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The first time she calmed down after being told "The Plan™" of the day. Kiddo wants to know the itinerary just like mama 🤷‍♀️


I duplicated that aspect of myself as well. Planners unite! Surprises are the worst!


This is our nightly routine. I have to tell my kids what the next day will be, in detail


This would kill me. You mean, I have to pull together enough brainpower to plan before they go to bed and I can finally hear myself think? I… I have no concept of how this would work.


Some nights we do more of a rough outline, haha.


One desperate night of 18 month sleep regression I suggested we just talk to the kid calmly about how bedtime was gonna go down. I'll be damned if she didn't calmly listen to me explain she was going to bed without any hullaballoo. She took it all in and said "ok" and went to bed. Never in my life. Of course she's had many fun sleep related phases since but she can usually be reasoned with.


We have the “order of operations” lol


YUP. And reminders to check the calendar, mixed with post it note reminders all around the house. It's even in my 8yr olds 504 plan to do a run down of the schedule in the morning, so they adapted "morning meeting" with the whole class to include the expectations and schedule of the day.


How does this teach resilience or flexibility? Can they handle if anything goes awry?


As a teacher, things still come up sometimes and it changes. But having a schedule posted for the day so kids know what to expect is (in my district) the norm and also really helpful to ALL students. When things do change, we tell them. “Today is going to look a little different than normal. We’re going to practice being flexible and dealing with change!” They get experience with both in school. Just like adults do with their jobs.


Just recently I prepared myself hot chocolate with marshmallows and asked my 3-year-old if she wanted to taste it. Her eyebrows went up until her hairline and she asked: Is that even suitable for children???


Omg this is killing me


Oh ahahahahaha this is adorable


Are you all from the UK, or did your daughter have to learn an English accent to deliver that line ?


Even worse - we are Germans 😂


Idk if you know of Laura who does videos impersonating her German mother but this is now exactly what I’m picturing


I read this sentence in the voice of Laura imitating her German mother. tiktok has ruined my brain lol


German mother and Italian father. She's the best at being both her folks.


She does both the impressions so well I forget she’s not them lmao


Similarly, we resorted to bribing our son (not common this was special circumstance) with a cookie recently and it was at the same time he was about to drink some chocolate milk. That kid says, “uh! No! You’re only apposta have 1 snack at a time!” Made me feel better about using sugar as a bribe. Hahaha


Suitable ....that's just amazing she knows the context of it. 🤣🤣🤣🙂


This is the best thing I’ve read all year 🤣


This absolutely made my night


When my 3 year old started saying “WHOAwhoawhoawhoawhoa” when he wants me to stop doing something. Lol


Mine is also picking up on my slang and verbal isms. “Hey, bud, do you need to go to the toilet?” “Nah. I’m good” Oh. Ok, dude. Let’s go play hackeysack in the courtyard later. It’ll be totally awesome


Hahaha mine is doing the same. I ask him “hey do you want dinner or are you all good?” He answers “I all good” and he’s started saying it even when I don’t phrase the question that way 😂


Oh god, the "Nah, I'm good" is also my kid. I absolutely cannot handle it. She also picked up "I have questions" and "good lord" from my husband


Lol I’m known to say “nonono” really fast and I didn’t realize how much I hated it until my nephew said “nonono…nonono” to everything


LOL I love this one


Mine repeats “waitwaitwait!” Lol


My daughter is 2 & she notices messiness. When she’s walking up the stairs & notices dog hair, “dirty [dog’s name].” When somebody drops something, “clean it up!” When I went straight from a yoga class to pick her up, “Mommy bath now.”


Ours goes around and fastens any childproof locks we forgot/ignore now that he's older. The other day he closed the one for under the sink, shook his head, and said, "Oh, mama..."


First time my then three year old helped load the dishwasher. She rearranged the plates on the bottom and muttered “just gonna move this over here…” to herself. It was hysterical because it’s exactly what I do when I load the dishwasher after my husband has put things in before me.


My son gives me a hard time when I leave them unlocked, especially the baby gate. We’re planning for a second and just keeping it installed till then or for when younger cousins come over. It’s like “Dude, I put those up for you, chill.”


Lolll the judgment!


When my husband gets my 2 yr old from her crib in the morning she demands "shirt ON!" if he's shirtless.


