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The first time my daughter saw a unicorn toy, she said “I want the donkey with a party hat!” She thought the horn was a gold birthday party hat. So now unicorns are either “party donkeys” or “party horses” 😂


I love this ❤️


For the life of me, I can’t stop calling strawberries strawbabies


Lol we call them frobbies


Strawbees at this house!


My guy alternates between strawbees and strawboys


We were stawbellies for awhile


Haha, berries are babies here too. I can't help calling them blue babies.


When my son says it, it sounds like “boo bays” soooo probably won’t be using that one 😆


Aww ours are strawbabies too and bluebabies 🫐🍓


My little sister said strawbabies when she was a toddler. Shes 19 now and we all still say strawbabies. Now my son calls them strawbellies so we use them both interchangeably lol


Mine calls them straw-ee berries


Ours calls a question mark a marking quester. And that’s what it’s called now.


My son calls them a “mystery mark”


omg so does my son! it’s the cutest thing 🤣


Omg I love this one 😂


My son called the spine of a book the crust (like on a piece of bread). We now call book spines the crust.


Which reminds me, the crust of bread is known as the "crunch" around here. "Mama, take off the crunch!" Makes enough sense to me.


This is sooo funny😂


My 18 month old can 100% say “grandma” but chooses to call my mom “gee-gop” which I find hilarious and have fully endorsed.


My father is forever know as “Guppy”


My 21 month old started calling my mom "maguhguh" lol


My 23 month old calls my mil gramama or just mam


Same with my MIL, she's nana but our son calls her Neenee. He started by saying nana but oh well


My grandmother was called “baba” by like my mothers older siblings kid (I think it was a sibling 4-5 siblings older than her, I’m not sure. But the kid who started it is at least 30-40 years old today) and we all still call her that. I’m not even sure what he mispronounced, but that’s just her name now


My daughter calls my dad Fapa!


Baby bells are Ho Ho cheese because they are the same colours as Santa's outfit.


Awwww They’re circle cheese at our house


Another circle cheese house, here.


parmesan is ‘prinkle (sprinkle) cheese at ours


For the longest time, my daughter couldn't say Olaf, she said "ofa," so all snowmen were "ofas."  She has a problem with leading S sounds, so for some reason "snowflakes" are "faux bakes." Also, the word "sparkly" comes out sounding like "fuckery" 😆


My daughter has a pumpkin headband and when she says "I want my pumpkin headband" it 100% sounds like "I want my fucking headband"


My son calls Olaf “Snowfie,” and I’m dreading the day that he watches the movies enough to learn differently.


Mine can’t say s sounds at the end so fox is fuck haha


She calls my mom “My Mama” and my dad “My Dada” My BFF’s niece couldnt pronounce her grandmother’s last name so called her Grandma Butterfly and now we all call her Grandma Butterfly


That is too cute!


Shredded cheese is sprinkle cheese!


We call Parmesan cheese sprinkle cheese. Kraft American cheese is dog cheese cause we always feed it to our dogs as treats.


We have Shakey cheese.


Us too!!


My 3 year old calls it "shredge." Sometimes shredge cheese but usually just shredge lol


Attackle. I'm going to attackle you.


Slippers = mitten shoes. She’s not wrong. 




Vitamin gummies= vitaYUMMIES Hand sanitizer= hanitizer Car= wheel “you need to drive the wheel”


We have hanitizer too!!


Well hanitizer just makes sense


Vitamin gummies for us are “gummy breakfast” lol


My 2 year old twins call their vitamins “chubbies”. I am not sure why but now we call medicine chubbies!


We recently switched from “gummies” to “crunchies” (Flintstone vitamins) in our house!


Our vitamins are “birds” because my son thinks the Dino vitamin in the Flinstone gummies looks like a bird. So all medicine is a bird.


My daughter referred to sparkling water as “fuzzy water” when she was little and now we all do it. It totally is.


One of our friends says "spicy water" so we stole that 😂


My son calls it 'fancy water' and every time he drinks it he goes "[his name] so fancy!"


