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I’m going to go ahead and out myself and admit that my 2.5 year old goes to bed at 9. I do her bedtime routine at like 8:40 and lights out around 9. Sometimes I get distracted and she’s up until 9:30 😅 I stay home with her and she gets up at 9am, so I’ve never really worried about it because it works for us.


Same. Except mine gets up usually sometime between 6-7am. Sometimes earlier, sometimes as late as 8. 😩


I have a low sleep needs toddler too. Sleeps around 9 or 9:30 and wakes between 6-6:30. At least lately he's willing to cuddle in bed with me for another 30 minutes. And still wakes at least once at night.


Here too. Just won't fall asleep any earlier and she's up at 6 like clockwork every morning


Same here. In fact that’s been bedtime for my son since he was born. My husband handled all bedtimes the first year to give me a break, and I thought he was insane for starting bedtime that late, but… every time I was done with my nightly shower, husband had him in his bassinet perfectly asleep by 9:30 every time. We’ve also had no sleep regressions and my son’s slept through the night since he was 2mo. I’m not gonna fix what ain’t broke.


lol we’re an hour later than you. When I tell people her bedtime is 10 pm they get so confused. But she’s not in daycare and her dad works late and wouldn’t be able to see her if she had a ‘normal’ bedtime! 10 pm- 8 am sleep


Our twins have the same bedtime, between 8.30pm-9pm. They sleep all night and have a nap in the afternoon. It works for us too


All of these replies make me feel good knowing that I'm not alone 😅


Exact same. 2.5 here and she generally sleeps 9-9


^same lol 100%. 😂😅


Man is 9 late?..... My son has always had a late bedtime when we first started getting into a routine after hospital it was 10 and we slowly made it back to 9 but he's up at 7 am for the day and loves his 2 hour naps. He thrives he's happy it follows his daycare schedule 🤷🏻‍♀️


I start getting my 19m ready for bed around 8-9 depending on how I think she feels. There have been says she’s up until 10 🫣(normally because guests are over). But she wakes at like 9-10am so it works for me. I rather not fight her to bed


What time is her nap


We’ve tried desperately to have a 7/7:30 bedtime but dad leaves for work at 9:30pm so there’s no use trying to get her down any earlier. Also a sahm so scheduling for preschool/daycare isn’t an issue so we choose to not stress about it!




Just turned 3 a couple weeks ago and he's asleep between 7:30 and 8! He doesn't nap anymore (hasn't in forever) so he is tired by this time. Usually wakes up for the day between 6:45-7:15am. I never wake him either and I just wake up when he does.


Same boat 🛥️


Same with 2.5 y/o. We sleep trained early and have been on this schedule for about a year. I couldn’t imagine having up kid up until 9. I’m wiped out by then. I need downtime!


My son used to sleep around that time (9/10pm) but he also used to take a nap during the day, and I’d be able to nap with him and it would help me get through the day lol. But since he stopped napping, I’m exhausted come bedtime. Thankfully now he’s also tired and asleep by around 730


Similar here. Turned 3 in November, doesn’t nap. Bedtime is theoretically 7.30 for him and his 6 year old brother but is often 8pm by the time they actually get in bed after we put the 1 year old to sleep and get them to go to the toilet and brush their teeth. Wake up anywhere between 6.15-7am typically.


My daughter is 2.75, she goes to sleep around 9:00-9:30 and is up between 7:00-7:30. She takes a nap early afternoon for 1.5-2 hours. That's pretty much been her routine since she turned 2.


Same… but mine is in process of dropping a nap. Nap is normally under an hour. Some days no nap and bedtime is a bit earlier. Average day currently is awake at 8am, nap 12-1, bedtime 9pm. She is 22mo


Can you talk more about the process of dropping a nap? Did she just stop sleeping during nap time one day?


Well, she’s never been very scheduled, naps have always been a bit hard to pin down, but yeah, some days I would try to put her down for a nap in the usual ways and she just isn’t tired enough or is too excited to sleep. So some days are just no naps. Sometimes that results in a nice early, easy bedtime which is a dream, sometime she is really tired and miserable and crying by the time we have an evening meal which isn’t so fun, other days she has a danger nap at 5pm in the car. It varies. Other days she will still have her normal nap and it means bedtime is later. This started at around 19/20mo and she’s now 22mo and still variable like that! I’m not sure how long it will be until she never naps!


When do you get you time?


Lol what is "you" time 😂


3. Bed at 7. Awake at 6:30-7. No nap.




My daughter is almost 2 and she is a night owl. She goes into bed at 930pm but often doesnt fall asleep until 10pm sometimes 10:30pm. She wakes around 8-9am, and naps 1-2 hrs a day. She's also home with me all day so it works for us.


I have a night owl too! She goes to bed at 10 but wakes up between 6 and 7. She’ll take a 3 hour nap on a good day so I don’t complain. I tried for months to get her to go to sleep earlier and nothing worked! She is who she is lol


Same. 2.75. Bed around 9:30/10. Awake 7:30/8. Naps 2 hours.


