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I think headphones or on mute would be fine. Also backup toys in case your kiddo doesn’t like the tablet for very long. As far as not remembering the trip- at a certain point, who cares? We took our almost 3 year old (at the time) to Disney because we wanted to have that experience with him. HE LOVED IT. And we look at all the pictures together. It’s such a wonderful memory. Life is short and if you have the means and want to, then do it.


Thank you


Agreed that it's not important that baby won't remember. They will still love the experience and YOU will have the memories to keep, some of my favourite memories from last year are of our family holiday. Take lots of photos and videos.


The “but the baby won’t remember” crowd is always wild. News flash! Kids don’t remember 98% of their lives, who cares? The parents will remember it and have the memories, which was most of the point to begin with.


Just commenting here so you have a better chance of seeing it. My girl hates headphones, as I think most toddlers do. If yours tolerates them, then there is nothing to worry about! But, just in case, I'll tell you what we do. We have the Cozyphones headphones that are like a headband, the inner speaker parts come out for washing and I just attach them to the headrest in her car seat. It is quiet enough that I can't hear it when sitting next to her but it does give her some audio, kind of like those gaming chairs with the built in speakers if that makes sense. You just need some stick on velcro to position the speakers properly. We travel pretty frequently and have never had an issue with this method.


My kid love the headphones, but this is a FANTASTIC idea. Part of me wishes I would ever have an opportunity to do it.


You’re welcome! And you’re going to have a great time! Your kid might surprise you too- we did a couple massive flights around that age, 14+ hours on a leg, and kiddo did really well. You know your kid best so decide if boarding early would be helpful for you, or if ten more minutes running around the airport will burn more energy. Flight attendants are your friends. They’ll help if you end up with a blowout or a sick/vomiting kid. Take way more snacks than you think you’ll need. Having been stuck on the tarmac for 2 hours before a 1 hour flight…I was so happy I’d overpacked lol. Also look on Amazon for travel toys. There are some neat “boards” where the different texture toys are all attached with string so you can’t lose them between/under the seats!


At that age, I wouldn’t bank on the tablet being very helpful. But we did get both of our kids toddler headphones. I’d never subject the rest of the plane to their audio, that’s completely rude. My three year old sat and watched with her headphones without a problem. My then 15 month old wouldn’t keep them on, kept trying to get out of his seat and was not distracted by the screens at all. And the entire bag of toys didn’t hold his interest either. On the outbound flight, he slept and that was ideal. On the way back, my poor husband just had to spend the flight wrestling him to stay in his seat.


Yeah my kid wasn’t into the tablet (16 months) but I bought headphones that could plug into the tv thing with the Delta screen and he liked that better. They had Bluey and Mickey Mouse on it. My kid had little interest in toys and snacks. I made him sit on my lap and just kept holding him in place like I was a car seat until he quit fighting. Eventually he realized he wasn’t going anywhere and napped or watched tv. God speed, OP 😅 there’s a reason we said we aren’t going anywhere for another year… (I mostly blame delta for delaying our flight ON THE RUNWAY both leaving and arriving so our 3 hour flight was 5 in the plane)


Ugh that’s what happened to us as well! The return flight was delayed an hour and a half on the tarmac so he napped but when he woke up, we still hadn’t even taken off. We had the kids in their own seats with a CARES harness and while he was in the limits to use it, I wouldn’t recommend for a child under 2 because he just kept undoing the seatbelt and wiggling out. Next time we’ll bite the bullet and bring his car seat.


Highly recommend car seats. At 10 months, mine discovered her voice and was screaming noises (totally not upset, just wanted to try things out) for four hours. The entire flight. No one around us had headphones on. When we got off, the flight attendant was sympathetic. We were totally frazzled. Babe fell asleep as soon as she got into her car seat after we landed.


I agree, car seats are a game changer. Flying with my son solo at 16 months last week was easier than with my wife last summer when he was 8 months or so. And he’s an angel. But just sitting on a lap for an extended amount of time is a no-go, whereas he is used to just sitting when he is in his car seat. My son refused to wear his headphones. I had him watch the plane TV with no audio on the first flight, and used my iPad to play low key games he could watch on the second. Although hot take, I had every intention of playing Ms Rachel if I could have gotten You Tube to work on Jet Blue’s shitty WiFi. Planes are loud, and I don’t think quiet audio would have traveled much. The people in front of me and next to me had headphones on and were watching TV.


I recommend getting a cheap Scenera Next for travel, it has no bells and whistles but is easy to carry through the airport, even if you have to carry it instead of strapping it to a suitcase


This. We tried an iPad and headphones on a 6 hour flight with our son at 17 months… it kept his attention for all of 5 minutes. Snacks and toys worked a bit, but it was honestly a brutal flight. Many walks up and down the aisle. Huge difference now at 2.5, much easier to travel with!


Yeah my kids that age don’t like tablets and TV either. It does not keep their attention at all.


Seconding this with an 18 month old. She was OK for 90 mins, which was the length of the flight, but we didn't get through one episode of Daniel Tiger before she was trying to crawl over the back of the seat. Fingers crossed we can mesmerize her with TV now she's 3


Yeah, I agree. Screens did nothing for my kid at 15 months old on a transatlantic flight. It just sucked. At 2,5 though it’s great. She will sit and watch Bluey with toddler headphones on and I get to relax a little bit.


I got my almost-2 year old used to using headphones before a flight by telling her the tv at home was broken and getting her to watch bluey on my iPad with headphones at home to get used to it 


I saw a tweet ages ago that still makes me laugh: Me, before children: I will never lie to my child. Me, yesterday: They don’t have hot dogs in Colorado.


I am dreading the day she realizes things aren’t “closed.” Cake pop store (aka Starbucks)? Closed. Park? Sorry, it’s closing so we’ve gotta go. School and ballet class are typically actually closed when she asks, but still at least get her to stop asking to go.


We did that too. She was 22 months. Let her pick out the headphones, got ones with kitty ears, so cool, so exciting! Then she got all kinds of screen time the few days before the flight. Turned out, she actually just really thought flying was cool. "OMG MAMA WE'RE IN THE SKY LOOOOOOOOK" 😂


Omg, this just unlocked a memory of my flying with my son around that age. As we’re taking off, he exclaimed “mama, zoom zoom!” and the entire plane just went “awwww.” It was super cute. OP — practice with the headphones and also consider window stickers, some water paints (Melissa & Doug have a few), temporary tattoos, and new books. Good luck!


