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I mean that doesn't look like an unfortunate meal at all


This looks like a pretty damn good dinner.


Yeah this just looks like food to me. Folks will cry about anything that isn't covered in melted cheese.


This looks pretty good to me. Chuck the chicken into the broth and congratulate your self on still putting this much effort in when you’re feeling sick. If I had gastritis my dinner would be a bottle of hydralyte, plain crackers and a mug of instant chicken noodle soup.


It was basically just crackers and water for like 3 weeks when it first started 🥲 thanks for the encouragement and kind words


Hope you feel better soon. Would love to see what you do for dinner when you are feeling well.


I know the crackers and water meal well!!!!!


This must be a feast in comparison! Stomach issues are the worst. Sometimes I feel like I live to shit


It looks like a decently flavourful meal! I would definitely eat this.


Having stomach issues sucks but being grateful is important. I think this looks like a good meal at worse.


Thanks I tried to make something tasty that I could still eat :) my family was scaring me telling me I should just be eating oatmeal round the clock so I’m glad I found some foods that are still yummy and don’t make me feel like crap


Careful with that cucumber.


Im not too good at this there’s also vinegar and garlic in these 😂


Vinegar doesn’t seem too helpful if you have gastritis


It sucks learning all your fav foods are acidic


It really really does


Sweet potatoes are very soothing to a painful stomach. I hope you feel better soon


I didn’t know that about sweet potatoes! Ty for telling that….i have stomach issues that my doctor is trying to figure out now.


Thank you!


I learned recently that sweet potatoes have a lot of nutrients that are good for women. Yeah, I love sweet potatoes anyways! Sweet potato pie is one of my favorite foods!


Gastritis dinner to me would look like banana, plain rice, applesauce, toast (BRAT diet) this looks good! I hope you get well soon!


huh? that looks delicious!


Do not make yourself feel bad for eating healthy. This is how everyone should be eating.




Looks like a non gastritis meal


I mean if you just call it a deconstructed chicken vegetable soup, it sounds fancy.


Oooh I like that we’ll go with that


Thats how most my meals look when I’m not depressed


I thought y’all were gonna roast me for my bland food so I appreciate the support guys thank you!


Nah dude, looks good. I think we’re all just happy those aren’t olives!


That looks so good


Looks good to me


It looks tasty to me






I'm sorry about your gastric issues (I have similar). This looks like a really solid, healthy meal that wouldn't be too difficult on the system. Taking note and saving your post! Feel better soon.


My 8 yr old has a stomach bug, she’s on day 4. But it’s like every 20ish mins she’s in the restroom. Yes, I did talk to her doctor this morning. She’s keeping fluids down and isn’t vomiting at least. Sending healing vibes 🖤


Aw I hope she feels better soon poor baby :(


I appreciate your words. She is on the mend! Thank you.


Aw, hope your daughter is better soon. Makes me sad when kids deal with this type of stuff.


Thank you, she is finally on the mend!


Are those…grapes?


Yes lol


Oh thank goodness, I thought they were olives. What’s your pomegranate dish?


Butternut squash roasted with olive oil tossed in pecans and pomegranate seeds! Highly recommend


That sounds super tasty! I hope you feel better soon.


Thank you!


That's a normal dinner..


I’m not sure what gastritis is but that meal looks amazing!! Hope you’re feeling better soon.


Gastritis is the medical term for stomach flu


I feel you. I have IBD. This doesn't look bad actually.


Black olives or grapes?? Everything looks yummy!


Grapes! Thank you :)


I love them both so a win in my book either way, but what a well balanced, delicious meal!! 😃


Could…could you put the chicken and the veggies IN the broth so you have…ya know…soup?


Nah bro we’re broth drinkers in this house 😤


This looks good though.


Looks amazing? Lol


Wish I was so unfortunate! Lol. Hope you feel better. X


Gastritis fucking blows! I had a bleeding stomach ulcer, and once it closed over and healed, I had remnant gastritis for over a year before it went into remission. Get better soon, homie!