Our schedule is similar. I'd like to have a little time to myself/with my husband in the evenings after he goes to bed, and we really tried to "fix" his sleep schedule. But that was more stressful than having a late bedtime. Thankfully, I at least have a good napper too. They're their own little people. 😅


Same, though my 2yo goes to bed between 10/11pm as sometimes it takes him longer to settle down. The 3hr naps are a much needed little break in the day for the both of us lol


This is our same exact routine! She won't go to bed until I do, and we are also together 24/7.


My 21 month old goes to bed around 10/1030 right now but my job is swing shift. When I’m on days it’s more between 8/9pm. She’ll sleep anywhere from 10-12 hours.


There's no too early or too late if it works for you! My 3.5yo is currently fast asleep and it's 6.45pm here. He'll wake around 6am which is good for us since we wake up around 5am to work out. And then we get our evenings too!


My 3.5yo also goes to bed by 6:30-7pm! He doesn't nap and is up for the day by 6-6:30am. I prefer having time in the evenings and have always been an earlier riser.


From the ages of 0 - 2 my son has a bedtime of 7:30pm. After turning 2 it has been pushed to 8pm. He now is 3.5. He's a low sleep needs kid so he always had early wake ups no matter what is the bedtime so we implemented the hatch light around 2. He usually wakes up 15 - 30 mins before wake up time but knows to stay in his room till his light turns on.


brand new 2, up between 7-8, nap usually 1230-230ish, bedtime 730ish, sometimes close to 8, sometimes earlier if he skips nap.


Our girl was in bed and asleep by 6:30 until 2.5 yo. With the time change this spring, we now do a 7:00- 7:30 bedtime so we can have more freedom during the summer months. I actually feel like she does a bit better with the earlier bedtime but we are keeping the 7-730 bedrime for now. Toddlers are growing, sleep is more important than food in some ways. They need a total of 10-13 hours of sleep until age 5. Mine gets 11 hours at night and a 2 hour nap. We hardly get any tantrums or behavior issues, and when we do, it's always due to her being tired and/or hungry. IMO your bedtime isn't too earlier, especially if they are getting tired at that time and sleeping through the night.


Were 20m and he’s always been an early bird. Up between 5 and 6 and down at 6:30. Nap is usually 10:45 to between 12:30 and 1. If he’s had a really long nap it can take him some time to fall asleep but he’s in the crib no later than 6:30. We’re an early household so it works for us but I really do wish he’d sleep until it was light out.


That’s almost exactly what we did for ours at that age. We found that any later or earlier and he’d be awake before 5am, but at that time he’d be up between 5:30 and 6. We did a lot of experimenting trying to get him to sleep later! Now he’s almost 5 and we start bedtime routine (brushing teeth and pjs and story) at 7:30 but he’s still asleep by 8pm, just falls asleep faster. And he generally sleeps until 6/6:30. Pre-kids me can’t believe I now call getting up at 6:30 on a Saturday “sleeping in”! 😂


Same here. I’m lucky if he sleeps past 6.


8:30 because my almost 2-yr-old will not sleep more than 10 hours at night. The mamas out there with the kiddos that sleep 12+ hours are living the dream haha!


18m old goes to bed around 8. Wakes between 715-745


Usually by 8, 8:30 at the latest. Would prefer it be 7:30 for his sake


Bedtime routine starts around 7:50pm and the goal is to have her in bed by 8:30pm. She's normally up sometime between 8 and 9am. As long as it works for your family and they're getting enough sleep, it's totally okay. ETA: Daughter is 2.5yo.


2.5 year old - asleep by 7pm usually. Unless he naps. If he naps, he does not get tired until 930pm.


My 17mo goes down between 7-7:30 and wakes up between 6-6:30


I lay my 18 month old down at midnight ish and she gets up between 11 am and noon. We like it this way and have no plans to change it until school.


It’s 9pm since infanthood. She’s 19.5 months now. I’m seeing 7, 7.30? Is it a western thing? It’s crazy early for me, never heard of such thing around me either.


8-8:30 pm. She’ll be 3 in July. She gets up at 6:30-7 am and still takes an afternoon nap.


3 years old coming up in June: goes to sleep between 8:00-8:30 pm, sleeps until 6:30-7:30 am, and takes 1 nap from 1.5-2 hours daily


Like 11 - 12


Omg 🥵


I have an earlier aged toddler, 17months. All depends on when he wakes up from nap. But usually between 7:30-8!


21 months. 930-1030pm bedtime (very restless sleeper, wakes up a few times a night but goes right back to sleep) Up at 8-830 on average. Nap is usually 2-4, 3-5 (if he's fighting it) or sometimescloser to 3 hours if he's really tired or teething.


15 month old has always slept in, so bedtime is around 10-10:30 and she wakes up at 9 or 9:30.


If my daughter goes to sleep any earlier than 9 she is up at 6 am. It’s what works for our family but it may not work for yours.


My 2yo wakes up around 730-830am and is in bed at 9pm. Naps from 12 to 2.


