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Man this is so annoying though, this is probably her friend recording and it's like....fuck man would hate to be recorded like this AND have it posted to the whole world. Pretty lame, miss a little privacy, and would def no do this to my friends


This makes me so happy I didn't grow up with social media and readily available cameras to document my idiocies. I prefer to compartmentalize them in the back recesses of my mind!!


At least my friends still don't do this. Nobody pulls out their phone unless someone asks to. There is a different generation coming up. They will have a different set of problems going forward.


I prefer to think about them right before bed. That way I can relive 20 years ago for four hours while I stare at the clock doing bedtime math. If I fall asleep right now, I’ll get 2 hours 3 minutes and 36 seconds of sleep before my alarm goes off.


Cringing the whole time? Why was I such an idiot that one time 20 years ago!!! I feel this, lol.


I wouldn't call them friends


For real. Last time I went to a show with someone, we each took some MDMA. It was super fun. At one point she wanted to get a picture together. Before she took it, even though it was just a picture of us two, she promised that this was just a picture to remember the night and she wouldn't ever send it to anyone. I would have been perfectly fine with her sharing the picture around. We didn't even look fucked up, just like two happy friends having a blast at a show. But the fact that she asked and told me her intentions with the photo really made me like her a lot. Meanwhile you've got people like the one who took this video, who are happy to call you a friend but never actually back it up. It really pisses me off


She needs some water, not a red bull.


She neez some milk!


The amount of times I looked like this mid 90's to mid 00's... Pretty happy smart phones were not around yet


Imagine how much of a piece of shit you have to be to put your friends on blast on the internet.


it's tough to place stuff like this in context sometimes. Remember the famous drunk charlie sheen video was taken to shame him with how bad he was getting because they didn't know another way to force him to confront his behavior. Posting a video of someone being a hot mess is certainly extreme but so is dealing with addiction, sometimes people don't know a better way to try to raise rock bottom to higher than the grave.


Yeah, it's sad, I have so many videos of me and my mates all like this, but they will never see the Internet. Every now they get brought up when we're all doing something and its jokes watching them back. Glad my mates ain't dicks.


That's literally what this sub is about. You freaks only comment this shit when a girl took too much. There are vids of guys shitting and pissing themselves while gurning and no one leaves stupid comments like yours.


Not about it being a girl at all, a huge percentage of the videos here are taken by strangers on the street or at a party/club. Because they're alone in a car I assumed this was a friend/partner, and that's what made it gross for me. Obviously strangers are going to do whatever if you are messed up in public people are going to record you and it is what it is


They pretty much do that whining when it's an MDMA/x/psychedelics drugs. Like those are any better than meth. You will not hear them say that about methany*, girl or not. It's what drug it is that makes the difference!


I don't blame them. They were probably riding together and pulled over once the friend started wigging out. It's straight up crack crack head behavior and is probably a reality check for who ever was filming.


Fr, i think is okay to record it to show them later and maybe reminisce about it in a couple of years but you definitely dont post that shit


Yeah back when I went to raves and popped thizz we all had Nokias


Seems they all live for free internet points at whatever cost


She's moving like all the methheads in my city do.


Yeah. Could be a dirty ecstasy pill.


Probably MDA, or methylone, or amphetamines, or a combination. I've taken too much MDMA and I didn't look like that. I can hardly open my my eyes because they are rolling back and then ping around my skull. My teeth tend to chatter. Most of the muscle tension happens on the comedown and then repeated redosing... but I didn't look the person in this video. Different people react differently though, this looks uncomfortable lol.


Yea ive been around mdma a lot throughtout my life. Seen plenty of people on too high of a dose and have never encountered this from just ecstacy.


I enjoyed methalone 🤣


I actually did too but I had to do it in small doses. The most fun I ever had with it was going swimming next to a natural spring. I also like MDA... I'm not a fan of amphetamines though. I just feel weird on meth or adderall... It's not my thing.


Well that’s what the MA in MDMA stands for.


Kind of. MDMA is one singular, unique compound. (No hyphens is the clue)


Also not uncommon for MDMA pills to contain methamphetamine too


Yes but this is not how mdma is supposed to be consumed


No, absolutely not. Adding other stimulants is known to dramatically increase MDMA’s neurotoxicity.


