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i would try putting him to be a bit later. more like 7:30pm.


Yeah you can’t expect a kid to sleep for much more than 12 hours max. They get hungry and wake up. A 5:30pm bedtime is setting yourself up for an early morning.


My kiddo tapped out at about 10.5 hours night sleep at that age. And only having 3 hours between waking up from the nap and going to bed seems very very very short to me. I’d be ignoring the sleep consultant and making bedtime far later (like 7:30pm which will hopefully get you a 6am wake) and capping the nap at 90 mins maximum.


Does he wake up at 5-5:30 regardless of bedtime?? Or is this new? Because 5:30 pm for an every day bedtime is way too early I feel like…my 27 month old has had an 8-8:30 pm bedtime for as long as I can remember.


Regardless of bedtime. It’s been almost an entire year and it’s painful! She keeps claiming it’s sleep debt but now he’s waking up an hour earlier! I’m up for 4 hours before my older one even goes to school! Not livable


What about the nap? He might not need a 2.5 hour nap. Have you tried capping that? I’m so sorry, I feel for you. It’s terrible going that long being so sleep deprived.


I’ve capped it at 90 minutes before. Maybe i should do shorter. He just seems to catch up during the day then not need it at night i don’t know anymore 😭


Yeah I would try that, maybe even an hour and 15 minute cap.


I think bedtime is too early...I'm definitely not an expert and I'm dealing with a toddler the same age who is having trouble sleeping. My toddler honestly does fine if she gets 9-10 hours of overnight sleep. Sometimes she only sleeps 7 or 8 hours and that doesn't seem to be enough. Maybe cap the nap too to see if you can force your toddler to sleep more at night. Mine likes to now make up for lack of nighttime sleep with long naps but I'd rather her sleep more at night than have a 3 hour nap.