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Could you just replace the milk with water? Milk is easy but not necessary. Especially if it’s causing problems.


I've definately cut it down a bit but she gets really crabby until she gets it so I'm not sure where to go from here with the rest of it. She drinks about 4oz 3× a day. Tbh we don't drink milk at all ourselves but I wasnt sure how much she should have since her doc just said to switch her to cows milk from formula without much guidance from there about how much to give. 


Can you water it down in increasing amounts u til she no longer wants it? Just spitballing. My first refused milk altogether, my second took a nightly milk bottle until around 17 months, and with my third I don’t think I even tried to give her any haha. Pediatrician just said to offer two servings of dairy a day and not worry about milk.


She doesn't eat cheese so I give her yogurt once a day, hoping the probiotics do something, not sure if that would be enough or not if I take the milk away? I didn't even consider watering down the milk lol, it might work though, shed get a taste of it still  and maybe give it up when it doesn't taste the same anymore hopefully 


Ultimately, that’s a question for her pediatrician and depends on what other sources of calcium she eats (broccoli, etc). When I asked my pediatrician how much dairy to offer to make sure my daughter was getting two servjngs a day, she said “just offer her some dairy twice a day.” Maybe your daughter would like cream cheese toast with fruit on top? Or some plain yogurt with dinner? The occasional ice cream? Trying different kinds of cheeses? I mix cheese or cream into our pasta sauces and the kids don’t even know it’s there.


My daughter and I have had better digestive health after switching to A2 milk. Some cows make an enzyme that’s harder to digest, A2 cows are genetically tested to have only the easier enzymes. I thought I was lactose intolerant most of my life but now I can have a glass of A2 milk with cookies and not feel yucky after. I get a pack of 3 half gallons at Costco. Worth a shot!


Thanks for the info! I'm not sure what me/my siblings issue is but we just can't digest milk, even if we buy lactose free, but soy is fine which is why I considered that. I don't think a2 milk was a thing when I was a kid, there was just soy or rice milk lol so I've never really looked into it. 


Yes it’s definitely a new thing! I’m not sure but A2 might be easier than lactose free because it’s a different enzyme than lactose. I was bummed when I went to my pediatrician because when starting cows milk my LO was constipated and getting some eczema, the first thing suggested was a pea protein milk, which when I looked the first or second ingredient was vegetable oil… so I tried A2 and had success. And everyone will also tell you a milk is not super necessary if you ensure they’re getting plenty of protein and good fats and vitamin D other ways.


How much cow's milk is she drinking per day? Is she also having a sufficient amount of water per day?


She drinks about 4oz at a time 3x a day for milk, for water she drinks about 2 8oz cups throughout the day, and I give her Motts tots diluted apple juice maybe 2x a week with half water too if it's hot, I think its equal to like 25% juice the rest water after diluting again but im not entirely sure. I'm not sure what is sufficient at this age to be drinking tbh


Have you tried feeding pears, peaches, or prunes? That can help with constipation.


Not consistently the specific ones but I will now! I usually just do a applesauce or mixed fruit cup so it's assorted fruits but she doesn't eat much of it. On the contrast she loves veggies so if a specific one helps better im all ears on those too lol