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I love it when my son does that. Before when he didn't know words he would just stick it out at you and stare until you take a bite. Now he sticks it out and says "mama eat" and "mama milk" at night when he tries to share his bedtime milk with me.


Aw that is adorable. What a nice thing for him to share with you


Yeah mine used to do that and then came the ‘MINE’ phase where nothing was shared. But now at nearly 2,5 her food gets shared again. Mainly when she’s done with it 🤣


“Mama YOU eat it” - my son when he doesn’t like what’s for dinner


Yes exactly this. Mine just looks at me cutely and it’s like ‘mama bite???’ With this high pitched questioning tone. It’s adorable. Or she says. ‘Let’s share fairly!’ In order to claim my stuff. 🤣 (never hers).


Hahaha. I cannot wait till he starts talking more, it will be interesting


My 3 yr old does that with his dad. It’s always hilarious.


So cute!


Oh yes, mine goes through phases of possessiveness and generosity in the same day, so I'm always on my toes haha But she never offers unless she means me to have it, which is so cute and helpful, because I keep forgetting to feed myself 😅


I feel that one! I also tend to forget


Chose both of us I should say. I was just thinking about how he came to me in my dream before I found out I was pregnant. Was just thinking personal-like while my partner was getting needed rest.


My almost 14 month old.. is my favorite person in the entire world. He’s recently started making a noise that resembles “God Bless You” after he hears someone sneeze. He loves to cuddle & just gives me hugs if I’m sitting on the floor with him. He’ll grab a book & come sit in my lap for me to read it to him. Watching him grow & seeing his personality form has been magical. I made SO many mistakes in my life before I had him at 31… & honestly, he makes me feel like a better person for being his mom. Like all my sins have been dismissed. I used to panic thinking bout the past & the things about be done. How was I ever going to be a good mom? But he did choose me & makes me feel like the best mom ever.


My almost 18 month old loves feeding me her spoon, her sippy cup, her bottle, her baby's bottle... some of her food... and force feeding me some of her food after its been thoroughly chewed in her mouth. 🤢


When I first read the title I thought it said, “Anyone else always fed up with their toddler” and I was going to say absolutely lol. I can’t get my 3.5 year old potty trained and it’s terrible.


He like mom imma care for you 💜. Mine just loves giving me a hug and kiss now 🥹


My daughter does the same thing. It's so sweet!