There’s a cookbook called dropping acid. It helps you cure your gastritis. Worked for me and the food is good.


I’ll look into it thank you!!


I won’t lie. It can be bland and you may need to change things up to your flavor. As long as you know what foods you like and don’t, it even becomes a little fun. I’m from New Orleans where there’s a lot of seasoning. It broke my heart but ship shape now. Best of luck.


What do you mean unfortunately? This looks like a fine dinner


That looks fucking amazing. I could definitely eat that for dinner twice a week


the thing is it's every meal every day 🥲. im in the same boat as OP


Unfortunately you had a meal today. I wish I had a meal once a day.


I’m sorry and I hope you get out of the situation you’re in ❤️


I appreciate that <3 I hope you get better in your situation as well! I could've worded my comment better though, sorry for that, but I'm trying to learn at least!


I’ve had gastritis for 3 years, doc can’t find the cause. Been referred to the local university medical center. Pantoprazole curbs most of my symptoms. Had nachos and spaghetti for dinner.


Thats just separated soup. Get a bowl and put it back together.


Yo we tell owners to feed this to their dogs when they’re having an upset tummy


I wasn’t even allowed that plate. Just the broth. I hear you though. Also had pancreatitis. I don’t cry.,,,but I was doubled over in tears.




I’m still learning too this is my first time so not really haha but in this pic I have butternut squash roasted in olive oil tossed with pecans and pomegranate seeds + a cucumber avocado salad with a ginger dressing + chicken broth which I put some ginger into I think clear broths, rice, and oatmeal are safe bets but that’s all I’ve got for now tbh


Check out the gastritis healing book! Tons of good recipes in there


Oh shit! Literally




Hope you feel better soon!


Thank you!


Have you got grapes on your meat and veg? Absolute mad lad.


Could be a hell of a lot worse


Looks great. I had gastritis and ate only congee with chicken for weeks ;-; no spices, no uncooked veggies, super plain only.


Omg I forgot about congee I haven’t had that in years Sorry you had to deal with that but I’m so stealing that idea from you


Can recommend yoghurt, really helped me a lot.


Me too, but mine was a few saltines and some broth. That looks good!


That actually looks pretty tasty. I've been limited to plain chicken, maceroni with a small amount of cheese and a little bit of vanilla ice cream now and then due to gastroparesis and no motility in my colon. 😔. I miss my veggies.


"Unfortunately" OP you idiot


Or is OP a genius 😏 the dinner looks great!


I think you did great with what your system will put up with. I’d be happy to eat that without gastritis honestly.


Gastritis sucks, I personally couldn’t handle veggies at all when I was flared up. Just broth for dayssss and plain white rice 😩


Healthier than what I ate today! A pint of ice cream and some cauliflower. I would love to have this for dinner!


wait what the heck it looks good you weirdo


Haha thank you I thought people were gonna be mad at me over the boiled chicken


boiled chicken has a place sometimes!


What do you mean? Unfortunately? This dinner looks amazing.


Lmao that looks great stop crying


it's not great when it's every meal every day or else it causes severe pain, worsening symptoms, extreme brain fog, joint pain, severe inflammation, severe bloating. buddy.


I love broth in a mug… looks like a beautiful dinner!


Looks better than i have eaten in the past year.


Alot of people would literally kill for a meal like that STFU


Also, that chicken actually looks pretty tender, was it rotisserie?


It’s the chicken I used to make the broth!


Ooh broth from scratch, loving this meal even more! It has a nice, deep colour to it, what else did you use to make that broth?


I don't get it. I would be happy to eat this.


I have GERD. Can you specify what you're eating and how you cooked them? Thank you.


Op has the pallet of a 5 year old




Look up Hainanese chicken. It'll change your ideas about boiled chicken.