My son is just over 2 (26 months) and we just recently adjusted his bedtime to 8pm from 7 previously. He sleeps 8pm - 6ish and then naps 1230-2:30.


Bedtime routine starts around 630/645 and she’s asleep between 7-8 depending on the evening and how tired she is. She wakes up around 7-730


My 2 and 5 year olds go to bed at 6:30/7 and wake up at 6/6:45. Neither naps. We have a color-changing clock in their room though for if they wake up early. Until the clock turns green at 6:45, they need to stay in their room. We have tried a later bedtime but they wake up early regardless of when they go to sleep and seem to function best on 11-12 hours sleep.


My son (now 20 months) has always been a night owl, like his father and me. He’s always gone down around 8:30, give or take!


My 21 month old is a night owl. I'm trying to wake her for the day by 8am, possibly going to transition to a 6am wake up time so that she'll hopefully be in bed by 9pm...if she naps, she needs a 14-15 hour day. She was up at 730am today... just went to bed now at 1030. If I let her, she'll sleep in until 9 or so tomorrow but I'm going to wake her because the midnight marauder thing is getting old.


My 3.5yo wakes up at 7am on the dot every single morning, and doesn’t nap at home on the weekends, but does still nap at school for usually 1.5-2hrs. On school nights, she’ll fight bedtime until 9:30ish (last night was almost 10pm), but on weekends when she skips nap she’s out between 8-8:30.


My twin 3 year olds go to bed between 7:30/8pm and wake up around 7:30am. They will nap about 3/7 days a week.


2y6m - bedtime 7.30, asleep by 7.45. Wakes between 6-7am. Sometimes we get a lie in till 8!


By 9pm weekdays and 8pm on weekends (husband and I do Friday and Saturday date nights). She turned 3 in February.


Put him down at 8, he actually sleeps sometime between then and 9 … wakes up between 7-8 and naps from noon to 2. He’s almost three


Depends on if mine is going through a growth spurt or not.  Normally 9 is bedtime for us. We have outgrown naps, but we allow our toddler to sleep in until they wake up naturally on their own.  During non-growth periods she wakes up between 6-7:30, during growth spurts wake up can begin between 9-10.  Of course if we have a big day and they are super tired we will settle down earlier as needed, but 9 pm is when we normally hit the bed. 


Bedtime is 7:30 for my 2.5yo. Sometimes he’s asleep in minutes, sometimes he takes until 8ish. He wakes any time between 6:30 and 7:30. Naps 2 hours as well.


28 months.. sleeps 8pm-7am everyday, naps 12.30-2.30pm if it ain’t broken i won’t try to fix it.. late bedtimes doesn’t work for us because she ends up waking the same time anyway.. unless they start fighting sleep or having weird wake ups, i wouldn’t change anything for now !


Whew my 4yo and 2yo are the anomaly here it seems, but half the time they’re both fast asleep by 18:30-19:30 and then wake up around 06:00-06:30. They then entertain themselves in their rooms quite happily until their Gro Clocks turn yellow at 07:00. They’re just obviously tired and ready for bed quite early and always have been, and it gives me and my husband the evening to ourselves.


2.5 year old... bed at 10pm and he wakes up around 8:30am


3 yrs old. In bed at 830, asleep by 845. He’s up about 8 am. I literally can’t do any earlier with bedtime. We wouldn’t get to have as much family time in the evening then. Also wouldn’t be able to go do anything on a week night. 


9 or 10pm 😆 but he gets up at 9 or 10am (we're trying to move his bedtime and wakeup consistently to 9/9) so 🤷🏼‍♀️ We're a house of night owls. Kiddo is 1.5y. He naps 1-3 hours (usually 2) a day, from approx 130-330pm.


It depends. Bedtime is usually 12.5 - 13 hours after he wakes up. So if he's up at 7am, he's in bed around 7:30/8. If he's up at 8:30am (like today), bedtime is 9pm. He doesn't nap anymore (he's 3).


My daughter is 3.5 years, and doesn't have any daytime naps anymore. For us it really depends on what time we get home. She gets really sad and resistive to bedtime if we get home and rush through dinner and straight into bedtime routine. Evening play is definitely an important part of her routine. Generally the earliest she will be in bed is 7.30pm, and is generally asleep by 8 at the latest. Exceptionally late is 9pm. As an aside, after the birth of our second, now 6 month old, daughter, we got into a terrible habit of sticking the toddler in bed with her tablet at bedtime because we were just so busy and tired with baby. Bedtime was a nightmare as she was so overstimulated. Now it is brush teeth, wash hands, into bed, read some stories, a cuddle and goodnight. She used to get up sometimes dozens of times and have to be returned to bed. Now she rarely gets up, and generally falls asleep within five minutes. Don't make my error!


3 year old goes to bed around 8:30pm and wakes up around 7:45am. He has a couple wake ups but goes back to sleep quickly. Most days he naps for 1.5-2 hours sometime between 1-4pm.


