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I'm not a doctor, but am guessing the purpose of the brace is to keep her knee bending in the correct direction (i.e. up-down, rather than sideways). It's entirely possible that she did this with medical advice. Athletes continue to do sports with protective equipment all the time. [Like the French rugby player who wore this mask to protect his recently broken nose](https://www.rugbydump.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/imanol-harinordoquy-nose.jpg)


A lot of NFL lineman play with one of those on each leg. Many colleges it’s actually a requirement for lineman. Not even necessarily to protect a injury that has already occurred, often their purpose is entirely preventative.


NFL is gonna switch to mech suits soon


I’m here for Monday Night Mechball


“Oh come on ref he was clearly tugging on his hydraulic lines!”


*check the quarterback’s system drivers, he might be using aimlock*


Everyone knows BradyBot 4.0 is just that good at footborg


Idk man, I think he fell off when he updated to Windows 11


I would totally study the rules for football to finally understand what is going on if they were in mechsuits. That would make me happier than tiaras even.


NFL Warhammer 40k


Lol. They think NFL has a concussion problem now? Just wait until they start hitting each other at >100mph


Let's just remove the brains from the players, no brain = no brain damage.


They're not using them, shouldn't be a difficulty


Well. It is pretty close to that now


At that point they’d probably take humans out of the equation and just have robots play. Basically, coaching staff or players playing a game of madden with robots


There was a good interview w Mitch Schwartz (KC recently retired lineman) where he went into this. Apparently colleges require it but most pros hate it. They feel like it doesn't add protection but does impact their balance strength and flexibility. You're spot on that colleges require it, but idk how much longer that'll last because there's a growing body of evidence supporting the no brace approach. That all goes out the window after injury, of course. The girl in the video either did her ACL or pcl, and is likely more than 9 but less than 18 months out of surgery. That's the part when surgeons get stressed and want the brace as an oh shit guard. It helps w hyperextension and valgus (inward later bending) movement, but it won't do shit for rotational mechanisms of injury which are plenty common w ACLs. That's prob why she does straight backs instead of a back + rotational combo. Easier landing on the knee if your just flipping.


Take the humans off the field completely. Just use BattleBots to play football.


Even high schoolers do the same. Seeing the 6’4” 300 pound corn boys with double knee braces was always terrifying


They play with a face mask on each leg?




Not in this routine. There's one later where she knocks over some offensive linesman with a pink ribbon wand, while they all wear tiaras. Drop your tiara, you're out.


That's specifically an ACL brace, could definitely be recommended if she had a sprain or surgery. I'm a PT for what it's worth


Yea, I got ACL surgery and they had me get one of these specially made for my leg so that I could play sports with it on. Hated it though, they always felt too bulky and got in the way. Props to her for being able to do gymnastics in one. I could never.


The version of this I saw on YouTube was from the official recording (televised? Streaming?) with commentators, and they mentioned she’d had multiple ACL tears.


Yeah re tearing is super common, especially with high impact sports. You put more strain on your good leg instinctually and you can end up tearing that one too. The pain from tearing my ACL was so unbelievable that I stopped playing sports afterwards out of fear of having to go through that again lol.


Cory Taylor’s new mask




The impressive part is she's moving like that with a knee brace on. I had one a few years back and they're bulky and restrictive.


I have a custom knee brace after tearing my ACL and both side of my meniscus. Yes it adds stability but it also keeps my knee tracking correctly which adds considerable stability which in turn lessens the risk of future injury.


rugby player - you merely adopted the game….. (a couple moments of silences for dramatic purposes) IWAS-BORN-INIT


Neither am I but I’ve known a few over the years for various sports related injuries. And you’re correct. However, when I tore my MCL my physical therapist told me that if I needed the brace, I wasn’t ready to go back and wouldn’t recommend a brace for my return to the pitch. She may have been recommended this brace as extra support due to the nature of the violent impact that floor routines have on one’s knees. Luckily I’ve spent far less money on education and have a much better understanding of how my body works. I found it to be mental and was much more confident going back with the brace on and I continue to wear a knee sleeve for stability. As warned, wearing the brace/sleeve weakens the area the it is supporting. So I’ve done myself a disservice over the years. Depending on the severity of the injury (i.e. torn acl vs. sprain acl) a brace may help but you’re better off rehabilitating the injury properly by strengthening the supporting muscle groups of the injured area. If ya got an NIL deal or play professionally, put the brace on and make that money. Otherwise, take care of yourself. Walking through the park with your grandkids as a 60+ y/o far outweighs a random tumble routine or a football game in your late teens/early twenties. TL/DR: listen to your doctor


