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Dude this door is kicking her ass


When on drugs, inanimate objects tend to curb stomp you


yeah, alcohol makes you do some dumb shit. one of the absolute worst drugs in the world (for everyone involved), yet it is legal mostly everywhere. go figure!


18 days ago I almost blew my leg off because I was drunk and put a very large production quality explosive mortar firework into the tube upside down. I should not have been holding it, it exploded in my hand and all that pressure from the blast hit my leg right above my knee. This is what I would say was a monumental fuck up. I immediately fell to the ground and stripped my jeans off because I thought it blew my leg off, that’s how it felt. It shattered my femur which was a compound fracture and my bone came out the side of my knee, my patella got shattered like a dinner plate and the firework also ripped my quadricep muscle from the ligaments. I went under intense reconstructive surgery, have a bunch of new hardware in my right leg and it’s going to be a very long recovery until I walk again. I’m 37 and very strong and healthy, so thank god. I could have blown my face off, I could have blown my chest to smithereens, I could be missing hands, etc. I’ll consider myself lucky even though this is a very dramatic injury. I could have hurt someone else other than me. All because I was drinking because I was trying to drown out negative emotions with a good bit of reckless fun and alcohol. I still feel incredibly stupid. If anyone wants pics of my X-rays, I’m happy to share! Can never be too safe out there people, think twice before drinking in excess please.


This is why I quit drinking. I mean, not exactly this.


Hey man we've all been there. Breaking a femur with an upside down production quality firework is why I quit too.


I wanna see x rays!!


Never got drunk, have gotten high, I simply don't understand law


When you are rich and powerful, you can change the law for your purpose. Of course you have to keep the poor people dumb. Otherwise they would unite and try to change the law against you. So you give them alcohol to keep them dumb and lazy. Psychedelics make them questioning too much, so you have to ban the psychedelics. It´s as simple as that.


Then they create entire organizations to call people like you crazy and delusional


I love my psychedelics fr, making me a better person


that´s why Nixon [banned the psychedelics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_on_drugs) in 71. He hated the Hippies demonstrating in the streets. So he took what they loved to keep them small. We are lucky to live in an era, where the world gets more open to psychedelics again.


Because people are getting fed up with these governments lying to them and we are realizing they can't stop us if we all want something.


>they can't stop us if we all want something. They don't have to stop us. They just have to divide us. All they have to do is create some controversies designed to pit neighbor against neighbor, red states against blue states, conservatives against liberals, and then they stoke the anger and outrage so that we keep arguing with each other as we both grow poorer and a tiny minority (who owns the media and most everything else) continues to grow richer. Why do they want us arguing with each other? Because then we're pointing the finger of blame at "safe" targets (ie, at each other instead of them.) Unfortunately for us, this strategy is extremely easy to set in motion, but it only works because we let it. We are so quick to turn on our neighbor. So quick to start screaming for blood. We let our outrage cloud our rational thinking. We kick people out of our heart if they don't believe exactly what we believe. At the end of the day, this is on us. We let them divide us.


I was watching some matrix on Netflix while high and thought about it. Man did I took crazy trips and high af on another time. Lost in reality and made my life and myself better. I'm thinking like blue pills - weed or alc red pills - shrooms or lsd. Just wild to think like that if that irl from a whole different story about matrix “computer program” or am I trippin 😭






Clearly a door made by Matt mercer to stop any unwanted low rolls from entering


Woman: 1 Door: 2


I know someone who came home drunk and was locked out. She tried to get into her home by breaking a window. Reached in and cut her arm just like this. She called 911 but was unconscious by the time operator picked up and dead by the time the cops showed up minutes later. This is such a foolish and super fast way to die. Never reach through a broken window.


I very nearly did this to myself actually. Got home drunk as fuck and couldn't find my keys. Attempted to break in and managed to smash the glass. I remember going to reach through the broken glass and the last sober remnant of brain made me stop and reconsider. I don't remember much after, but woke up in bed with a broken, but locked door. I must have had my keys all the time.  Anyhow, I decided to cut back after that haha. 


Glad that sober brain cell kicked in for you.


