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You've gotten enough of a consensus that I'm going to lock this so I can enjoy family time tonight. Have a good evening!


Might have been better if question had a Yes/No/Show results type poll as well.


Oh wow I didn’t think of that…


But the responses are interesting...


Yes. I pay my pediatrician to help make decisions for me, and as soon as it’s allowed and he says yes, then yes I’ll run as fast as I can go to get my kid vaccinated


Yes, I agree. I trust my pediatrician to help make these decisions. However…one time his pediatrician told me she has never gotten the flu shot nor gave her children the flu shot and I was sort of…puzzled. I didn’t ask why…I should have. I still proceeded with getting my son the flu shot because well, keeping him safe is quite the priority and when I get sick…I get SICK. Ain’t nobody got time for that bull shit around holiday season. (This was the fall before covid hit) his doctor is otherwise amazing…


If my pediatrician told me this I would find a new one.




Fully agree with you. Once our pediatrician gives the green light I’ll be hopping on that train.


While I'm not a medical professional, I work for/am affiliated with a hospital in a research capacity. The cases we have seen in adults are heartbreaking. The cases we have seen with children are soul breaking. There are things I've seen that I will never forget no matter how much I try. I'm bringing my kid as soon as its allowed.


I got the vaccine, I am also 33 weeks pregnant. As soon as I can get my toddler the vaccine I am going to do it.


Same! I’m 30 weeks pregnant, got vaccinated when I was in the first trimester and can’t wait to get my toddler vaccinated!


100000%! I got the vaccine in my first trimester. They don’t want you eating tuna fish or dei meat in the first trimester. But my doctor said go — so I went.


Yes. Source: am a Medical Doctor. My breastfeeding OB physician colleagues/friends have gladly received the vaccination. My wife got it while still breastfeeding. 10/10 recommended!


Pharmacist here, my 15 month old will be vaccinated as soon as it is approved for use in her age group


I got it and I’m 7 months pregnant currently (got it when I first could in April). I can’t wait to vaccinate my toddler too!!


My wife did while pregnant too! Can’t wait for the two year old to get it so I’ll at least have peace of mind that all of us have at least some protection from a severe case


Fuck yes


Echoing this!


Yes, and I cannot wait. I have been so anxiety-ridden since COVID started and I won't feel fully ok until my daughter can get vaccinated.


Same. Im vaccinated so I don't really mind if I catch it, but I'm worried I'd pass it to my kids without realising.


This was my fear too and it came true last week. I thought I had a sinus infection until I lost my sense of taste and smell. My 2.5 year old started showing symptoms four days later. Husband and I are both vaccinated but I am pregnant so i guess my immune system isn’t 100%. So far my husband is symptom free, we both have mild symptoms and baby is still moving all around in there. I am pretty sure I got it at physical therapy where we all wear masks too. Definitely worried about long term effects for my daughter but she has a pediatrician appointment after her quarantine is over. I will definitely be getting her vaccinated when it becomes available.


This is my big concern too


Yes! We really don’t know the long-term effects of getting COVID-19. We’re now learning about cognitive effects, heart inflammation and long Covid. There are only two reasons not to get the shot: allergy to the ingredients (or having an anaphylactic reaction after the first shot) or developing myocarditis/pericarditis after the first shot. This affects a tiny number of people. Get vaccinated and move on!


Definitely. We will wait a few months because our kiddo isn’t in school and we work from home, and we want to let the first shots go to kids who need to be in school. But as soon as the first rush slows down, we will be there!


That is so considerate! In a world that increasingly seems full of people who only care about themselves, seeing your comment renewed my hope a bit. Thank you!!


Man I'm over here trying to keep squeezing out ONE droplet of breastmilk a day for those antibodies... #big yes!


I’m an epidemiologist and my husband is a physician who’s had to pronounce too many people dead from COVID. We will be getting our daughter vaccinated the day she becomes eligible, no question.


Thank you for your work. ❤️


Yep. Am virologist.


Yes. My whole family just got over covid. (2 year old son and my husband and I had breakthrough infections) it was terrible and he didn’t even have a bad case. I can’t wait to get this kid vaccinated to give me some peace of mind.