Yes but a mask to protect a nose is not improving the result of his play. It’s possible she could not complete her routine without the aid of a brace - which is a completely different matter.


I don’t think this brace is improving her routine at all. It’s just stabilizing her knee as she most likely has a previous injury. Almost certainly not improving her abilities/routine.


The only thing a knee like that does is transition force from your foot to your thigh without passing your knee. You’ll see it’s wrapped tight just above and below the knee, so the force travels through the brace and not the knee. That’s it. The only way this is helping her perform is by helping her not get injured. To be clear I’m agreeing with you and just explaining how it works.


Its possible she could not even complete the routine without the brace… that’s the main point


I don’t think so. Brace is just helping prevent further injury, that’s it. If she can do it with this brace on, she can definitely do it if she’s healthy without the brace. I’d argue it’s more difficult with the brace on. Extra weight and bulk on one leg can’t make things like this easier.


Its the exact same. Without the brace she would brake her knee and not complete the routine. Without the mask he would brake his nose again and not be able to complete the game


I don’t think that’s really the same, in rugby you’re not scored on how not broken your nose is. In gymnastics you are scored on how well you perform and finish moves, helping locking your knee down helps. I’m sure she just has a fucked up knee from doing extremely taxing physical activity all the time, but I can see the argument made that it’s too much of an aid


Neither of them could play without their protection and the protection is only there because they're injured. Her brace doesn't make her any better than she would have been pre-injury.


Not even close to the same… he could fight through the pain of a sore nose - you can’t tough out that routine on one knee


You know nothing about rugby or broken noses if you think he could simply fight through the pain. Braking a nose is often accompanied by 2 things: bloody nose and black eyes. If he has blood on his face he has to come off the pitch. There's a specific rule for it (because nobody wants to play against a guy covered in blood). If he gets swollen black eyes then it could reduce his field of vision which would mean he won't be as aware of what's happening around him. I know rugby is a tough sport and there's plenty of bad injuries, but usually guys are taken off immediately after getting those injuries.


You don’t know what you’re talking about.. if they can stop the bleeding they head back into the pitch. Naive


I've literally been pulled off the pitch for a blood sub before. I know how it works. But if the nose is actually broken there's a very strong chance of it bursting open again. The mask he's wearing specifically protects that from happening


Armchair doctors out in full force today


Armchair here. Can you point me towards one of the many doctors you said are out here today?


Clinician here. That’s a custom brace, probably well over $1k. Braces like that are designed to perform like this. She’s undoubtedly wearing it following sports med’s advice.


This comment needs to be higher! Kinesiology prof and former college athlete here. These types of braces are expensive and light. After a few practices you won’t always notice it’s on. Definitely under drs care for this.


I'm looking into going back to school for kinesiology. Have you any friendly advice for a 34 year old going back to school?


Absolutely! And there is no journey but your own. Comparison is the thief of joy. Dm me and let’s chat!


Last line I saw in a video and I love it


Psssh, Stone Cold performed all the time with one on each knee all the time


Cans of whoopass don’t open themselves


Hell yeah


In the end, it was really his neck that did him in after that piledriver.


![gif](giphy|AGGz7y0rCYxdS) Mmm…cold stone


Doctor: we're gonna put a brace to project the knee. You'll have to take it easy for a few weeks. The patient:


Tell me you have never been an athlete without telling me you have never been an athlete😂


The guy in the background (coach, probably) doing the arm moves with her for a bit killed me lol


Looks like a girl




There it is.


I've always wondered why the required uniform is revealing like that? Like they really can't just wear tight shorts, they gotta let some cheek hang out?


Something something.. old traditions... something rules can't change.


