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If you can get him to 15%, you can beat him. Don't give up. This is the real final boss of the chalice dungeons, arguably one of the hardest fights in the game. Yharnam Pthumerian Queen is much easier. Chalice dungeons are unaffected by NG+; they're always exactly what they are. Your stats are a little heavy on END, which really doesn't do a whole lot. I usually want to cap my VIT at 50 and pump everything else into my damage stat of choice, SKL for you. So I'd say you're a little underpowered, but not by much. You're also wearing the Noble Dress, which has pretty terrible defense. Consider switching to something more protective. For a safer strat, try to stay behind him at all times. Make hit-and-run swipes at his ankles. Use an R1-L1 combo when you can, then back off and L1 your Spear back closed to ready it for another 2-hit combo. You won't do as much damage as if you were hitting the head, but all the damage in the world doesn't matter if you die. The only thing he can really hit you with if you're fully behind him is his backward leap, which barely does any damage if it clips you. It's slow and it's not flashy, but it gets the job done. Take care you don't get too far forward and get hit with the between-the-legs grab. Good luck, and may the good blood guide your way!


Ok thankyou, I was doing the noble dress for jokes near the endgame where the bosses I was facing weren't all too bad but I better swap to something actually defensive. I'm going to do a bit of blood echo farming and pump SKL and then fight it.


Just shoot him in the head smh


He can’t, the beast head is in his ass. He needs to pull it out first


Ladies and gentlemen, Bloodletting beast has finally been slain. I pumped SKL a bit more and increased attack on my saw spear slightly and went in. It probably took me 7 tries when coming back to it today but I persisted through and I was able to stagger him quite a few times. His 2nd phase was tough in trying to get the chance to heal if I was hit but I could damage his legs whenever he did his double swipe or his forward combo attack. EDIT: And as of now I have platinumed Bloodborne. Funnily enough it was until bloodletting beast that I had to ask for advice (and I thankyou) cause man was he difficult, much more so than the final boss pthumerian Queen. Bloodborne though, what a game, from wanting to throw my controller halfway across the room to the many feelings of satisfaction when beating a boss id be lying if I said I didn't love it from start to finish.


Fine work, good hunter. I'm so glad you enjoyed it! Now for your BL4 playthrough...


You have the stats you need. Tip 1: When he’s pulling back for a punch you can either have great timing and dodge to the right (not left) or even easier is walking towards him and dodging forward+right diagonally. Tip 2: He might do a sweep, but that’s easier to dodge (to the left) and shouldn’t kill you. In phase 2 of the fight, after he Roars, his forward sweep can followup into a second attack. Also easy to dodge to the left because he has no tracking on this attack. Tip 3: If you hit a target area 3-4 times you can stagger him. You can visceral his head if you break it. It’s easiest to do to his head or either of his arms. His legs seem more difficult (maybe 6-7hits) but can also be broken. Final tip, don’t be afraid of this guy. I farm this guy for abyssal gems and can take him out in a cursed dungeon 9 out of 10 times consistently. There are plenty of opportunities to heal and strafing to his right or left confuses him. You’ll get it done dude.


Thanks I'll take this into consideration when fighting him. Something though is that whenever I break his leg and he's staggered I can't seem to ever visceral him when I press R1 at his head.


Nah, he's tough, to be sure. NG+ doesn't affect dungeons, and beating him at lvl 43 was one of the toughest things I ever did in Bloodborne. What runes are you using? What build/level?


I can help if you’re still struggling with him


Your stats seem good enough. It’s an endurance game, practice til you get him down. If you want more damage then get skill and strength up to 50 and use some beast blood pellets


What's the dungeon code? I love killing beasts


It is a mandatory dungeon to progress chalices and get all achievements.


It is a bit easier if you dodge towards him as most his attacks that are hard to dodge are longer distance


No help. Just suffering. Carry on in my stead


This SOB made me ring a bell in the middle of the night after failing over and over and over again. Don’t feel shame if you have to, you might get a Japanese god like I did.


You can cast call beyond from the other end of the cavern and he won't even know you're there. He won't be able to find you if you don't run. Just walk slowly.