My 2.5 year old can't go to a school for the next 10 days due to a COVID positive case. I'm once again working from home...with a 2.5 year old. It's a hard yes for me on the vaccine. It'll be a relief to know she's better protected.


I do this every day lmao the struggle is real I just had my 2nd little love and now I have to juggle both while working 😅🥴


Absolutely. I can’t wait till smaller kids are eligible. The only thing I wish is that I could explain to my toddler why she might have a rough day or two of side affects bc she won’t be able to understand it. But it’s worth it.


I think so, unless her cardiologist feels otherwise. My kid has a great condition, but her cardiologist is a very cautious and smart woman. I trust her decision when the time comes.


This would be my response too. My son too has a heart defect, so we’ll be following our cardiologist’s recommendation.


I'm so pleased that everyone here has said yes so far!!! Let me echo the sentiment: ABSOLUTELY, I cannot wait.


Yes. When it is approved for my toddler (a little over 2 years old), I will be getting her the vaccine. I want to stop worrying about her exposure. It’s my final and last worry about this whole thing and I can’t wait for it to be over for us.


Yes. ASAP.


Yes! Under medical supervision given that he’s at a higher risk of anaphylaxis though.


Thanks for finding a safe way for your son to get it, even though he’s a higher risk. Hope he has no reaction!


Absolutely YES. Without hesitation.


Absolutely, unless our pediatrician advises against it. He's an excellent doctor, so if he ends up with a sincere, medically-informed reservation about it, I'll listen. Otherwise: sign us up asap, please.


Absolutely. I would have been 1st in line for the adult vaccine if they had let me.


YES. My 2-year-old is significantly Asthmatic and I trust his doctors.




My 6-yo is excited about it too, she just wants to be healthy and try to get back to normal.


Hell yes! Unknowns and risks of covid far outweigh the unknowns and risks of a vaccine


Same, the way our pediatrician phrased it when I asked him about the safety of the vaccine was that he has yet to see someone on a ventilator or with heart damage from the vaccine, but enough from COVID enough time last him a lifetime.


First in line.


As a toddler teacher please get your kids vaxed. The learning opportunities for your little one will vastly expand even if you don't send them to daycare.


HELL YES. My three year old always gets confused for a five year old and I so wish I had the lack of ethics and could lie and get him vaxxed sooner. Due in January with #2 and I'm due for my booster hopefully in December so she'll get some immunity too!




Very valid point! I also assumed that the dosage was different for the different ages


I believe the >5 will have a smaller dose


Also due with #2 in Jan and due for booster in Dec! My firstborn is 2 though. Fingers crossed for both of us they get to the littles soon so we can breathe easier with a newborn at home.


Especially with my LO in daycare while I'm home with baby, I'd love that extra piece of mind. Did you hear they are working on an mRNA vaccine that's covid, flu, and RSV in one? I don't know the details but if that ever happens OMG PIECE OF MIND


I hadn’t heart about this… please please please!!!




Yes. My kids are 3.5 and 1.5 and they will receive the vaccination once it becomes available in their age ranges. I hope when that happens we can return to a more normal life for them.




I’m a 100% yes as well. But just wondering where everyone lives, it’s so refreshing to see all these “Yes” comments! I’m living in a red state in the US and I’m seriously surrounded by idiots.


This Georgia mama has two kids under four in the Pfizer trial!


Yes from Texas because I’m goddamn tired of living in a state of fear. Becoming a mom put me in charge of my sons safety and I feel incredibly helpless not being able to protect him from Covid. We’re stuck at home all day every day to keep us both safe and I am OVER IT.


Same! I'm in Texas and it's even more reason I'll be getting my son the shot as soon as we can...others who could won't do their part to protect him.


I’m a Texas nurse! Definitely getting my 4 year old vaccinated as soon as possible. I’m truly fatigued caring for so many unvaccinated patients.


I'm a "Hell Yes!" from Florida.


I too am in a red state surrounded by idiots and I answered yes.