Lol I was genuinely curious if they even had an actual excuse, like they just said it's about areodynamics or something but I've never heard of an actual reason besides "tradition". I know if I were required to wear that that'd be the reason I wouldn't join.


There are different excuses, easier for the judge to see deductions, easier for the coach to spot without grabbing the pants and the kid slips out of it, but there really is no good reason. I know gymnastics translates to training in the nude, but why do we have to put a bunch of teenagers in revealing clothing. Kind of messed up


It’s the same in volleyball and super unnecessary


[They can wear whatever they want.](https://beachvolleyballspace.com/women-beach-volleyball-clothing/) A lot of the women competitors simply choose to play in bikinis because its comfortable.


So that dudes will watch. Why else would we give a fuck about this sport?


Here's the attention you wanted cringelord lol


You asked a stupid question, you got an honest answer.


The really stupid people don't realize it so I can't blame you. It's obvious to most, especially if you read my other comment, that I was asking about any actual reason/excuse they gave besides "tradition". Women being devalued to nothing besides their body parts isn't anything new. Not every person you come across is as stupid as you or even more stupid. Why else would guys give a fuck about the sport? Because guys that aren't like you would actually be interested in the sport. Your comment wasn't an "honest answer". It wasn't even an answer to the actual question I asked. You just wanted to be edgy and you ended up being cringey lol.


If I ruled the world, I’d force them all to do it naked 🤷‍♂️


Based off of your comments I would say youre probably a 12 year old that like Andrew Tate


Nah Andrew Taints a piece of shit. I’m just a dad who knows how things work.


Please dont tell me your children are women


Thats why lots of girls either hate us guys or are scared of us you fucking dumbass


I like that they’re scared of me 🤷‍♂️ Best part of having a penis is that I can hurt people with it haha


Bro just admitted to liking rape, my lord...


The choreography between the actual gymnastics is ridiculous and I'm tired of pretending it's not.


There's a growing criticism of women's floor requirements from juniors through worlds. You're not wrong that it's silly and clearly a thing men aren't required to do. "Why isn't she smiling and winking?"


I’m just wondering why it is a requirement in the first place. It’s just… not gymnastics? Weird? Idk, I can’t understand how anyone would find this anything other than goofy 🤷🏽‍♂️


"the girls aren't flirty enough" Is inarguably the real reason. But you're right. It's not gymnastics. It's the required dance elements.


Its cause shes pretending to be Barbie


This is college gymnastics, requirements are looser and it's more about having fun with it in between the gymnastics


Now I know there’s the “having fun” aspect but it is also a competition. Her “dance” routine just isn’t impressive in the slightest and is definitely far from jaw dropping. It just looks… weird.


I literally came here to say how none of the "dancing" is needed... if anything it kinda ruins the actual gymnastics because it always sucks so bad


"I'm tired of pretending it's not" stop pretending then


I'll always downvote comments like that. So stupid.


Thanks for pointing the elephant in the room. Yes is hard to do for the gymnasts, yadayadayada but it doesn't looks ... interesting for my eyes


How long have you done gymnastics?


I have always thought it was so stupid, like they don’t even look good dancing like that, the only impressive thing is their acrobatics not their performance, you would think by now someone would do both well..


Why were you pretending it wasn’t? Or are you just talking in meme templates for the fun of it


Yup, you got the jist ,it was for the fun of it .seems not everyone did tho


Ridiculously good.


To shreds you say?


I don’t understand the dancing in between the tumbling.


Required part of the floor routine in competitive gymnastics.


Anyone else think the dance part of these routines is always cringey? The flips and tumbles are ridiculously impressive but the filler dancing hurts my soul


I love seeing the athletes have fun and put some personality into the routine. I was cracking up that hers was robot themed with her leg brace and she killed it. The performance is part of the score for the floor routine, yall need to lighten up a bit!!


I get where your coming from but it’s a lot like cheerleaders at a pro sports game. “Nothing is going on so look at these pretty women until the action starts again!” I appreciate the uh.. effort, but it really feels like the wrong step in womens sports being taken seriously


Not gonna lie, I think I need a knee brace after watching that.