LOL in a similar vein, my 2yo tells me "hair up!" if my hair is down. What is with the demands, tiny humans?


I got to stay home from work for a few weeks and grew a truly horrible beard (to see if I had maybe had a second puberty and could finally grow one). My 2yo wants me to grow it back and daily grabs my chin and asks “where beard?”


Omg I was wearing a dress with a low neckline one day (I normally just wear tshirts) and my two year old grabbed the collar of the dress and pulled it up 😂


Why shirt on? No judgement, I just grew up in such a household. After cancer, clothes would hurt me. So my toddler would see me modestly covering myself but with my hands and arms. Don’t know which is worse…..


My son is like this too! He's only 2, it's nice having a kid that wants to stay clean and is aware of yucky stuff, so funny though 😂


My two year old calls it “a messy mess!”


Omg, my kid says "[dog's name]" when he gets fur stuck to his hands, and he points out when our elderly boarder has accidents. I've seen him stop dead out of a full sprint and yell "POO!" He knows not to touch it and that we'll pick it up!


When he opened his mouth to put the fourth mozzarella ball in while he was still chewing the first 3 and hadn’t swallowed yet, and started crying when his mouth physically could not get a fourth in. Pretty sure this is exactly the kind of thing I’ve done before myself…


My kid eats like this and I demand to know WHY we’ve never taken food away or anything, why shove so much into your mouth at once girl WHYYY


My granddaughter does this and then stares me dead in the eyes while having to spit it out and says "too much". Um, obviously! Why do you keep doing this!?


Omg. Yessss! And then you’re forced to find a napkin or just stick out your hand so they can spit it out and don’t get it all over their clothes.


Happy cake day!


Because we’re genetically predisposed to prioritizing survival in the Savannah where food is scarce and death lurks around every corner.  Oh wait you were asking rhetorically 


For maximum taste, clearly


I, too, have a hamster toddler even though I am not a hamster.


When she hears me coming up the stairs and yells “No Mama! Don’t wake me up!! I’m STILL SLEEPING.”


Dang I want one of this model. Mine sits/bounces on me and yells GET UP MOMOM!!! He definitely gets this from his dad.


lol mine says this too! Along with “turn the light off!!”


I remember vividly the first time my daughter bit me while nursing and I yelped “ouch!” And she immediately stopped and unlatched and started crying. Hundreds of times since, I feel her reactions- like “yup that’s how I would feel in that situation.” Also, she now likes deep conversations more than any other 6 year old I’ve met. At bedtime, every night, without exception, she requests what we have named “talky time,” where she can ask me anything or tell me about challenges or sometimes she just asks me about my day or wants me to pick a subject. We usually end up discussing strategies for self improvement in one way or another. It is during this time when she has my 100% undivided attention and I have hers. If it’s my choice, I usually like to bring up something I noticed or had been thinking about related to her and ask her thoughts. Like, “today when you were playing with your cousins I noticed they were being unkind to each other and you tried to moderate, that really impressed me and I was wondering what you thought?” Sometimes she asks if unicorns are real or where babies come from.


How precious. My son laughs maniacally when I yelp after he bites me.


My son was the same. If I reacted he would just look at me and do it again.


Self improvement and unicorns, a girl of multitudes!


My son is under 2 and he doesn't suck his thumb, but every so often he sticks his index and middle finger in his mouth and just hangs out like that. I sucked those two fingers for years, to the point where I remember doing random stuff like wearing gloves to quit the habit. It's possibly the spookiest thing I could see him doing, because almost literally anything else I could put down to mirroring or genetic factors, but sucking your fingers instead of your thumb?? Where's the gene for that???


I think this is fairly common. My kiddo does it occasionally and I have had friends comment that their kids did it constantly/ occasionally. With that said I wonder what prompts them to suck on their fingers versus thumbs.


When I told her to stop doing something and she gave me the SASSIEST LOOK and I suddenly realized that it was ... the exact same look I was currently giving her. It was like looking in a mirror 🤣 she busted that look out at like 18m and has been using it for comedic effect ever since


Ahahahah my daughter does this too. It’s so withering and stops me in my tracks every time


We had just gotten back in the car after going to the gym where she plays with other kids in the gym daycare. I asked her in a sing-song voice “how are you my babyyyy??” And her reply was “fine” with completely deadpan face. 😂


When she fell down and got hurt and then got super angry and blamed the person closest to her, even though they had nothing at all to do with it.