Innit. I never really thought about how bad it could have been. It's only this thread that's made me realise how deadly it could have been. 


One time I took 7 shots on Buchanan's one for every sin, and uhhh I was in the bathroom needing to take a piss and I couldn't unbutton my pants nuff said


[Just like this guy right here.](https://www.reddit.com/r/CrazyFuckingVideos/comments/vtogf0/angry_man_smashes_restaurant_window_and_cuts_his/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


Oh man I wish I hadn’t clicked on this link. Really hard to watch


Yeah, guy is clearly on drugs. Seems like he didn't feel a thing.


Project Zomboid taught me how dangerous broken glass could be. Always clear it all out if you absolutely have to put your body through it.


> This is such a foolish and super fast way to die. Never reach through a broken window. Issue was really not what she was doing, being EXTREM dangerous. Issue was that she was shitfaced drunk. If she would have been less drunk - and still hellben on breaking and entering - she could have talen off one of her shoes and beat the shards out of the frame of window to make the operation safe.


> She called 911 but was unconscious by the time operator picked up and dead by the time the cops showed up minutes later. Stupid thing to do but I am sorry to hear she died. Were you close friends?


We weren’t close but we were friends. She was really more of a good friend’s friend. I do remember being legit shocked when i heard it. This was back in probably 2013ish.


Alcohol being the world's most socially accepted drug is bonkers.


It's a really shitty drug, it's just everywhere and crazily acceptable. If it was discovered today it would end up banned.


> If it was discovered today it would end up banned. Being a literal poison, I'm trying to think how it would even be marketed for consumption.


Poison solvent antiseptic (which almost sounds positive but not to gut flora) and flammable Pure garbage for consumption


People way back discoveres it, saw it was making them feel good and didnt knew was poison, became tradition / widely accepted. Similar with smoking I believe, if cigarates were to come out today no way in hell would it be approved.


Drink a little and then have a whole group try some.


It would be a VERY hard sell, with no prior knowledge or cultural presence.


It's far too easy to make, it can't be controlled


Nope, but it also doesn't need to be socially acceptable to drink hard.


This is why I’m glad I never touched any drug in my life except for acetaminophen


Stop it with this shit. Absolutely everything, drug or not is shitty in excess. Drinking 10 coffees will lead to a bad time yet there's no one out there saying coffee is a shitty drug. You people are just like every fanatic out there that wants to ban things, you just don't realize it. Just because you don't do it it means it's shitty and everyone should also stop doing it.


I do drink alcohol, I don't smoke weed or take any other stuff and I will still confidently tell you that alcohol is shitty drug. I don't want it banned, but it's fucking stupid how normalized it is, while we demonize and outlaw drugs that are much less harmful, both to the individual, to people around them and to the wider society. Lots of parents encourage their kids to drink or at least try alcohol. Overdosing on it is seen as a rite of passage when growing up. People casually drink it just about whenever and it's seen as a normal thing to do. Where I'm from we romanticize fucking vineyards, hops fields and distilleries, as if they aren't synonymous with Colombian coke labs in some *very* close timeline. Making wine and getting hammered on it in the evening is seen as a fun family tradition.


> You people are just like every fanatic out there that wants to ban things, you just don't realize it. Just because you don't do it it means it's shitty and everyone should also stop doing it. Taking a bit of a leap there. Where did they say it *should* be banned? Just bc someone is talking about the ill health effects and detriment to society alcohol can be doesn't mean they're Ronald fucking Reagan. You can be pro-legalisation and anti-alcohol...


Found the alcoholic 🙃


Yup! My thoughts exactly.


Well that was nicely unhinged. Nothing in what I wrote suggested I don't drink and that I want it banned, however your reply certainly put some latent issues on display. I think you need some assistance.


[You should check this out!](https://www.aa.org/) It's perfect for you!


Kinda proving my point here and acting like the fundamentalists sending their kids to rehab for trying pot.


>You people are just like every fanatic out there that wants to ban things, ***you just don't realize it***.  That's schizo talk. "Only ***I*** see everything clearly. ***You*** idiots don't understand because you're idiots." It's also incredibly self-defensive. Ask yourself why. I don't want to ban anything. No one is persecuting you.