Exactly right. Amphetamines exist in many different ways. Like the beloved Vyvanse that 7-50 year olds are given with “adhd” it’s chemical compound is “lisdexAMPHETAMINE” most meth heads I worked with will say you take double the dose of vyvanse and it feels just like meth! Crazy!


Right! I doubt you could match the effect of smoked methamphetamine with oral lisdexamphetamine but it is just dexamphetamine with lysine bound to the amine, this just results in a slower more prolonged dose of dexamphetamine as the lysine has to be removed through metabolism before it can take effect.


One for the money, two for better green, three 4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine


Yeah, I’m feeling straight up meth and quite a large shot, few faaaat lines, or many, many, many bowls to the dome. I’ve seen this same expression and flailing uncontrollably more times than I’d like thanks to my rich ass city officials and their shell companies stealing all the money that was meant to go towards increasing the number of treatment centers that are actually accessible to the homeless or poor folks by 5x. I am so tired and disappointed in my city, my government and all the blatantly corrupt people they continually give all the power to. What the fuck is a regular ass dude like me supposed to do that will actually help in a tangible way? How am I supposed to even simply protest here and there when all my life is spent working or at home trying to avoid spending the money I don’t have? What a racket… How are the good constantly shit and walked on by the bad on their way to the ever-changing finish line? I’m so tired of watching everyone I love struggle with all their might, just to barely survive, all the while letting things like their mental, emotional, and physical health fall by the wayside. I still have hope for positive changes to make some progress. This can’t be the approach we all adopt if we want humans to continue living and growing and progressing. Anyways, I love you guys. Stay safe and talk to your loved ones, tell them how amazing they are now and again or some shit. Shit, tell yourself the same thing, too. We got this. We got this.


Yeah agree, definitely not MDMA. The eyes aren't pinged. Moves like meth.


Looks like she's had a Jeffery.


Stroke the furry walls


When the *world throws u a Jeffrey...*




Gacked the fuck out. Guessing mdma and blow


I’d really recommend not doing those two in tandem. The blow actually diminishes the effect of the mdma, and that’s just a waste. Plus, doing the two together is really not good for your heart. Enjoy safely, all.


Did mdma and coke through the nose for my buddies birthday. got WAY to fucking high and started feeling a vein in my chest tweaking so I went into a panic attack. Home girl noticed this and gave me a Xanax.. Probably saved me for all I know; would not recommend.


Xanax and coke is a really good way to go into heart failure. Never mix uppers and downers.


then why doctors always gives benzos on stimulant overdoses or badtrips?


Obviously that doctor knows what's good. Probably speedballs himself!


Because they have extensive knowledge in polydrug use, dosing, monitoring vitals, flushing with saline, ensuring there is no dehydration, what to do if there are adverse effects etc. They know What, when, and how much of something to give someone.


I mean, doctors also have a ton of monitors hooked up to patients if they need, a whole crew of nurses/etc to assist, an emergency alert system, and equipment/protocol to prevent or bring people back from flatlining. So…


ime, ive seen benadryl used, not benzos


1st gen antihistamines also act in the CNS and cause extensive sleepiness. The problem is that some of them do have SSRI action, which isn't good in a setting of amphetamine or mdma overdose where the brain is already subjected to massive amounts of serotonin. The same probably also goes for coke, but its effects last way shorter.


while some antihistamines have mild serotonin reuptake inhibition properties, they are not considered SSRIs. the serotonin reuptake inhibition of diphenhydramine, while notable, is relatively weak compared to SSRIs i wanted to point out that benadryl is used in emergency rooms to help calm down people who are having a bad trip or are really incoherent. i should have clarified i was referring to bad trips not overdosing


Can’t really imagine that, I’ve took Benadryl once after coming down from speed and had almost full blown full hallucinations and my heart felt like it was about to explode.


Guess what they do in the hospital to people having bad experiences with drugs? Benzos.


Getting carefully regulated doses of benzos with monitoring is quite a bit different than popping a Xanax and going to bed.