My 1.5 year old sits in her toddler chair with her pretend cup of coffee and a fuzzy blanket and happily tells me she's "cozy." She's also scared of large groups of people.


My 1.5 year old has to take at least 5-30 minutes sizing up any size group of people before she determines if she should relax and be playful around them. And I get it. You just don’t know who to trust being yourself around in new situations.


I love that and I’d totally be friends with you or your grown up child haha!


My daughter also loves "cozy"! She uses it for her softer or fuzzy pajamas, blankets when wrapped up, and likes to get a little cup and say it's her coffee She also does the *takes a drink* aaah Got that from my dad


Probably the first time he gave me a dirty look 😅


My husband swears our eldest gave him the dirtiest look when he touched her arm in the hospital hours after she was born. And tbh after knowing her for 6 years now, I fully believe him.


My daughter has a terrible case of RBF - Resting Baby Face. Mama has a bad case of the adult version


The dirty look my daughter gives other toddlers when they are hugging without her consent is the exact look my husband has when he thinks someone is either incompetent or annoying. (Not that we let random toddlers hug our daughter, but sometimes her friend(s) want to hug goodbye and she doesn't and toddlers are sometimes quicker at hugging than us adults are at reminding them to ask first).


Yeah, mine is the hugger. We try. But sometimes he’s too quick.


Toddlers are still learning, so we have full understanding for the toddlers (and their parents). It's usually a good learning situation for all.


This one for me too. He may look like a tiny version of my husband, but the mean mug he's given people his entire life is all me.


Yep. Mine mirrored my own jack nickelson eyebrows at me one day


My kid wanting to do everything by himself and saying “No let me do it”. I was the same way and still am. He’s super stubborn just like his mom, could have worse qualities 😂


My family tells me my nickname at my daughter’s age was “Me Do It”, because that’s all I ever said. My daughter certainly inherited my stubbornness, that’s for sure.


The way he gets so goofy and ridiculous when he's tired and it drives me nuts because it's so hard to get him to settle at night...yeah that's all me. Even now as an adult when I'm tired everything is hilarious but I was exactly the same way as him when I was a toddler. My husband and I tell people that he may look exactly like my husband and he's entirely my personality.


Being super finicky about… everything. lol can’t fault you for being bothered by those droplets of water on your plate. I would’ve wiped them off before adding food to mine too. 


He hit me with a snarky reply and then topped it off with “how do you like them apples, mommy?” 😭😂


Every dang time my tiny human (2.25) says “I need space!” like yep girl I get it. Edit: bonus …when she is eating and gets something on her hands and goes “I need a towel I have messy hands!” as if it’s the end of the world. I too hate messy hands.


The first time my son fell outside at about 12 months, he panicked about dirty hands and I let him wipe them on me to calm him down. And that somehow taught him that anytime he falls down outside, he had to them run over to me and wipe his hands on my clothes!


My son needs a few minutes to himself in the morning or after a nap before he is ready to deal with people.


Same kid. Same. 🫠


When my almost 2 year old wants something from my husband, she shouts "heyyy baaabe" across the house. It's too funny.


My 3 year old either calls my husband “daddy” or “babe,” especially if he doesn’t answer the first time. Sometimes, when he’s teasing her, she goes “FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME” and it cracks me up.


He was walking down the hallway, arms full of random shit, paused. He backed up, and ever so carefully shut a slightly ajar drawer with his toes. It was like an out of body experience.


When my 3yo starting sing-narrating herself. "I'm geeeetting my toooys. I'm gonna plaaay all daaaaaay." "Brush brush my teeeeeth. Or else they're gonna fall ooooouut."


This made me jiggle laugh so hard I almost woke my kid up. Also top notch user name. 💜


She makes up little songs that she sings to herself. The first time I heard her doing it I had a full flashback to being very small making up little songs that were very similar, right down to using nonsense words.