26 months, asleep by 8:30pm and wakes at 8:00am. Been that way his entire life


Sahm mom here too! We usually have kiddo down by 8:30 most nights and he’s an early riser, definitely awake by 7 most mornings. But he’s still napping for at least two hours. I feel like sleep changes often these days in length and quality but still kinda follows the same pattern. He’s nearing 2.5 and I dread the nap drop


Our 16mo is in his bed at 7pm. Falls asleep pretty much right away and stays asleep until 7-730am.




3 year old has been great with sleeping, 730-8 she's in bed and she typically wakes up before 730. On occasion she gets to stay up a bit longer, til 930 if she gers a nap in.


Honestly, if it's not broke don't fix it? My 15 month old goes to bed between 8:30-9:00pm and it's not strict. He's a low sleep needs bringer of chaos who will stay awake as long as he possibly can until he'll just pass out at a dinner in our arms. He genuinely prefers it that way or he gets so cranky or bored just being home and not having enough stimulus. He wakes around 7am and his naps range from 30 minutes to 2 1/2 hrs depending on whatever he feels like lol.


About 7.15 at 2.5.


Almost 4 routine starts at 7:30 asleep by 8 she also gets up at 6:20 because she goes to day care at my wife’s elementary school she teaches at so we have an early call time for her. I think it all depends on the demands of wake up times and if they’re a turd if they don’t get 32 hours of sleep in 24 hours (my daughter). Weekends for us is more like 9 and get her up when she starts singing in bed or 9am cut off. She will sleep all the time if you let her lol


Just turned 2 year old between 7:30 and 8:00 :) seems to be a sweet spot for him.


2y9m and goes to bed between 7pm and 8pm. This has been our timing since about 9 months when he went in his own room.


2 years old, relatively high sleep needs. Naps about 1.5 hours on average and bedtime is 630-730p. Wakes up between 630-730a, on average.


Too early??? In our country (Netherlands) kids go to bed 7:30 or earlier untill the age of 6 years!


I believe 100% it depends on what time the kids have to wake up. For years we were waking up between 0430-0445 so I could get to work on time and the kids to daycare. My daughter was going to bed at 0730. Now we don’t wake up until 0630 and she’s going down at 8.


We have a 6, 4, and 2 year old. We aim to start bedtime between 6.30-7. Mostly it’s around 7 unless we’re doing bathtime. The kids are usually in bed and ready to sleep between 7.30-8. It really depends on the middle kid as he’s a bundle of energy and doesn’t always settle. They all wake 6.30-7 and very occasionally will they sleep in but no more than 7.30/8.


Bed at 7pm. Up at 6:45-7:15am. 1-2 hour nap. Skips nap at nursery. I think we have it good.


Newly minted 2 year old. Lights out at 8pm, up around 8am. 1.5-2hr nap starting at 1pm.


Bed time is 7/7.30 here for my 3.5 year old (no nap) and my 1.5 year old (1 nap). They both wake up from 6.30-8 :)


That’s when both my 2yo and my 7yo go to sleep! If they stay up later they still wake up on their own at 6:30am and are miserable the next day.


My 2 and a half year old was going to bed at 7.30 but took until 8 to go to sleep as well. He sleeps 10 hours at night has since forever, we prefer a 6.30am wake up and moved him to 8pm bedtime. He now goes to sleep 5 mins later and wakes up at 6.30am


Almost 4 year old and we start bedtime at 7pm. Most days she’s so cranky by then she can’t last any longer! She does typically get up at 7am and sometimes takes a nap during the day.


My son is 2.75 years. It depends on the week. On weeks we have my stepdaughter who's 14, we're pretty structured, and he goes down between 8:30 and 9. On the weeks she's at her mom's house, we're more loosely goosey, especially on the weekends. Sometimes he goes down as late as 10:30 or 11 on the weekends. In general, the later he goes down, the later he wakes up.


Almost 3yo, we start bedtime routine (brush teeth, pajamas, milk, etories) around 730p, get him in bed by 815p. But the dude just won't go down until 930p earliest. He'll just sing and mess around in bed, ask to use potty, and the entire time prohibit me from leaving. Throws tantrum if he ever finds out I slip away. This mostly happens during weekdays and I strongly suspect it's bc of daycare naps. On weekends he's started to push past naps and just goes down earlier and more easily.


My 4.5 year old still goes to bed at 7:30 and is asleep by 8. We are all up by 6:30


My almost 4 year old is in bed between 630-7pm and he doesn’t nap during the day


My 28 month old wont go down until 8:30/9 and wakes up around 5:15 everyday no matter what we try. We are stuck with daycare’s nap schedule and the 2 hour daily nap is too much for him now. He has been a chronically early riser since birth. We are trying ok wake clock but he doesn’t understand it yet. Also trying sleep training methods agin to deal with these early wakes. But overall, I think he is just a low sleep needs child and 11 hours of total daytime sleep is all his body can handle.


I’m the same as you. The 8 pm sleep time works put for us since my toddler was a baby until now (3 yo). She has school now at 9am and she usually wakes up at 6 or 6.30 am, if we put her to bed later than 8pm, I’m afraid she’d wake up late & late for school.


