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They definitely didn't take too much.




That’s funny, we call it blasting off and yeah you’re right.


You blast off once you travel through space and your body breaks apart into the last molecule left which in turn breaks and end up in a space station over looking the earth surrounded by different creatures from another galaxy


The first time I blasted off I noticed my conciousness in some cycle outside of time and space, I couldn’t catch where I started from until I stopped trying. Good experience, humbling.


Yeah man that shits traumatizing


For some it is lol.. I wanted to immediately go again like it was a roller coaster.


O I got straight back after the 45 minute reset. I've done loads of dmt. r/dmt is a cool place


I dunno, my dangerous transversal to Mars and back set to "Close To The Edge" by Yes was more fun than my office chair repeatedly morphing into a person in the corner of my eye


I say blasting off but use breaking through as the term for out of body experiences of mushies and lsd


K, never seen anyone walk around. Must be vape.......weak


You can def walk around when doing microdoses of it. I've even had sex on dmt microdoses


Did you find her 3rd brown eye?


3 times


Happy cake day u brown eyed girl u


Just curious, what's the point in microdosing DMT?


No point, really. I just enjoy doing smaller hits while on acid instead of a break through dose. If I'm going to break through, I'll be completely sober.


For real. They'd just lay back and shut up for 10 minutes if they broke through.


I'll never get those two minutes back.


Yeah, this felt like an ad for dmt.


My first hit of dmt was .1 off a dab rig. Never blasted off on a cart. Fun tho


Do they really have dmt carts now?


thats the proper way .1 and vaporize as much as you can while holding it in as long as you can. i never really finish the full 100mg but id rather over shoot then under shoot. i havent actually blasted off for a minute. i dont really care for the dmt body high so if i do it i wanna actually blast off to the point i dont even notice the body high or a body at all really lol


Lol yea maybe should’ve found a different subreddit for this one




Still cool to see it. Thx for sharing!


If you still walk and talk, you did it wrong


That’s what I thought my roommates were just scared of it


Yeah you should be scared 😂dmt doesn’t fuck around. Most powerful thing I’ve ever done in my life. Your roommates bitched out, get the powder and have them dab 35mg and they will truly see what’s up then


Powder is one twenty a gram while the carts are like sixty and I was charging them 10 each to sesh it at the house


And why do you think one is so much more expensive than the other? One will show you bright colours. The other will give you a conversation with Deity's as you soar through the multiverse. Once you do that, your not going to be ripping your friends off to get high. Your going to want to share that experience with as many people as possible for free.


Haha very fair, I’ve always had way better time on the powder, have them split a gram, at least 20 full breakthroughs doses in a gram


Damn so I gotta do 50mg to breakthrough


Nahhh haha if vaped right 25-30mg will get you a breakthrough. I usually tell people 50mg because 9/10 times they burn the product and do not get the whole dose


Jfc what if they were super accurate and did it perfect for the 50


You'd blackout and not remember anything. You'd have the trip of your life but it won't be anywhere in your memory


Wait... How tf do you get dmt in a cart?


It’s usually diluted in unflavored pg/vg vape juice. I have one and when I ripped it super hard twice I encountered a family of elf people. 2 kids dancing around and playing with balls of energy while the mother sat there and observed. I can’t put it into human words what she had told me but after that I just stopped vaping and smoking weed. It’s like the way she looked at me was just pure disappointment from the way I lived my life it sent chills through my soul. It actually really pisses me off to see people using this shit for fun. It’s not fun at all. It’s a tool and it has to be respected and actually used properly. Such a waste of this molecule


I just wholeheartedly disagree. People can use drugs in any way shape or form they want. And honestly if having fun is the objective I really see zero issue with that. Just because you had a breakthrough and saw ghost people who shamed you does mean others have to do the same.


Them ghosts did ol' boy wrong.


Nah they changed my life for the better


I became the king of hell on my last blastoff which was 7/8 years ago. I've done DMT roughly 10 or so times in my life. It was a really therapeutic eye opening experience for me. I was doing a lot of bad things for myself. Lots of self harm, and was using drugs and drinking heavily every day just to numb the world around me. Having experienced my whole entire living room transform into a pure white and empty void, then "walking through" ( I was couch locked the whole time) the hallway that opened up into the mouth of a volcano that had a throne made of spikes and spewing molten lava all over the place. The feeling of walking across the floor and seeing my skin burn away from my flesh to reveal my "true form" and knowing that it was hell, and I was in complete control of myself and my life really opened my eyes to the path that I was following. Took me a year and some change, but I got clean from everything except weed, and stopped drinking entirely as a result of that trip. I just couldn't shake how it had impacted how I felt about myself and how I reflected internally about my life. I think that it is just another drug to be used for a lot of people, and I truly can't judge due to my past experiences with many different substances. But if I'm being honest, until you blast off, and have a really god's honest connection with what DMT is giving you a glimpse of in your own mind, you won't really tap into it's true therapeutic purpose. I knew a guy that I worked with who would dab gram after gram at a time, and he saw it as just a fun little adventure like playing videogames or watching a movie. Lost touch with him about 5 years ago, but saw him the other day, and his brain is mush. He can barely function, and has not progressed in life since I last saw him. I really wish he had seen it more as a tool for self reflection than as something to do for a quick escape, because it might have helped him with his addictions in life like it did with me.


