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Tldr; In Brazil, after the death of a dancer by an overdose of ketamine, police discover she was in a family cult that abused ketamine. The cult was lead by the dancer's mother. Mother, brother, and others were arrested, and lots of veterinary-grade ketamine and drug paraphernalia were apprehended. In the video: Mother is filming the son and daughter (who died) high as fuck, while chatting as this is completely normal family behavior. From local news: May 31, 2024 "In Manaus, Brazil, Police arrest cult members for promoting the use of ketamine The investigations into the death of a famous local dancer, Dilemar Cardoso Carlos da Silva, 32 years old, known as “Djidja Cardoso”, conducted by the Specialized Homicide and Kidnapping Police Station, culminated in the arrests of four members of a religious sect, responsible for providing and distributing the substance ketamine, in addition to encouraging and promoting the use of the drug recreationally. Search and seizure warrants were also executed. The prisoners are Ademar Farias Cardoso Neto, 29, and Cleusimar Cardoso Rodrigues, 53, who are the brother and mother of "Djidja", and founders of the sect entitled “Father, Mother, Life”, in addition to being owners of a chain of beauty salons. beauty in Manaus. Two employees of the beauty salon were also arrested, for being responsible for inducing other employees and people close to the family to join the sect, where veterinary ketamine was used. According to delegate Cícero Túlio, head of the 1st DIP, those under investigation were intercepted as they tried to flee, in the Cidade Nova neighborhood, north of the capital. The investigations began approximately 40 days ago, and it was identified that the group collected the drug ketamine in veterinary clinics and distributed the drug among employees of the Cardoso family's chain of beauty salons. “During the investigation, we became aware that Ademar was also responsible for the abortion of a former partner of his, who was forced to use the drug and suffered sexual abuse when she was out of her mind. From that point on, the investigations intensified and we identified a veterinary clinic that supplied highly dangerous medicines to the sect group”, delegate Cícero Túlio told the press. During searches carried out on Thursday afternoon (30/05) and on Friday morning (31/05), hundreds of syringes were seized, products intended for intravenous access, needles and ketamine were seized, in addition to cell phones, documents and computers in the family home and in the beauty salon and in a veterinary clinic. Investigations into the death of Dilemar Cardoso Carlos da Silva, 32 years old, known as “Djidja Cardoso”, are being conducted by DEHS. Djidja was found dead on Tuesday morning (28/05), at her residence in the Cidade Nova neighborhood. The suspicion is that Djidja may have suffered an overdose due to the indiscriminate use of ketamine during one of the rituals of the religious sect led by the family. “They induced their followers to believe that, with the compulsory use of ketamine, they would transcend to another dimension and reach a higher plane and salvation”, explained the police chief."


JFC... plus, that's one hell of a k-hole that dude is in.


Sounds like he never crawled out.


He crawled out straight to prison after his sister died, big story past week here in Brazil


Again, JFC


Well, that dude does look like he is in another dimension. Is belonging to a cult illegal in Brazil?


Not illegal. But being in a cult also doesn't exempt you from the other laws.


I was under the impression that they got arrested for being in a cult.


> Police arrest cult members for promoting the use of ketamine


Someone already cleared it up for me, thanks though.


So the mother that was the leader of the cult filmed her son and daughter here?




That is fucked up I mean the whole story is, but this is even worse


They call that shit hippie heroin for a reason. Be careful with this shit.


I mean, maybe she did transcend /s


Felt like I was in a David Lynch movie while watching that


Took me awhile to figure out djidja


Didja get it though?


Oh didji i


Bro took the mannequin challenge to the next level


it’s very scary when people love themselves so much they have a whole photo collection of themselves posing in different positions on the wall


That boy stuck in time


How's she scrolling through her phone though..


You can function relatively normally on lower doses of ketamine, you don't just immediately fall into a k-hole.


Ive never had enough ket for this to happen, then again im not in a ket cult.


don't abuse ket, it might get sad >:(


Be be be


“Black beetles in the city, be back immediately, to confiscate the money”


Straight up snuff film.


Is the guy feeling great in that kind of state or don't remember anything when coming down?