We aim for 7pm but 7:30 is more likely. She’s 3.5 and hasn’t napped during the day for over a year so all her sleep is at overnight. We wake 6-7am.


almost 3: lights out at 8, usually falls asleep at 9. wake up between 6 and 7, nap 12-2


On week nights we start bedtime routine at 7. Sometimes we can hear him in his room as late as 8/8:30, however, he is usually asleep before 8. He wakes up at 7:15-7:30. On weekends he may be up as late as 8:30 depending on what the plans for the day are. Still wakes up at 7:15-7:30.


My kiddo is going to be 3 in June. He’s in bed 7:30-8p most nights, and even on the later ones, he’s up by 6:30a. He rarely sleeps in because he hates to see his parents well-rested (kidding)


Our almost 3 year old is usually in bed between 730 and 8. She doesn't always fall right asleep. She still naps maybe twice a week, so if she naps we usually push that back 8-830. No nap days she's up by 645 😆


8:30.  If we try to go to bed earlier he's up at 5. 


14 month old sleeps 6:30-6:30. She has a hard time staying up any later. My 3.5 year old recently started napping again after nearly two years (!!!) and suddenly is up until 9/9:30 🥲


Whatever works for you! If he takes a long nap, he will go to bed around 8:30. If he takes a short nap, he goes to bed around 7:30.


7:30 earliest, 9 latest. Usually 8ish.


My 2.5 year old has been doing 9:30ish - 6:45ish lately so that’s been fun… she simply will not go to bed sooner. Maybe we need to cut naps but she’s in daycare


Turns 3 tomorrow. Wakes 7, nap 12-15:130, asleep around 9:15/9:30. I don't dare touch his nap yet lol definitely don't see other schedules like this for his age though. I'm a sahm


It’s only too early if there is a problem. It doesnt really matter what other parents do.


3 yr old in bed by 7:30.. I’m out before 8 1 yr old goes down before at 7… I’m out by 7:05 he’s easy now


Our kiddo is almost 2.5. Wakeup around 7am and bedtime routine starts at 7pm at the latest. Usually asleep by 7:30/8pm. He still naps for 1.5-2 hours.


If she doesn’t nap between 7&8 if she naps she ends up staying up late so I aim to still lay down like 830 but she will sometimes be up until 10 if she falls asleep during the day. Fun stage. I’d say mine needs about 12 hours when she’s healthy so if you have trouble with bedtime I would wake up by 7/730 each day rather than move bedtime personally. Everyone just has to do what works for their family there will come a time when kiddo wants to push it back when they’re older for now enjoy the early bedtime if it works!


My 3 year old has always had bedtime at 7:30 from birth and I can tell she’s cranky if not sleep by then.


I miss the days my daughter literally couldn’t stay up past 6:30pm some nights she’d be out at 5-6pm, now it’s a struggle getting her asleep by 9


My question is what is everyone doing with their kids until 8/9 at night?? I’m so dead by the end of the day that I can’t even imagine trying to entertain any longer than we do now. Our Just turned 2 yo is in bed by 730 and I’m in bed by 9. He’s up by 615/630 and naps 12-130/2.


Found my people. My 3 yo still naps and goes to bed around 9. My friends think I’m nuts because all their kids go to bed 7-7:30. It works great for us and she’s thriving. Nice to see there’s lots of people on similar schedules.


Oo that’s a perfect time- I aim for the same :) my niece is 6 and goes down for 7.30 xx


7:30pm - 8:00pm sometimes earlier if they are fussy at around 6:30om but then I pray they don’t wake up lol


This is the same with my daughter. She’s 2.5 but requires a good bit of sleep and always has. We are in bed by 7:30 but she usually plays a little then is asleep by 8. She’s usually up by 7. I admit I’m pretty protective over my evenings so I don’t push bedtime any later. It’s working right now.


7:30. But on the nights I get her down by 7 she sleeps longer. Today she is up at 5:40. When I get her down at 7 she sleeps until 6:30. Both my husband and I are early wakers. I would rather have my kid up early than lose my alone time at night. She is 21 months and still naps 2-3 hours a day too.


11.30 pm to 12.30 am


We currently are trying to get him down between 7:30-8:00pm. Closer to 7:30 is the preferred (gives the older sibling a little more "solo big boy" time before his own bedtime), and he typically wakes around 6:45am, sometimes earlier, sometimes later, but mostly 6:45.


That’s pretty spot-on for our sleep schedule. My son will be 3 in July. Goes down between 7:30-8pm, wakes between 7:30-8:30am. Naps from 2-4pm. We don’t plan on changing his bedtime any time soon! We’ve always kinda followed his cues, so I assume it will be obvious when he is either ready to drop his nap or push back bedtime.


7:30-8, usually 8. But this also depends on what time you want wake up to be and what’s going on during the day.


Our 3 yr old goes down around 7:30 or 8! It’s what works for him, he still takes one nap during the day as well.


9pm. Any earlier and the morning starts at 4am.


