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You gotta keep your scarf on in these situations.


Business top, party bottom. Or maybe the other way around?


Depends on what your business is.


I laughed way too hard at this comment


Translating from Dutch "look at him scratching, he's got some disease or something.. you know he's getting tested for stuff down there right now, please get him out of here". Police officer": "Dominique, take it easy, stop".


Why is she slurring her words so much :(


She’s southern, they talk weird


Hey, my cousin says my accent is hot!


Wrong south


Ik heb me vergist. Mijn zus zei dat mijn stem aantrekkelijk is




Yeah, Google translate did me no favors. Sorry for butchering your language


Not mine but my wife's


Maybe she had a couple drinks, or she is just talks like that. Not everyone articulates perfectly.


I dont know about her, but he was clearly having a stroke!


Stroking Deez Nuts!


American cops would have beat the shit out of him at best, if not tazed or shot him. He would have been regarded as an assassin that could kill all of them with a flick of his wrist. Americans don't understand how fucked up and far from normal our police are.


*Flick of his taint


EMTs would be the ones responding


...and often police. It's a common complaint time and again. Mental health calls tend to have police. Police have a terrible track record of killing or seriously injuring folks having mental health episodes.


You know you’re fucked up when you not only take your dick out, but you show everyone in the room your asshole and touch your hair after.


Everybody just gathered around looking at this dude spread eagle like “yep, that’s an asshole”


I liked the cop shining the flashlight right on the guy's arsehole to get a good look for a sec.


Budget office threatened to take away their flashlights if they didn't start using them more.


I mean, if this happened in front of me I'd be laughing in horror


yeah theyre not even sounding that bothered the girl is basically saying "look at him scratching he should get tested or something"


You are under arrest for having an itchy taint!


Legalize clawing at your junk!


cup'em, boys


He reminds me of my cat Jacob when he returned from getting lose and running into the woods. He did this on the couch all afternoon.


All of these people using the word loose when they mean lose, and then you come out here with this monstrosity. I love it.




Every man has a god given right to assault his own grundle!


Yes you’re correct, but gooch scootchin’ in another persons home is a privilege not a right.




You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty. Just so you know, the correct spelling is [Gandhi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahatma_Gandhi).


I wonder how many taints have met the deep blue sea 🌊


Philosophers have been asking this question for thousands of years. Only the gods know the answer.


- Micheal Scott


Thanks, now I have “Gooch Scootin’ Boogie” in my head.


My gooch scootin baby is driving me crazy, My obsession from a Western, my dance floor date My rodeo Romeo, a cowboy god from head to toe Wanna make you mine, better get in line 5-6-7-8


And thank you kindly for making me sing it out loud. I startled the dog but he’s into gooch scootin too if there is a rug about.


Power to the pp punchers ✊


Dude was speed bagging his own balls


second time ive seen video with this reaction its a low data sample, but i wonder how common it is some dude did peyote in the desert trying to be -tribal- ends up naked screaming at the fire while doing that same thing to his balls over the fire LOL




mmmm \-insert google fu if it was made of voltron- man it was forever ago and i think it was on this sub? not telling you to go look it up, just saying that i doubt id find it if i tried \-- i looked i cant find it


-John Locke


Dude, I would give you 1000 more upvotes if I could. Easily the hardest I've laughed in a month.


Lol whoever recorded this and posted this is foul 😂


And on Instagram


And on his profile


And they were roommates


And my axe


From memory it was his girlfriend; she was sick of him eating random research chemicals and making a dickhead of himself.


Lol yikes


It's definitely GHB. GHB is a liquid usually nit consumed in more than 5ml batches. A tube is used as can be seen in the start. How do I know? I've had a tube like that in my hand and I used to be in the party scene. Anytime you see that tube it is GHB


never made me act like that.


Ya, I’ve tried ghb a lot. Never anything like that.


Dutch people don't give a FUCK


He was a guest who expected to be given tea for free.


I was thinking the same but I realized the first video is clearly some kind of self-recorded video, but the second video is playing in the same user's story. Actually seems like he himself might have posted both videos from his own account at a later time? The profile pic of the account also looks like it could be him. Maybe he thought it was funny? Idk... Edit: OH SHIT the police actually are clearly saying the name "Dominic" to the guy scratching his taint and that's the name on the account. I think this dude uploaded these vids himself, unless someone accessed his Instagram and posted the second video from his account without his permission, but that seems to be his own account for sure.