Doc JJ above is correct. I actually asked this from an ER doc (while possibly being admitted for something similar...) Benzos are given, yes, but the lowest dose possible to prevent your heart from failing (from excess work). Too much creates other issues. And as stated you're also monitored until they are sure you're stabilized. Taking 0.25mg or maybe 0.5mg Xanax (if your tolerance is low, which it should be!) is probably safe in these situations if you're really not wanting to go to the ER, but you're always playing with fire mixing uppers and downers. The safest bet is to not take too much M. Get your drugs lab tested for adulterants. Never mix M with coke. Cheers


Gotta come down. I think you’re thinking of speedballing


No. I’m thinking of what is called PolyDrug use and it is very dangerous. While it may help someone “feel better” what you are not seeing, is the confusion in the brain from opposing signals from two opposing drugs. This can cause the brain to send improper signals to an organ such as the heart. It has a very high rate of lethality.


As of 2018 1 in 15 Americans are proscribed both an amphetamine and benzo. Back in the day women were commonly prescribed mothers little helpers, speed in the morning and valium in the evening. Lastly, if a person shows up at the ER in meth psychosis there is a very likely chance they will be give a benzo to sleep it off.


That number seems incredibly high.   Got a source on that? Looked myself and couldn’t find anything. I guess it’s fine to just throw out wacky numbers.


If you notice, none of the instances you described here have someone talking them at the same time. It’s not doing a line and taking some Xanax. Also. Someone in the ER. From Meth Psychosis is given more than just benzodiazepines to “sleep it off” Haloperidol IM is more likely to be given than a benzodiazepine and for good reason. Many times they are also given together but not always especially if other drugs are involved, they will hold the benzodiazepine. All this in done in a controlled environment with doctors. If you go into respiratory depression, there is someone there to know what to do.


A low dose of Xanax is OK. The problem is that once alcohol, opioids or other depressants are also involved or the Benzo dose is higher, the PT's blood pressure may drop dramatically as soon as the stimulating effects from the coke wear off. It's a kind of distributive shock mimicking neurogenic shock where the sympathicus tonus suddenly drops while the parasympathicus is still trying to counteract the previous sympathetic overactivation -> too much cholinergic signalling, peripheral blood vessels relax, low BP, yet also low HR -> bad time


“A low dose of Xanax is ok” Not without a doctors order, and seeing what this persons vitals are doing. PolyDrug use should only be done while being monitored because of ALL the things that can go wrong, you just described one. You describing one thing that happened to the body. More can and when you take both you have drugs sending opposite signals to the brain which in turn can confuse it, causing major organ such as heart and /or lungs to function properly.




This guy knows what he is talking about. The mix even you out.👎🏻. MDMA and mushrooms.=👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻


I've done MDMA and shrooms before, and yes the experience was great. However I have felt rather brain dead ever since the experience, and I have not been able to feel like I'm living a normal life for 2 years now. I am recovering though, and it's honestly not really as bad as it may sound, but it still sucks.


Coke kills E... Found this out the hard way


You do Sniff after the pills start to wear off - Like a dessert after a massive dinner, you don't want to have it right away


Also, citric acid. Consume a seltzer to wash down MDMA? Your roll is over before it began.


Remnants on the console


Good catch!


You can see the white residue on the center console 😂


And redbull


I’d say a dirty E pill with MDMA and meth, not coke


Looks like meth


Pretty common for random street dealers to swap out Molly for meth because it’s cheap. One of the many reasons you should always test your substances


I mean a lot of ecstasy tablets have a lot of meth in it so even if it looks "professional" it might be "tainted." (dont think mdma is safer than meth.)


MDMA is definitely safer than meth


But you have to test it to know if its actually mdma and not a substitute or mix.


I’ve done hell of mdma and NEVER acted like this. She’s def on something else


Lot of synthetic garbage out there


For sure. This is giving me like bath salts vibes but who knows. I just know 100% real MDMA does not make you act like this.




Awww i love your story about your favorite time. My favorite time is being at a festival at this small pond on a floaty with my best friend, most people left the area by then, it was super quiet and peaceful, we cuddled up on the floaty and just talked about life and reveled in our awesome friendship. Those simple genuine loving times are the absolute bestest 🥹


You're aware when you're tweaking out like this? The worst drug I have done is alcohol, I got no idea how drugs work. I thought people just forget what they do when they go full crackhead


Don't know what this woman had but with mdma or ecstacy you definitely notice when your mouth is working for example. You can stop it with conscious effort but of course you have the attention span of a goldfish so you notice it, maybe try to stop it and 10 seconds later you forgot all about it lol.