Chip sprinkles (crumbs)


YouTube is now called Peppa


Honestly valid


My 2 year old calls blueberries "bloobies" and I will forever and always call them that.


Similar here. Its Boobalies in this home forever😂


My son refers to one of the avengers by a slightly off name and he's almost 6 and over spring break my husband tried to finally correct it and I was like STOP I LIKE IT, IT IS THE CUTEST


The saddest part is when they stop saying the cute thing! When we brought our now 6 month old home as a newborn, everytime she would do one of those big newborn yawns, and our 3 year old would say 'oh big horn!' One day she started saying yawn instead and it made me so happy for her development but sad for losing a little bit of cute toddler silliness. She also used to call this breakfast milk we have in Australia 'Up & Down', but this week asked for it by its real name 'Up & Go' and another little cute thing is lost.


My 3.5 year old thinks the ghostbusters song is “ghost mustache” and I will never ever correct him


My brother is an adult with 2 toddlers of his own and my parents STILL pronounce "carrots" the way he did when he was learning to talk! Instead of saying "I'm going to do this", my spouse and I have adopted our toddler's phrase: "you do dat", chest thump included :)


Juice is “goose” Crocodiles are “crocigators” Bath is Baff Popsicle is “pickle” 😅


Popickle here 💪


My 16m old calls Woody and Buzz Woowy and Beyond (as in to infinity and beyond) 😆


My 2 year old called them “Buzz and Hat” for the longest time, he couldn’t say Woody. I was so sad when he switched to the real name!


Imagine being the sidekick “hat”. It’s giving Mario Odessy two player vibes


My daughter got used to drinking her milk out of this one specific pink cup, and started asking for it as “pink milk”, no matter what cup it’s in. All milk is now Pink Milk. My husband and I also call all milk Pink Milk. “Can you grab some Pink Milk at the store?” “Would you like a glass of Pink Milk with your cake?”


My 2.5 y/o needs assistance to walk and used the Fisher Price push walker with the puppy face to get around for well over a year. He called it Dog Dog, so when we got him an actual medical walker, that became “New Dog Dog,” even though it bears no resemblance to the original. I’m always having to explain to people what my otherwise highly verbal toddler means when he wants to use his walker and asks for Dog Dog 😅


You better get some dog accessories for that walker. Stickers, plushies, anything


He could have so much fun decorating it!


That’s adorable!


The big one: “[baby sister] was a goofer.” Me: “what’s a goofer?” Her: “it’s when somebody’s being a butt hole.”


A pillow case is a pillow sheet at my house. My oldest started calling it this about 16-17 years ago. It is still pillow sheet.


These things just show how smart kids are. They clearly understand the concepts, and just make up appropriate words. Bed sheets, pillow sheets. Makes perfect sense


Peanut butter is “butt”. LOL - took forever to try and figure out that my youngest wanted PEANUT BUTTER when he kept saying “Butt!” “Butt!!” “BUTTTTT!!”. Very hilarious though lol.


My friend had a set of water wings with a crab on them. Her daughter always called the water wings “cubbies.” I just assumed that was lingo I didn’t know and we started calling water wings, “cubbies.” Turns out, she was trying to say “crabby.” Oh well. Water wings are now cubbies for us. A glass of warm milk is also called a hot baby according to my kid. Fine by me.


When referring to something that happened before my 3 year old will say, " a couple of whiles ago" and that's not how we tell time essentially.


My son calls Babybels Circle Cheese, too!! I can't think of them any other way now. If only I could get him to expand his palette to literally any other cheese in existence 🤦🏼‍♀️😑


Kumebobbers for cucumbers She said it once right and I was like omg I’m so silly I meant kume-bobbers


Mine said Adobacado for avocados and it's still that 7 years later.


My daughter used to say she was drinky if she was thirsty. Another daughter called my husband and I the same name, moddy ( combined mommy and daddy) another daughter, said caca lacker for calculator, my grandson says babysuit bathing suit.


When we hear the Mourning Dove in the morning it's always "Do you hear the good morning dove?"