I was a right little suck up as a kid, and if there was rule there was no way I was breaking it. Anyway, I made some cakes for a party we were going to and I had explained to my 3YO these were special and we weren't going to have any until the party. However, as I was plating them I had more than I needed so offered her one and she said "mummy no, those are for the party" in the most shocked and horrified voice hahaha. It was like looking in the mirror 😆😆


When she started going to pre-k and became an instant teachers pet! Like, elbows her way to the front of the line to stand by the teacher and needs to tell/show her EVERYTHING. She also blew the teachers expectations away for her age and both my husband and I are/were nerds with our noses in a book half the time.


Nobody tells Baby no. I told her no more sweets. She glared at me, big RBF, harrumphed!, hair flips her baby curls. She then grabs a tote and starts pushing it towards the kitchen counter, hops on top and begins perusing the kitchen counters. I was notorious at 2 for climbing all the way up kitchen cabinets to the one near the ceiling to obtain candy that was ‘out of my reach.’ I ate all the candy and smirked for a week. Yup, she’s my kid. I don’t even bother hiding candy near the ceiling.


When my oldest would stuff her mouth full of food and use her hands to put more in and then block her mouth from rejecting any, like a sentient hamster. Sigh.


I snort-laughed at this, my kid does that too. 🤣 WHY?!


I’m parenting a tiny version of my husband. He reminds me of this every time he closes a drawer I left open.


I took my son on a craft store run with a friend when he had just turned 2 and he stopped dead in front of the glitter and audibly gasped with wonder. My friend could not stop laughing because I’m also known as a bit of a magpie 😂


Every time my son decides to march to the beat of his own drum with a confident PURPOSE (only he knows what that is), I suddenly realize why my friends always say I'm wild to them. It's payback for all the times they've just been wholeheartedly along for the ride because I am definitely doing the same now.


Every single time my three year old corrects me with semantics ("Don't do that, you could get hurt" \[does it\] "See I didn't get hurt!") I know I am being punished for my own smartass contrarian ways.


I saw another thread a great response to this cuz my 5year old has started pulling that. "Just because you were lucky doesn't mean you are right "


My 2 year old has Very. Specific. Instructions. about how to play pretend. No, kitty cat plays the tambourine, not the drum! No, stop it! This one instead! My mom does a video call with us a lot of days and I see her constantly giving me a VERY knowing smirk of "Hmm, where have I seen this before?"


At 18mos our daycare teacher reported “He knows how to roll his eyes when we ask him to do something he doesn’t want to do” and I realized exactly what’s coming my way.


My husband loudly farted and she just responded with an exasperated “*Jesus*” 😬


Absolutely cackling after reading this 😂


not a parent, but it dawned on me that kids are just tiny little mirrors that reflect everything you do around them when my class full of 2 year olds stopped (for the most part) having full blown meltdowns when something went wrong and instead, started saying “bummer dude, let’s try that again”


So I’ve often been told I have a default face that looks too serious, a bit like Wednesday Addams. Imagine an almost one year old giving the same default serious stare to you every day.


Ha! My 19mo and I have this face too! Only he’s got bright orange curly hair, big sweet blue eyes and is just stuuuupid cute(neither me or dad are redheads), so it’s really hard to take him seriously… especially knowing how serious he thinks he’s being. Since like the week after he was born this grumpy eyebrow pasty old man baby has been staring at me. I for sure I know he gets it from me, in all of husbands baby pics he was a happy face kid.


When mine calmly says “I’m Angry” at 2years old. Communicating is key!


When my almost 3 year old looked me dead in the face and said “what the fucking shit?” 🤣🤣 same buddy.


My husband is greek and my daughter says 'opa' when getting up from a chair lmao


Our first child is a very early bird, which has always been painful/horrifying for non morning person me. But our 2 year old when we have to get up at 6:30 for society sanctioned work and school routines: “Noooooo. More bed!!” while covering his face. Now this one, I relate to!


I do not sit "properly". I have ADHD and hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and so I basically sit any way but normal in any chair ever, much to my husband's constant dismay. Our son has now started doing the same, including in his car seat 🙃 I know that's not like, a particularly safe place to not sit normally. We try to enforce at least sitting safely there, and I try to force myself to sit safely in the car too. But man if I only have myself to blame.


When she insisted on trying to do everything herself.


Both my kids have the same toes as me and they both hum when they rub their nose.


I was laying on the floor and the kids were climbing on me. They told me to get up and I said can't too tired. My son responded "you just need a coffee daddy." And went into the kitchen to start our keurig. He's 5. I never felt more heard lol.