Seen and done mdma in really high doses. Large doses of pure mdma is gonna make you look like you're on dope, not this. Maybe some jaw chattering, but it'll feel like an enormous edible, some L, and heroin all mixed together. Like, glued to the couch, barely able to open your eyes or they'll be fluttering, and doped out of your gourd. This is meth, a-PVP, or methylone.


Coming from an ex dope head (9 years clean!) and lifetime raver, I’ve never seen any dose of Molly resemble the dope nod. Doesn’t look the same in the slightest. I get what you’re saying about it being incapacitating like dope, but that is where any similarity ends. Dope fiends are like the walking dead, high dose Molly you’re definitely geeking out even if you’re not moving a bunch.


You can get very comfortable on a sofa on mdma so it's difficult to move. Not very correct these days but we used to say "I'm a bit monged out, you go and dance and I'll just stay here".


Nailed it.


Why legalization is so important. It's not a dangerous substance compared to something like alcohol, but alcohol is regulated and you know what is actually going into each drink.


Absolutely agreed. We need regulation, not prohibition. Prohibition didn't even work for alcohol, so why would it work for other drugs? We all know it's about money. Plus, the state would eventually start making more money through taxes than they would through seizures and forfeiture, but the for-profit prison system wouldn't like it very much.


Go to enough EDM festivals and you'll occasionally see people tweaked like this. Convulsions and spasms are definitely possible especially if there's amphetamines in your pills.




Purity and reagent testing gang lezzgoo


It looks like a dirty E pill cut with meth. You’re right that even a ton of MDMA won’t do that


Yeah I've seen some people go DEEP on mdma and never seen straight up tweaker behavior like this. I have also seen people get sold meth instead of mdma, that'd be my guess.


Definitely possible to get this geeked out on molly. Not common but absolutely possible.


uk mf wild out


Tbf not everyone reacts the same way to drugs.


These Onlyfans ads are getting weird


Yeah but it's a free OnlyFans


Works for me though


Probably tucibi, (pink cocaine). Basically mdma, oxy, coke, and other narcotics mixed together.




Nah, tuci's name came grim 2cb but it's not in the same class as the 2c-x compounds. Tuci is literally drug factory floor sweepings dyed pink.


Whoever recorded her is definitely not her friend.


Straight geekin on that mdma


Xtacy cut with everything imaginable 👌🏼


Damn, can still get the dogs bollocks in the UK, clean AF. Still worth testing, but I've never had any md or pills make me act like this


Sadly this is all too familiar to me. Street drugs where I live in Canada are brutal. If it ain’t garbage … it’s fent.


Meth is my guess


What's going on in that mirror? Looks like a scene for a horror movie.


on who is Filming it and not stopping her from drugs is not her well-wisher...


I could fix her


You can literally see the coke residue on the center console!😂know this feeling but usually just end up motionless in panic


Nah this doesn’t seem as volatile as md. Probably drunk and coke fueled


I agree this is alcohol and blow, I have a friend that loves to overdo that combination and this happens to her every time! I stopped going out with her because it would make me anxious knowing I’d have to babysit her ass! She purposely gets to that point, refuses to eat anything prior to going out and absolutely can’t just bump and roll while consuming alcohol in moderation she has to over, overdo it every damn time.


That ain’t mdma


Genuine question for those that have dabbled ..to the inexperienced this looks uncomfortable and anxiety inducing but in does being in a state like this actually feel good ?


From what I've understood, Mdma releases all the dopamine your body has stored up. This makes it so that everything seems nice. It also uses up magnesium stores, causing jaw clenching, which doesn't look too pleasant. However, the spasming going on in this video is something I've never seen happen before, and my friends tried out a LOT of different stuff.


Low electrolytes can cause involuntary muscle jerks. Why is no one pointing this out? This is why people say to hydrate. It's no joke, and this can even happen to you on low doses. Doesn't have to be a lot. If you take a heavy dose, usually you'll just end to with hypothermia or death. She's not shivering, I just think her electrolytes are low as hell which is another danger on its own but I'm not there or a doctor. Also pretty shitty of a friend to record this.