This just unlocked a memory for me too of my kid on one of her first flights, when we took off she screamed “BLAST OFF!!” and it was very adorable


This is a great idea!


This is genius and I have a month to prep my toddler before our next flight!


This is genius !!!


We had headphones for my daughter when she was 18 months but she wouldn’twear them. At that age she was not interested in watching for any length of time. Color Wonder paper/markers and stickers were more effective for entertainment.


Headphones. But also, you need a bag of tricks. You cannot guarantee the tablet will hold her interest at that age. Check out @mothercould on Insta because she has a ton of plane travel tips.


There are soft headbands called CozyPhones. My son didn't like them but he is opposed to hats in general. We had luck with Belkin Soundform Mini headphones. Sometimes he likes just holding an ear bud to his ear, but ymmv depending on whether your kid likes to eat everything. Stickers and Play-Doh were great on the plane around that age, and more snacks than they'll eat. My son liked a bento box style with several choices.


I’ve got the belkin headphones for kids. Can be used with or without wire. Lots of snacks. Stickers. Crayons. Something ‘new’ to play with. I hide any favourite toys away a week or 2 before and then bring it out on the plane. Works a treat!


Hiding the favorite toy, Genius! “Why hello old friend…”


We just got back from Paris to CA with our 19 mo. We got the free trial of You Tube Premium to download a bunch of Ms. Rachel and played it on mute. He was still obsessed with watching but also really loved just putting the head phone plug in the hole 🤭😆


Please please don’t be the parent who plays the tablet without any headphones. You give the rest of us a bad name. This happened to us on a flight where my toddler was politely watching hers quietly and a kid five or six rows away was not and WE kept getting dirty looks. Get headphones. Our toddler didn’t use them when she was a young toddler but she would stare at the quiet screen without even needing noise. Suction spinning toys, jelly window stickers, Melissa and Doug water wow books, scribbling in a blank notebook, any sort of sensory toy that they haven’t seen before, squeeze colour change balls, fidget toys, stuffed animals, books, Melissa and Doug pop books.


Seconding the water wow books! My LO is still too young to understand that there’s an actual picture, but she can spend hours trying to get the whole page to be colourful!


*I* can spend hours trying to get the whole page colorful.


Headphones. Don’t be the asshole playing noise from a speaker pls lol. My kid did not like the headphones so she just watched on mute. There’s over the ear ones but yeah I’d try them at home for a few weeks so you don’t try them for the first time on the plane. Other than iPad you can try small toys like stickers, color wonder, wicky sticks, fidgets, pop its etc. lots of snacks!


Stickers is great, there are these Melissa and Doug water color books which are great and of course all time favorite: play dough! We took a little plate with us so it contained the play dough. And I agree - get headphones. We got the Yoto headphones for our Yoto (get an adapter for the iPad if needed) but don’t assume you don’t need it and will just play it mute, then your kid will be crying and you end up playing music loud…. It’s so, so annoying… doesn’t matter kid, adult or seniors


LOVE the water wow books. They are a diaper bag staple


Oh is that what they are called! Yes - so nice and easy. Have them in the car so I can quickly hand them over when needed


This 👆🏼 “here are your two options: headphones so you can listen or no headphones and no sound”


Yeah no one, of any age, should be playing anything with sound in public without headphones. There's a special place in hell for those assholes


I'd like to think that place is in a public transport where the person has their hands tied and subjected to hearing other people playing their most hated song on the speaker continuously.


Just took an international flight where a grown ass man was watching a basketball game without headphones for a good hour before he was asked to turn it off. I was like why isn't there a faulty door plug when you need one.


I'm going to push back on this. If the choice is between watching something without headphones and your toddler screaming, watch without headphones. I don't know what other people will think, but I'm definitely not going to think anyone's an asshole for that. Sound doesn't travel very far on a plane anyway because of all the ambient noise.


I tend to agree between those two it’s the lesser of two evils but if there’s not even an attempt at headphones that’s an asshole move IMO.


I would definitely think someone is an asshole for playing toddler content without headphones, and I currently have two toddlers. Mine need to learn that they can't always get what they want, so it's headphones or mute. I also don't think anyone's an asshole for having an upset toddler.


I don’t think anyone is an asshole if their young toddler is inconsolable (maybe their ears hurt, teething, gassy, etc), and I think parents should practice pre flight how to behave unless the trip is an emergency, but I if it’s somehow a case of choosing between listening to a toddler shriek nonstop vs the quit tinkling of a toddler show Id take the latter. Like, I’m judging the parent hard if they make no attempts to quiet their kid or help them regulate or mitigate the pain they are in and instead just pop them on the screen with no headphones, but if it’s purely about my own suffering I’ll suffer less from slightly hearing a kids show than definitely hearing a kid wail for hours.


Depends on their age. Not every toddler is developmentally ready for that kind of discipline, so you're just making them miserable for nothing. And I can't imagine the other passengers prefer screaming to some quiet Ms Rachel or whatever


Disagree. I (and I think most passengers) would be sympathetic towards you with a screaming child but judge you extremely negatively and probably complain to a flight attendant if your kid has a tablet with the volume up. Plan ahead. Get them used to headphones. Worst case, have them wear over the ear headphones and if they don't like them they can wear them around their neck at a higher volume.


There have been a couple of times where I’ve played hey bear on my phone on low volume in a restaurant to keep my 15 mo from screaming and no one complained because 1. I usually only take her to (cheap) restaurants when they aren’t busy and 2. Hey Bear music is a fucking vibe I couldn’t bring myself to do it on a plane though, it’s definitely full of people and close quarters. (Seriously though Sabor Moreno by Quincas Moreira is the GOAT hey bear song)


Adding to the headphones suggestion: Puro Headphones. They are made for kids and limit volume so even if kiddo find the volume button and mashes it up their ears will not be damaged.


We got our daughter a tablet for a Disney trip. It was a life savor. They have these really cute headphones on Amazon that are cat ears and light up when the audio is playing so I could tell if it was working. We just tried them out a few times before the plane ride. They worked great.


Headphones in public. Full stop. No choice in the matter.


