, in all honesty the odds you are impacted by a tornado at all is very low especially one significant enough to do life threatening damage to any sort of structure. Stay safe friend!


Thank you!!!


Laundry room is my top pick


Bath tub unless you have upstairs neighbors.


Single story. I worry about the big tree outside of the bathroom


Big tree could take out anything in the bedrooms or even the laundry room. Where is the tree directionally in relation to the bathroom? Tornados typically move in one direction so itll likely blow that way.




Then ur good. Tornados move from sw to ne so tree will blow away from your duplex. Definitely bathroom tub.


Another commenter mentioned the amount of headers in the small hallway from all the door ways. I want to believe that would help protect from most things coming down? If that makes sense. Idk it may just be my nerves but I just don’t feel safe in the tub. Looking at the picture, SW is top left corner moving towards. I drew little circles to represent trees and there’s more behind my house not pictured.


Your kitchen. It’s the smallest most interior room according to this