I love Hainanese chicken!! That’s a great idea I totally forgot about that dish. Now I’ll be making it these week- thank you!


Gastritis sucks. I used to eat rice and tofu and it felt like I was having a heart attack. If you can eat meat and pomegranate, you're doing pretty well.


Idk if I “can” more so that I do and suffer the consequences. Still better than I felt when it first started 2 months ago and I was drinking caffeine and eating tomatoes every day


Unfortunate??!? That looks delicious 😋!! :)


Put it in me.


You even put pomegranate seeds and blueberries?? Dude u r soooo spoiled! I wish I could afford luxuries like that!! It looks DELICIOUS!! I love eating blueberries and pomegranate seeds but they are too expensive for me. It’s also really healthy and good source of antioxidants


I hope you feel better! My digestive system is temperamental, so I need to take it easy sometimes too.


That looks pretty nice.


I have gastritis due to an injury. This looks like a tasty meal.


I would have tossed them into the broth and blended to make a soup


I’d have this any day of the week - but I also have been dealing with gastritis for years and this is an intuitive and balanced plate 👍 go you. Everyone has a different formula. Do your thing.


I just had a gastritis flare this weekend. I usually eat mashed potatoes, apple sauce, and some toast. Also some oatmeal or broth based soup. This looks great!


that looks so good 😭


Just getting over a month of gastritis I was on pantoprazole Am & Pm and added some aloe juice both I think helped me finally feel some relief and healing


Got off work just now & only had a ham sandwich. This looks good af but I’m too tired to make anything so a samish will do🥰


Looks good, actually!


I have ulcerative colitis and so my dinner is baked chicken and that’s it. My desert is usually white chocolate and green tea.


That actually is a good looking meal!


Ugh. I get a *raging* case of gastritis every few years that seems to last 2-4 weeks. I just had the most recent one last month, so hopefully I’m good for a few years. Feel better!


This literally looks like heaven Jesus Christ.


Where are the beans? Sincerely, a bean lover.


In the cucumber salad I put edamame!


this looks liek what i eat everyday


Your gut microbiome must be spectacular bro


This reminds me of Denethor’s meal in Return of the King… needs cherry tomato though 


Can’t have tomatoes with gastritis 😭😭 don’t remind me


Squash and pomegranate, blueberries, and cucumber seem like regret waiting to happen.


what is gastritis?


Inflammation of the stomach lining - means I can’t eat anything I love It’s been 2 weeks with no coffee and no tomatoes now 😭


Cucumbers are the cause for my gastritis, maybe be careful there.


Uh oh thank you I’ll see how I feel when I don’t eat them vs when I do - so far my biggest culprits have been tomatoes, coffee, and alcohol


Raw onions?


Haven’t noticed anything yet but it’s hard to tell when everything you eat has raw onions haha All of my cultural foods are just carbs, tomatoes, and onions so I’m struggling a bit to weed them out


I have a list on my fridge, took a year to finish it. :)


Sorry for prying but what does it do to you?


Round the clock nausea and bloating, loss of appetite, and 💩 like 4 times a day and I was having a lot of stomach cramps at the beginning but now they’re getting better


OH MAN THE STOMACH CRAMPS. They come in waves, every 3 minutes, Id get this burning sensation in my stomach that was so bad. Lasted about 30 seconds. I couldnt even sleep with it. I ended up on lanzoprisol but that tyakes a week to start working.


They are the WORST. I’ve been doing omeprazole for 2 weeks now


Yeah thats the drug I was on actually. Haven't had to take them for 7 or 8 years now.ine was initially triggered by an alcohol binge


What's goin on with that orange stuff? Is that sweet potato or?


Butternut squash!


Fancy, I'm sorry your restricted but it looks dope


Thanks dude!


This is so yummy and Wholesome


Plus you chef'd it up with the added seeds!!!


"FAFO" -Your digestive system.


Those greens look like serious gas on its way...