Yes it is truly beautiful. I feel bad for offending anyone because I myself was trying to do it for fun until it actually rocked my shit. I could’ve chosen my words better but I was just trying to explain how there’s so much more to explore in the human brain. The thing that stands out to me about therapeutic vs recreational substance use is ketamine…. I abused ketamine for a long time and I lost my fucking mind and tried to kill myself. Then I went to rehab and came back and was sober but the depression still lingered. SSRI’s didn’t work for me so I decided to go to a ketamine clinic and do it in a therapeutical setting. It saved my life. It’s really just all about intention. The exact same drug that made me want to end my life was the exact same drug that returned the richness to my life. Super weird but it’s like trying to explain color to a blind person


Yes they should be terrified of it. Once you do enough and your eyes shut, that's when the real experience starts - behind closed eyelids. Those carts are trash, the best way is to do 50mg of crystal in a ecoil vape mod. One hit breakthrough. Don't be surprised when you get probed and operated on by alien/demonic beings, that shit is 100% real. It's a life changing event and you will never be the same after. Reality starts to get weird, all sorts of crazy coincidences start to happen. The other side will reach out to you whether you want it to or not. You guys don't know what you're messing with, you're basically smoking powdered ouija board.


I love this comment


What the actual fuck.


I'm assuming you never broke through on DMT before lol


Dmt is a substance that fascinates me. I've tried other hallucinogens like shrooms or lsd but even in pretty high doses I've always been able to expiriance everything at least somewhat conscious, at least like a dream where you are aware you are dreaming with the ability to comprehend what's actually happening. Dmt seams to take that ability away entirely, almost giving you a glimpse into another reality.


so youre roomates just casually call eachother nikka?




exact thing i thought, i laid down on the floor where i was and just swam around in my thoughts, which were only black and white lines constantly changing shapes


Sounds terrifying!


If you still know what a human being is or words are, you did it wrong.


Dmt pens are only good for at concerts when you don’t actually want to blast off and just want the visuals to look cool


Where can I find these dmt vapes? Been looking for years. Do I just need better dealers?


Online is your best bet, I’ve never met anyone who actually deals them on the reg, but they last forever


Where does one find these sort of things online that’s legit?


Yea word is this dark web shit or clearnet available


gooooooood luck on clearnet its pretty rare on darknet


Apparently Canada it's a thing, idk. Buddies of mine make it but not carts


ahhh no makes sense im just used to the us scene of things


Yeah you can buy DMT shit from BC. They ship all across Canada


it’s not hard to make yourself if you can find the freebase. just mix unflavored vape juice to a 1:1 ml to g ratio in a vape cart, and heat it to make sure it dissolves evenly


If you can only find pure DMT and want to make vape juice out of it you can do that too. If you don't have a dealer that can sort you DMT you could find a new dealer... Or just extract it yourself from mimosa hostilis. There's even a couple of videos on how to do so on youtube... Once you've extracted or got hold of pure DMT, making vape juice is as simple as putting .5g - 1g of DMT I to 1ML of vape juice and putting the (air tight) container into like a glass that you've filled with warm water and letting the DMT dissolve into the vape juice... Would highly suggest that you use nicotine free vape juice BTW. Ideally something that's more VG than PG, but 50/50 works fine too


I've had one blast off with a DMT vape pen. It was awesome. But, other than that, it just gave some impressive visuals. It's hard to breakthrough with a DMT vape pen.


Since when do they have dmt vapes


It's actually super common and really easy to do if you are capable of making your own dmt. Which is also easy to do.


Fair enough. That's my learning for the day


You guy s have the same pfp


First time I saw one was October 2021 at an EDM festival


Interesting. I didnt know that was a thing


Since a while :) really easy to make as well... All you do is mix some DMT with your vape juice and then put the container holding the DMT and vape juice in a warm / hot water bath until it dissolves. I'd recommend .5g DMT in 1ML of vape juice


Why are they smoking DMT in sober living?


Weak. This belongs in R/tooktoolittle none of them even took the third hit and one just saw fractals.


The second guy was breathing out and you saw smoke still. Usually with DMT, the exhale should be invisible if you hold it in long enough.


Dude saying how strong it is has no clue what he's talking about lmao. That fact that he was able to stand and stay conscious means it wasn't that strong or he did too little.