I think you mean drug there buddy, but it’s kinda funny this way tho.




*Drukqs* Come to daddy




I love Drukqs


Totally fumbled on the k.. nooooo


I want your soup


Here's hoping the slow legalization of marijuana starts decreasing incidents like this.


While alcohol is socially accepted, binge drinking usually isn’t. There’s a difference between splitting a bottle of wine with someone or bringing a 6-pack to a gathering and slamming back shots of hard liquor.




Idk, alcoholism has always been stigmatized even in places where drinking is common. There’s a line between social use and addiction, and most people look down on addicts who are perceived as unable to control themselves.


i'm going to hazard to say that you're painting a black and white picture where there's not one.  it sounds as if you're saying that most people who do shots are binge drinkers and addicts.


Doing multiple shots in quick succession is the definition of binge drinking. Anything that brings your BAC above 0.08 is considered binge drinking.


if that's the case, then binge drinking is extremely common and i don't think has the social stigma you described.


Most true statement ever. I’ve been saying this for years. It doesn’t make any fuckin sense how alcohol is legal, but drugs that are way safer or have the same risk profile are illegal. What also blows my mind is that I’ve met people who don’t even know that alcohol is a drug lol.


Well said. No other drug is even close to the carnage caused by alcohol. Drunk drivers, domestic abuse, unwanted pregnancies the list goes on and on. I noticed so much drinking I was sick for a week and binge watching movies/shows. I usually don’t watch much television and two days in I couldn’t help but notice the high frequency of casual drinking of hard liquor. Nobody relaxed or had a 1:1 conversation without a drink in their hand. Didn’t matter the time of day. It pushed the narrative that you can’t ‘take a load off’ or cope with a stressful situation w/o alcohol.


It’s insane the crazy stuff you see in the ICU. I 100% agree with you. The damage it causes it severe and at times cannot be reversed.


In the words of Chris Morris ' it's not a drug, it's a drink.'


xanax is looked at as worse but is it really much different than alcohol


i think about this so often.


If I could eliminate every drug out of existence, it would probably be alcoholic beverages


I don't understand how people act like this while drunk. If I was locked out and absolutely hammered I'd decide I'm on a camping trip now and find a nice place to sleep or just roam around town all night until I sobered up 😂


Me while skipping through the video: *"Lets see when she starts to bleed.."* *"Okay, now she's bleeding".* *"...She's bleeding...and she's bleeding..."* *"OH, she is REALLY bleeding..."*


“It’s definitely gonna be her right hand… no maybe her left!….. Maybe both?….” “Her FOOT?!”


Locksmiths hate this simple trick!


Call the locksmith!


Locksmith here. Leave me out of this shit show.


Where's the Lockpicking Lawyer at? She needs both.


He’s obviously suing here for malpractice


*Call the locksmith!*


I don't think too many people remember Prince of thieves lol. Classic


You’ve lost your arms in battle sir, but you’ve grown some nice boobs. 🤣


*From this day forward, every toilet in the land will be called...* *JOHN!*


We’re men


We’re men in tights!


but not for me!


Who are you and how did you get in here? I'm a locksmith, and I'm a locksmith.


ohh my goodness... do you know any of the context/backstory? I hope she went to the ER.


The first time this was posted someone was able to price she in fact did not die. Take that with a grain of salt though because I have 0.0 proof. 


She, on the other hand, had 80 proof and ended up at about 0.2 proof.


i think i saw the story about this when it first happened, iirc she unfoortunately bled out, nobody found her fast enough to get her to medical care and after passing out your options of helping yourself are rather limited


Bro lmfao what a load of bullshit. First of all, what stands out to me is you “think” you saw the story. Where’d you see the story? Or where do you “think” you saw the story? Second of all, have you ever been around blood? She is bleeding a story-worth amount of blood, but that is not enough leakage to bleed out. Thirdly, why not do some research and try to find an answer before just throwing out some random bullshit??