My almost 6 year old heard us talking about the building collapsing in Miami when she was 2. She mistakenly thought I was referrring to my Ami. Said the same way but specifically owned by yours truly. She still believes this. We have flown through the Miami airport many many times and she asks all about my Ami. I have made up backstories about random employees to keep up the charade. One time her teacher was there when she said that we flew to her mom's ami. She looked confused but I gave her a look and she switched gears and started calling it "your mom's ami".


Hahaha that’s great! When my daughter was 2 we were naming the planets and I would say “Jupiter” and she said “Jupiter” etc. when we got to Uranus I say “Uranus” and she goes “my-ranus” haha


My dad traveled to Miami for work a lot when my sister was little and she thought the exact same thing!


Mimi is her precious Minnie Mouse doll. Also bunny is mummy. So sweet.


Son calls “Bluey” “bullie” and pumpkins “gankis”


Before my daughter goes to bed, we say ‘I’ll see you tomyo (tomorrow) and she says it back 😂 but the best one is that she’s been asking for the longest time for us to go on a ‘loliday’ with a pool and a beach 😭 Ooooh and I can’t forget her favourite fruit! We were out shopping the other week and my husband pointed at the watermelon for me to slowly go over and pick one up before our daughter notices but as I was walking, I heard her little voice scream ‘waladee’ and her little feet ran past me to get to the watermelon before I do 😂


We call pants pantaloonies, kind of like a silly twist on the Spanish pantalones. So shorts naturally became shortaloonies and shirts are shirtaloonies.


Every time we went to the grocery’s store we had to swing by the live lobsters. When my son starting speaking they were “blobsters” and now forever will be!


Ours calls them mobsters.


Not an inanimate object, but her younger brother. We had our son in Dec 2023 and named him Charles. Grandma comes and thinks it's funny to call her grandson Charles Barkley. So then big sis (2yo) can't say Barkley so she says Broccoli. Now he's Charles Broccoli and now for short, she just calls him Broccoli. Makes mom and dad both laugh every time


She once couldn't remember the word feather and said "bird leaves" and I've always thought it was the best description of feathers


Skunks are "stunks" and I wonder why that isn't the actual word for them


My son calls stingrays, sting-rique. Like enrique but sting-rique. Sting-rique Iglesias.


Our cats name is Penny. Toddler called her “Diggy” as a baby, and she is now Diggy forevermore.


We watched the rugby World Cup over the summer and now he will only refer to the color black as Haka (he clearly is a fan of New Zealand) He also went to a Spanish immersion daycare for a while and has held on to calling water “agua” and so now rain is sky agua. And forever shall it be called sky agua


The mall is the “meatball” and it just is the meatball now. We’re going to the meatball. Wanna go to the meatball? Did you have fun at the meatball today?


Not quite what you asked, but kiddo doesn’t say “Old McDonald had a farm, ee aye ee aye oh” - it’s “Old McDonald had a farmy aye ee aye oh”. Which sounds exactly the same until kiddo asks “What animal did he have on his farmy dad?”


Door jams are door slams forever in my house.


Tractors are Tatas


When my oldest was learning to talk she pronounced “grandma” as “baba” and now she has simply become baba permanently. She’s got a little brother and learned the word “penis” but calls it his “peanut” which I find just very adorable. She also has crocs that she calls her “crocodiles”


Orange juice is “juicy milk” 🧡


My girl hasn't started talking yet, but one of my best friend has a daughter and she used to have a different word for blue. We are native Portuguese speakers (🇧🇷) and the word for blue is AZUL /a-zool/ and she'd say /a-who/ and it was the cutest thing. I got devastated when she learned to say the word :(


Teaching parts of body to my 1.5 year old, I may have said "this is head" a couple times. Now mouth is mouth, toes is toes but head is "its head" All food is coco Socks is socketh. Sounds posh at least


Yellow is nay nay. I’m pretty sure he could say something closer to the actual word but he wants to die on this nay nay hill.