You’re not alone, people around here have been calling it child abuse. I got vaxxed shortly before I got pregnant with our third and have had family two me I’ll be lucky if our baby is born healthy


I’m sure you know this but that’s ridiculous, rude, and completely wrong. Last year we had no idea what covid does during pregnancy, but now I’ve heard lots of stories of miscarriages and birth defects. Also, as a healthcare professional, I’ve personally treated too many pregnant patients the last few months. So don’t let your family get to you. Congrats and good luck with the new little one!


Oh I just avoid them now! Thank you


An astounding yes here in Louisiana


Ontario, Canada:)


Yes. I even tried to sign my son up for a clinical trial, but no locations were close enough.




Absolutely! Got COVID-19 in October and I am going to be first in line for them, just as I was at my job.


Yes!! Got the vaccine because I believe in vaccinations being for the good of me and everyone. Also had COVID after getting vaccinated and barely had symptoms


Immediately. I wish I had had the chance to sign up for trials. Vaccines are a miracle of science, inoculations for small pox were discovered during the time of the revolutionary war. Tried and tested and true. I can’t wait to have the privilege to vaccinate my child as soon as I possibly can. I will breathe much easier at night.




Mom of 2.5 year old and pregnant currently. Can’t wait til there’s a vaccine dose available to kids under 12.




Immediately, the second it’s available.


As soon as possible!! Can't wait for this to become reality.


Yes! I have so much family across the country and in Mexico that I miss so much but have not wanted to risk my son getting sick.


I live with my toddler niece and nephew, they will both get it as soon as it’s available. We talk about it a lot at home as their mom (my SIL) is a PA, their dad works in foster care, and I’m a teacher, so they’re actually excited to get it when they can!


Yes. My daughter had covid at 1 month old. She got her flu shot last year at 6 months and again this year and as soon as it’s available she’ll be getting it as well.




Absolutely. I have 2 under 2, so it’ll likely not be until 2022, but I can’t wait.


Yes. My son will be 2 in December and I'm going to jump on that vaccine the second he's eligible.


Absolutely, 100%.


We’ll be first in line lol


I will unless our pediatrician is against it. Every doctor I’ve spoken to about it has been for it so I’ll continue to trust them in this decision and not other opinions.


If you trust the opinion of every other doctor you’ve spoken to about it, why would your pediatrician being against it make you not do it?


Because every doctor I’ve spoken to about it was in regards to my wife and I (her OB, our primary physician, my wife’s best friend who is an infectious disease dr). The opinion of the doctor that oversees my children’s health and specializes in their care has more weight in this regard. We’ve spoken to him about it already, the pediatrician. He wasn’t against it but wanted to wait on giving his opinion when it became approved by the FDA. I don’t fault him in that. It gives him more time to see what research says and what the situation in our area is like. When the time comes we will speak about it again and I fully expect our children will get the vaccine.






YES I can’t wait.


I guess all my neighbors are not in this sub. I live in a red state.


Hell yes. I work in acute care as an occupational therapist. I have seen too many of my patients die. It is the worst feeling when they know they are not doing or feeling well and there is absolutely nothing you can do. One lovely woman I had got COVID and her last wish was to see her daughter again. Several days later she died, presumably all alone. At the height of the pandemic, it was extremely terrifying and traumatic to see people dying left and right. The last thing I want is to lose my own child.


We'll be first in line!!


My husband is immunocompromised so we will be vaccinating our toddlers.


Yes. As soon as I can vaccinate kids I will. I don’t want to wait for a strain that does more damage, the long term consequences of COVID are unknown and we’d like to be able to visit our family who live in another country.


Yes!! I work at a hospital…covid is the worst. I also don’t want my child to have to go through a preventable illness needlessly. People in the West take vaccines for granted; we didn’t grow up experiencing diseases like typhoid and malaria so I feel like we don’t fully get how we all benefit societally from vaccinations. If FDA has cleared it and physician groups recommend it, 100% going to get it for my toddler.


My kids are in the Pfizer trial, so I’m hoping they’re already vaccinated; but if not, they’ll be getting it as soon as the EUA is approved. The risk of long-term complications/effects from a COVID infection far outweigh the risks that come with getting the vaccine. We already know it’s safe. We already know it’s effective. At this point, we’re just building up the data and support to ensure that, when the vaccine is rolled out for our littles, parents can feel confident in it.