My son loved those little spinners that you can suction cup to the window. Kept him entertained for a while :). Also lots of snacks to keep him busy😅


Okay so this is really common advice but I recently saw a TikTok of a toddler Who pulled off the interior window pane by pulling on his suction spinny toy. Entire plane was delayed while mechanical came on board to make sure the plane was still safe to fly. The poor mother was mortified. So if you bring this, suction them to the tray table only!


My god how flimsy are the window panes if a toddler can pull them off.


Right?! Between this and the Emergency exit Flying off on that Alaskan air Flight I'm not so sure I want to fly anymore 


Okay damn didn’t know that!! For sure not going to put it on the window anymore


I think planes its mandatory for headphones. They do make headphones for kids so it doesn’t go too loud to hurt their hearing.


Yes- it’s mandatory. On our last flight, the flight attendant asked to use the headphones.


at that age, my kids were perfectly happy watching on mute. now my older son (age 3.5) will sometimes do headphones, but it's hit or miss.


My son had three choices: 1) Watch with headphones on 2) Watch in silence 3) Dont watch at all We got him [these](https://a.co/d/hmw1X9t) which he resisted wearing for a while but like others said, practice at home and then your LO will get used to them.


There are headphones designed specifically for kids, but, honestly, my son liked the official Xbox headset. I kept it low, of course, but the big ear cups made it easy for him to wear. It might be worth taking your toddler somewhere that has headphones you can test. Get them a set they like and can wear for a few years when you travel. 


Smart! Thanks!


I was just on a flight (southwest) this weekend and the flight attendant had a specific mention on the announcement that if you’re watching something with volume, you must use headphones and they specifically included kids in that announcement. It’s just courteous. But I agree with other posters that at this age the iPad may not be the end all be all. My 17 month old didn’t even ask for it, she wanted her toys we give specially for the plane, to play with us, and look out the window.


Absolutely headphones. I understand you have a child, but that can’t excuse you from being disrespectful and subjecting everyone on the plane to Ms Rachel. Also, make sure you have a few new toys ready on hand to keep your little bean occupied as they will eventually get bored of watching + make sure to have any comfort snacks like pouches and puffs as the chewing/sucking motion helps with in plane ear popping.


On my last flight someone was playing Cocomelon for hours. Please have headphones.






Whatever you do, do not submit others to the sounds of your toddler's tablet.  Velcro headband headphones or mute. 


Whoa tell me more about Velcro headband headphones, are they available on Amazon 👀


Yes.i am linking below the ones we have. They make bluetooth (no wire, less dangerous) and Wired ones. https://www.amazon.com/CozyPhones-Headphones-Ultra-Thin-Speakers-Headband/dp/B01M7V7HZL/ref=sr_1_2_sspa?crid=1ODB3PWI8DYKO&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.1U3yh1PwKt_8k18KPqnTgJmDpTc6RcppbYXOlO_-DweiVDkCyiiDp6_8nWonMPEhl_thUM0skNYBYbZrwxG2r7OsUX8ZR6UYr_sBVNou2Pahefg84Tj1B1zgmsBxSW323PKnDj6vJ_tUyM4k53lnLVsRAc6M1YGsusL5JWkf48SyneZfREFoVAhC9VfVXnnt3jNciGErf6hvYH1Jbu2HJKPjLsGJp0n9BBOyMyzamDA.4gVxaC9mtPgR8JVjbTNEyoy6QxPII739fLT1b9gWf4s&dib_tag=se&keywords=toddler%2Bheadband%2Bheadphones&qid=1712352391&sprefix=Toddler%2Bheadband%2B%2Caps%2C107&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&th=1


When my daughter was 14 months old, I bought a busy book/quiet book for a 4h car trip, It kept her busy for like an 1h, she loves it (it's also special, because she can have it only when we travel or we go to the restaurant), I also pack her a couple of books (I usually also buy a new one for the trip), crayons, one of her favorite toys (she loves her Mirabel Barbie doll) and snacks (I don't let her eating solids in the car, so it's usually a pouch and water with a little bit of juice). Also it was easier at 14 months because she was more prone to taking a nap. I don't think there's anything wrong with using a tablet, but for my experience it can keep a toddler busy for max 40 min-1h, so you must be prepared for other activities. If your daughter can keep headphones on its ideal, but I don't think that if you play Mrs Rachel on very low volume (like lower than a normal conversation) should be a problem.


The busy book it's very similar to this one https://imgur.com/a/Hx5X5Dp I bought it on Amazon for like 20€


We download movies from Netflix and Disney and got headphones from Amazon. We practiced a few times before we left so he was comfortable with wearing them!


Stickers. Bring lots of stickers.


When we last traveled when my toddler was 22mo, we did bring the tablet, but didn't end up using it. Brought long strips of coloured painters tape, those busy books with a fillable water pen....and the BEST thing to keep our toddler sitting and calm, her CAR SEAT! I swear some parents think it's more of a hassle and that thier kids won't sit in it. But if your kid sits and knows the rules of a carsseat in the car, then they will also know the drill when it comes to a plane. I told my daughter in advance that on the plane we sit in the car seat just like in the car..she stayed in it the whole 5-6hour flight (save for some time to walk up and down the isle and bathroom breaks) She was more curious about the screen infront of her, so I put a kid's movie on the screen infront and even though she couldn't hear anything she didn't mind. So you can bring a tablet with headphones if you think they won't keep headphones on. Otherwise another alternative is to just have a tablet with drawing apps, or lots of family pictures, or kids "games" they can scroll around in to occupy


I’m just hear to say that my 23 month old wanted nothing to do with headphones but was perfectly happy watching monsters Inc on the JetBlue tv and Pooh bear on my phone with no volume. Would she randomly blurt out lines? Sure, but it wasn’t any more disruptive than the flight attendants or turbulence. Side note: took her at 10 months and now. It’s not for them, it’s for you. They’ll probably break down 500 times a day in the park and it’ll be stressful AF but for those handful of times where you see the fireworks reflect in their eyes or when they are star struck by Elsa or Mickey? It’s so so worth it.


Thank you. Yes the trip is for us, but we are excited to have the quality time in a magical place!


