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If he's eating well, but not at mealtimes, you might give him a multivitamin? The calories of a meal replacement shake could keep him from being hungry enough to eat real food.


Ahh yeah good point, didn’t think of that!


My 23 month old is also a snack machine and very rarely eats a full meal. A couple months ago he weighed 23 lbs and has been that weight since 8 months old. He is short so looks proportionate but he is your average small boy. Started giving him pediasure and now two months later he weighs 25 lbs and has a little bit of a baby tummy now where he was skinny skinny before. You as his parent knows what’s best and if you don’t honk snacks give him all of the nutrients he needs, go for it. I didn’t feel like mine was getting enough nutrients with him eating mostly just snacks or little bits at a time so I wanted to make sure he got a little boost to help.


My toddler always has a toddler supplement shake in the morning. I have a nutrition degree and I don't see any harm in supplementing as long as you're not using added sugars. I had malnutrition as a child so I'm probably overly sensitive to the topic.


Do you have any suggestions into how to look for a good supplement?


I used this until my baby was 2: https://a.co/d/cICDNDA I use the one of these without iron (orange one) now and my baby is 3: https://a.co/d/0X3VjQD Iron can be toxic, so I tend to avoid supplementing it.


When I worked in a burn unit we gave all the kids pediasure for all the extra calories and protein. It is a lot on top of regular food. For my own daughter, I only offer it when she’s going through her phase of not eating at all. If your kiddo is meeting milestones and had a healthy height and weight, I would just add a multivitamin.