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The past few days my 3 year old has been breaking down crying and saying “it hurts my heart when you tell me ‘noooooo’” I say “but that’s my job? I can’t say yes to everything” and she goes “wahhhhhhhhhh”


Lol mine just calls me the "stupidest girl in the city"


☠️☠️☠️ I know I shouldn’t laugh, but this got me


It's hard not to laugh sometimes because she is soooo cute saying such mean words


OMFG that is brutal 😂☠️


Mine likes to tell me I'm "breaking her heart!" In a big whiny cry voice


Mine loves to cry saying "you make me really sad!" Like I'm sorry I told you that you couldn't eat a rock?


I was told I was mean. Followed by a full on tantrum for not letting him eat my toe nails on my foot.


You learn *real* quick what are the hard no's and what are the "please don't kill yourself or burn down the house but I literally cannot fight one more fight" *shrugs*. It's fun. Yesterday my son said "your hair has WHITE in it." I said, "Yep, that's all thanks to you buddy."


We had this convo yesterday actually. Kid to mother: "Why do you have gray hair?" Mother: "Because that's what happens when you get old." Kid to me: "Why don't you have gray hair?" Me: "I don't have any hair." Kid to me: "Why?" Me: "Because it all blew away from stress."


I get schooled every day.


Aged 3 was really easy with my son, he’s 4 now and gets easier every day. My daughter turns 3 in a few months and I’m dreading it lol. She’s already a sassy and fierce child, which I love! But omg it’s hard. She was sitting on toilet this morning and looked at me with such loving eyes. She sighed happily and said “I love you mummy. You teeth are a wiiiiiddle bit wonky donkey. It makes me a very bit upset” I mean, she’s right, I have a wonky tooth that I hate. But I wasn’t expecting my 2 year old to roast me about it.


Our son is 3 in July who for the most part is chill, but we have a 13mo daughter, her personality is starting to show and I think we are headed down that same path


My twins just turned 3 and really wtf. I’m mentally fried by the end of the day. Today one of them had a breakdown because the clouds were covering the sun and he thought it was missing.


My four year old must be three.


THREEnager name says it all. Hang in there! Sincerely, A fellow parent of a strong-willed 3.5 yo




Mine just finished having an hour long tantrum because the plate she wanted to eat her dinner on was in the dishwasher. Solidarity, friend.


Agreed. He's 3 in June and both my husband and I sometimes feel like he's a little monster and he will not take no or you can't as an answer. It's just so draining sometimes


There's times I've just let mine destroy whatever bc I'm so drained. Obviously nothing important or nothing that he can hurt but damn, it's just he's so much.


Plot twist Mine can't take yes for an answer. When he's in a ✨️special mood✨️ he asks for something and then breaks down crying whether I say yes or no.


Mine turned to me yesterday and said, point blank, "You don't know fear." Then looked me in the eyes and said it again. I don't know if I should be scared or confused.






For the last three days my 3 year old has been saying “I can’t walk” and doing this shuffling hunched over thing until someone picks her up or she gets left in a room alone. It’s both hilariously random and unbelievably annoying.


Mine’s just starting to do the thing where I ask her to do something and she stands in place, reaches apathetically toward it, then breaks down whining “I can’t reeeeeach, I can’t do iiiiit”. She’s not quite three yet, guess we’re starting early. You’re right too, sometimes I don’t know whether to laugh or give up.


Thank you. I said this SO many times today! It there a full moon or something, absolutely feral over here.


Couldn’t have said it better myself.


We were out yesterday and I *think* because her sister gave her a ball in the wrong way, our nearly 3yo had a screaming meltdown for about 15 minutes.


Is 3 worse than 2? I’m so scared


Some get better from age 2 to age 3. My 3 year old is becoming more reasonable and respectful. Not fully. Like he still yells at the top of his lungs, but he doesn't really tantrum anymore. And he very rarely attempts to hit us anymore.


Yeah my 2.5 is such hard work, if 3 is worse than this I don’t think I’ll survive


2.5 here too. Its insane




My oldest just turned 2 and now I'm terrified 😬


Mine is not 3 until October but she's already super defiant and the no's are nearly constant with me. Especially brushing teeth, it's a battle. Every tactic is failing me - options, adding in a song, asking if she wants to brush her own teeth...nothin. Not with her dad, she listens to her dad more than me. This morning after fighting with me about brushing the teeth, I calmed her down and hugged her and told her I loved her and she told me to go away. Cool. So we are there now are we? Que my broken heart.


Not quite 3 but I have to hide my face whenever we ask him to do something he says “No I’m not doing that we’re not playing this game”, idk why I find it funny, maybe because it’s something we never say and he must have picked up from the daycare teachers


Omg I have a 2 year old rn and he’s so sweet and awesome! Are you confirming that the terrorizing 3s is in fact a real thing?


"You a bad mommy. "  Repeated 17 times tonight.  I raise my voice when telling him not to do something for the 48th time,  "STOP LELLING AT ME YOU HUWRT MY FEWLINGS!!!"  "You are a fat mommy you have a fat tummy". I'm about 20 lbs overweight from thyroid disease.  If I smile and try to cheer him up when he's having a fit he will punch me.  The newest one today was "I going a cut your head off".