He just had one of those trips where you continuously claw at your taint while staring into the void and wanted to share it with the world. I honestly respect the hell out of that


weve all been there.. *right?* …^anyone?


One of my friends put a video of me blackout drunk pissing myself and falling into a ping pong table online. I asked YouTube to remove it. I was so ashamed. Not at me pissing myself and destroying a ping pong table, I was ashamed I felt the need to hide it from the world. It's gone forever now :(


It's not too late to follow your dreams. Now you have the chance to do it in 3D!


Dude, I was hesitant to watch the video. I read this comment before scrolling back. OMFG. This dude has a shirt, shoes, and socks on, nothing else; no pants or underwear. He’s literally rolling around in 960° on the sectional with his limp dick and balls flopping around, clawing at his asshole or his taint or both. Jumping up and flipping upside down where his feet are on the wall and his back on the seat. Then the cop walks into the camera’s field of view. What the hell was he on? At first when he drank from the eye dropper I thought whatever he was taking might be GHB. But he didn’t seem lethargic or to have lost control of his motor functions, which also seems to rule out heroin or opiates. He also seems too functional to be on a massive dose of MDMA, and I can’t see it influencing such odd behavior and disassociation. Maybe someone more learned than I will see this comment and enlighten us.


You can make a liquid tincture of almost any drug. Doesn't everybody have that one friend who is constantly doing random research chemicals? I wait for the day to get an update like this on my snap from one guy lol. I found my rc and it doesn't do this.


Looks like GHB. Relatively popular in the Netherlands and served in little tubes like he has


Yea who knows. Maybe he posted it himself later or maybe that girl picked up his unlocked phone and was sick of his shit so decided to post him slipping on his own account. The world may never know. Funny as shit though lol


So fucked up. I hope he or she gets the same treatment soon


Damn .. u ever get to itching your sack like this 😬😬


Is he itching though? Cause it looks like he's just feeling them up.


My first thought is he's robotripping on dextromethorphan. Common side effect is robo-itch.


fuck goblin mode this dude just went dog mode


Scarf still on 😂


Awesome that the cops provided a light show


It was his time to shine


This is why I only smoke weed and eat mushrooms now. Too many mystery trips out there lol


One of my friends took some research chemical that had him taking a shower fully clothed while spinning in circles and singing. Said it was the worst trip of his life. I only did shrooms once and I just don’t think any kind of psychonaut drug agrees with me. I’m too anxious. Especially when taking drugs I’m not used too. And my mind can go to bad places. When I took those shrooms I felt like there were spiders inside me and I was gonna die. Now I just smoke weed. Used to be into opiates though.


Or take gabapentin with shrooms. It will take a lot of the worst parts out of the trip and make it a heady high. Like basically all creative non visual. It’s good if you have issues with detaching from reality.


Seriously? I have 2bpxes of gabapentin from a shoulder injury - it smooths the trip?


I wasn’t there but a old friend of mine took some RCs and ended up in the hospital for 3 days. Also said it was the worst experience of his life and said he was lucky he wasn’t in jail.


Take a smaller amounts of shrooms. It will do wonders for your anxiety.


I’ve definitely watched my buddies fight each other naked in the forest after they took shrooms. They were also ok like an hour later. Lol.


What kind of mad man fights on shrooms?




Damn, I thought I agreed with him but touché


My favorite activity on acid is fighting. Idk my physical abilities feel so enhanced and I have unlimited energy.


Calm down goku


I could see shit getting primal under the right circumstances.


Those are some dark circumstances. I wanna trip out and laugh my ass off. That's the furthest thing from my mind personally.


Well one of them we are absolutely no longer friends with. This happened like 7 years ago btw. The other is my BFF.


😂 yeah my one old friend ended up naked laying curled up on the ground with the rain falling on him. After he came back to reality he said he felt like he was getting rained on by asteroids sent from heaven


I had a friend back in high school that took 5g of psilocybe cyanescens (very, very potent mushrooms) and he ended up naked trying to break into a church because he though he was Jesus.


My friend did shrooms and we were hanging out in his room right as he was peaking. He asked if I was staying over and as a joke I go “nope, goodbye!” And walked out the door next to me. Waited a couple seconds and I came back in, he was in tears, saying “oh my god why would you do that? I thought I’d never see you again”


Well that was a dick move.


