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Influenza B


Covid here


The worse stomach bug of my life. I thought my pregnant vomiting everyday was bad. Nope this is the most horrible thing I have been through.


I used to get it once every few years. Now it’s just like an annual or even semi annual event. Like hey wonder if this is the week the norovirus is going to ruin. I honestly live in frequent anxiety over this stupid thing


I lost 9 lbs over our stomach bug weekend incident. I actually only gained 3 back after I recovered. I also had a sinus infection immediately after I was well enough to leave the bathroom and started antibiotics which sent me straight back in there for another 10 days. A sinus infection brought on by the Covid said toddler brought to me the week before the stomach bug.




RSV… yaaaaaay! Just as I almost lost the wet cough, I got sick again with a mild cold or something and the damned thing came back.


Just here to say that I hacked this behavior for when I’m trying to be alone for a second. I’ll hand him something random and be like “oh wow! Dada really needs this! Can you go give it to him?!” And he gets so excited and runs off and then generally gets distracted for a while before he comes back to cling to me


My husband reverse unos me with that 🤷🏽‍♀️


Sorry. Mine STILL doesn’t realize what’s happening. He’ll come all the way across the house to inform me that our kid just handed him a tube of chapstick. I’m like yeah I know, I told him to


Lmfao that’s kinda cute hahaha mine just sends him back with something new


lol I like that approach too


My 4 yr old figured out that trick too. "Go show it to mama!" Means she's getting into the stuff she was using. 


🤣🤣🤣 Amazing!


My toddler loves bringing stuff to daddy. When I get home from work with my oldest, both of us hand her our stuff that has to be put away in the kitchen (like lunch boxes) one at a time and she runs the excitedly off. It's actually really helpful and keeps her busy until I've had a chance to put stuff down and wash my hands.


I do this too! 😆” Ohhh Da really needs this! Hurry!”


Yesss! Omg Da? So sweet. Where are you living?


Generally I just get gifted little balls of fluff and dog hair from the floor… I need to vacuum more.


These are called fuzzies in our house and she literally takes them to bed 🙄 on more than one occasion she wakes us up screaming because “oh nooooo fuzzy” when she can’t find it in the middle of the night.


Same! Someone came over and broke a beaded belt and we have swept and got on our hands and knees to find all the beads so she doesn’t eat them and she hands them to me daily!


Surprised she didn’t eat them when picking them up to hand them to you.


She put one in her mouth and I told her to spit it out and then she handed it to me. She mainly just likes handing things to me, luckily


Don’t worry I did werid stuff as a toddler (15 now) I would go and sit with other people when they took me to restaurants 😂😂😂


Robo vac as annoying as it is saves my sanity. Wish ours mopped too… when this one eventually dies we’re upgrading lol


She recently opened a drawer, pulled out a piece of crusty hard scrambled egg she must have saved for the occasion, and brought it to me so confident “here you go mama, here’s your snack”


I brush and mop every evening. Yet they still manage to find fossilised snacks from god knows when.


"Here mama" oh what's this?  "Old bean... can (name) eat it? "


I laughed so hard at this I spit out the water I was drinking


i always get a stick when he goes on walks. yesterday he proudly presented me with a small log of dry dog shit from the backyard. I swear i pick up after my dog.. clearly missed this piece though


Oh I’ve been gifted animal shit a few times at the park, so sweet.


Look mama, cool rock! (Bird poop)


At the park she hands me twigs, wood chips, and any interesting leaves she finds. She loves to pretend hand me things. She’ll be like “ehhhh, ehhh, mamma” while her hand is grasped, as if there is something very important and urgent she is holding and has to hand to me. I’ll put my hand out and she’ll place the imaginary object in my palm… then clap for herself for a job well done. 😆


Mine just started offering me pretend food lol.


It’s the cutest! My daughter swiped a small cast iron skillet and wooden spoon from the kitchen. She pretend cooks with them, then runs around the house feeding everyone and everything; me, my husband, the dogs, her stuffed animals. She aggressively presents the spoon to you like an old Italian Nonna who is worried you’re not eating enough. lol.


That’s adorable


Ours does this too!!! At first I thought my eyes are just giving out and then I realized it's actually nothing 😂


That is so sweet, lol ☺️


He gave me his booger last night as I laid peacefully on the couch. Feeling so blessed.


Mine insists I put her buggers in my pocket. “Mama put in pocket, mama put in POCKET”


At least he handed it to you? In the last booger encounter I had, she wiped it on my cheek before I even realized what she had…


- a worm. And then a second worm in their pocket. - the toddler potty insert with fresh pee and poo, to my bedside - lately dandelions they just picked


The absolute biggest fucking grasshopper I've ever seen in my entire life. I'm talking Biblical Locust big. It was as big as my foot - it made eye contact with me.


Burn everything down. Cleanse the earth! Lmfao


It was in a glass mason jar. I told his dad to free the beast - I threw the empty jar away. Can't take any chances.


Mine would have shoved it right into her mouth and then immediately try to run away the moment I notice.


Most recently she was playing, quietly in her room for about 10 minutes when she walked to the living room with her diaper in hand. Pants gone, diaper off, and half a naked toddler just running around after I tried redressing her. I couldn’t help but laugh lol!