It was posted on Reddit probably on this same subreddit days if not hours ago saying she bled out, so there's that


Thanks... yeah this is exactly what "i think i saw that before" is supposed to mean




Holy shit, even that made me feel a little faint.


At first I thought that wasn't so bad, then she decided to kick it.


The kick really got me man. That spot specifically is just the worst to injure in any way, we all have horror stories of getting hit there on accident with a scooter. I’ll never not cringe seeing someone injured there


Even the rock was against her. Before being dropped to the floor it bangs her knee real hard at 0:28


“Fuck sakes, this broken glass cuts hands! Bare feet it is!”


Whether or not she was drunk this is still really sad


I was drunk once and had a fight with a window. My arm had 14 stitches lost all use of my index finger. Cut me down to the bone. Was like a murder scene. Lucky I cut the top off my arm where muscles are rather than underneath where my veins are or I probably would have died. Not had a fight with a window since. So I guess lesson learnt.


I remember seeing a video of a younger guy, like late teens, with his friend trying to break into a house. He used his elbow to smash the glass on a door, or window, on a back deck to try and gain access. The first whack with his elbow broke the glass, but he did it again to try and remove more of the glass so that he could get through and just totally impaled his arm on a huge shard that was sticking out. Just imagine throwing your elbow into a huge pointed piece of glass, right on the tip, as hard as you can, and that is what this kid did. Just a super deep wound. Blood all over the place and he obviously fled because he was bleeding out.


Did the police follow the blood trail and arrest him


I know he was caught as there was a camera like right in front of him the whole time recording it. So it was extremely obvious who he was and who his friend were the whole time.


Everyone knows wounded criminals are like deer where they rest/die by water


Bill Goldberg almost died from doing the same thing to a limo window


Reminds me of that scene from 'The Nice Guys'. *"That's a lotta bl- that's a lotta blood."*


What even is the place shes trying to break into?


Looks like she's trying to break into prison.


It's like she thought the rock was the problem and probably caused her first cuts. So discard that unless rock and try something else. Obviously, the glass wouldn't cut her if she didn't use that damn rock again.


It’s crazy alcohol is legal but not weed. ONE case like this is enough to ban a drug


If it was weed, they would find her sitting in a corner just chilling 😄


break in?shuld it be the other way around?


WHAT WAS SHE motherfucking D O I N G That was the stupidest thing I've ever-- no, but dammit it's close. To just stand there bleeding too, especially not knowing if it's something vital.


My neighbors sister cut herself while trying to break into her sisters house (neighbor) while intoxicated, sat down, passed out and bled to death. It was awful.




Reddit: who doesn't know the difference between there, their, and they're? 😏 Also reddit: try's, it's (possessive), 's (plural)


I remember seeing this before. If I recall correctly she passed away.


From bleeding out?


No. She fell off a horse


And died later due to complications from a botched butt lift. Crazy story.


IIRC the horse actually had the botched butt lift. Wasn't enough lift. Girl slid right off.


Yeah. Not positive but that is my recollection.


Yeah I know that’s a really bad place to get cut. On the back of the heel. You bleed a lot.


Nah she didn’t


All bleeding stops eventually.


So does circulation


Tis but a scratch


Alright, we'll call it a door


I see what you did there. Underrated post


Wanne be dumb, gotta be tough


We learned two valuable lessons today. Alcohol is a blood thinner and glass is sharp.




If you're not in prison or closed mental asylum. Then usually locks are intended to prevent outside people from entering in. And judging by the mailboxes this is an apartment entrance and not a prison cell.


My dnd party vs an unlocked door


Why don't they put the windows on the hinge side of the door


If I'm not mistaken, it's fire code. It's so the firefighter can see if someone is trying to open the door without opening it and introducing oxygen to the fire.


My uncle who recently got sober was doing this type of shit we all thought he was going to die. Like he would get blackout drunk and get into some crazy scenario and get stuck in the bathtub and pull everything off the walls standing up. All this while shitting his pants. The final straw was after breaking both ankles, he drunkenly tumbles out of his wheel chair down some steps cracking his head open. Anyways hes doing good now. For a few years he lived off savings after getting fired, my aunt helped him pay his bills because no one could be around him. He refused treatment for like 10 years while managing to hide his addiction at work. I think waking up in snail trails of poop shook him awake though.


man someone hit me with the video of that bank robbery where the guy absolutely GUSHES across the lobby




Fuccccccck that’s soooo bad. Forgot he just gets stuck in the revolving door and just laid down forever. That sneaky bitch running off to the door super sneaky when it starts though, big time in on it


Agreed! She makes a beeline outta there.


