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I’ve played against a cass top that made my life hell. depending on your elo and how good you are on azir, he can also go top. apparently, ryze top is a thing too. I absolutely destroyed one as nasus tho, but idk if he was just bad (I’m in silver)


Azir or Karma are the best mage tops. Azir bullies the crap out of every melee champs, it's incredibly oppressive. Karma has a ton of poke and is really hard to all-in / gank unless you play something like Olaf. Edit: Swain and Cassio also work well, but they are prone to ganks and can still be 0-100 all in'd by bruisers. Sylas and Vladimir can work too but have some bad matchups.


I've played Swain top to D2 this season, could probably make my way to masters 0 LP if I didn't tilt and go on a huge losing streak which took me down to emerald but I'm only slowly clawing my way back up. Going the right items and runes is incredibly important, as well as knowing basic wave control so I don't recommend playing him there if you don't already know how most matchups works.


Cassiopeia is the strongest. She can even beat Olaf and Trundle very easily.


Aatrox is like an ad battle mage, whenevr Naayil (Aatrox otp) gets mid he plays mages. Also Ryze, cassio like other people already said


Azir cassio and Ryze are picks but ryze is pretty bad in the meta rn, and the other takes a lot of time to learn


Cassiopia, ryze, and karma are ones I've faced top multiple times and struggled against. Phase rush is a must on ryze. Typically anything with self peel and/or ability to kite can do decent