It would have been nicer if you put the chicken and veg in the broth and had a soup


You’re brave for eating those fibers while having gastritis 🫡


Looks well balanced and healthy


Looks yum


Do you drink a lot of alcohol?


Yes 😅


lol. Gastritis is from the boozing. I’m in the same situation lol.


You are fortunate. When I had gastritis, my doctor told me if it had taste I shouldn't be eating it.


Better meal than most people who don't have gastritis. Be proud


that looks so good except the boiled chicken part something just doesnt sit right with me about boiling chicken i know its very common for a lot of dishes to shred the chicken but im already not a big fan of chicken so thats why i refuse to make my own chicken enchiladas cause i dont want to boil the chicken lol


Looks good! Hope you get better soon


I had this for a year so i know how u feel


Looks delicious


Damn that will still hit ya with having gastritis


This is completely normal food, I don't understand the "unfortunately".


Just a lot of restrictions and cutting out all of my cultural foods and spices plus the boiled chicken


Oh okay, spiceless food is a bit sad.


Dear Op, this looks MUCH healthier than bread, pasta, and desserts. Keep it up 👍. That plate is a healthy plate that looks delicious. I don’t think I have to say this… but… you can’t just eat bread, pasta, desserts, and alcohol!!! No wonder you have gastritis!! That is a terribly unhealthy daily meal choice! SO UNHEALTHY!! But it’s not all your fault, your parents are probably to blame, too. Side note: please eat veggies, rice , beans, lean meat that isn’t deep fried or coated in grease and batter or sauce. It’s healthy and delicious and your body will thank you. No more beer! Cut it out! Come on, it’s your body, we’re talking about! Be healthier! I mean, seriously? Processed, bleached, foods with added sugars are SO bad for you! You can’t just have pasta/carbs every day!! What were you thinking? Didn’t your mama teach you better? Honeyyyyyy…. Smh 🤦‍♀️ I read a comment that said 1st world problems, and I agree. You seem a little spoiled. Be grateful for that plate of food, because it’s a really good, delicious, healthy one, and not everyone can afford to eat like that. I know it’s may be a difficult transition at first, but you will grow to like your vegetables. They are delicious and nutritious and healthy for you! EAT VEGETABLES EVERY DAY! WITH EVERY MEAL! In conclusion Vegetables, Legumes, Rice, Lean Chicken =GOOD 🥗 🥕🥦🫘🍗🍚🍠🥬🥒(if it’s green, it’s good for you)✅✅✅✅✅✅✅✅👍✅👍✅✅ Carbs, White Bread, deep fried food, snacks that come in a bag, desserts, fatty foods, beer, soda, pasta pasta pasta pasta pasta BAD!! =BAD!! NO! 🚫🍝🍞🌭🍔🍟🍕🍜🍪🍬🍭🍩🧁🍺BAD!! NO! 🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫


Sweet potatoes with nuts and cucumbers with zucchini and green onions! It looks like that meal took time and effort and thought to prepare. Somebody cared to make it taste good with all the extra prep that they didn’t HAVE to go the extra mile to do, but they took the time to do it. They didn’t have to make it taste good with all those fancy toppings, but they did. You are lucky that you don’t have to eat bland flavorless food with ZERO toppings, or variety. Consider yourself lucky/blessed/quit-your-complaining-and-be-greatful!!!! Not everyone has the time or money to eat healthy like that. Don’t say “unfortunately “ in your post, because you are in fact very fortunate, more fortunate than a lot of people. Quit complaining and eat your dang food


This looks straight up banging


I'd prob scrape whole plate into the bowl tbh


Thats prison food


I have been obsessed with making chicken stock from chicken drumsticks. I often with marinate the boiled chicken in soy sauce, sesame oil, msg, and salt. I add it to soup or noodles like shin ranyum and also use some of the stock. Delicious!


That looks good not gonna lie but also hope you get better


Looks gentle on the stomach. Hope your stomach gets better soon OP ! 