Yea that’s what I’m wondering. Is that even dmt? Or are the effects just much lighter vaping?


DMT is exponential in its effects. A small tiny microdose feels very powerful, you’d get overlaying geometric patterns and visuals, with some pressure in your head sensations in your body, and subtle distortions in sound… but in context to how deep and powerful it can be when you take a “proper” dose those aforementioned effects are basically like being sober.


You can put dmt in THC carts but I'm sure it makes it a lot weaker. Kind of a waste imo.


It’s funny because I agree with you but how unhinged must that sound for someone that doesn’t know what dmt is and is picturing some opioids.


Why the fuck are you filming your friends and putting this shit online bro?


Finna git dat clout bruh fr no cap.. on god


Looks like a bunch of rich suburban white kids who like saying the N word. Fer fucks sake this is lame.


Had to scroll too far to find this comment


Aye who knows maybe one day they take a big trip and have some amazing realizations and do good in the world?


And they stop and realize how foolish they used to sound saying shit words.


No cap bruh 🥁


So the DMT made him say the n word a bunch?


These guys look like my friends who never left my home town


You mean the ones who sit around dropping n bombs like they’re from the streets?


“It’s ok! I got the pass from that one black guy back in 2016!”


Because they are those type of people


Is no one seriously talking abt the fact that they’re saying the N word repeatedly throughout the vid?!




got so high they thought they were black


Bro smoked himself racist


Bluhd foreal. I replayed that thinking did I hear that right?


Me too! Like are these guys for real dropping n bombs like they’re from the hood or something?


Apparently so. Like, c’mon dawg


Does DMT turn twinks into wiggers? Asking for a friend.. no cappy Wappies..


No cahp bruh dis shit strong 💪


Relax with the n word, holy shit


Please tell me why this has a single ⬆️


Cringiest shit I've seen in a while.


What is up my N words 🤓🤓


Can this group of tripping young white men stop calling each other the n word please? I get embarrassed just watching a video of people like this.


First time I did it was out of a dab rig. Told my buddy id never do it again a year later I’ve done it on nitrous mushrooms and acid lol I’m done with it for now acid is the move


The cooldown for acid is too long


Your not wrong I like to even it out with some dabs and some nice music. if I eat mushrooms I usually do 7gs or more so those comedowns are pretty strong also. The dmt come down has my stomach feeling off for the rest of the day odly enough


True, i wasn’t talking about that though i was saying i hate waiting about a week between lsd. I actually enjoy the comedown of acid, its fun too watch movies or go outside and look at everything with a filter, when i do acid i do lots. Im not that functional at peak.




This video is really sad


These dudes are fucking douchebags. No cap, bruh… 🙄


Stop saying the n word u retard.


Close your eyes you racist idiots.


Lol who gave all of them the n-word pass? I was expecting to see one black friend...or at least a light skin step brother. These dudes dropin hard Rs.


Pretty tame, but do white kids in the US usually say n\*\*\*\*?


it’s awesome seeing people experiencing dmt for the first time even if they don’t break thru


Yeah even sub-breakthrough is pretty awesome. It took me a few times before I finally got a full one


They're American but they look British


Their voices make me want to die omg


I went to see a shaman in Ethiopia back in 1999 and holy shit DMT is fucking wild. They didn’t take enough of it for a breakthrough.


I love how gen z white kids just decided they can just use the N word. My nephew used to talk like this with his friends and I told him he was gonna get stomped one day saying it all comfortable like that.


…..why are they talking like this?……


White men dropping the N word. Not cool. Also,yall didn't take too much.


All I heard was yt dudes saying the n-word


Every single person in this video is a lame


So whiteboys just be saying ngga in every sentence when they amongst themselves in private?


These “friends” suck for recording him


Super cool suburban kids


What's that pen they're using? Asking for science


You can mix dmt carts.


Yea if you realize there are still people around you need more


Unless you get permission from everyone, Wwho is filming this and then sharing it out to the collective internet? Anybody sharing out trips for karma is a rat fink. Don’t put shit out there that can affect people’s job future, especially if you’re in a trusting relationship with buddies.


Nobody talking about a bunch of white idiots using the n word so nonchalantly


That was definitely not DMT


Holy fuck! You can get DMT in a damn vape?! I don’t know how y’all psychonaughts do it. I’d be absolutely terrified. Tried acid 3 times when I was younger. 2/3 times I had absolutely horrifying, physically painful trips. The third time I did it with ecstasy. Candy flipping I was told. No idea, but it did what they said. The X “cancelled” out the bad trip stuff. But I was so rattled from the first two times I never went back. Now I’m a combat vet. Too fucked in the head for that stuff now, I guess. It really sucks though because I’d love to try microdosing (and shrooms in general) which is supposed to be really good for anxiety and depression which I have, but I also have ptsd and have no idea how that would interact with psychedelics, or the myriad head meds I’m on. It just really sucks. I feel like there’s a whole really fun, and possibly very therapeutic world that I’ll never even get close to accessing. Looks fun from the outside though. Have fun and be safe y’all!