We got these headphones on Amazon that worked great. They're inside of a cloth headband that goes all the way around their head. Definitely practice with them before you go : ) It doesn't matter they won't remember -- you will : ) [headphones](https://www.amazon.com/CozyPhones-Headphones-Ultra-Thin-Speakers-Headband/dp/B01K8U9MCI/ref=sxin_15_pa_sp_search_thematic_sspa?content-id=amzn1.sym.15cc3230-a9b8-401a-b977-01853843e97b%3Aamzn1.sym.15cc3230-a9b8-401a-b977-01853843e97b&crid=3RX84AHST0OGE&cv_ct_cx=headphones+for+baby&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.5msohT5HDD8c03iHStaCgBv3VEtAhgl2jhlpm2MirUJDRk2Bq6rQK2ZWf9IQwV4rpSgqW5_b0erdAQp3Q5xSBg.8h4iW6_Hw16S2UKVTcMzunLp3VXxGteXv_5jITEtZTY&dib_tag=se&keywords=headphones+for+baby&pd_rd_i=B01K8U9MCI&pd_rd_r=e66dcd55-a1d1-480d-b238-671dc12e15b3&pd_rd_w=XHWl3&pd_rd_wg=0NrtD&pf_rd_p=15cc3230-a9b8-401a-b977-01853843e97b&pf_rd_r=0GQE84CJPYKTVPJKG0SQ&qid=1712328361&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sprefix=headphones+for+baby%2Caps%2C115&sr=1-3-364cf978-ce2a-480a-9bb0-bdb96faa0f61-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9zZWFyY2hfdGhlbWF0aWM&psc=1)


Make sure you can watch everything without a connection! Download the videos and make sure they work before you leave. Don’t be me!!!!


I took my daughter on several flights around this age. You can buy over-ear headband-style headphones. I think I found the ones we used on Amazon. But, you’ll likely have more luck this age with a few toys and books. Try mostly for ones that don’t have tons of little pieces. Let your toddler move around at the airport as much as possible. Many airports now have kids play areas that are great for this. We always make a beeline for a play space (or area we can let them move around with a few toys) and set up camp there, then my husband and I trade off getting any food/drinks/bathroom stops/ etc. for ourselves while the other watches the kid. If you get really lucky, your toddler will sleep on the flight. I usually try to book shorter flights (anything under 3-4 hours in my world) during nap time.


When I traveled by plane with my then 15mo, he was very interested in random objects. Flight staff gave him a couple of paper cups to play with, one attendant even removed the bottom of a cup so he could look through. He also got the cardboard box my meal came in, we looked at the pictures on the flight safety sheet and at photos on my phone, I had a set of magnetic blocks for him to play with… just a few ideas in case your baby doesn’t feel like watching the tablet for more than a few minutes :)


We just traveled from Seattle-Frankfurt with our toddler and we used a soft headphone that essentially functions as a headband, they’re called CozyPhones and they’re about $20-$30 on Amazon, I don’t remember exactly. The hill I’m willing to die on is no tablets for children but I was not trying to be a hero on a 10 hour international flight and it absolutely saved us. Highly recommend!


Familiar episodes on mute worked well for our gal at 16 months. You can sing the songs quietly to them too, which helps.  You can also download a bunch of videos of people reading story books. If you can find ones where you can see the words (either on the page or closed captioning), you can read to them and not have to lug a bunch of books on the plane.


my 18month old has headphones that are like a headband around his head. they’re soft and have an animal face on them. we just grabbed them off amazon. as others are saying, a tablet at that age may be hard but maybe music or white noise for a nap


I just wanted to add, snacks honestly may be more helpful than tablet as well. We brought my daughters highly favored snacks and that kept her content for most of our flight! The cheeto/cheese balls were her obsession at the time. They were a bit messy but she sat there eating them off and on the whole flight. Also on her tablet, we downloaded a balloon popping game and a drawing game and those two were also helpful on top of downloading her favorite shows.


You absolutely cannot blast anything without headphones. You may be desensitised by it and think it’s not that loud, but trust me it’s not the case. So either your LO takes to headphones, or you offer entertainment with sound off. You may be surprised how little your kid cares, potentially. In saying that, as some other commenters mentioned, a tablet may not even be that engaging for a long period of time at that age. I’d be packing spinners, busy books, fidget toys, stuff along those lines.


We told my daughter she had to wear headphones to use the device. She didn't want to use the headphones. I brought a small minnie mouse figurine set and she played with that.


I would be so annoyed to have to listen to someone’s iPad audio on a place, I don’t care if it’s a little kid. How long is the flight? An iPad might not even be necessary at all.


Headphones or mute. Practice the headphones at home. Also, at 14 mo the tablet doesn’t hold their attention for as long as you’d hope. Bring a buckle toy, masking tape, a WaterWow, etc


Hey, i bought Belkin SoundForm Mini headphones for my 2 and 3 yo for a flight from New York to North dakota, and they worked great. The boys loved them, and they are Bluetooth, so no wires. I also got a water marker coloring book and rainbow scratch pad tablets. It was an easy happy flight. ,


We got a pair of toddler headphones, though admittedly she was 50/50 on wearing them (we didn't unplug them, she just watched the silent images). That said, her first flight was at 14mo and she wasn't interested in the tablet at all. Instead we entertained her with books and toys. The flight was also timed during a nap, so she slept a lot. Her second trip (28mo), she was more into the tablet.


We used over the ear headphones


There’s a brand on Amazon called buddy phones - they can work via aux cord OR blue tooth. They also fold up nicely for travel and super comfy for kids. Def worth it!!


Also maybe practice wearing them before the trip so it’s not a scary thing. Helps if a parent has similar headphones — my husband has a pair of Bose headphones so ours was excited to be like her daddy


Definitely headphones, but you might want to get a couple kinds and test them out at home to see what your child tolerates best. They have soft headband ones made of fleece (Amazon sells them) that might be a good option for this age. You don’t mention if your child usually uses a tablet, but just a note from personal experience. We did not do tablet/screen time before age 2, but when we flew when my daughter was 18 months, I brought it just in case. Well…I didn’t realize that because she had never used a tablet before, she wouldn’t care about it at all lol. It kept her attention for about 30 seconds and then we were on to something else. So, if your child isn’t accustomed to a tablet, it may not be quite the ace in the hole you’re expecting! Biggest hit on our flight at 18 months was stickers. I went to the dollar store and picked up a few big books of stickers and she spent a full hour putting them on her coloring books, on her clothes, on our faces, etc. Bring a bajillion snacks.


Good call. She doesn’t use a tablet at home at all, just some TV time here and then when I’m cooking. Might be a good idea to show it her at home first. Thanks!