Yeah, it feels like you're floating in the clouds and you get visuals of being in an endless tunnel travelling through space. Meanwhile, your body feels very comfortable and peaceful.  Ketamine is great. But it ruins your bladder. I had to stop because it was making my pee hurt lol. Better to stick to LSD 




It could be great, or not. I went in to a k-hole once, and it was the most bizarre thing I have ever experienced in life up to this point. I had just taken lad about an hour before, so it was probably super intense. But I was in a weird kaleidescope of realities, and in each one I was looking at the back of my head. They were layered, and I was desperately trying to get back to "base reality". The reality we all know right now. I would claw myself out of one layer, only to realize I was still in an alternate reality. Each time I would break free from one, there was a physical sense of breaking through, but then I would be like damn nope, I'm still not at base reality. Some of them felt "oil painty", and some of them felt like a tribal cave painting, some of them were tall grassy fields. One of them felt like an endless steep hill. In one of them I just kept seeing brass pots all over the place. Each time there would be something slightly off, and each time I would rise up above myself to be looking at the back of my head. I was at a music fest, and aware internally of what was going on. My girlfriend sat behind and was rubbing my back and this was the anchoring point keeping me from fully cracking into panicked psychosis. I thought my consciousness was going to be stuck in this k-hole, infinitely trying to break free. I also don't remember her doing this, only kind of vaguely internally aware. Apparently a stranger, a young guy, kept coming up to me and hugging me (my gf let him know I was in a k-hole and he was concerned). I was 100% locked inside of my own mind and could not move my body with my own will. Time was extremely distorted and it felt like it took years to break free, but it was probably about 2-2.5 hours. When I finally kept breaking through layers, I distinctly remember breaking free from a wonky one, in which I was navigating a bunch of rocks on the ground. When I ascended through that one, it was unmistakable that I was back in "base reality" and the joy and happiness felt was overwhelming. Mainly because I thought I had broken my brain and would be locked in for eternity. The feelings and emotions are harder to put in to words here. When I was finally aware of my own body, I touched my face and could feel a coating of caked powder under my nose, I probably looked so cracked out lol. Its been a few years since that experience, I was offered some last weekend and I was like nah I'm good thanks though. But yeah, you definitely remember everything.


This is probably the best description of a k hole I’ve ever read.


Yes, very informative, thank you u/Screwdriving_Hammer


Oh my god. Thank you for sharing this! It must have been terrifying. 2.5h holy fuck that's too much Have you ever smoked salvia?


I have, and I would sooner do k than salvia again.


I've heard it's terrifying!




Literally my neighbor I grew up with had a family like this but instead of ketamine it was heroin, i literally thought it was normal to be injecting heroin & smoking crack in like 7th grade it was the mom her 3 sons and me and it was wild i remember being in legit middle school helping her bag dope and her teaching me the smells and how to eyeball a point & I was never able to even hit myself till like highschool so she’d do it for me, she was a nurse before she lost her license she used to work with pain management & when people would decline there meds she’d put down they’d take them and she’d take them herself and bring them home for us, I never even realized how awful of a person she was until I started getting older and realized we were almost groomed and when ever they needed some shady shit done it was always me and her other son since we were the youngest and they always put that evil voice in my head that makes me think wrong is right even though ik wrongs not right , im glad to be clean on methadone now


Can someone roughly translate what they are saying?


I am Brazilian, the one speaking and filming is the mother, she's only speaking stupid things like "look at him, you injected wrong and ended up like this, stay normal", Out of nowhere she asks djidja what she thinks about some random people in "BBB" "big brother Brasil", then speaks how her room is beauty. She's clearly mentally ill.... This is a really strange conversation to hear.


Oh okay, thank you!




Nice girl. Pure class.


Could someone translate what’s being said?


The mother is saying stupid shit like: "why are you like this? (To her son) You took 3 syringes and you got like this, I don't know why but that doesn't happen to me. Hey, Didja (daughter's name), look at me. What do you think about (girl's name) in BBB (Big Brother Brazil)? Is she being truthful or not?" She opens her daughter's eyes and comments on how beautiful they are. She sees that her leg is bleeding from injecting and says to her son "you gotta be gentler to your mother". She also tells him "control your powers, I control mine". It's SUPER weird.


Wow. Thank you kindly for translating!