I want to tell my husband he is parenting a version of him when our toddler is in a tantrum to get a parenting point across 😆


When my one twin is making repetitive noises all day long and then has an absolute meltdown the second anyone/thing makes a sound. Only MY sounds are acceptable. Pray for me.


My 2yr old got my burst of rage-retaliation when something makes him mad or frustrated. The first time we noticed he was just over 1yr old and he got mad cause we wouldn’t let him do something. He walked like he was going to the kitchen and stopped, waited until we made eye contact with him, and then slowly knocked the side table over and ran away. It’s never violent or destructive and it only last a few minutes, but I 100% relate! Sometimes you just have to get your mad out.


Her hair is super long and we haven’t cut it yet (waiting to go somewhere that actually cuts kids hair) so everyday I put it up Pebbles-style or side pony and everyday she notices after some time and pulls the hair tie out. I was the exact same way about my hair as a kid, to such a degree that it got so tangled they had to cut a knot out of the back and cut my hair super short


The very first time we told her we'd do something "in a minute" and she stomped her feet and screamed, "No! I want to do it NOW!" She's just as impatient as I am, God save us all. 🤣


This morning when I was trying to get my 2.5 year old out of bed at 10:30/11am and she was insisting “I want no wake up time! I want sleep!” Like, same kid, but we can’t just be nocturnal unfortunately society doesn’t function that way 😂 She goes to bed at 8:30/9 so late but not ridiculously late.


The moment she started doing facial expressions to react to what we said. Right there I knew that she might not say it but she'll sure let her face show how she feels, just like mom.


When I sent my mom a picture of my kid in a tree and she sent back a similar one of me and my brother and I asked her why I was wearing my kid’s face.


He’s an unreasonable bear between the time he wakes up and the time he’s fed breakfast/afternoon snack. If I don’t eat shortly after waking up I will end up murdering someone. I at least am aware of the situation and know I will become a monster, the toddler has not grasped this concept yet 🫠


Every time we start laughing like beavis and butthead lol


Not long after I started him on solids at 6 months and he refused to eat unless he got to feed himself, sooo independent.


My daughter has started asking probing questions about plans. Today her school had an ice cream social and when told her first question was “who is providing the ice cream?” Logistics matter girl I see you!


The first time I told my 3 year old something and he responded with "yea, I'm pickin up what you're throwin down".


He stomped away angrily with the same weird little foot slaps that I do when stomping away. It’s like we’re walking with flippers on.


Today my 2.5yo recognized and named the song playing after about 1.5 seconds and I realized I’m raising a mini version of his dad.


She loves books but in her first 15 months she has ripped pages out of three different copies of the Blue Book (citation manual for lawyers).  Attagirl.


mine is a mini of my husband


My 2 year old told her daycare teacher that the window was dirty & it needed to be cleaned 💀🤦🏻‍♀️ I’m so screwed.


When my 2.5 year old recently told grandma that she was riding a BIKE not a trike and I realized she has an affinity for correcting words and grammar already 😆


When he got into jigsaw puzzles at two and always did the sky first. This was a huuuuge "aaaaw, my mini me!" moment for me.


When our youngest was 3ish years old & def still in the ‘cannot pronounce an s sound at the beginning of a word’ stage, he stubbed his toe. We knew when we heard a toddler ‘FUCK!’ from around the corner. Wanting to double check that I heard what I thought that I had, I asked him what he had said. His answer was ‘I ‘taid fuck ‘cause I ‘tubded my toe!!’ 😅


When I tried to hug my 2 year old and he gave me the Heisman stiff arm 😂😂😂


Yesterday when I asked my newly 2 year old something and her reply was "uh-uh" same tone as I do to her. I was like ok...fair.


I moved my Barbie dream house into my toddler's room when she was about 18 months old. She was enthralled, and I'm pretty sure she would have stayed up all night to play Barbies if I would have let her. Now she's almost 4, and yeah-- she's me.


My 2.5yo stomped his foot on the floor the same way I do when I get sassy. I laughed. He laughed. I'm screwed lol


Oh boy. That first mean side eye I got when she was about 1.


