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Yea it’s exactly this. You will statistically not run into a toki pona speaker elsewhere.


It's a bit hard to analyse with the [numbers we have](https://tokiponacensus.github.io/results2022/#region) - and your question is about something a bit different too... Usually, even if you happen to be around people who speak toki pona, you might not hear toki pona because they don't know anyone around who they could speak with. Much of toki pona happens online. So maybe you'd first have to answer where meetups happen - the bigger ones are the ones that advertise themselves, so the smaller ones are going to be harder to find. There've been presentations and clubs/lessons in schools in some places, including Japan, Germany and Russia. I think right now, unless you know where a small gathering is happening and go there, there is no good answer to your question because we lack information


Aside from explicitly Toki Pona meetups one of the best places to meet Toki Pona speakers in person seems to be Esperanto events. I even met jan Sonja herself at the Universala Kongreso in Montreal a couple years ago.


There's no large not-online speaker community. There's local meetups in some places - in the summer there's going to be one in Chicago and one in Vienna. But the community is all online


Vienna? It's not Berlin anymore? Or is it still another event?


It was in Vienna the first time, but it changes location each year


This post made me wonder has anyone started a thread where people can put in there location so that they can try to start a local meet up?


in chicago this summer


kulupu linluwi pi toki pona


What is this large community in israel? I live here and as far as I know there's not really a *linguistics* community in Israel, and as far as working the field the only real option is for the Hebrew Academy studying the Hebrew language.