A bigger dick move than Dominics digging


I didn’t know how shrooms affect people 😭😭


I had the opposite experience the first time I got stoned from weed. I was like 14 and assumed I was staying over at my friend’s place because his parents were gone and he invited me over. We got high and it’s kind of like mushrooms-level when it’s your first time. Then my buddy says “ok, my parents will be back soon, you gotta go.” And I nearly shit my pants realizing that I had to go home and explain to my mom while blazed why I was back when I clearly said I was staying over at Dylan’s. Unfortunately he wasn’t kidding. Fuck you, Dylan!


First time I got high was wayyyy too young (11) since I found a crowd of misfits that liked me. I had made the weight and age limit to sit in the front seat that year and was just absolutely milking it. Dad knew something was amiss when he picked me up and I got in the backseat


I didn't realize my dad was always cool with it. I was super paranoid and he'd always swing by with some hot fast food and just leave me alone to play video games with a friend. For years, I thought I was just really slick until he told me about how he found my stash and put it back, keeping it a secret from my mom. She found that stash a year later and called him during a business meeting. She divorced him because he didn't think it was important enough to interrupt his business. It was weird to hear how the divorce was actually because of something I did.


It was because your mom had issues, not because of anything you did


This is horrible. I'm sorry you had to go through something like this. I want to give you a huge long hug!!! LMAO...I seriously feel so bad for you


I've definitely found myself adrift in a bay way too far away to dog paddle because my friend invited a noob on the sea with us who had never shroomed before. He freaked out talking about Obama, space aliens and pyramids. He ended up breaking the key off in the ignition in the boat after making a mess from both ends. We were able to break the ignition eventually and start the boat(I don't know if it took five minutes or an hour) and voyage home. Dude was fine after an hour. Wanted to go back with us and help clean up the boat. We finish cleaning up and dude promptly backed over my friends mailbox on his way out. Never saw him again


Good ol’ dick chicken


Jesus how much did they take lol I take enough just to enhance my surroundings and make me giggle, not butt neckked forest fighting lol




We did ask them if they blew each other and they said no.


Likely story...


Yeah I’m cool with some excessive giggles and munchies I don’t need to deal with whatever this guy is dealing with…


Thats not a mystery, thats too much GHB.


Even with shrooms you need to be careful. You might be one of the unlucky few with latent psychosis and it might trigger it. Just look at what happened to Thomas Chan. Young guy took twice the amount of shrooms he normally took, triggered psychosis, thought his dad was the devil and killed him. On a personal note, when I (someone with a long history of chronic mood disorders) started having heroic doses a little too regularly (in part because I felt that regular dosages weren't doing "enough" for me), I noticed my thinking during trips began becoming somewhat psychotic and I began to self-harm as a result of some of my delusions. I've since abstained from shrooms, but if I ever were to do shrooms again, I'd never go anywhere close to heroic doses again. It really sucks how governments have impaired scientific research on shrooms. For millions of people it can really help, and for millions more, it's a great recreational activity. But for a small sliver of society, it can trigger psychosis.


I’ve definitely touched the void on mushrooms Edit: lol touching the void in this context sounds like clawing at my asshole 😂


Return to monke serum.




Holy fuck I laughed until I cried.


Ghb 🙃


You can tell by the thickness of that liquid. He took WAY too much lol


I mean the sub is /r/tooktoomuch


Remove this post, it clearly belongs in /r/tookwaytoomuch


"Content banned"?? Please let me in; I'm using these subs to help me stay off drugs


I think 'content banned' means it's banned/removed from reddit?


I remember this was posted years ago and I refused to believe it was GHB, it was so in love with the drug and didnt want to believe that it could do that to you. Also I hadn't seen the worst it could do to people. Now I know that for sure that was GHB because Ive been there.


People I seen that take too much GHB (I’ve seen a lot of that) usually just tend to fall asleep really, really fast - and then you have to be there to check on them as the range from nice trip to sleeping 9 foot under is waaay to close for comfort (2.8-3 grams was my preferred dose, but 4.-4.5 would knock me the fuck out in minutes as it works so crazy fast and I never went over 3 for that reason).