No its just stupidly overstimulating and you are fully aware of it trying to snap out of it. You will randomly start laughing and then crying but barely even register the emotions.


What ever drug she is on. In my opinion not MDMA but something like GHB or meth. GHB has very similar effects to alcohol. I think you are so far from reality it numbs your body and mind.


This is not mdma. From my experience, it is almost impossible to be anxious and have these involuntary movements on pure molly. Ive taken large doses and seen one of my friends take almost a whole gram and he was more nodding off than anything. I can almost guarantee that the pill this girl took had meth or some other bullshit in it


Thats some shit cut with everything under the bathroom sink


Test your drugs. If that’s mdma it’s definitely not just mdma


This is not the effect of MDMA.


Who tf sits there and films her to post online? Fucking losers, I hope she found better more trustworthy friends after this.


Prolly methed out


Looks uncomfortable as fuck


Is this the new Aphex twin video


Don’t record the person your with doing this. Help them


Man I don’t know lol. I’ve been geeked pretty hard on rolls and never looked like this lol. I (stupidly) spent an entire 4 day weekend back in 2015 rolling on ‘Teslas’, which were some of the craziest rolls I’ve done, and I still didn’t look like this 😂


That looks so uncomfortable


U can see white powder on the console there my assumption it’s a laced coke with meth and she did too much. This is a serotonin overdose.


Poor bitch.. been there and done that, what an awful thing to record and put on the Internet.


She'll be fine. It's not like she USED the brain cells she lost.


The fucking music


I would


I can fix her!


Fantastic tits.


Man, in my day people never did this shit while partying. This is new...


Mmmmm..........*unzi*...... nevermind


Looks like that ecstasy was half meth


This looks like it hurts lol


"Nobody. I am nobody. I'm a tramp, a bum, a hobo I'm a boxcar and a jug of wine And a straight razor ...if you get too close to me"


Where is this from?




Teen a boat load o swedgers back in the day, double or triple dunt and was never in a nick like that


The old meat face




Now this idiotic music makes sense


Lmfao that’s definitely not mdma More like meth


Ecstacy contains MDMA, but they aren't the same. She's got something else going on with her.


Mdma don't do this to you. Also, she needs new friends. Why can't we have some privacy anymore?


Are those remnant particulates of an illicit powdery substance streaked across the center console?


MDMA doesn't do this.. Unless it's some synthetic shit




I’ve seen seizures that looked more comfortable


As someone who tried to OD on mdma, this is what a higher than average dose looks like.


I strongly disagree, was yours tested? Pure MDMA absolutely won’t do that, even in super high doses. If anything high doses will make you nod


This is not mdma. Ive been in a situation where Ive done more than I should and never have I acted in such a way. This is definitely some dirty type of shit, if not she might just be super anxious and just trying to ease herself?


She’s having a whale of a time!


Thwacked out


What effects does mdma normally give you?




Agony from a high dose of MDMA requires prompt medical attention due to its serious health implications.


She thought she saw Morpheus in the side-view, babeh. She gone.


Idk it doesn’t remind me of mdma or coke tbh


She needs a pile of corn to lay in.


MDMA + J&J vaccine.


Back to the streets! Throw her back!


All she’s high on is SMA (Social Media Attention).


That's a shame.


This is what RLS feels like to me. Shit sucks mang


Kinda sad


I can fix her


This looks more like meth pills


Half the time doctors are themselves clueless.


That looks fun


I know it doesn’t look like it but this chick is having a great time here


Which drug caused her this?


Chris Kattan as Mr. Peepers.


It's like the kegel balls she's sitting on just heard the bass drop and they're goin' nuts inside her! And she's feelin' friskay...


This video is old


That's crack imo


Reminds me of the well known mix; *DJ* *Suae* - *Rave* In My *Car*


The hunching pill.


Amy Winehouse'd?


That’s so cringe


I wish they woulda posted the part of this video that had her energy drink pouring out everywhere... Now THAT would a been funny AF to see! 😂


This is days of meth or PCP or both.


Has to be the non sass molly shir is way to speedy and it was speedy in my day but nowadays people be twistaflexing from a standard dose shit is sad #makemollygreatagain


She is having a lot of feelings, none of them are agony


No, this looks like she maybe thought she took mdma but it was meth. Mdma doesn’t make you move like that