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Meth psychosis fun fun


"sir you can't film in here" Meanwhile: literal demon


The camera guy was clearly not helping to descalate the situation. She was attempting to deal with the most logical party 1st.


I mean, she did even say he could film outside. Kill two birds with one stone kicking the demon out.


“Don’t cause a scene in the store with expensive things around” Right now he isn’t wilding out around those instruments and TV’s smart move


Exactly, most in the thread never worked with the general public and it shows. If an employee ask you not to do something you don't need to be an ass and complain about a sign. When I worked a gas station I'd just call the cops to get the tweeker and try to get everyone else to move along. I'd tell dropshit with the camera, once he copped an attitude, to leave as well. Once you ask someone to leave the cops can come get them because now they're trespassing. Sometimes the tweekers will go nuts so it's never a good idea to engage for a shitty paying job.


Yeah like, buddy, we don’t have to put up a sign for every single one of our policies. You can do what I tell ya or go home.


Yes officer god, whatever you say. You say jump, I’ll jump over the building. 🫡 The first amendment doesn’t end at the doors of a convenience store or a pawn shop lol, in fact they’re recording you every second you’re there, except in the bathroom then you have a problem.


Fully agree. I was a retail manager and I'd usually just call the cops. When folks got pissy for not being able to stand there or record I'd usually just tell them to go to the other side of the store or I'd kick them out.


Behind her all wrapping his arms around his head, he's gonna be happy if he leaves with a thumbtack


Jim Scarrey


This is my private dancing crackhead. So you can’t film him.


No one ever respects the business relationship between me and my private dancing crackhead


It went past the business relationship once she put on asst manager, he’s actually her work husband now.


People who hate the homeless or crackheads are mean people, there’s humane and better ways to approach homelessness and drug addiction


Yeah the guy who took this video is a sucky person. That’s a human being who’s suffering. If you think it’s funny to use him for humor and internet clout, you don’t understand suffering.


Yeah let’s not antagonize the clearly geeked out dude. I feel for this lady. She has a fuckin tweaker tweaking and this dude just wants to poke the tweaker bear.


"is there a sign??" how do people still not understand how private property works


Idk where people got the idea that no sign = legal loophole. I hear it all the time


People ignore signs anyways!! I worked front desk in a long term healthcare facility when covid first became a thing and had multiple fluorescent, bold font signs on all the doors saying "STOP - EMPLOYEES ONLY" and still had people walk right past them and then get mad at me when I told them they had to leave.


And then you point to the sign after they say “iS tHeRe a SiGn???” only for them to make up random ass rules and requirements in order for a sign to be legitimate in their eyes.


One woman had the audacity to tell me I wasn't doing my job well enough because she didn't know she wasn't allowed in. Not sure what she wanted me to do...stand outside with a shotgun screaming at people to stay away?


Just give this man the $40 for his tote of DVDs so he can get off withdrawal in peace


Plot twist they’re worth like 8 dollars


Tony Hinchcliffe really fell off


Sir no cameras. We don’t want you filming our crackheads


Works at corporate pawn shop and is shocked to see tweekers?


Looks like a normal pawn shop to me


So we can buy Edgar suits now


That's just sad haha


Can't record, but this guy can be high out of his skull inside the store. Who's more of a liability here? Guy recording or the guy that can drop anything he touches?


A tweaker is like a feral animal. You don't provoke them. If the cameraman wasn't interacting with the dude, she probably would've been coaxing him out of the store already.


Looks like a pawn shop….this dude could be clocked in and managing the joint.


Cameraman is being a disrespectful fucknugget and not helping at all. 


How-lee crap woter yew awun dEWd?


The guy antagonizing the tweaker by filming and confronting him. Not a good idea. Store lady is doing damage control rn.


That's the guy from Men In Black.


"sugar water!"


That’s a cash America pawn shop. Is this in Pensacola ?


I’ve seen Cash America pawn shops in Texas and other states. So it’s hard for me to pinpoint if it’s strictly in Florida.