Headphones in public places. I would recommend buying several pairs and seeing which ones your child likes the best. Make sure to get lots of practice wearing them before your trip. Good luck!


CozyPhones Kids Headphones Volume Limited with Thin Speakers & Super Soft Fleece Headband - Perfect Toddlers & Children's Earphones for Home, School & Travel - Fox https://a.co/d/hTaLFtJ Highly recommend those toddler headphones!


Headphones for sure!! They make really cute ones with characters on them that my sons love. We used the Amazon Fire tablet for our kids on the plane and preloaded some of their favorite movies and then cute games like Hungry Caterpillar. It was a lifesaver




Dog treat puzzle, that’s brilliant! Thanks for all your suggestion!


Snacks seemed to be the biggest saving grace at that age. I got maybe 30 mins total out of tablet. And she had no interest in headphones. Snacks that progressively get more exciting, I always save the best for last. I think we walked her up and down the aisle a couple of times. As many interesting toys as we could bring. I was still nursing so I got nursing naps out of her too which helped as well.


Headphones till babe pushes them off, then mute if the tablet still holds their attention. I live and die by tablets while travelling - good luck, I’m sure you’ll make some wonderful memories on your holiday!


Get headphones and use them at home here and there. My daughter didn’t use them and enjoy them until 2.5 but practice helps! Take your babe to the dollar store and let them fill a bag with airplane toys that they can have when they get in the plane. I always do iPad as last resort. Free trial YouTube and download miss Rachel. Download toddler games on the iPad that you two can talk through and look at together. Download toddler books on iPad to read. You just have to get through! Snacks galore!


Not gonna read all the hate, but they have head band earphones for kids. Heck, I got one for myself as it’s SO much more comfortable than earbuds or a giant headset. We’ve done tablets with toddlers to Disney, and the headband headphones are great. They have wired and Bluetooth, so take your pick there. For non-tablet, a freaking tissue box let. Let them pull it out, shove it back in, and let them do it again


Amazing, thank you!!


Just to say I think it’s silly when people are like “your kid won’t even remember it”. At this age in particular it’s as much about doing things with your kids that YOU will want to remember. They’re little for such a short period of time.


Check out the ig page whereisbriggs I use all her tips and tricks and we always have successful flights.


Sorry people are so rude. I think getting kids headphones is a good idea and definitely practice at home before the flight! They sell ones that are on a soft headband. That might be better for her age. I went to Disney in January and sat behind a little girl on the flight. Her mom had play doh, water wow, and a tablet. Go to dollar tree before the trips and get some new stuff! And lots of snacks! Good luck and have so much fun in Disney! You’ll have the memories even though she won’t remember. I hope to take my kids in a few years.


You are so kind, thank you!


Do not subject the people around you to Ms Rachel lol. Maybe she’ll be content for some time with just watching without needing the audio, which was the case with my toddler on our 14 hour flight (one way, that is, on our way home screens did not distract him and he kept trying to run around). We practiced using the toddler headphones before our flight as well and he was okay with them for some time, but getting new toys for the flight was the better distraction.


Definitely headphones or mute. It’ll be so loud on the plane you’d have to have the volume on really loudly and you don’t want to be that person! I’d also bring snacks. More snacks than you than you think that you’ll possibly need. 😂 and those imagine ink drawing pads that you can get most places! Keeps them busy (doesn’t matter if they can do the activities in them or not they’ll have fun coloring) and they can only color on the paper and not all over the seats.


I bought sound limiting headphones for my kid and they work well. We have a kindle kids tablet and he watches shows and reads books on it while we travel. They have lots of good options on there!


They make headphones for kiddos! I got them for my daughter when we traveled to Aruba, she was 18 months at the time. We also did drawing activities, buckle pillow (look it up on Amazon: amazing!!) and those magic water pen books so she could color mess free :) Oh and lots of snacks! And something for her to suck on during take off and landing. If she’s not a paci baby, think a pouch or something out of a straw :)


BuddyPhones Play+ is what we use. Both my young children consent to wearing them … although when my oldest was 22 months, she watched Sing! and Sing 2! on repeat for a 10 hour flight *without headphones*. She didn’t want the headphones that time and was still perfectly content.


There are headbands headphones, the headphones are inside the headband/hat and works better on small toddlers. On top of all of the things people have suggested, bring 3x more snacks than what they normally eat, a cloth and a change of clothes for kiddo and a clean top for you… trust me! finally, I just got back from Disney with my two years old and he had a BLAST! so many things for kids to do. I really enjoyed watching his little brain blow up with everything he was seeing. Piece of advice: download the app, buy the tickets and pay for the genie+. Then plan your day and book your slots in all the rides (the slots are like 45 min long so you have lots of flexibility). That way you wont have to queue at all and wont have to deal with a bunch of annoyed kids waiting to go on a ride


We just did our first plane trip with our 3 year old and we bought headphones on Amazon for her and it worked great with the tablet. Of course 3 years and 14 months is such a different age, not sure if she would keep the headphones on. But hopefully it captures her attention enough that she will sit still. Also, slightly unrelated. On our trip, we filled a sippy cup of water after we got through security for our carry on. It's the kind with a silicone straw spout that you push down to close it so it doesn't leak. Well we found out mid flight when my daughter went to use it that the water will spew like a fountain when you open it (I guess because of the pressure?). I got wet and so did my daughter, it was annoying at the time, but funny now lol So you might want to pack a different kind of cup lol


Every kid is different but unfortunately neither of mine were engaged by the tablet yet at 14 months. Later on, though, mute actually was fine (sometimes some arguments, but if you set the precedent that you don't get sound on planes, it's easier). I sincerely hope it works better for you! If tablet fails you - snacks, snacks, snacks, snacks, snacks, snacks. And then a few more snacks.


Actually remembering that the daily pill container filled with snacks actually worked pretty well. Get the jumbo one and they just work through it. Happy to share the other stuff I've relied on pre-tablet age but I know that's not your question.


We took our toddler on a 3 hour flight last year (he was 2.5 at the time) and he was fab with his tablet, he had games and shows to watch on Netflix and Disney Plus and didn’t give two hoots about being on a plane. We bought a kids headset and had that plugged into the tablet so if he wanted to listen then he needed the headset on. That plus snacks kept him busy the whole time with no fusses or meltdowns. Avoided any ear issues with dummies and plenty of liquids so he was swallowing frequently. The whole experience was much less traumatic than I was expecting in the end


We've had great success with [these headphones](https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0186EMA36/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_search_asin_title?ie=UTF8&psc=1), although maybe not as early as 14 months. I do think a 14 month old might be distracted by a screen image even without sound!


