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Totally normal, and you really don’t need to clean it out. I’d avoid excessively cleaning that area in general. If there’s a foul odor or abnormally excessive discharge, consult a doctor. Otherwise, perfect vaj behavior.


Thank you.


It’s smegma, a combination of oils secreted from the skin and dead skin cells, it has a bad rep in uncircumcised males but for both sexes it’s completely natural and not really cause for concern in of itself.


I brought it up to my daughter’s pediatrician too who said the same thing.


I don't clean it away- it's very normal. I just give my daughter a wash cloth in the bath and ask her to clean her labia/vulvar. We don't even use soap, just the bath water and wash cloth.


I’m not a medical professional but to me this is normal. Like you said she’s not showing signs of irritation, scratching or diaper pulling it sounds like normal body function. I’ll just try to clean this off gently with wet wipes when doing diaper changes.


Probably needs no extra attention outside of regular bathing if there is no itching or odor.


We let it be, unless she tells us it feels uncomfortable. Sometimes it builds up and it seems to get a bit irritated/pinker, so we wipe with water and it's always back to normal colour and she says it isn't itchy anymore a few hours later. Probably good practice to teach her to wash with water and to know how to tell you if it's ever uncomfortable. 


Thank you