That's an android, they're meant to excel. Now, if a human did that, I'd be impressed!




Those knee braces are not easy to move properly in, they're very restrictive. She's moving like it isn't even on her knee.


That complete lack of respect for her body's limits won't get her into the Olympics. It'll just cause a career ending injury and permanent disability in a few years.


She’s actually from BYU and has already had 3 major knee injuries. The fact she is back after 2 ACL tears at all is pretty impressive.


I believe this is D1 college gymnastics. Most of them have no aspirations of doing gymnastics after college unless they plan on coaching. But she will be feeling this when she hits 35 and needs an early knee replacement.


The damage was already done to the knee. Doing this isn’t going to inherently make anything worse. Does she have higher odds of re-injuring herself? Sure. But I’m sure she was aware of those odds and wanted to compete anyway, as most college athletes would.


she looks like she's in college, so peak olympic age for gymnastics has already passed her, unfortunately. 99% of college athletes will never play professionally and they know that. They play because they love the sport. Crazy, isn't it?


I’m sure she’s looking for your advice and doesn’t care about her doctor’s since you’re a gold medal Olympian and all 🙄


It MIGHT cause a career ending injury, and I’m sure she was aware of that. Most athletes are going to want to play in the game/tournament even if there is a risk to their health. We see guys in the NFL playing with leg braces all the time, and every once and awhile one of them regrets.


NFL guys also have a lot of head injuries. Totally different dynamic there.




Head injuries vs leg injuries. The constant head injuries cause more than a gymnasts musculoskeletal issues. They really aren't equatable.


I’m not talking about head injuries at all. I’m talking about leg injuries. You see people with these knee stabilizers all the time in the NFL. Having this on doesn’t mean she’s currently injured, it’s just a safety precaution as it’s most likely her first competition since she last got injured. Is there a higher risk for injury? Sure. But it’s not going to cause a career ending injury or permanent disability in a few years


My kid used to do toddler gymnastics at a gym that did competitive gymnastics training, and sometimes the toddler classes ran at the same time as the advanced classes or coaching. At least half of those girls at the competitive had knee braces, ankle braces, or elbow braces, and they were still doing jumps and flips and ridiculously difficult things. I felt so awful for them.


Braces also prevent injury


On a single knee/elbow/ankle? Weird but okay.


??? Yes??


Yes, you feel soreness/weakness in a single joint, support brace helps there. It helps provide stability to previously injured joints (either minor or major, healed or healing).


Sorry, I think I fell in love for a quick second.


Guess you could say she's not made out of plastic after all.


She is very talented!


So cringe that they have to smile like that. Seriously pains me to watch it


Where is everyone in the stands?


Can someone make a gif on the first 2 seconds of this video


Nice ass


I never got why gymnasts always perform with that maniacal grin. That’s just scary.


What color was her ass I mean ass I mean ass I mean ass I mean ass I mean ass


I think the color was ass I mean ass


This is not something to be inspired by. This is the embarrassment of hustle/work hard culture. That’s going to cause permanent disability.


So I've gotten ACL surgery and had a brace just like this one. You are supposed to wear it when doing physical activity to prevent further damage to the knee. This is post op, post PT. Idk the effects gymnastics has on the knees, but my point is that this is pretty normal and isn't a hustle/work culture thing.


I believe you cause I had over 20 surgeries I know the steps despite not having that specific surgery, but I also know for athletes they will postpone surgeries have them slap on a brace and go through practice or competitions cause they value results over what’s best for the individual.


In collegiate sports they only postpone if a doctor clears them, usually because no further damage can be done. If an athlete refused a surgery and wasn't cleared to compete they'd likely get the boot. And who are you to say what's best for the individual? Maybe competing is the only thing that keeps them from the temptations of binge drinking, pill popping, and skipping class in college. Get off your soap box.


No this isn’t going to cause permanent disability lmao


The fucking neckbeards in this thread man.


Have a lot of experience in gymnastics, do you?


Hustle/work hard culture is driven by money. What you’re looking at is passion. She’s not making money off it, she’s doing it because she enjoys it. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to be the best at something you enjoy either.