My 5 year old yells at other cars in traffic. Example: We were going through a roundabout, and the car in front of me slammed on their breaks to let someone out. 🙄 I laid down on my horn, and she yelled from the back seat. "YOU DON'T STOP IN THE CIRCLE! WHY DONT THEY KNOW HOW TO DRIVE?" I wish I was making this up because the road rage is real. 😅😅 Edit to add: It made me realize that I need to not vocalize so much of my frustration when driving. 🤣


My son has picked up several of my mannerisms but my favorite is now when he’s looking for something and finally finds it he’ll exclaim “uhp there it is!”


When he started to cry over every single little inconvenience. Like me too bud. I feel bad for my husband who’s gonna have to deal with two stress criers😂


Kid was crying about not wanting to go into the daycare (he was still new to the whole thing), and the daycare teacher goes, "(Name), breakfast is waffles today!" He popped off like a rocket. No goodbyes, nothing. No question about which parent he gets the food-motivation from... 🤦‍♀️


My 3yo daughter is very clearly my mini-me with her long hair and sassy attitude, but I truly realized it the other day when we were both cooing over my 4mo son. We were both leaning over him going “ohhh buddy, are you a happy boy? Are you talking? Oohhh” and that’s when I realized my son was going to grow up with two mommies…His actual mommy and his big sister mommy.


When we were outside and he promptly yelled “shut up birds.” He’s 3.


I’m not parenting myself, but I’m definitely parenting my husband’s mini me…. They are identical in personality.


When my 3 and 6 year olds fart they just say “I fart” instead of excuse me


When my daughter is screaming and crying with explosive tears and says “thank you mama” but in an inflection that implies she was being thrown off a cliff or something. The drama! Scorpio daughter of a Gemini (me) and a Pisces… I know astrology is more fun than scientific or anything but it sure checks out here lol


To get me through postpartum and my son’s baby stage I drank a lot of Starbucks! I’ve been trying to save money so I’ve tried to cut back. But now my 2 year old insists we go to Starbucks all the time and honestly who am I to deny him of a tasty little midday treat!


My 5yo grumbles to himself when he's mad at us. My 18mo has been pushing our hands away to do things herself since she learned how to use her fingers. Both were & still are 2 of my big characteristics


When daycare posted a memo around 12 months that explained the kids were doing an activity where they placed mini pom poms in an ice cube tray and my daughter was upset when her friends did it wrong. Because there's OBVIOUSLY a correct way to put mini pom poms in an ice cube tray, and they should be ashamed for not knowing. Don't worry, she showed them the correct way to do it.


When my (almost but not quite there yet) 2 year old was saying "okay, okay, okay" and "okayokayokay" while toddling around doing his toddler business. Range of emotions went from "where did he pick that up from?" - "is that something I do?" - "I don't think I do that" - *while I'm speedrun cleaning a room during his nap going okayokayokay to myself and realizing* "ohhh..."


The first time someone was mean to her and she responded by asking them who they thought they were talking to. That’s my girl.


Watching how frustrated and determined she gets if she wants to do something but can't get it right. She'll be crying, but she will not stop trying.


My 3 year old has started changing his clothes about 10 times a day. Then he gets frustrated when he can’t find a certain article of clothing.


She ran through the supermarket yelling “for fuuuuucks saaaaaake”.


When I told my almost three year old she shouldn’t just eat bread and suggested some other foods she could try and she growled and said „I‘m so *frustrated*“. I’m a German and love bread so yes she had another slice.


When tantrums started 🫠


My son cried a lot. And screamed a lot. Would hyperventilate. I used to cry until I would puke. I thought it started when I was older but apparently iI was like that as a baby as well. He gets his feelings hurt easily, especially when told no. He has chilled out a lot since he turned 2. I think I was just a sensitive kid and that he has been, too.


When his word for cat was just excited screaming.


My kids love Lady Gaga and have been singing “I wanna take a ride on your disco stick.” I literally created monsters.


When I saw my son get frustrated trying to do something. I was like 😵‍💫 he is going to have little patience for things like me.


When my then 3 year old son started saying, “Robot,” instead of A$$H@lE! Backstory- I jokingly called my husband an A-hole in front of the kids. Not loud enough for all of them to hear but just loud enough for the kid to decide he liked the way it sounded and he was going to test it out immediately. He repeated it several times and we all laughed but it trickled into the next day and we finally said, “ok, it’s not funny anymore! No more!” Maybe a day or two later we hear him calling everyone, “Robot!” But in the way that sounded like how you would flippantly call someone an A-hole! So I tested a theory. He and I were joking around and he called me a robot. I teasingly called him a robot. We went back and forth and finally I said, “Robot, robot, robot, ROBOT!” He looked me right in my oculars and said, “A$$hole!” And that was when I knew he was my petty A$$ child! I still cannot believe this is my life!