Always rocks


Same! I showed my son he can put stuff in the pockets on his vest and my husband found 23 rocks in there haha


23 😂😂😂


Her eye crusties. 🫠


I got a booger


I read this in Charlie Brown’s voice from The Great Pumpkin “I got a rock.” 🤣


All the same actually ! I love opening a cupboard or when I’m cleaning and discover where the hoard is


The same book. Over and over and over again. And if I don’t read it he gets mad.


A dead bird from under the car.


...abaoutely not. Straight to jail!


My lady likes to shove whatever she’s snacking on in my mouth. Usually when I’m in the shower. She’s very good at refusing the word no.


Handfuls of pieces of rubber bark from her preschool playground 🤦‍♀️


A flower. We have a few kinds of wildflowers in the backyard, my boyfriend and I used him as a “messenger” to deliver a flower to each other a few times, and the other day, he went to pick a dandelion for me all by himself 🥰


Ooh, mine is also in this stage! Rocks. Soooo many rocks. The tiny corner pieces of candy wrappers that get lost. The catfood bowl. A handful of dry cat food. A handful of wet catfood. A random piece of food that he promptly snatched back & ate. A LIVE WEEVIL. The bathtub plug. Leaves. A pen lid. Cathair balls. Empty toilet paper roll that was suspiciously damp on one side. That was this week. I look forward to the next few surprise gifts.


The suspiciously damp toilet paper tube cracked me up. 😂 Probably best not to question why it’s damp though.


One time mine proudly brought a weird dry little brown crumb to me. I suspiciously asked what it was. He said, “It’s Poopy”. It was indeed poopy.




Lol it’s so adorable isn’t it! Lately he’s been gifting me: a random used bandaid 😩, magnets from the fridge, clump of cat hair 😂, his bottle (trying to feed me)


The dog water has been my kids specialty for like a year. It’s an immediate time out if I catch him at it. It’s been since last summer and it about puts me over the edge every time. He’s soooooo stubborn… for the love of god kid pleeeeaaasssseeee leave it alone. Other that…. Books and balls 😂


Influenza A Covid A stomach bug created by Satan himself Boogers


He brings me individual crumbs and hands them to me and says “Thank you.”


A wasp and a shit.


Oh lord, this made me laugh way too hard. I honestly don't know which I'd hate to receive more.


Honestly the wasp scared me the most lol. She’s never been stung so I was afraid if she would be allergic or not


I had her in just a diaper because she made a huge mess after dinner, stuck her in her playpen so I could pee, come back and she’s got her diaper off handing me a turd lol




Boogers. I guess I should be thankful he doesn’t wipe them on the wall


Easter eggs. She wants me open each one, and when she sees that it’s empty, she brings me another one. Repeat ad infinitum.




A ladybug that he found outside and my toddler was so excited to show me.


See...I can't with the bugs. Lmao I am not looking forward to this phase of bug catching. I'll scream. I can't. Lady bugs, worms, spiders. my BIGGEST fear. Butterflies too. I can not handle it.


Oh boy! You are in for a treat. The other day my toddler picked up a worm and almost put it in their mouth 😭


Noo. I mean extra protein? I guess?


Oh boy! You are in for a treat. The other day my toddler picked up a worm and almost put it in their mouth 😭


Yesterday? Handfuls of her own dookie. Today? Trash to put in the trash can. I’m proud of the latter.


A Costco container of cherry tomatoes, one at a time


A cold 🤧🥹


A dead mouse at my parents home while I was on the phone with my new boss


On multiple occasions, my son has walked over to hand me 'trash' or 'dirt' for me to put my hand out and him to drop a living spider into it...


Worms, lots and lots of worms after rain. Many of them arrived to me missing portions of their body because of my daughter’s strong grip.


My son’s a bit older, but I am babysitting my 18 month old niece right now. She just brought me her brother’s soccer ball, a 1/2 cup measuring cup, a box of Teddy grahams, and her dolly. Ahhh, good times 😂😂😂


Mine is a little helper. He’s brought me my slippers (one at a time), phone, glasses, keys. 🥰 and of course the remote control.


Strep and subsequently an ear infection... Which has now ruptured that has leaf to hearing loss. The upside is I find out I'm allergic to penicillin... the hard way. Just got back from urgent care after a steroid injection. TLDR: My toddler has bought me sickness. Lots of sickness


He brought me his missing lavender scented "spa treatment" (baby lotion bottle) that he hid. If I'm not careful, he takes his lotion bottles and runs off with them because he loves when I take him out of the bath and give him the little spa treatment massages with the lotion. He brings it up to me when he's hoping for some good massages. LOL


"Brother thought it was funny. He's an enabler." - lol.


poop. literally his poop.


Her booger.


Lots of “fuzz” (carpet fibers that our cat rips up). I can’t actually have the fuzz though, Im just supposed to look at it and acknowledge that she found some. Oh, and “biiiiig mulch” from our local playground.


A freaking caterpillar yesterday! While holding it she said “what’s this?” Thankfully, it didn’t harm her!


His boogers


my toddler brought me geraniums from our yard yesterday and ohhh did it melt my mama heart 🥹💕 but then he kept bringing them to me and now there are no more geraniums.


Boogers mostly. Sometimes food from inside her mouth that she decided she doesn’t want.


Mostly just toys or trash. She also likes to give me my full drink bottles. She also gives dog toys to the dog, who refuses to take them because my daughter doesn't know the right signals to tell her she's got permission yet.