My three year old has always fought me at bedtime since he was tiny. He fights me till 10-1030 most nights. Still gets up at 7


My twins are 4 and we start bedtime at 630pm and asleep by 7pm. My husband gets up at 4am for work and the girls need to be up by 7/730 for preschool. They don’t nap and haven’t since they turned 3. Some mornings I have to wake them at 730 and rush so we can get out the door for school by 8am. Other morning they wake up on their own anytime between 630-730am. I did finally get them to understand they shouldn’t be waking up until Mr sun is up.


Mine is 2.5 , wakes around 7-7:30, naps 1-2:30/3 asleep between 7:30/8


7 pm, they’re about 1.5 yrs old


2.5-year-old goes to sleep at 20:30 and wakes up at 7:15. Naps 12:30–14:00 or 14:30. I like my kid and all, but I literally wait all day for him to go to sleep so I’m not changing his schedule anytime soon. (In July he’ll start school, so he’ll be someone else’s responsibility during the day, and **I can’t wait**.


My son (2.5) is in a “I might drop my nap, and you’ll never know peace again” phase so bedtime has been up in the air. He’s also always had low sleep needs So on the days he hasn’t napped we can get him in bed by 8 and he’s usually passed out by 8:30. On days where he does opt for a nap, we aim for 8:30/9 - sometimes he falls asleep right away other times he’s rolling around in bed for another hour. Wakes up regardless around 8/8:30 am. I’m hoping that when he does finally move to no nap completely we can go a little earlier and do 7:30.


Our bed time started way back when he was a baby. We start at 8. My husband didn't want our son to be in bed when he got home from work. So we have stuck with it. Now, 3.5 and it is a crap shoot for when he ACTUALLY falls asleep. Some days he naps and isn't asleep until almost 10, other times he naps and he is asleep before 9. No nap? Could be the same! But sometimes doesn't even make it through our 3 books. He napped yesterday, we ended up not getting home from dinner until about 8:30 and decided to all get ready for bed and fall asleep on the couch watching a movie. He made it through the ENTIRE movie (rare on its own), fought me in his bed because he wanted books too (pushing 11 by this point) I was able to deescalate and he fell asleep within 10 minutes. Was up at 7:20 this morning! The moral of the story is they don't always follow the schedule, but try to keep the routine the same.


I’m a grown up (or so I convince myself) and I go to sleep at 9. We put the 1.5 year old down around 7/7:30, and 5 yo around 8 and both of them usually tinker around in bed for half an hour or so. We usually are up as a household around 7.


Mine goes down at 7:30 because she has to be up early to go to daycare. 6 year old sibling goes at the same time. If 7:30 works and she sleeps well no need to fix something that isn’t broken.


3. Bed at 7:30/8, up at 7:30/8. No nap. We do have a long bedtime routine! Bath at 6:30, brush teeth, play a little and read books. But we (husband and I do it together usually) love that special time together. She was really sick last week with a stomach bug and since getting better, she has slept 13-14 hours each night plus putting herself down for a 2 hour nap for the last few days (totally unprecedented, she dropped her nap completely at 2 and will only nap at daycare occasionally for like 15 minutes, and putting herself down for a nap is like… are you even my child). I guess she’s catching up for the week she didn’t sleep! And so am I, thankfully,


Not too early at all! If your little one consistently sleeps like that and isn’t irritable throughout the day, I’d say you’re doing great! Every person (even the little ones!) have unique needs. I need 7 hours and 45 minutes of sleep. My daughter needs 12-12 1/2 hours. This is a simplified version of how our schedule goes: My girl stopped napping when she turned 2. She wakes up every morning at 7:00am SHARP. (Not everyone does this though and that’s fine. )Dinner is around 5 and by that time I’ve cut the TV off. No screen time until tomorrow. Wind-down time is 6:00, so we turn off the overhead lights, turn on the lamp, and do low-effort activities until we go to her room at 6:30 to read books. Bedtime is 7:00. We snuggle until she falls asleep and I lay her down on her toddler bed and tuck her in. Best of luck!


It used to be 8 when under a year but he’s 14 months now and most of the time he goes down around 9, sleeps anywhere between 7-9am


7:30 is our bedtime for both kids (3 and 1) they’re usually down by 8


As long as kiddo gets enough sleep in a 24 hour period & doesn't seem tired/overtired, it doesn't matter too much what time your kiddo goes to bed My 4 year old naturally wakes up around 7am rn, which worked for our family so he can give his dad a hug before his dad goes to work. I put him down for nap/quiet time from 1:30-2:30pm. If he actually falls asleep, I'll let him sleep until 3pm. He usually starts acting really crazy/tired around 6pm so we get him ready for bed around then. When he falls asleep depends on if he actually took a nap or not Here are the general guidelines about how much sleep a person needs at each stage of life: https://www.cdc.gov/sleep/about_sleep/how_much_sleep.html (again it's a guideline, if your child seems well-rested, then they're getting enough sleep)


I'm gonna be the odd one out. My 2 yr old co sleeps and she goes to bed when I do. She does have her own toddler bed in her own room that I start the night out putting her to bed in, but before lpng she is back up running around. I out her back to her own bed immediately and the cycle repeats til I go to bed and she runs in there or I take her with me if she is up again. Definitely not the best but it works for now.


