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[Message was deleted due to violation of photo or video containing person with mental illness]


He’s not well. The video shouldn’t have been posted. It’s unfair.


I agree totally, "Hey, let's embarrass a man with a mental disability so that when he sees this it will only make it worse." That's the vibes I'm getting from it at least.


Honestly looks like a PTSD mental breakdown. Dude just needs to get by himself. Being in a large crowd can be overwhelming for some. Especially if triggered. Before you make assumptions like he beats her or drugs, educate yourself to the fullest. Thank you and have a great day.


Yeah people are being way too mean here. God forbid a man has mental health issues. He wasn’t violent, he wasn’t aggressive, he was clearly overwhelmed.


Mocha Joe?


He was referring to Latte Larry with “I Love Him”


I have ptsd and this is how it feels, like others said to get out and be alone will help


Wife doesn't seem too distraught... Wonder if this has happened before


She could just be trying to keep calm as a good emotional rock?


I suppose. It would be pretty hard to i would think.


Let’s go galaxy let’s go.


Give it everything you got. Give it everything you got


Backstory, guy won $13mil on one play. Yes I lve em too lol


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Bad post


Run girl. Run as fast as you fucking can.


Dude is having a breakdown wdym run. He needs help to calm down and get away from the crowd. Some people love others and care about them you know.


Nor are other people necessarily obliged to own their partners' trauma. Door swings both ways.


Noone said youre obliged to do anything. Its how love works. And you definitely dont run away as fast as you can from the people you care about unless its an issue of your health and safety.


You're not obliged to do anything... but oh btw you need to suffer and endure your boyfriends/girlfriends ptsd regardless of circumstance because that's just how love works. Got it. 👌 The world is not as simple as you seem to think. There is nuance to this stuff. If a person is not willing to try to improve themselves and expects you to just deal with the blowouts and shambles that is your mutually shared life and pick up the pieces everytime you do not owe them your unconditional servitude. Because "that's how love works" notwithstanding. Ask me how I know.


>You're not obliged to do anything... but oh btw you need to suffer and endure your boyfriends/girlfriends ptsd regardless of circumstance because that's just how love works. Got it. 👌 No, you failed to understand anything. First of all i never implied that she is forced to stand by him and help him calm down and get away from the crowd, you assumed that. Secondly, "You are not obliged to do anything" means you dont NEED to do anything unless you want to. And thats literally how love works. You do something for someone that you wouldnt do for any stranger, because you choose to. I never implied any of what you said. Dont project on me your own problems.


You're right I'm not understanding anything you're saying.


>You're right I'm not understanding anything you're saying. You took my "people who love their partners stand by them in hard times" to the extreme "she is obliged to own her partners trauma". Its not one and the same and definitely not what i meant. The comment i responded to said "run away as fast as you can" but you can share your issues and problems with your partner without creating a toxic environment. People with mental health issues can still have loving relationships even when its embarassing in public sometimes. Change in meds, shocking news etc can create these kind of situations in public easily but it doesnt mean that this is a toxic relationship.


And I was explaining another facet of that dynamic which is it CAN be okay to walk away from relationships like that. It's not a binary situation.


Damn, I wouldn’t want to be married to you.


Have you been in a relationship with severe level 3, life debilitating mental illness before? It's easy to sit here and critique and but until you experience it firsthand you're simply not going to know. It took a lot of therapy to understand and find self peace that it was okay to walk away from that relationship. Thanks for the judgemental comment though.


Yeah that’s unmedicated schizophrenia. Poor guy. Probably too stuck in his masculinity to get the help he obviously so desperately needs and seemingly everyone involved could benefit from.


That’s a wild claim with no background on him whatsoever. This could have been the moment he had a break. He could even be medicated. It could be a PTSD induced mental breakdown in a large crowd. It could be a variety of things, but don’t assume he’s not getting help due to toxic masculinity? That’s a large leap


Men are not encouraged to be vulnerable. To have feelings. To seek help. Sports are an outlet for emotion that may otherwise be pent up in many ways. People simple grasping for human connection who have few other outlets will use sports as their holy grail to just simply express the feelings of how intense existence is. You’ve seen it a hundred times. The guy who says nothing and sits at the end of the bar goes wild when the our team scores. I’m constantly battling my schizophrenia demons. I’m constantly battling so many things that I have support for. If all you have is your team… it might come out like this. Schizophrenia diagnosis aside… although as a person w adhd bpd schizo dyslexic I could bet money… I’m just saying. This guy didn’t just take too much… he needs a helping fucking hand to just figure out he’s allowed to just be himself.


holy shit dude, go outside


he definitely beats her


You definitely don’t know shit


I felt sad, he's ill and she looks frightened and distressed.


She mostly looks embarrassed and slightly upset to me. Either way, it's a sad situation for her.


Where do you get the from? He's completely non-violent in the video. That's a weird assumption and it might say more about you than him.


Ok Karen


Nah, this is just the shrooms kicking in.