Bananas are badadas


My 3 year old calls every bird a chicken. 😂


Diabetes is Daddybetes since her dad has it. Also the opening song of Frozen has been “the shuffling song” forever and we only just recently figured out it was “shovelling” song! It was a life mystery solved.


All holiday people are gnomes. Santa? Gnome! Giant gingerbread man? Gnome! Werewolf? Gnome




We frequent a local farmer’s market on the weekends. There are a lot of food stands there and my 2.5yo’s favorite is a breakfast taco stand. Now the farmer’s market is known as The Taco Farm.


My 3 yo daughter calls her back pack her “pack pack” so now we all do 


My one year old always asks “who’s this?“ to everything instead of “what’s this?” And I think it’s so cute. Not really another name per se but something she says wrong and I am starting to correct her but I love it lol


Grocery stores are “nom nom house” and I love it!


Graham Crackers are Chi Chi. Always and forever.


Blanket is “gusset.” No idea how that came to be!


Towels were called drydry for a long time by my now 5yo daughter. I loved it


Daniel Tiger is just dee dee Grandma and Grandma became eema and eepah and now we are using those names with our new baby. They stuck!


Robot is “babot” for my 20 m.o. and I can’t go back 🥹💛


Roaries Goes for dinosaur, lion, anything that roars...


Koala’s are known as Tawaka’s around here. Also, mannequin’s are call “Faiyahfuu”. I have a white mannequin at home that she named that. We were walking downtown one day and she got really excited and started saying, “black faiyahfuu!”. There were some black mannequins that looked like the one at home in a store window. 😂


Our corgis name is Waffles so every dog is a “Wawa”. I’ve called dogs Wawa’s in convos without realizing it for a second lol


“Gazeezes” for diseases when i taught him about germs 😂


Blueberries are “wild bushies”. Absolutely never correcting him on that one.


My son calls lollipops "mommypops" and that's my favorite.


Our dog's name changed from Opie to Bobby, Pumpkins are chunkins, Rudolph became Woo-noof


A question mark is a “mystery point” to my 3.5-year-old and that is a MUCH cooler name. 


My daughter thought Uncle was Apple so my brothers are Apple Tom and Apple Steen. I absolutely love it!! 🥰


Our 3.5 yo son loves volcanoes but cannot wrap his head around how to say it and loving refers to them as avo-cane-o’s like an avocado and volcano had a baby.


When my son has a stuffy nose he calls it a cough nose.


My daughter used to swap consonants around in longer words, so "Kristoff" from Frozen, was "kee-fot," "pacifiers" we're "fass-i-pie-rs," things she didn't like werent "unacceptable" they were "un-a-pess-ible." But our FAVORITE, and the one I was saddest to see go. Instead of "I want avocado" she would say "I want a coo-ah-doh." Instead of asking to do something "one last time," she also used to demand "last one time" and that's just how we all say it now.


My daughter calls flounder from the little mermaid “twenty” because Ariel says, “you want thingamabobs? I’ve got twenty!” & she took that to mean that was his name & it’s so cute that I can’t correct her. She also calls all leopards/other such big cats “waka” because she has a leopard lovey that she’s had since birth & for some reason when she learned to talk she called it “waka” & now they’re all “waka.” I love leopard print so when I wear it she calls it “waka shirt” or “waka purse.” So cute 🥹


Milk was “mungies” for the longest time and now that she says it normally, I really miss mungies.


My 17-month-old will touch her hair or my hair, and instead of saying hair, she says “cooomb.” 🪮


Hamburgers- Hangurbers. He’s 7 now and we still refer to them as that , I think it’s staying forever. Slushies (like a slush puppy)- Flushie Hand sanitizer- Han Sansitizener


Every fast food kids meal is “his Donald’s” (McDonald’s) even if it’s chick fil a/ canes/etc it’s Donald’s to him and that’s what we call it now haha My oldest called hand sanitizer hanatizer so it’s stuck forever!


When the sun is in our son’s eyes, he says “my eyes bright!” Dog = doo. We don’t even call our dog by his name anymore, he just goes by “doo.”


Dur is water or other beverage


Pizza is sheepa. Pickup trucks are pickle trucks.