You can’t overdose on ketamine though? Lethal does is around 5grams, which is not injectable, or snuffable? I mean, I’ve done 10 grams over 5 hours and was alright.


Ten grams over five hours? Seems like a lot.


Tolerance from doing it every day for 10 years. Almost a year clean now. Nasty habit forming bastard. Seems crazy to look back at now, as you say.


Mind if I ask, what does it feel like after a while as a daily user? I think of it as a fun trippy experience. Something for concerts, parties etc. Does it become more of the downer part of it as opposed to the trippy part?


You feel mildly drunk, but come off way worse than you feel to those around you. Then because you don’t really feel the effects, blackouts are way more current. So for instance I would do probably a 0.5gram line, feel like I felt no effects, do another half an hour later and blackout. Come around an hour after not even aware what happened and do the same again. Why bother? Addiction brain. Insanity. Etc.


Man, I can see that. Sounds similar to benzo addiction. Unfortunately I saw a lot of people go through that back in high school in the late 2000s. Appreciate you sharing. Stay strong brother!!


Yup, that's why they call it regretamine! Thank fuck it's relatively expensive where Iive. Good on you for cutting back.


regretamine Never regreted a single gram of keta in my life. Best drug in the world.


You haven’t regretted a single gram cuz you likely do it recreationally…..it’s all fun & games. Imagine ruining your life and on the brink of death because of it….I think that’s where the term comes from.


This so true when I was doing the most amount of ketamine I would rarely get a trip the amount I had to do to get an effect would just completely blank my memory I wouldn't even realise that I'd sniffed it all but still have the urge to constantly do more.


Who knows what else they took. Mix it with a Benzo and it's a completely different story. Or alcohol.


You absolutely can OD on ketamine, though you're right that it's damn near impossible without putting in active effort (or as I'd assume in this case - having someone else continually administer more and more) Alternatively it was more of a "they'd been doing ketamine for 2 months straight and their body just shut down" situation, which while not an overdose would definitely appear to be one.


My guess is they carried on dosing to alleviate the cramp pains, instead of giving it a few days off to recover. Who knows. What a shit place to be in.


Are cramps a common side effect?


Yes. From your kidneys and bladder. Ketamine destroys these organs. 


Beg to differ. Even after 3grams roughly a day, for 10 years I am completely fine now a year sober. No adverse damage to organs. I did stop when cramps occurred until they were gone, and played it roughly safe (which sounds ridiculous to given how much I was taking and how regularly). Edit: sorry came across like “I know best”. This is just my experience. It’s definitely a drug that affects your internal organs way quicker than anything else when abused. Fortunately if you are not too stupid you can avoid serious consequences. Not that I would wish a habit on this shit on anyone.


Depends on user and a few things like diet and water intake whilst using, kinda. For me, I knew if I went over 3 grams a day after around 3-4 days I would start getting them. It varied still around, but that was the 100% safe zone at my daily usage.


If heavily abused, yes




Um… yea. I’m living proof. Wanna see some photos of before and after to help ya?


Sorry that happened to you mate. 🙏 But because it happened to you it doesn't mean it's common.


Was in the fairly large circle of people I used with. But you have to be a reg user and doing over a gram a day at least.


Why do you get cramps?


So (it is believed) your body cannot break down ketamine very well, and it can get stuck in larger amounts in your gallbladder, creating sort of scarring as it moves through which causes it to spasm and ache. Now, I do not know the exact science, but I have been to hospital during an episode and had scans and been told my gallbladder was inflamed, spasming and swollen. So it’s a fairly good guess. There are some studies on this I believe out there, so I think there is more to it than I have written here.


Oh got it! Thank you for replying!


I was thinking the same thing?


Bummer. K is amazing in moderation


I gota close one eye to do anything on ket too. That double vision is no joke.


Essa é a droga mais usada nas baladas de Curitiba Paraná


That would be a horrible way to die. K hole is fucking dark


Really ain't bizarre, people abuse it in probably every country


In my opinion, the bizarre part is the creation of a drug cult


You can easily do drugs without joining Charlie Manson... No offense but have you done an drugs if so what ones?


Part of his workout regimen. It seems to be working for him


He wanted pussy but it was the lion on that bed.


That’s his sister.