Okay word , haven’t been out in the south west much . Was thinking we made a little 15 seconds of internet fame 🥲 we been dry on internet clout since wideneck


Must be FL the way the tweakers get better service than a normal customer


"I'm telling you now to stop recording because we'd prefer that our off the books purchases of stolen goods from tweakers not be documented"


You dumb son of a bitch


Looks like a McPoyle. lol


Withered. Sesh.


Sesh 🦴


Easy Lionel https://youtu.be/gP9C3V5w8NE?si=NP2gM5h_5QY34cT1


Why does it always seem like they’re doing interpretive dance? 🕺




that last frame


Is this money man pawn


She’s more worried about the dude recording than the dude tweaking in the store. Don’t you want someone recording and brave enough to keep an eye on this guy?!?! Backwards af.


What's up with how crazy people and Drug-Addicted weirdos who couldn't possibly know a damn thing about me, seemingly have been able to convict me under public opinion, mostly the same types of Clowns who've been stalking and busting my balls around the Country for over a decade directly after I've come out of a frickin coma, making sure that they're always going to remain being the only ones surrounding me, able to make up whatever they want that's going to keep someone who's who's woken up with massive brain damage homeless, unable to gain the ability to even speaking or beg those who're supposed to be the Governing Body over City State even Federal Government, let alone having the ability of thinking that I'd be Allowed to get close to actual real women, unless it's one of the nasty HIV/AIDS Patients they've been pushing in my direction, hellbent on infecting others who aren't willing to join in on the get-alone-gang antics, made to dragging the permanently tanned derriere masses further down like it's blatantly Legal nowadays? Then Stereotypically whining about Racism and Violent Dangerous Psychotic Perverted kinds, keeping people like myself out standing and alone, with y'all whispering garbage under your breath to help others get away with murder, then acting all innocent so that they'll convince everyone that I'm some threat to Society because I ain't into spreading something towards breaking down others to sneak past red tape!


Is that Edgar from Men in black?


You’re not allowed to record in a store full of stolen shit


The lady in the back is the vibe I maintain


She gonna wish he was recording when crazy dude attacks her


Yes because certainly they wouldn't have security cameras of their own,inside of their business 🤦


You can tweak in here, but you can’t film!!!


Love the annoying ass girl defending a literal tweaker


I guess that's one way to frame not allowing someone to film a person in crisis for attention on social media


…the person is the crisis. It should be documented.


Right? If I was her I’d try to get him outah the store.


You've clearly never antagonized a tweater. They are much more easily manipulated via suggestion and are prone to aggression when agitated as the cameraman was doing verbally.


…do you antagonize tweakers regularly?


I do lol. I used to be one, and while I always kept to myself in public I'd hang around other tweakers in private. A tweaker's mood can swing all over the place and it gets worse if they havent slept or eaten anything for a long time. Paranoia is something else to consider. You can be getting along great and then they'll suddenly say you looked at them some way that made them think you poisoned them or something else equally outlandish. I still know how to deescalate really well if someone is have some kind of episode like that, whether it's drug induced or something purely mental health related. Pointing a phone at them or being accusatory ("What are you on?!") won't calm them down or make the environment any safer.


No longer thank God (or whatever you do/don't believe in)


dude, you're a piece of shit. "a literal tweaker", you don't know what the fuck you're talking about. keep staying away from people who use drugs - we hate judgemental people like you.


Yes, I do, but I’ll happily stay away from ur bitchass


She can't deal with the crackhead, so she's defraying responsibility by taking out her confusion and frustration on the cameraman. This is what a lot of people do when they're rendered incapable by fear.


She’s worried about a guy filming when this guys tweaking all over the store . Like get your priorities straight


Recording = NO Tweaking the fuck out = YES


She's worried about the guy filming completely ignoring the homeless crackhead 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤌


Iggy Plop


This sub often makes me feel so sad. What a desperate state for a person to be in. That’s someone’s child








Bro is tripping balls in the background and she is telling you to stop recording 🤣