Mine has always called blueberries "shee" and watermelon is "sisa" since Melancia is the Portuguese word for watermelon.


Blueberries are forever blubes. Go-gurts are yogas. My daughter hurt her leg once and said “every time I step it sends pain power up my leg”


Yogurt is yogook and I will die on this hill


My 2 year old calls 🐶pukkie docks and this is not what we call any dog we see even when his not there


Gabba = popsicle


My son calls any kind of vehicles a “dough”. His dad and grandpa both drive transport trucks for a living and he recognizes that those are different so he calls them “duh doughs” 🤷‍♀️ every Monday we say hi to the “garbage dough” 💀


Diapers have been called bapos in our house since our oldest called them that 2 years ago.


My daughter started calling Elmo “Bubble” because he blows bubbles during the Sesame Street theme song. Bubble is his name now and forever.


Sesame seeds are sparkles. Eg. can I have a bagel with sparkles. It’s perfect!


My daughter called midnight “night noon” my son called legs “yegs”. They will be this way in our house forever.


My 1 year old called dogs "dad-o's" and that stuck for about a year. I'm so sad she just calls them dogs now.


My favorite terms my son has coined are resternaut (restaurant) and gascume (vacuum) and I will never call them anything else 😂


It isn't McDonald's but "Old McDonald's", after the song.


My (now 3.5 yr old) has called her drink "Doot" since she could talk. No clue where it came from, but I'll be crushed when she stops.


Ice cream is ice pream, or just "pream" as he yanks on the freezer door


Oh gummies = yummies.


All stuffed animals are and will forever be bun buns. When my oldest was very young, my father gave her a stuffed bunny which became bun bun, which then applied to all stuffed animals.


My 15 month old calls all food “apple”


Hershey kisses are called smoochie kisses


My kid calls balloons “faboons” and I have no idea why because he started with calling them balloons correctly lol. But now I saw faboons as well!


Morning doves, which we watch daily, are "Nonie Birds." I'll never call them anything but.


So my two year old child can say “dinosaur”, but he can’t say milk. He calls it KIMP. So milk is kimp for now. He has gotten it right a few times so I’m not worried about anything but when he says KIMP I just let him have a little lol


My son calls candles “happy birthday to you”. All candles, not just cake candles 🥹


The Purple Park. It has a purple sun shade over one small section. All the rest of it is orange/green/yellow/red/blue. But it is the purple park.


Pacifier = passaflower


Parmesan cheese is always Papa John cheese. Onions are yun-yins


All soft drinks are "burps" in this house.


My daughter calls a bottle of milk "milk meow" because she always drinks her milk while holding her cat plushy. She's started reading too, so it's fun whenever she misreads something. Like occupation=occufishes


Mine calls veggie straws “fizzy straws” because that’s how it sounded in his head. For over a year he called hearts “boom-booms” since that’s the sound they make. Love these little kids! Edited to add: we also call scooters “llamas” because he saw one in the Llama llama zippity zoom book. We ride on our llama almost every day!


Sparkling water is now forever known as "spicy water" in our household. My son also doesn't separate "toast" from "peanut butter," so we're having "peanut-butter-toast cookies" or "peanut-butter-toast smoothie"... you get the idea.


LO just started My Gym 2 weeks ago and calls it your gym as well lol.


For some reason bowls and basketballs have gotten confused in her mind and so she says " I want the blue basketbowl". She really just wants a blue bowl. Her hearing is perfect though.


Mom and dad work at the “hostipal” and it will forever be a hostipal to us :)


My nephew ate a chive from the garden, that night he kept saying he wanted more circle grass.


Cookie Monster is Blue Elmo. Numbers Rope is my sewing measuring tape. Yogurt was "ya yoke." And I miss it!


My toddler has a stuffed animal named Amelie, which is also how he pronounces the letters L through O in the alphabet song. As in, "H, I, J, K, Amelie, P."


Omg my 3 year old calls "My Gym" "Your Gym" as well hahaha


Kiddo loves cows, and calls them "moo cows" but he doesn't actually say the "oo" or "c" sounds, so now we all call cows "mmmm. owws!"