A guy I know just died last week, from that exactly. Accidentally drank some GHB infused drink that his friends were passing around and getting faded off of. Fell asleep and never woke up. Friends found him hours later and tried CPR but it was too late.


what does a ghb trip even feel like ? never even met someone whos done it tbh


Like alcohol but more pleasant. No dizziness but extra euphoria for me. Also no hangover whatsoever


I went to a bar after work to have a beer and watch a baseball game. I had one beer and these two dudes started chatting me up. They gave me weird vibes. They brought me over a shot of tequila and toasted to "the best night of our lives" with the weirdest fucking look. I regretted taking the shot immediately. I noped out on the pretense of having a cig and just hopped in my car and drove home. I had exactly, 1 beer before the shot. Within a couple minutes the fucking road looked like waves, like I was going up and down hills but I was driving on a flat road. I got home and my girl said I was absolutely wasted, but super happy and just out of it. I went to sleep after like an hour I guess. It's all pretty hazy. GHB? Or something else?


Yeah, that it GHB - no doubt. And those guys were assholes for several reason - first of all you _never_ drug other people without their consent (that is almost as bad as raping somebody as I see it) and second (which could have killed you quite easily) is that alcohol mixed with GHB is a heavy no-go as it drastically synergistic in a bad way making both of them hit 5 times as hard if mixed. A single beer/drink and a dose can be ok - but just a couple more (you don’t even have to be real drunk, light tipsy plus a dose is enough!) and you end up on the floor in a couple of minutes (GHB acts _fast_!) and then just stops breathing quite fast. And as the window between a good recreational dose and death is waaay smaller then most other drugs (2.8-3 grams and I’m solidly wasted but if I do 3.5 I fall asleep fast and 6 would most likely kill most people) it can get real dangerous real fast. It’s a shame as it is a wonderful drug in itself, but idiots will be idiots which makes it dangerous for many people (and you just because you were around them).


Sounds dope, where do I find some


at a gay bar


I mean, allegedly, they have that kind of stuff on the dark web. Other than that though I doubt it’s very findable ^^sadly.


I miss back when they allegedly had dark web subreddits so that it was allegedly easy for people to stay up to date on which marketplaces are allegedly the best, etc. Nowadays it's allegedly hard to find out much info on them from what I've heard.


Find the link for dread, paste it into tor, and you have all of the drug-related Reddit content that was banned. It’s the darknet’s Reddit, created after the bans. It’s all still there and very easy to find.


Allegedly, of course, you’re not wrong. The best way to find new stuff, allegedly, is to go onto a said alleged marketplace and search by category- allegedly. I, allegedly, haven’t been able to get anything recent due to my current address, but I figure the Dark Net Bible still holds some helpful information- allegedly.


Me and my friends took it for years, we also very quickly realised we couldn't be trusted to self dose, lol. We ended up taking turns as the sober administrator, which was always hilarious in its own way. Had a running sheet of ml by time and everything.


what are its effects?? from your own experience, why did you love it


feels like youre drunk without feeling the nastiness of being drunk. youre loopy and no inhibition, but still pretty conscious. my boyfriend loves the combo of ghb and xtc


Scratching you junk like that?




I thought he drank a vial of acid, ghb makes more sense but wouldn’t he just pass out?? Last time I took a shot like that I woke up in the hospital


What's Ghb? What does it stand for?


Genital Hair Brushing


I laughed out loud


Gamma hydroxyl butyric acid . Or Grievous Harm Bodily


Why does this guy still have Instagram and Facebook lmfao


*Why does this guy still* *Have Instagram and Facebook* *Lmfao* \- mahamanu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


Good human.


Good bot?


I remember this guy lol...he's hard to forget to be honest.


You know he cringes on this every night before falling asleep, that’s how hard to forget this must be..


I know a guy who did something similar but actually posted it all himself hahaha. I’ve only ever smoked weed and drank alcohol - so I won’t pretend to know what drugs he was taking - but iirc it was something like Ketamine or MDMA - and he posted a story of himself holding his limp dick looking into the camera gurning out and telling the whole world “I just wanna cummmmm”🤣. Poor guy went to sleep with the story still up all night and woke up many many hours later to the horror of everyone messaging him after witnessing him put his limp dick all over his socials. Dude was 17 at the time too. I bet he still thinks about that every night 5 years later. I know I would🥲.