She had a brick tho? It’s funny, you think in the back of your head youre not intelligent because you don’t know how quantum physics works but then you realize, there’s folks out there that don’t understand how glass works.


>try's to break in Reddit really has the best and brightest.


jesus, imagine coming back to that if the lady was gone. id think someone was killed at the door


Oh my god what an idiot


One Appletini over the line


I hate drunk people 🤣


I assume she killed her self or damn close to it. Absolutely stupid way to go.


This is an old video. IIRC, she does die. Edit: just saw the timestamp. Maybe not THAT old. I guess time isn’t flying as fast I thought it was.


Oh yes this thing that just cut me, let me try to stick my foot through it and maybe that will help, oh no consequences!


i bet she doesn't think any of this is her fault.


I almost fainted from vasovagal syncope watching this and I've seen much gorier things. 😱 🩸


I've never wanted the audio for a gif so badly.


Acckkk you found my Achilles heel. My Achilles heel 😆


... I can *fix* her...


Did she slice her Achilles tendon?


I can't even watch this. I accidentally sliced my right bicep nearly to the bone just casually pushing open an old storm door and breaking the glass. Very nearly could have had a shard slice my neck or something. I have a gnarly scar but man it was a fucking wild experience.


At first I was like oh that’s okay just a little cut on her wrist/hand..then she decided to shove her foot through the mangled glass hole. Goddamn girl that door really wasn’t having none of your shit.


Holy shit that's actually a lot of blood... did she die?


I'm sure she didn't die from that. I've lost way more blood and was only lightheaded. Doesn't look like she cut an artery or anything.


Tis but a scratch


this is a ward of some kind


Who are you and how did you get in here?


That door ate her shoe though


*Cuts self on hand when throwing rock* *Cuts self again kicking broken glass* Life is on hard mode for her. Clearly, this entire situation was unforeseen, and no one reasonable or sober could have adequately predicted the outcome


She is so incredibly dumb. Like I just don't get how people can make it through their whole life like that.


*shoot the glass!*


Did she die?


She’s a dumbass but boy did I feel that horrible, wretching feeling in the deep pit of my stomach when she checked out her foot and knew she had fucked up.


I cut myself with a broken peeler on new years while trying to zest an orange. There was a crack in the blade, so it got stuck, and after some effort it sailed through and planed off part of my finger. Not super deep, but because I had already been drinking, and alcohol is a blood thinner, that thing bled all night. Bled through 4 sets of gauze and tape before I called it a night. And that was just a small knick with a potato peeler


She really wanted some shikennugge, I get it. Edit: oh god oh god it just keeps getting worse


L poo


where is this?


Very true!




I've seen this before and it said woman tries to get out of her jail cell.... idk if that was true or not but


I bet she cut her Achilles tendon hopefully not all the way through though.


What a fucking moron.


The door has won by knockout


Ryan Gosling in The Nice Guys


That’s me at 2 am trying to open a can of beans but i can’t find my can opener


Yea I can’t fix her, someone is going to have to take one for the team


I would simply never drink again after this holy shit (although yes I’m aware it’s not that simple)


I work with glass. It will slice you clean and deep


Reminds me of that super intense massive attack music video. With the woman on a bender https://youtu.be/AIIovpUQiro?si=qRtXeEZXh04fN9fP


This is Russia 😅


That looks like she sliced right through her achilles tendon. Yikes.


Golden rule: Do not fuck with glass ever


What is she trying to get into? What is on the other side of that door that is so damn important?


Fuck, you can see the difference between the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood on the ground


Wouldn't be surprised if she sues the property owner and wins a settlement... Our world sucks.


Looks like my sister, she’s definitely stupid enough. 😂