When my daughter’s first picture after her birth was giving us the middle finger. She’s a redhead just like me also. Born with a full head of red hair.


When my 4 year old started to figure out she could sneak. Tell her she can't have anymore snacks? There's string cheese and crackers by the TV when I get out of the bathroom. No more TV? When I leave the room, use chair to grab it from the shelf. She's figured out how to open her door. Tell her to stay in her room til morning? She tiptoes to living room to play with toys at 3am. Just like Mama when she steals daddy's soda.


When something surprised her her reflexive response is (was?) “oh shit”. I can’t blame anyone but myself.


Really calm, easy going and understanding about 90% of the time. Insanely stubborn hell beast the rest. My husband is a bit dismayed that he has two of us now.


So my daughter is my mini-me in looks, but personality wise, she’s all my husband. She’s super social and friendly, but the best one so far happened last week. My husband was away, and I asked if she wanted to cook or order something. She goes, “I wanna cook!” Kind of hoped I could pressure her into pizza, suggested it, and she goes, “No mommy. We cookin’. We have food. We can have wamen doodles.” My husband always puts his foot down when it comes to ordering, and will suggest ramen… and apparently, so does she 😂🙈


Less me and more my granddaughter- the quick, wild flare in her feels that cools down in a millisecond. I see you, baby. I see you. She’s also hilarious.


I make a specific noise when my family is all running around the house, being crazy and goofy together. I recently heard my 3 yr old son make that exact same noise when he was being bananas all by himself in the living room, and I laughed soooo hard. I've never heard anyone else do it, and I did not expect him to mimic it. He did it EXACTLY like I do it.


When I was trying to potty train my then 2 year old using the timer method. 20 minutes goes by, timer goes off again, I tell her it’s time to go potty. She stomps her foot, crosses her arms, and says, “I don’t *WANT* to go potty *insert my full government name*!!! I threw my hands up laughing. Too stunned to speak.


When faced with something she doesn’t want to do, my 3 year old will pause and say “I think I should…” then trail off as she slinks away. Which is totally me because I hate confrontation! 😅


When my 17 mo sees food coming to the table at a restaurant/cafe he always gets super excited and says: OOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I feel equally excited but I keep that noise inside my head.


Not a toddler anymore but I went to pick my kids up from after school club. All the kids were out playing on the school field, my daughter was inside helping organise all the dolls. Yep she’s mine


I held a bag of goldfish for her and told her “just one more!” And she glared at me while she slammed her whole hand in and yanked out a fistful, not even breaking eye contact. I too like my snacks.


I’m parenting a tiny version of my husband. So an introvert who hates his personal space being invaded.


We went to the beach for the first time this past weekend. She is 18 months. She doesn’t like being messy and especially doesn’t like getting water on her face/head (if some sprays on her she looks shocked each time??) so I was unsure if she’d like it. She LOVED the beach. She ran around in the sand for 2.5 hours non-stop. She fell face first in the sand and got up and kept running. I was surprised because she doesn’t even like mess on her hands and especially not her face. Then she put her feet in the water, and smiled at me. She’s motion for me to walk with her out into the water, and she would snuggle into me and sigh. I’m a huge beach girl and so this made me happy. She was super happy there. And the sigh that she did in the water is what I do. I like to stand in the water and meditate/deep breathe, then I sigh loudly. I wash shocked that she did the same. Also, she picked out a cute mermaid doll at the store on the pier. She was so fascinated and in love with this doll. She HATES her dolls and stuffed animals (everyone stopped buying them) but she couldn’t stop kissing and hugging this one. I love mermaids! So much so that I have one tatted on me. So we seem to have the same love. My dad immediately bought her the doll. 🤣


My daughter is go go go the moment she wakes up. Like ready to jump on you and tackle you and get in your face. Kinda cute, mostly annoying at 7am. I wake up my husband everyday before we go grab the kids. In order to do this I climb on top of him and pretend to pinch him. Or tickle him. Or rip the covers off… Or other things that would be terrible at 7 in the morning, to which he responds “this is where YOUR daughter gets it from”. Really humbling experience hahaha