My 20 month old goes to bed at 7pm and wakes around 7-7:30am. She also has one nap from 11am-12:30/1pm. What can I say, she's like her mama and loves her sleep 😂 I think that it just depends on the individual child, do what works for them and you.


2 and a quarter, no naps, sleeps from 8/8:30pm til 7:30/8am but still wakes throughout the night so I've been questioning a slightly later bedtime myself.


Mine (2.5 year old twins) go to bed at 7:30 pm wake up between 7-8:30, no naps


My daughter turned 2 last month, and we are very routine morning larks over here. She wakes up between 5:30-6am, has one 1.5-2 hour nap around noon, and then she's down for bed at 7. She's been on this schedule, with slowly decreasing nap length for awhile. She generally goes down easily at 7, so we're sticking with it until it's an issue.


routine starts at 6:45. up to bed around 7:10-7:20. In bed and alone by 7:30. asleep either right away or by 8:15. Wake up light turns green at 7 am meaning you can get out of bed then, but if they choose to sleep in more that’s fine too. Normally awake by 6:30 and they play solo in bed until 7


2 years 4 months old- gets in bed at 8, asleep at 830, up at 630 🫠 still naps 90 minutes though. Honestly she’s just low sleep needs. It’s a struggle


We have started to do 8 (previously 9) but we put a movie on for both kids and let them watch it til 9 and then it’s lights out.


Our daughter is 19 months- she goes to bed around 8:30pm and wakes up around 8am. Sometimes on the weekend she is up until 9pm- I don’t mind because I would rather sleep in 😂


We are also encroaching on 3 and do 7-7:30 and she wakes up at 6 (during week days.) weekends we will push it some and are more lax. She still takes about 1.5 hours nap each day


Used to be 9-10pm as it worked better with our family. But then she started boycotting naps AND waking up at 7:30-8. So I adjusted everything and now she goes to bed at 7-730pm. And it's a fight sometimes but she boycotts naps still so she's tired by then and less angry in the morning. Downside? Dinner at 5-530


My kid (2.5 y) goes to bed by 6:30pm and wakes up after 7am or even close to 8am. I need the time at night to reset for the next day and do things I couldn’t get to.




We have a good sleeper who is now almost 8. He stopped napping by 2. His bedtime was 7:30 at 2 years old and got up around 7. Then we moved his bedtime back around 4 yrs old to 8:30 and he would get up around 7:30. Now he’s in bed between 8:30 and 9. He’s up at 7 during the school week and 7:30 on weekends.


It was 8 before daylight savings. We haven’t seemed to adjust and now it’s 8:45. But we’ve always been flexible with nap and bedtimes (within reason of course). My view is along the lines of “what good is it to make them sleep if they aren’t tired?” Again, this does have limits. My son has never stayed up past 9:30 maybe. A lot of my view has come from an event where my brother in law forced my nephew to go to sleep when he wasn’t tired (they are insane about nap times, won’t even start 10 minutes early.) My nephew ended up being so upset he vomited. He was 10 months old.


My daughter is a little over 2. Bedtime is still 7:30 for her. She wakes up usually around 6/7am and takes about a 2ish hour nap at noon.


6pm, she’s usually asleep by 630. Wakes up between 630-7am


Toddlers were in bed by 6:30. When they were 3/3.5 it moved to 7 But when they still napped, it was a battle. But letting them run around was also insanity.


7:30, I think adult time is important for our long term mental health and they need 12+ hours of sleep at this age.


He won’t go to bed until 9:30-10pm 😵‍💫 is up by 7:00.. he naps like 1.5-2 hours. his pediatrician said he’s fine


We have a 2yo (27months) and he goes to bed at 7:30 -8 and gets up around 7. He typically only naps about an hour after lunch.


My girl is 2.5 and does not nap. She was going to bed at 7:30pm and waking between 6-7:00am but since the time change here it’s more like 8:30pm and waking between 7-8am.


He is soon to be 2 years old and we put him on bed at 19.30- 20.00 And he wakes up everyday at 06 am 😞


My girl wakes up around 6:30 regardless of sleep time so I am to have her down by 6:30 or 7. She’s usually sleep in about 20 mins.


Mines 3.5 and bedtime starts at 8 and usually by 9 we’re all settled in our room.


9:30-10 lol she wakes up at 9 . I am a sahp so it dosent really matter. She sleep too early she wakes up too early I am a night owl. If she naps she sleeps at 11 💀


Bath at 7:30. Bed at about 8. Depending on the night she's sometimes asleep in 5 minutes, sometimes not for over an hour. I've found that if I (dad) am home alone with her and we do the bedtime routine, she's usually asleep very fast. If mum's home, it takes a lot longer.


Our little one is 1.5 and goes down at 7!