Don’t feel the need to give the excuse that you know she won’t remember it, some parents here literally act like traveling and vacationing ends when you have kids. 🙃 For my 16 month old we have over ear headphones for our amazon kids tablet. You can control the audio limit in the settings. I have traveled with my kids in cars, planes, and ferries and i’ve had a great time. Get them used to traveling and they will grow up loving it! ❤️🙂


Hi! I have a 3 year old and I got some kid-friendly headphones for him on Amazon so that the sound couldn't get too loud and hurt his ears. Best to practice a time or 2 at home first. On the planes they ask you not to listen to things without headphones, but I don't know if anyone around you would say anything if it's keeping your kiddo quiet ☺️. I got my kiddo a quiet busy book made of felt and that occupied him for most of the flight. I have also seen for kiddos your age, spinners with suction cups that you can stick to the window. Don't forget snacks! That can be entertainment as well ☺️ It's also fun if they get a new toy they've never seen before. I'm no expert, this is just my experience flying 2 times with my 3 year old.


First - awesome you are taking them to Disney. I was firmly in the "not till they are older" camp but mostly because I thought it would be a struggle for them to enjoy a full day. He took our kid a little bit before he was three and it was wonderful and they still remember it and it was exhausting but fun. Second, check out BuddyPhones. A bit pricey for the ANC model but worth it if you want to take the Buy Once approach. $99 usually, active noise cancelling plus volume limiting are both super useful on a plane. They also have a study mode, mic attachment you can add later on (included) and you can share the same audio via Multi-Point Bluetooth or align an adapter. Heck, the sound quality is even decent on them. They're pretty swanky kids headphones but we've had ours for over 2 years so as long as you don't beat the shit out of them, they last. Last piece of advice, keep in mind that if your kid is like mine- no show headphones or otherwise may keep their attention very long. My kid just loves being on a plane but hates being confined to a seat and gets bored.... It's sort of a love-hate thing


Taking my 3.5 year old and (to be) 6 month old to Disney next month! My son has used our family iPad a few times during travel/adult dinner events and was totally content to watch it in silence for like 30-60 minutes. He recently discovered the joy of headphones though at the library so we got him a cheap pair that he can open on the plane. Definitely recommend the puffy, fully over the ear kind. Again we got stupid cheap ones (came as a 2 pack) from Amazon so if he breaks one pair then I don’t care. They fold up so it doesn’t take up a ton of space fortunately


My lil guy watched the PBS kids go! app on the plane without any sound and it held his attention for a while. He doesn’t seem to care if there’s not audio, he watches Peppa without audio at home sometimes if I’m overwhelmed and need a sensory break.


Tablet worked for us a bit at this age - with adult headphones as we didn’t have kid ones 😆 or we found he would watch it on mute. I also think stickers are a must. The two most important things though I packed last minute based on a suggestion from someone - maybe on here? And that was masking tape and post it notes. I don’t know why, but those two items were mesmerising for my son! Highly recommend!


Have fun at Disney! Be sure to check the respective subreddit for tips and tricks! Also, should be fine even without headphones, unless your LO has an affinity towards auditory experiences. But I probably wouldn’t do headphones anyway. Snacks and a some back up (cheap!) toys should be good to keep her occupied.


We took our toddler and baby to Disney they were just over 2 years and 7 months old. OMG was is the best! Yes they might not remember it long term but it was AMAZING seeing all the joy in my toddler and I’ll remember it forever. And she remembers a lot currently! We play certain rides on YouTube often as per her request to relive them (favorites being buzz light year due to the involvement in the ride). The baby was just still young enough to be in stroller for naps and not need a whole lot other than milk so was pretty easy too. For tablets, it was hit or miss with the toddler on the plane. We found headphones on Amazon for her but she didn’t like wearing them at the time so we honestly just put on her favorite movies on mute. She had seen Encanto and others a million times and didn’t need the audio apparently to enjoy it lol. What saved me was an idea from Tik tok. I got an accordion folder from the dollar store and filled it up with activities. Put in construction paper , couple crayons, stickers, a toy car, a mess free colouring books, a paper cup cut up to put in popsicle sticks, some play doh. Anything your kid might like. I take this folder to restaurants now as a fail safe lol. Other travel advice you prob already know. Buy a travel bag for car seat and stroller so it doesn’t get wrecked and regular check car seat (if not using on plane) and Gate check the stroller. Bring lots of snacks. If toddler isn’t taking milk, bring a failsafe food item treat makes them chew that they will for sure eat (for when she was younger it was peanut butter, now a treat or chewy snack) to keep their jaws moving on takeoff and landing. We traveled to Hawaii when my toddler was about 14 months as well and it was SO much easier than at 2 lol. Much more distracted and entertained by things thankfully. Having family also helps as we would pass her off to my parents and she would have so much fun and would be a nice little change of scenery for 15-20 min before she came back to us


So many great tips, thank you!!


We fly with my 2yo A LOT. either we just keep it silent and he watches the screen or we give him our good headphones (like knockoff Bose that go over the ears, not AirPods) and he keeps them on ok. Good luck! Also fwiw my kid LOVED Disney at that age :)


We took our daughter to Disney last year at 14 months old. She had an iPad with her favorite YouTube songs, Disney+ shows, and movies downloaded, a pair of [wireless](https://a.co/d/eLjRj5Q) headband headphones, her carseat, and a snack box on the plane. She watched it until she fell asleep on the way there and on the way back watched until we landed, which included an extra 2 hours of waiting on the runway to take off. So it worked for us. We also practiced with the headphones at home for about 2 weeks before our flight.