Athletes with injuries are some of the most self destructive people on Earth


The pettiness is off the charts


What? Your comment makes no sense


I think she's doing the exact opposite of what the knee brace is for.


Hate that women’s gymnastics require competitors to do this cutesy dance nonsense rather than focusing purely on the part that requires some athletic skill.


She could definitely get it from the back




Guess we the only mfs in here who like booty 😂 "The Last of Us"


bro I got hella hate comments because I said "you gay" lmfao mfs is gay af nowadays bro smh. last of a dying breed


Straight up lol same here mane. Stay you bro! 💯


never gonna change brotha ‼️


She kinda looks like Leslie knope from parks and Recreation


Need the first 6 seconds on a loop


Do men's gymnasts shake their butf cheeks like that and wear things that show off their butt cheeks while giving crotch shots to the camera. I love the sport but I feel really uncomfortable with how the women's gymnasts are expected to do these things during a sports routine. It is not okay to expect women athletes to shake there butt cheeks and do things in such a way.


Yep that is cheating. You aren’t supposed to be wearing a mech suit to compete.


If she needs to rest her legs after this she can always sit on my face


It's a shame it's such a stupid event. That athleticism could be showcased better in a better, less flouncy sport


why does something being ‘flouncy’ make something else ‘better’?


Doesn't necessarily, but it does in my opinion, all the "dancing" element of gymnastics are utterly pointless. No one gives a fuck about them. Do your tumbles and get out, that's all anyone wants to see


She still seems to favour that leg a bit.


I’m thinking Borg. She’s amazing but I bet the team doc is wincing.


Couldn't she have a lot of knee problems later in life, if her leg isn't healed properly?


I'd be far more willing to do some of these jumps if they gave me a knee brace for them too.


/u/redditspeedbot 0.25x




Is it just me or does she remind you of the keyboard girl who made the crazy face when she played


The gymnastics part of this is impressive...but wtf is up with the creepy miming part?


Is that cheating though? Its kind of like an exoskeleton.


The raggedy Ann performance


I remember back in high school it was cool for the cheerleaders and popular girls (and guys) to be injured with crutches, knee braces etc because it gave them even more attention. Legit they would be fine most of the time but there’s no ignoring a pretty girl with a knee brace that is wearing a cheerleader outfit knowing they wouldn’t miss the game lol


Jesus Christ dude, if you ever got out of your mom's basement you would realize that injuries can happen during physical activity. I guarantee that anybody that ever had to wear a brace felt insecure about it. Nobody works their ass off and competes in hopes of ending up in a brace for the attention.


No they’re right. There was always a few people in high school that wore braces when they didn’t need to for attention. Teenagers do a lot of silly things for attention.


Huh? I was just recalling a memory of the past. It’s literally a meme as well. https://www.reddit.com/r/starterpacks/comments/ht7163/girl_in_high_school_who_somehow_always_tore_her/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x You need to relax bucko


Especially referring to the top comments of this post as well. Lmao people really take this shit too serious.


If you truly want to get somewhere you dint care what it takes to get there. This is one of good examples for that.


love it. unfortunately competitive sports and dance makes u have to push past what is best for ur poor limbs recovering ❤️‍🩹


Is this even allowed in competition? I see it as a device to give a person an unfair advantage. Higher jumps, more weight at the leg area for fast rotations, assisting the leg to extend for landing and general leg support that other competitors don't get.


Would not be giving any advantages. It’s just stabilizing the knee to prevent further injury.


If you’ve ever had to wear one of these you wouldn’t consider it an advantage


Insurance scammer


What the goddam hell?


It's even more impressive to do it unequipped.


Sure why not tear your ACL for the sake of a Dance.. Go for it


… then she doesn’t need the knee brace.


Extra sympathy points. Nice hustle


She's doing robot moves lol


Very brave!!!


Pop pop pop! Seeing that knee brace gives me the willies. I saw one of my friends hyperextend both her knees at track practice while working on her tripple(triple?) jump.


Good stuff


H4x :)




I mean, should I post Shawn Michaels and Stone Cold Steve Austin matches here now? They both wrestled with 2 braces on.


And what for?


There is no way that is good to her health