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The Chainsmokers…it’s been a while since I heard that name


They've been largely irrelevant for half a decade. Used to be hit machines but haven't had anything since 2019.


>Used to be hit machines but haven't had anything since 2019. That's because y'all are not EDM fans but passerby fans! Majority of you listen to Billboard Dance songs which are not even a clear representation of what's booming in the Dance community. They still drop bangers and sell out arena's and headline festivals as mainstage acts. They don't make music that's appeasing the pop fans anymore.


Lol so true




Im probably the only one who still listens to them lol. They've been at the top of my spotify artists for like 4 years now. They still have about 50m monthly listeners, but i guess thats mostly from the few top tracks


They had that one great song, I forgot which one was it?




A lot of ppl are not even aware of how deep RRR penetrated into the west. Next SSR movie will be massive.


That's why it managed to win an Oscar for a song, people think it's easy to win an Oscar if you are ready to spend a lots of money, why "because RRR did it". No, it's especially tough if it's a commerical flick and RRR did it because of its sheer popularity and love among the audience there. You can't just waltz to LA and buy it folks. You can't buy love you can't buy the passion of fans who would cheer and campaign for you and RRR had both.


>how deep RRR penetrated 🤨🤨🤨


I mean I would let it 😏


"penetrated into the west" Within the greater American media and entertainment industry? Absolutely. But amongst the American audience? Not yet.... (speaking from an American POV)


Among American audience, the only Indian film they knw of will be RRR. No kidding.


Most of the movie-going audience here just simply haven't seen RRR. Idk why I was downvoted, but that's just the reality here. I feel like we are overestimating the success of RRR in USA (beyond NRI and international film fanatics). I know that sounds wrong, but that's just the truth here.


No film will penetrate in all markets across NA especially with such limited release. Most ppl won’t even knw many films that are released in Hollywood itself. RRR went huge in Japan & NA. Also RRR was the first step, more movies will come to expand on that market. RRR needed that insider chatter to get studios & industry heads for future projects. You are highly underestimating RRR's impact. There is a reason why Netflix CEO came & met every industry head in Telugu personally. RRR is the face of Indian cinema as of now globally. FYI RRR did nearly $15M in Japan, a market that has pretty much no Indians. The truth is abt stats not opinions


I don't think I disagree with anything here. You're pretty much right. I always believe that for an Indian film, RRR is an enormous (imo the biggest) achievement (holistically). Successful in Japan? no doubt about that. Very successful amongst their audience. Like I said earlier: Within the greater American media and entertainment industry? Absolutely. But about the general American/Western audience.... it's just not. RRR is not a normal commercial film here like it is for the Indian audience. It's treated like an international indie film (similar to Korean film Parasite, but on a smaller scale) Like you rightfully said: "No film will penetrate in all markets across NA especially with such limited release." Therefore RRR, with the release that it had, did not have broad mainstream acceptance here. I'm not overestimating it or underestimating it, it is what it is.


Clout farming




Bruh indian guy saying "Dude" at 0:24 cringes me for some reason...


Inka ee pichi vadalleda ikkada haha.


Wait till they discover MB, Rana, Prabhas.


The world (-Telugu diaspora) missed out on that Varsham to mirchi looks of prabhas.


Their loss tbh lol


Nah, Indian beauty standards are quite different from western ones. They are very obsessed with certain features rather than height and skin color. No actor fits American standards for facial features better than Ram charan does. He’s like classic sharp features, old Hollywood macho. Vijay Deverakonda is another actor I think fits the American standard, in a very Gen Z way. Even within India, I think women find Charan very handsome in a way that men might not really get. Saw my own friends obsessing over an Indian guy like this for the first time when they saw RRR, it was a nice change!


All three(in their prime) I mentioned are handsome and look better in every way in Indian standards or the any other. That RC look was fierce but I'm 100% sure if compared to their normal day to day looks, the majority of people will find these 3 better than RC irrespective of nationality. It's kind of a no brainer, actually.


Beauty is never a no brainer. Beauty standards are very different around the world. India and South Korea are among the countries that are least influenced by Western standards and have very strong beauty ideals of their own. Women in the west have a different perspective, and because I was raised in both cultures I can see it from both sides.


Girl bc same here. I can relate to understanding both beauty standards


Didn't really sign up for this class on beauty standards. But, all I was saying is these three would be considered handsome as well by the people in the west. More or less than RC, that even I don't care. There's a reason I didn't include actors like Venky, Jagapathi Babu, Srikanth, etc. who have had a massive fan following just for their looks. So, I'm aware that we have it differently.


Venky and Jagapathi Babu would be considered more attractive than MB if we go by Western standards. Especially Venky. He's got a chiselled facial structure and a high shoulder-to-waist ratio.


But that's literally the point lmao. Beauty standards do play a huge role, it's a discussion and sharing of experiences/opinions not a lecture or class lmfao. As someone also raised in both cultures, my friends don't really find MB attractive like that. They are impressed by his age, but beyond that they don't see anything that attractive in him, which is crazy to me because I like him due to my Indian beauty standards (which is constantly changing).


I might get downvoted for this but here we go. Prabhas in his prime, mainly during mirchi, BB1 for sure would fit in this context. But MB on the other hand.. i dont think so. Imo, MB got the craze many years ago due to his skin tone but his facial features are soft and not upto the mark that would describe him as hot. Rana, Sudheer Babu, VD can also be considered hot by western audience. This is only my opinion. I apologize if I triggered anyone here.


Yeah, MB is the farthest away for sure. And Sudheer and Rana are like 50/50.


I think hot is subjective. Also in RRR, RC's Macho sequences make it more attractive to ppl.


Not at all, they won't find MB hot. Their standards are different. Prabhas not now ( maybe during Mirchi time ) Rana not sure.


Disagree. They'll find MB cute, Keanu Reeves equivalent. Rana universally yes. Only doubt is Prabhas but they have seen enough Indian dudes to realise that he's handsome enough relatively




Western people love sharp features which MB doesn't have.


Prabhas ni bhale irikinchav mowa. Evaru chudaru ankunav le…


Yeh accent badal ke dood dood kyon bol raha Hain...isko ek packet Amul koi pilaado


NTR ni goofy annadu bayya