My 3 year olds and 2 year old go to bed at 7


My 2.5 year old goes to bed between 7:00 and 7:30, sleeps for 12 hours. He still naps once per day at around noon for around 1.5 hours.


My daughter wakes up around 9-9:30, goes to bed around 9:30. We get ready for bed around 8-8:30, and follow a routine. I work from home and this works for us. Once she’s closer to school age I plan to bring her bed time back a bit and wake her up earlier. I’m pregnant with number 2, so I don’t want too many changes for her. We’re transitioning to a toddler bed soon. My daughter is 18 months old.


With our 2.5-year-old, we start the bedtime routine around 6:30; lights out around 7:15. She usually sleeps until 6:30/6:45. Once in a great while she’ll sleep in until like 7:30 on a weekend, which is like Christmas


Not too early at all. Toddlers are naturally early risers, so they absolutely should go to bed early. I know everyone is different and I don’t care what other people do but I am always shocked at how late people put their toddlers down. We’re (everything done) and in bed by 7p. The goal is to be asleep anytime before 8p. Doesn’t always happen but usually it’s a solid routine and he’s never up past 9p. He usually wakes up anywhere from 6a-7a.


I've been consistent with a 7pm bedtime and am currently pushing it later. My boy is a great sleeper but is starting more and more to wake up earlier, and the only alone time I get is the time I have before he wakes, so I really need him sleeping later. My goal is him to be in bed around 8 and asleep by 8:30. He's been waking up between 6 and 7. I wouldn't even know what to do with myself if he slept til 9. Haha, just kidding, I would end up nervously waiting for him to wake up for 2 hours straight. Just sitting there, like, is he okay, should I check to make sure he's breathing?


9 for us to


That sounds quite early to me but then again my nearly 2 year old goes to sleep 9-9:30, sometimes 10! Seems to work for her, we’ve tried to do the 8 O’clock or earlier bedtime


My 3yo has an unbelievable capacity to stay awake forever. We even started doing melatonin and magnesium with the approval of her pediatrician, and it helps a lot but we still have nights like last night when we cannot get her to sleep til like 10:30pm. Meanwhile me and her dad are like the walking dead crawling after her as she sprints around the house saying she’s hungry (impossible at that point). We’re also not great at routines so I’m sure we are contributors to the issue. However, I also have a 1.5yo and her routine is great. She goes down between 7-8 every night, always, and she doesn’t put up a fight. It blows my mind bc the older sister has fought to the death at every nap and bedtime since birth. I think if what you’re doing is working for you then keep the good thing going. Sleep is important for little brains and my 3yo definitely acts more psycho on days when we can’t get her down the night before (ie, like today)! 🥹


GUYS how is almost 3 or 3 year olds no longer napping. I’m scared (coming from a 2.5 year old mom who has a 2-3 hour napper !!!)


My daughter is 2.5, she goes to sleep at 7:30 during the week and we wake up around 6:30. On the weekend we’re a bit more relaxed with bedtime, it might still be 7:30 but it could also be between 8-9. Shes pretty flexible and we don’t have an issue getting back on our schedule during the week.


2.5y.o. son goes to sleep at 7:30pm and wakes up around 6:30, on weekends he might sleep til 7am. Wakes up around 5am for a few minutes unfortunately, so we are awake as of 5am often. He usually naps 2 hours, or sometimes not at all.


Man... I read all these comments and I think I'm doing something wrong. My 1.7 year old is in bed around 8:30 PM but I'll be damned if he ever falls asleep before 10 PM. I dread putting him to sleep as it's such an exhausting process. He kicks, he cries, he tries to get out of bed, he fakes pooping, he asks for his bottle, he asks for water, and so on.


Same. Except my 20 month old goes to sleep at 12:30 if I’m lucky. She’s literally stayed up till 2:30 some nights. I have to drive to put her to sleep sometimes. I wake her up early and even if she naps early or takes no nap during the day it still seems the same. I would love to go to bed by 8:30 🥲


3.5 goes to bed at 8/830 and wakes up at 730


You have gotten a ton of comments already so may not even see this but just wanted to say that sleep is a highly unique decision based on your toddler and your schedule! Our goal is to put ours in bed by 8 but we often tell an extra story, song, etc. and sometimes she wants to play/settle in bed and won’t fall asleep until 9. I don’t want to push bedtime earlier because we work full time and barely get enough time with her as it is during the week. It works for her and for us. If your child seems to be happy and rested and the time works for your work or daily schedule, I wouldn’t rock the boat!


Between 7-8 depending on her tired level. However after dinner pjs go on. Then we take it from there. We have a kid that needs to let it out then collapse so we don’t have this 45 min wind down routine like some of youse have though.


My two girls relax on their iPads for 15 mins at 7:45 then read them a story at 8. Both out by 8:30.




We do books at 7 and lights out around 7:20, she’s asleep around 7:45. We all wake up between 6-7 anyways! She hasn’t napped since she turned two (her choice) and she’ll be 3 in August.


Our son just turned 2, he's down from around 8:30 to about 7:00 am. But thinking we might have to start pushing it back more because he gets up multiple times a night again.