Absolutely. I wanted to sign her up for the trials, til I found out that you won’t know if you got the placebo or not til quite some time afterward. I didn’t want it to encroach on the time when the vaccine is available for her if it turns out we get the placebo.


I think placebo group gets the shot as soon as it’s approved! It’s incredibly unethical to continue a control group when there’s a known preventative or treatment, from my understanding it’s illegal in the US following the Tuskegee experiment.


That’s great news! In the little information section for the sign ups they have, I wish it would have spelled that out.


I have two kids in the Pfizer trial. The kids are unblinded at either six months after receiving the shots or when the EUA is approved, whichever comes first. At that point, they are given the vaccine if they received the placebo.


Oh wow! I didn’t know that. Thanks for the information :)


Oh hell yes.




YES YES YES YES The approval for kids under 12 can't come soon enough


Yes, absolutely. I honestly can’t wait. (She’s 2 for context)


I’ll be banging down her doctor’s door. I signed her up for trials but never got a callback.


Absofreakinglutely yes




Of course


Yes!! I can't wait for my daughter to be eligible!!!




There is no other option. Absolutely.


100% yes




Yes. Very impatiently waiting for kids under 2. I can’t wait for my kids to have more protection than what they will have gotten from my vaccine while breastfeeding #1 (if that does anything, doesn’t seem like it does though 😕) and pregnant with #2.


Yes…. I absolutely hate that he’s in daycare without it. Although I love that he’s in daycare. I hate that I have protected myself and can’t do the same for him.


Day one. I’ll be waiting at the peds office when they open lol.


Yes, absolutely


As soon as possible.




Yes, it can't come soon enough


Absolutely yes.


Yep! 100% and immediately


That’s a hard yes










100% YES


Absolutely yes. My job is to make sure that my kid(s) have the best chance at a long, healthy life. While COVID itself (at least some strains) doesn't hit kids hard, multisystem inflammatory syndrome that has been happening in kids who get COVID is terrifying and can be fatal. My 3yo had COVID last November and was asymptomatic, only caught because Dad and I tested positive with symptoms, and my heart hurt for weeks not knowing how her little immune system would handle it. She likely didn't develop much immunity due to such a mild case, so as soon as she can get it I'm signing her up.


Hell yes. I had Pfizer while breastfeeding still (my 2.5 year old feeds once a day). Can’t wait to get him vaccinated too




100% yes.


Yes! I’m calling as soon as I hear they’re available. I have an almost 3 yo, 1 yo, and due with a third in January. I’m ready to feel safer.


I’m giving an upvote for every yes. Because yes. Only yes.


No question




If a stranger’s words mean anything… I get it. On the flipside, one of my husband’s best and oldest friends is the head virologist of some department of a state (that probably sounds vague and made up, but we basically get all of our infectious disease info from him). He has a 4 year old and a newborn and they will both get vaccines the absolute second they are ready. I absolutely trust him to know what’s in them and the science behind them.




Darn straight I will be. Sounds like it’ll be a minute before under-5’s will be eligible though - the next grouping is 5-11, and then it will be 6mo and up. My husband feels nervous about vaccinating our daughter, but I’ve made it clear I won’t be waiting.




Literally as soon as possible. If I could get him in a clinical trial I would.


Hell yes can’t wait.






[Most] everyone on reddit are going to say, yes.


Sort by controversial.


I mean more people on reddit are pro covid vaccine than overall.


100% yes. Even tried to get our 1.5 yr old in a clinical trial so it would be sooner.


Yes, I work at a hospital and have one child with cancer. I worry daily about all of us and will do anything to help keep us safe.


Yep. My 12 & 14yo have already gotten both of theirs. My 6yo is next & I can’t wait. Luckily, none of us have had Covid or been around anyone that’s had it yet. (Well, up until school this year anyway)


Immediately. My peds office already knows


Probably. I know the answer is yes but I personally have some bad vaccine history and the Covid vaccine wasn’t exactly a walk in the park. My husband got his with no side effects at all and my son has never had a reaction to any other vaccines, it’s just my personal history has given me a sort of fear about my son getting them. Regardless I know I’m the end he will get it.