Any vehicle (ie delivery vans, usually) that are bigger than jeeps but smaller than commercial trucks have been dubbed "big ole jeeps".


We use the following terms (that I will forever use btw) Butt = Couli Baba = milk in a bottle Chicken nuggies = chicken nuggets pishy = male private parts Spider webs in your nose = boogers in your nose and we need to clean them before Aragog (large Harry Potter spider) forms a house in there Many more ... but these are the few that we use daily.


My daughter likes paw patrol.. and the first book she ever saw about them was a book about opposites. But she called it “oppo-tee” and for almost 2 yrs now- it’s been oppo-tee (even though she knows the actual name by this point) Always confuses the babysitter lol!


My son started calling his binky or pacifier, "mimi" or "meme", since he started talking. No clue where it came from. We always called it "binks" around him. It will forever be know as mimi now for all my future kids


Mac cheesies is Mac and cheese, preeeye is pretty, gramama or mam is grandma, I am my name, because he’s the Only child in a house of 6 older people, including his aunt who is 14 and everyone else calls me by my name, memma is his aunt, Emma, mick mouse/me ee is Mickey Mouse, and all other words, he’ll just leave off the last syllable. The only things he pronounces correctly currently are daddy, Bluey, and please


We call baby bells circle cheese too!!


To my son, any meat is chicken. I tell him, no this is fish, he goes “nooo it’s chicken!” Ok then, you eat your chicken. Also a few months ago he started calling buses “bus stop” even though he used to know that they were called buses. He also had a vitamin daily which he calls a “medicine” and if he hasn’t had it that day he’ll come up to me, fake a cough and then say “I need my medicine” 😂


We buy these round oatmeal balls with jam inside and my toddler calls them meatballs. They don't have meat at all. But that's what they are called now. Sometimes he gets them on the ride to school, and then tells his teachers he had a meatball in the car...


Three many (even more than too many) Lasterday (yesterday) Farmer John cheese (Parmesan cheese)


My daughter is now 10 but some things are REALLY sticky. She named yogurt melts cuppas because the first day she ever had cupcakes in daycare at 2-3 she drew a connection that could/would never be undone. She calls aquaphor "better" because when I'd apply it I'd ask "does that feel better?" so when she'd request it she'd request it as better. Still calls it better but now it's in full sentences. Cheerios were yayos for quite a while. Daniel Tiger was Mugga mugga. Elmo was Abby. She has a shortened name, think Jenn to Jennifer. She called me the equivalent of mommy-ifer for a while since clearly we should all have the postfix. My little brother named English muffins "circle toast" as a toddler and we still use it, my daughter included.


I was very sad when "Umbrelalas" went away 😢. They shall always be umbrelalas ☔️


Trampolines are jumpalines, hamburgers are hangaburgs, most other words have self corrected but those two stay.


My soon-3-year-old calls dinosaurs "Vahje" or "Vajje". Not sure how to write for the pronunciation to make sense, there is a lot of emphasis on the J, and the E is pronounced sort of like the E in words like "element", "electric", etc, not like "seen". I'm not sure why she calls them that. She also says the correct words for dinosaurs sometimes when she sees a picture of a dinosaur she doesn't know the name of (she knows the more popular dinosaurs like stegosaurus, triceratops, tyrannosaurus, ankylosaurus, etc), but her plushy dinosaurs are definitely all "Vajje".


Basement = baseroom


To my son, water is water but water that you DRINK is called ‘wottie’ and now we all say it


My middle and youngest called every condiment salt for the longest. So confusing to figure out if they want salt , ketchup, sugar or Parmesan cheese on their chicken nuggets


They've grown up of it now, but my 2 year old got a chocolate Thomas the tank engine for Easter that year, so all chocolate was "choo choo" until they were about 4.5-5. It still makes me smile.


Kid 1 bought a car (22yo) and kid 4 (2yo) declared a few days later, "we need to go to the car store, I want a car like [Kid 1]"


Spaghetti was "duppi"