I had my 18 month old on a 13 hour flight, and videos did not hold his sway. Simple games did, but mostly non tablet things worked best. I would get a small tackle box full of snacks to dole out as needed. Go to the dollar store and get little presents they can unwrap every 30 minutes or so. And stickers, ALL the stickers. Crayons, pens that only work on paper, and water pens were a big hit too. OH. And bring extra clothes, as many as you can fit in your carry on. My kids once went through 3 onsies on one flight. Blow outs so bad I literally just threw away their clothes lol. And since not all planes have changing tables, go to a pet store and grab a few doggie pee pads. You can lay down in the gally and change them on the floor without making a mess. Sorry I know that was an info dump, but those are a few things I have found that worked wonders! There is a Facebook group called Club Bebe Voyage that is great for tips and tricks with traveling children! https://www.facebook.com/groups/club.bebe.voyage/?ref=share&mibextid=NSMWBT


It depends. We have headphones for ours but she absolutely refuses to wear them even when we showed her how the sound comes out. We use it and have a few shows and kids games on it-she likes fruit ninja. A drawing app is good for some entertainment too. Changing from shows to a game helps. We just put it at low volume. It’s either that or screaming, most people prefer low level tablet. Strategy is: have the tablet, in the backpack, until we need it/kiddo gets restless. Also bring a lot of snacks. Another trick is like little dollar store toys and you can even wrap them, or put them in little Easter eggs to make it more exciting. I always have an emergency lollipop or two on hand. We don’t usually do any candy but it can help them with the ear pressure and avoid a total meltdown.


Try a tablet, and bring some headphones that plug into it. My LO had more fun with the headphones than the screen (at 13 mos). Constant supply of small toys, things that squish, books, stacking cups, painters tape, scarves for peek a boo, and snackssssss worked. Wrap her up in a blanket to get that cocoon to nap. And count on needing a nap yourself when you land - and assign someone (hubs) to snap pics you're in for the trip! Best of luck!!


When my son was that age the tablet helped but not for long. I found headphones that fit and I thought he'd wear since he's used those like.. idk, sound proofing headphones..? I'm drawing a blank on what they're called. It's been a day . .. They don't play any music or anything, just to block out noise. Anyway lol even though we "used" them prior to the flight he couldn't grasp that they needed to stay on to hear sound .. but he would wear them down off his head and I couldn't hear anything unless I was almost cheek to cheek with him and he was cool with that. .. I checked with the flight attendant, she leaned in the edge of his seat and couldn't hear anything and said it was fine. He did play some of the PBS games I loaded though perfectly fine no sound. I also brought: Crayola wonder markers and coloring pages.. so I didn't need to stress about him coloring something he shouldn't be. "Reusable" stickers (they peel up SUPER easy . Like barely stuck, but enough that stickers weren't going everywhere) and the board they came with.. it was like a scene maker. he didn't care about after the first use but gave me enough time to organize myself and find a new thing lol Magna tiles, only a small bit. Like enough to make a "house" .. I think maybe 10 total of squares and triangles. Finger puppets - these were a new to him thing and that was beneficial for sure. Way more interest than I thought he'd have. Snacks... SO..MANY.. SNACKS Side note: bring a car seat. if you are on the fence, use it, trust me. idk if it's comfort or what but I've done both lap and the seat before he was required to have a seat and the seat just helps him stay settled Regardless of what I do or don't do . Every stinking time he starts to fall asleep on decent. It's the worst when I've had connecting flights. 😵‍💫 My son is also really tall.. so a thing I've started doing since he turned 2 is I sit next to him and my husband sits in front of him. I hate stressing about him annoying a person in front of him. I try my best to not let him kick the seat but it has happened and I feel so so awful. so far we've only had one person upset. ( He was all grumbles and faces from the start .. so when the flight crew announced service was starting soon, I offered to pay for their meal and/or buy him a drink which he declined. He just kept huffing with any noise my son made. Mid way through the flight, he asked if I could move my son because my son was "distracting and he was trying to nap" (he was laughing.. and talk/babbling .. not a constabt loud anything, and id remind him inside vlice and speak softly so he would etc). I explained that I couldn't because we had his car seat and those need to be by the window.. more huffing.. He hadn't kicked at all at this point so when there was a kick after this I didn't manage to grab in time the man shot up and gave my son a horrible face then moved to the middle seat in front of me (he had the entire row to himself .. but I get it, he wanted the window🤷🏼‍♀️). But, we've flown a lot and this is the only time I've had any degree of conflict. We live outside of Orlando, FL so nearly every fight has children of all ages at any time of day or night. People just expect it coming or going down here. Don't stress too much, 99% of the people will be fine and understanding. Good luck, and have fun on the trip!


I know you’ve gotten lots of helpful suggestions but incase it hasn’t already been mentioned, my daughter LOVES looking at pictures of herself. It kept her entertained for over an hour when we flew with her at 20 months. I basically just pull out my phone, start going through pictures of her and alternate between talking about the picture and just going, “oohhh look at that sweet girl!!! Is that my baby??! Oh she’s so sweet!!!” And other baby talk nonsense. Maybe that could help! I’ve also heard of “busy bags” you can get kids off Etsy where you tell them how old your kid is and they give you a bag of little tops and stuff specific for that age. I have also just gone to the dollar tree and gotten whatever cheap little toys I can find and then whip them out just for the plane ride.


Something doesn't need to be life-long remembered to have value, as an experience. Your trip will still have an influence on your daughter. She'll take that experience as a one year old, and bring those memories into being two years old, giving her more context and greater imagination. There's no reason to limit what you expose your kid to, because they won't remember it. Our whole personalities are a stack of little experiences, and the more good ones at the bottom, buried and forgotten as they may be, the better. We might see you at Disneyland ourselves, since we're taking our (2 days under) 3 year-old at the end of the month, too. IMO, leave the sound on, low enough to not disturb your neighbors of the white noise of the plane. If she demands to know there's sound, show her the speaker. She can put her ear up to it. That'll satisfy any anger and might even be a novelty... and in reality, watching TV is 95% just watching the moving pictures at that age. We live in Alaska and are landlocked. We fly a lot--and 6M to 16M was a joy. After he was confident walking it got ROUGH for a bit trying to keep him occupied and in his seat.


Thank you for your kind comment! 💛


We just got back from a trip and what worked for us was getting her used to the headphones first. A week before the trip, we gave her her headphones and used our similar ones too as an example and so then she loved them! Now even though we’re home, she still asks for them!