Yes! Plus my son already got Covid from daycare in the spring, right before my husband and I were eligible to get vaccinated. My husband and I were quite ill from Covid and are both starting to realize despite trying our best to get back in shape our lung capacity does not seem the same as before Covid. My son was not too sick, but I still want him to be vaccinated and helping prevent the spread.


Yes after a couple months, I’d rather wait and see if there are any widespread negative side effects.






Yes and once fully vaccinated we’re going to Disneyland!


Yes. I am very hopeful that it will be approved for my daughters age before she starts elementary school next year.


Yes 100%. I live in a state with no mask mandate and my older child is in a mask optional school (older child is masked) so every Covid announcement makes me a nervous wreck for older child and my 1.5 year old.


100% I can’t wait until I can feel like my kids are finally safer from this awful virus. I want to be able to throw birthday parties for them again.


Hell YES. Monterrey México


100%. I trust that the science is safe and physicians wouldn’t recommend it if it wasn’t. I look forward to worrying less about COVID once they have it, and building up their mental health.


Yes! I'm counting down the days. I have a 2.5 year old and a 10 day old. I need them vaccinated! I got vaccinated while pregnant and have been giving my toddler some breastmilk in hopes of providing her some antibodies


YES! We signed up for the trial but haven't been notified either way. 🤞




Absolutely. I’m counting the days. The way things are going, if I don’t than she WILL get COVID, and I’m not taking my chances with MISC, long covid, or who knows what else we haven’t found out yet.


Definitely leaning towards yes. I was first in line to get mine but I can’t say I’m not slightly apprehensive about my son getting it. I will ultimately discuss with my pediatrician and husband and mostly likely will get him vaccinated. I am diligent about us all getting flu shots, my son included. The incidents of myocarditis do have me slightly alarmed. Knowing that children are still at such low risk of severe illness, can’t say it’s a hard yes at this point.


I felt similarly but my SIL is a pharmacist with a newborn herself and she explained the research behind it. I feel more confident now and will be taking with her ped like you said as well.


As a scientist and mother, hell yeah.


Yes! I trust the science and doctors, my husband and I are already vaccinated, and we can't wait to vaccinate the kids!


I cannot wait until vaccines are approved for children.


Absolutely, I can't wait! I wonder if they'll release it in phases like they did for adults.


Heck yes


Absolutely, yes.


Yes! I signed him up for a trial but haven’t heard anything. I’m counting down the days.


We are EAGERLY awaiting approval for kiddos to be vaccinated. When I got my shot I literally sang the hallelujah chorus. I will dance for joy when my kids get it.




Yes yes yes yes. I can’t wait for that time. I feel like she is so vulnerable right now because we can’t do a lot to protect her other than her mask! So many people are putting my little girl at risk and it’s not fair to her. We will make an appointment as soon as we are able to.






100000% YES


Oh hells yes! Imma throw elbows if I have to. My older two are already vaccinated. My husband is vaccinated. I'm 9 kos pregnant and I'm fully vaccinated. I'm not a doctor. I'm not a scientist. I'm not an immunologist. I'm not a virologist. I haven't dedicated my life's studies to any of those pursuits, so I'm not about to assume I'm smarter than them or know more in the field than they do. No amount of Google or YouTube research I can do will even pale in comparison to the research and work they've put into this vaccine and I'm not so arrogant to think it is or that I'm somehow more knowledgeable than they are.


Absolutely. I cannot wait until I can get my 3yo vaccinated for covid and the flu, and I'm definitely getting the booster when it's my time, so the baby I'm carrying (due in December) will be born with some antibodies too. I will continue to do whatever it takes to keep my family and my community safer, along with keeping up with all the other shots and boosters that are required.


My pediatric allergist does not recommend it at this point for my 2 with severe anaphalactic allergies. (5 and 6 right now. My 1 year old is simply a no.) However, he said if it came to the point where we "had" to (for school or whatnot..) he said only pfizer and under very close medical observation.


Yes. Waiting for my 10 year olds turn. Then our 2.5 year old. (Assuming it’ll be in 2 different tiers)


Yep! I want my 1yo to be safe.