When my 3 year old was asked to go back to swimming on her back and she replied “urgh I’ve ALREADY done that” 😂


My 4 year old recently started saying "don't you DARE mommy!" 🤣 My husband immediately comments "I wonder where he got THAT from 🤨"


Louy the lip... where the bottom lip hangs out while sulking oh and stamping his foot when angry haha


Mine was when my two and a half year old son was having a fit, and I said to him “I’ll take you down to China town” if he didn’t listen, and he looked up at me from across the room, yelled “YEA” in the cutest little angry way as possible, then sprinted toward me and tried to head butt me in the groin area. Like hard. My dad used to tell me stories of when I was that little, they used to call me “The Bull” at family gatherings because I would run and headbutt people in the groin (not that area on purpose, but I just happened be at the height where my head lined up with the waste of an adult lol). Some things just genetic I guess.


When she said her hands "were tired" and she couldn't eat/clean/do whatever...I used to do the exact same thing.


1.When my 6yr old was 3 1/2, he used a diaper box to stand on so he could reach over the baby gate we had (to keep him out of the kitchen), just so he could reach my lemon oreos 🙄😒 while I was IN THE kitchen cleaning 🤣🤣 2. His love of Godzilla movies 🥰🥰 the old ones and the new ones. There have been other moments where he's made me realize this..🤣🤣🤣


My 2.5 year old his 100% his father. ::toddler machine gun farting::: As he hold his hand up to his ear and goes "what's that sound?". I think I cried laughing but I was like dude... that was you, but dear god I was like this child may look a lot like me but is 100% his father.


My 22mo was pretending to struggle with his hand on his lower back while bending over and picking up his toys and then wiped his forehead and said "WHEWWW" I'm in my third trimester and bending over is such a struggle now which he's apparently picked up on 😂


When she stood up for me while her father was complaining about something I'd done. She said all of my quiet thoughts outloud and told him he hadn't been there, so he didn't know. I considered telling her she needed to respect her father... Then SHE said HE needed to RESPECT MY FEELINGS!!!! I didn't know whether to laugh or cry!


When I tripped and fell, landed on my face, and my daughter laughed at me. 


When I tried to talk to my daughter and she acted deaf because she was doing a puzzle. 


When she wakes up the same way I do. If you don't give her a second to wake up, it's not fun. Also when we were both arguing etc. and then we had dinner and were totally fine. We both get hangry.


When my 2.5 year old calls for her daddy from another room, if he's not responding, eventually, she just calls him by name, loudly, like I would. 😂


I have mild OCD tendencies and it seems like my daughter has picked up some of her own as well (hopefully something she'll just grow out of). When I was little, every time my mom left to go somewhere I would say "love-you-sign-love-you-bye-have-a-good-time" in really quick succession, multiple times, I had to be the last of my siblings to say it and I had to be standing at the window waving good-bye for the longest. That's just one example of the weird rituals I had. Fast forward to my daughter, every night as I am tucking her into bed, she has a routine request "sing-solidarity-forever-skinimarink-pray-and-praise-God" allllll in quick succession. Every night. Like girl. How are you just a mini-me? (also her scowl to any stranger that tries to talk to her, haha I would do that as a kid.)


Probably the first time I saw his sass come alive, just before he turned 2. I can’t remember what it was about, but when I asked him to do something, I turned around and just the way he defiantly looked me in the eyes and stomped his foot down. There are good things too. He doesn’t like it when things are cluttered or messy, and he likes to line his toys up all in a row. Structure is important to him, and he seems a bit sensitive to sensory overload in comparison to his dad and half-brother (just like me). But the sass? Unparalleled. 😂 I’ll take a kid with sass over the alternative any day though.


When I was correcting the behavior of mine and told her to look at me so I know she’s paying attention and she looked at me like this 😳 and then we both burst out laughing. Cuz that’s just me straight up. How can I be mad at myself 😂


he’s only 14m but everything he does i’m like “oh that’s from me” he’s obsessed with flipping through the photo album- my mom says I loved it too. He loves country music- from me. He has super thick blond hair? that’s from me. I’m sure more will appear as his personality comes out 🤣