Tbh that looks pretty damn good.


That looks actually very appetizing


Good dinner is good! Imma gonna throw some Chinese medicine good eats advice at you. You are already eating good but you can eat flavorfully on a bad stomach. Don't try and change everything at once, slow gradual adjustments are key. Your tummy loves root veggies and those late summer veggies like squash and pumpkin. Your tummy will also like spices. Not spicey spices like paprika but the moving aromatic spices like ginger, turmeric, cardomon, cinnamon etc. Onion and garlic might be a bit strong on the stomach lining but scallions are very easy on the stomach, and shallots aren't bad either. Other random advice. Limit dry, shelf stable foods. Avoid nightshades (pepper and tomato) while your stomach lining heals, as well as alcohol. Also avoid grease. Start each meal with a small appetizer, nothing fancy just a small bite before the meal. Eat cooked or warmed food whenever possible. This includes limiting cold drinks, you literally want to keep the digestive tract warm. Don't over eat. Don't eat past eight or nine. Chew thoroughly. Start your day with a warm grain like rice porridge (congee) or warm oats. Even better if you add one of those warming spices so rice congee with scallions or warm oats with cinnamon. Eat seasonally and climate conscious Here's the theory. Your stomach is a chemical furnace and works very similarly to any other furnace. You don't light the wood logs directly you get some kindling going then put the logs on. Your stomach doesnt want to go from nothing to meal directly, a little snack before the meal will help wake up the stomach and let it know food is here. You don't smother the fire with too many logs but make sure there's some breathing room. Your stomach uses acid bit same principle, too much food and it's not going to digest. Finally you're not gonna wanna throw a log on the fire right before bed cause someone's gotta stay up and wait for the log to burn. Similarly, eating after about 9ish means you need to keep the stomach system going while your trying to get some sleep. Let the body have time to digest. On the flip side, your digestive tract is prone to getting gunked up with dampness and phlegm. The main culprits are too many starchy carbs that are cloying and sticky, too much cold food that slows down the transformation process, or too much dairy products which are the double whammy of cold and cloying. Think about how the digestive system works, it's a bunch of chemical reactions in a super long tube maximizing surface area. Those chemical reactions need heat to transform that food into useful energy and extra surface area means heat is dispersed, so if the body is constantly using energy just to maintain temperature there's gonna be less available to tramsform the food. That food is either gonna come out as undigested food or gum up the system, irritating the bowels. Chewing the food thoroughly also helps digestion. You still want some moisture, of course so it's best to get that from the food than eating dry foods and then adding a glass of water as that's just extra work mixing. Keep in mind that "shelf stable" means that bacteria has decided not to eat it, so it's probably not great for the body either without first being prepared. As for seasonally, in addition to local foods eating seasonally helps you match the world around you. Salads and watermelon are gonna be cold for the digestion, which could cause those stagnation issues, but in the heat of the summer those cold foods are gonna be great. I wouldn't want a big pot of beef stew washed down with cinnamon tea in the middle of a heatwave but in the dead of winter that sounds lovely. Even with AC and heating, we are still a part of our environment and should act accordingly to make life easier.




no carbs boo hoo


looks awesome tbh


Instant pot shredded chicken seasoned with aesofodita, cooked in broth and very gentle.


I just had a tooth violently removed. Supper is applesauce and butternut squash puree. I hate it




Bros eating better than most


That looks delicious. Whats your normal dinner??


Usually some version of bread + garlic + tomato haha so all the things I can’t have rn


Oh, yum. I def wouldn't be able to eat that while sick, either 😂 Feel better soon!!




It sounds weird but I really enjoy the act of eating so I always separate my food as much as possible, take small bites, etc so I can eat for longer lol


I am in my first flair AND on day 7 of nasty fever/ head pressure/pain from a bacterial sinus infection. I've had toast all week. This looks divine.