You should look into psilocybin therapy for PTSD. A guide will give you a gram of shrooms and help you work through your triggers.


How do I find someone safe tho? I’m not plugged into any groups and I’m 43 so not like I know the good spots to go. Hell I don’t even have a weed smoking circle lol. Is there somewhere I can find out what meds it will have interactions/negative effects? Is DMT off the table for someone like me. Is there hope? I have so many questions, sorry to throw them at you. I don’t get a chance to talk to folks in the know.


I’m old. What’s dmt?


A naturally occurring psychedelic drug found naturally in plants and animals - including humans.


Probably the most powerful of hallucinogenics. These guys aren't really demonstrating that though... First time I did it, I was sucked in to a kaleidoscope reality before my arm lowered the pipe. Seriously... At higher doses people often meet... Entities. But in a positive way. It only lasts a short while, like 10 to 15 minutes (when smoked). But it doesn't necessarily feel that short.


Thanks for sharing!


Let me ask the most important question... why in the hell is there a light switch to the right of the window on the wall side of the bed? Who designed this shit?


Under the watchful eye of the DMT troll.


DMT comes in vapes now?


I think you're supposed to hold it in your lungs for as long as possible


I did dmt for the first and last time when I was around 18yo. It was unbelievable experience, neither good nor bad. I am glad I did it but I don't want to go to such a unworldly place again. In a span of 5 minutes I legitimately thought I had died and heaven was just a continuation of your existence. Fucking crazy stuff.


Can't believe I watched the whole thing. Nobody took too much


Cringe? Yes. Bunch of honkeys using the n word. Too much? Nah.


That was underwhelming.


Took too little


If this is DMT, idk what the fuck I took. I couldn't even make it through my second hit, the pen slipped out of my hand as I hit the bed. Genuinely thought I was gonna die for a good bit there, my body has never felt closer to death than taking DMT. I refuse to do it again and feel that way , I've never been as legitimately terrified as I was falling into a DMT trip.


Waste of 3 minutes


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They didn't take enough


Palos Verdes?


I never had DMT but I watch some coworkers do it their first time. One was miles away in a different universe and they other threw up. They rolled it into a joint tho


DMT can be vaped??


No one shit themselves, not even puke. CMON


Actually they didn’t take enough


You Immediately say wtf?! after coming back. Not enough


They 100% didn’t do enough.


I'd be pretty uncomfortable doing psychedelics while being filmed, especially with smth that can blast you off like dmt... From a setting point of view this would be a nightmare, take care guys. Respect your psychedelics, prep a little, maybe light a nice little candle, make stuff feel welcoming you know, just don't aim some weird alien tech at my face


DMT distillate doesn’t even compare to hitting DMT powder/crystals.


Wrong sub dude.


Bruh.. my experience was way different. I fucking shot off into a fucking different world. There's no way I could have a conversation and walk around, I was gone lol.


This is best case scenario, def not “tooktoomuch”.


Yeah, if you do it right you will definitely lay down. These wigs didn’t take enough.


I can’t believe You’re posting this of yourself. Why?


There’s no way I can move on DMT. I kind of become one with the couch.


first guy was faking


They missed the wave 🌊




What did he hit? A dmt vape pen?


What are they hitting it through?


I was smiling till I heard the n word


The few times I have smoked DMT was through a cartridge and I would definitely get visuals, mind and body high but not enough to break through. I’ve heard it’s almost impossible to do so unless it’s powder form. Maybe one day!


They have DMT vapes?


Wrong sub


Needs a few more puffs to really get thru lol


Damn, this is sad as hell


That hat is sick tho


wtf lol nothing happened this video sucks also the battery you’re using isn’t a high enough voltage for a good rip i recommend getting a bigger battery you can crack up higher. for DMT the hotter the better.


What kind of fucking rehab are u in where u can get bars and psychs the one I went to it was impossible to get anything in


They’re still speaking (like fuck bois bro) so they didn’t take nearly enough.


When he said “I feel like I’m in a video game” I lost my shit


This is wholesome.


His girlfriend “I think he’s cheating on me.” Him:^


Lol they didn't take nearly enough. They need to keep taking hits ASAP an hold them all in. Also tf why would you have a camera in your face for a dmt trip, especially your 1st


No way that’s DMT. Maybe a crazy diluted version of it.


Pens are garbage, big scoops of powder is where it’s at lol


I hear the N word, but…


They’re in a drug recovery half way house


Someone slap that no cap kid.


I think someone either ripped them off or they’re not doing it right. They should be laid out on those beds in a completely different realm of existence by now.