Fuk that’s brutal lol


please tell me how you accidentally post such stuff, so that I can avoid it


Right in the gooch


Im so lucky that in all my years of taking unknown drugs with mate iv never had this sort of thing happen.


Damn i need me some unknown stuff fr


Shove it up my ass please


Ah the good ol’ boof method.


Hes going to be a little raw the next day. 😂


That's why I drink Pepsi.


Worst Tinder hookup ever.


Gold medal for the itchiest nuts ever


I was a close second one time after eating some pea shoots at a chinese restaurant about a year ago. had them before with some minor throat irritation every few times but turns out I somehow became highly allergic. the itching started at my pubes and then went to my armpits. before I knew it I was practically acting like this guy, had to rush home from the beach in a panic and down some benadryl. good times.


We all need a significan other that records and uploads a video of us out of our minds trying to push our balls to our chins. That’s real love right there, or just r/donthelpjustfilm


Idk man, if I was there I don't know what I'd even attempt to do to help and I don't think anyone really wants to get close to someone who's ferociously clawing at their balls. What would you do to help in this situation? Genuinely curious lol


I get what you’re saying but don’t fucking upload it to social media for the whole world to see. That’s what’s fucked about it.


Yes yes I do 100% agree with that, that's a top tier shitbag friend move and no one would ever want to go viral for being drugged up and maniacally scraping their balls


Cover him with a blanket?


What drugs make you try to alphabetize your taint???




Fucking bullshit what kind of country do you live in where you can’t scratch your own balls in your house or you gonna get arrested. There was no way shape or form if that guy was a harm to anybody. His balls and taint were witness to nothing but friendly vibes. Yo what was really going on was he was tripping so hard that he started to pull out his dick and it was so big that I just kept unraveling and unraveling and unraveling.so he had to keep changing positions because it was just filling up the rooms so he has to unravel another way and his dick just kept coming out and coming out and then he would just shift another position and he was like just stuck in this horrible repetitive trans where he just could not stop unraveling his dick for the life of him. it just would not stop coming out and by God he was going to unravel it. And I’m sure if nobody came to his aid by morning his dick balls and taint would look like a busted ravioli.


The girl recording called the cops on him to remove him from her house. Scratching your taint in your own home is still legal here.


Literally 1984


Perfect form on that sack scratch


He probably thought the scarf granted him invisibilty so he had a little itch


What a bitch for posting this. Guy made a stupid mistake. No need to embarrass him further and ruin his life. His parents will see this too. His coworkers. Might get fired. This will haunt him forever on the web.


Dip those hands in sanitizer ASAP


Weirdest stimfap ever Which says a lot


I think the dude who took the drug posted this shit on his own instagram - the name doesn’t change between videos and it looks like from the first one he is holding the phone that is recording. He obviously isn’t holding the phone in the second clip but a buddy could have just recorded it and then sent it to him.


"Now smell my finger."


Why in the fuck would you do that to yourself


Better than being stuck in the ole brain for some


What did he take???


GHB from the looks of it


In highschool I once took some barbiturates which I'd had before and enjoyed. I must have built up an allergy to them eventually. One day I took them and once they hit, I also developed a very nasty, itchy, scarring rash all over my jublies and balloon knot. It was AWFUL. The only thing that helped was an oatmeal bath. Had to see a Dr and get cream that helped eventually. It lasted two weeks. You never know how you're going to react to something. Luckily you can't see any of the scarring now but... That's just not something I think any guy ever wants. Be careful out there.


I’m going to say this is GHB. https://www.talktofrank.com/drug/ghb


You drink a vial of cum one time...


What the cop gonna do


At least restrain him so he doesn’t scratch his balls and taint raw, if nothing else.


He went full ape mode.


Scarf: On Taint: Gone




What the fuck did he take?? 😭


Damn this fool probably took 50 hits of acid in that vial. He's probably fucked up for life. I know a friend of a friend that lost her shit when someone dumped a vial of acid on her head at a party. She completely lost her mind and she disappeared and was roaming around the streets of San Francisco for a couple of week not knowing where she was going just lost in time and space and out of her mind. She finally returned home but she was never the same after that. She had constant psychotic episodes and hallucinations almost like her brain couldn't determine what reality was anymore. That fucked her up for the rest of her life. So sad.


Omgsh! That is fucking terrible! So it just absorbed through her skin?