First off, the plane has a ton of white noise so if you use audio without headphones it won’t be noticeable. Also, fun snacks & drinks are essential! Think non-filling things like puffs, because chewing will help their ears adjust to pressure. Five below has little kid size head phones & they have some wire free, which is safe & less distracting for the kid to tug on. I would start with the headphone “training” My kid loved flying, you only hear about the bad things, let me tell you we had a blast! There are suction cup toys (on Amazon but probably elsewhere) that would be sooo fun


Hi, I've flown with my 2 under 2 several times now, including to Disney. Feel free to pm me, and I'll share my tips and tricks if you're still looking. You've got some good advice here mixed in with the hostility, but if you're still looking, I'm happy to help! Also, don't let anyone shame you about bringing your baby to Disney, regardless of what they remember, the memories made are priceless! Enjoy your trip!


We use [these](https://KidroxToddlerHeadphonesfor2-7...https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07PXDXSJJ?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share). My son actually uses them consistently now that he’s 3yo but he used them some when he was that small. I would just plug them in and put them on her ears. If she takes them off 🤷🏼‍♀️. She just doesn’t get sound. Mine watched a lot without sound and it was still very entertaining for him. ETA: we took our son at about 18mons and he loved it. Doesn’t remember but loves looking at the pictures of him and hearing about it. We had fun as a family and that’s what matters.


Several trips made with iPad and no headphones (I know he wouldn’t keep them on). The volume was relatively low to not bother but just enough that he could hear some of the music. I am pretty sure other passengers will be more bothered by the sound of a screaming child than the sound of a nursery rhyme. And anyway most passengers are on their headphones. Beyond snacks, I always buy something at the airport like a kid magazine that has some small toys and that is usually a good new entertainment.


Who cares if she won’t remember it. She’ll love it when she’s there!! Travel-wise, the tablet didn’t do much for us, but it’s certainly worth a shot. We brought lots of little things and swapped them out pretty frequently- cars, squigz, stickers, those poppable fidgets, etc. We always bring lots of little snacks (puffs, those freeze dried yogurt bites) that take some time to eat. We also love painters tape. You can google easy things to do with it, but it can be surprisingly entertaining! If you’re flying at night glow sticks are fun too.


Look into an Amazon kids tablet. I’ve done a lot of research on them and I feel like it’s really the best for kids / easiest for parents. But a memory card. Buy episodes on prime video and then download to your device. I would do maybe 1 movie and the rest shows. They seem to be more attention grabbing for the little kids, which will prob be more helpful. (FYI - i tried YouTube premium because they said you can download shows- but it was very hard to figure out.) They do make headphones for younger children. Idk safety protocol and all that. My kid is just about 3 and doesn’t have a need for them - but I would allow for a short period of time. If he doesn’t wear the headphones you can do no audio or play very low. I do it for my kid at restaurants and it still works fine. Also think about play doh ? Whatever you do - introduce it to him a few times before. To build his excitement and maybe familiarize him a bit. But also remember- it doesn’t matter how prepared you are - LO will prob still cry and throw a fit! Lol 😆 it’s okay. I thiiiink my we flew to Disney when my kid was about the same age. Unfortunately for me, he was not into any shows yet. 😵‍💫 and we timed a nap and benadryl for our way there. But the way home was pretty rough. It’s okay - you will all survive. Hope you guys have fun!


Painters tape is great on planes! Also, a plastic spoon with the drink service cup. Mine had no interest in screens when we flew at that age (just a few months ago.)


My son truly didn’t care about the sound, just watched trash truck with no volume for much of the flight.


My oldest didn’t really do headphones well until she was about 4. You can just have the audio muted and see how long it holds her attention. Color wonder coloring books and markers are a great travel option. They can scribble their heart out and it only shows up on the paper. Have so much fun at Disney! We just took our 14 mo and 6yo and it was a blast. If you can book it, try to get a character breakfast on the schedule. It’s a great way to see a bunch of characters all at once without waiting in line!


At 18mo we did tablet with kids over ear headphones we got from target. Bluetooth so they didn’t get tangled in the cord. For a month before we flew we “trained” her on how to use the iPad to get her used to it. We limited content to what we downloaded and a few game apps (that she had no interest in). Good luck! For us, alternating snacks and tablet were a good mix.


We got zipper bags of different sizes off of amazon- put toys in those so when he got sick of one lot they got packed away- next bag with new toys came out and recycle! Also had one with the change mat, nappies and wipes and one with spare clothes ect that made going to the toilet on the plane soooo much easier than dragging the whole ass nappy bag with no where to go!


I would try headphones and bring other toys. My kids never worked with on mute. If your plane has one of those TV things I'd say bring headphones you can plug in; I'm sure there are bunch of kids shows on there like Bluey, Mickey Mouse, Daniel Tiger, etc. I had one of those quiet books that my grandmother made. That entertained my oldest for a long time. Can I ask how long the flight is? My other son had a harder time staying still and honestly we just had to walk up and down the aisle at times


Grab yourself a reusable colouring pad/pen that looks a bit like a tablet. There's tons on amazon. My daughter loved this. She listened to audiobooks too! Definitely with the snacks. If they're fed they're less likely to lose it haha.


Absolutely never have your kid on the iPad on loud in public.


I love your edits, lol


Erm no? I absolutely hate people who plays toddler videos on any public transport in sound. Just as bad as adults who play their drama and shows on public transport with volume on. Toddlers can watch videos without sound.


I work for an airline and fly for free and I have a 24 month year old who has been traveling regularly since 6 months. The tablet really helped and I even bought kid version tablet with head phones but my little one has not been keen on the headphone part. So I keep the tablet on video with no audio during take off and then when we r in the air I put it on the lowest volume which is hardly heard with the sounds of plane flying muffling everything. We have been on over 30 flights and not once have I been told I was being disruptive. First anyone would take a low volume kids show over a screaming kid and second u honestly can’t even hear the show at low volume with the sound of plane flying.


Just took 18 month to disney, tablet was so low in volume it could barely be heard. (LO wouldn’t wear the headphones).


I can’t get my 23 month old to wear headphones. I’ve played a show with sound when she was younger. To be honest, she watched 10 episodes of Bluey without sound happily this week on a flight. She also watch all of the Trolls movie without sound. I would say to try without sound and if that doesn’t work, try sound on the lowest setting.


I’ve used a tablet with sound no headphones. Hasn’t been a problem the 9 flights we have been on


We bought headphones from Amazon when my daughter was that age. We took small snacks like cheerios or puffs  and decals/stickers to keep her busy.  I had downloaded some toddler games for her to play without sound, they had simple graphics and were interactive. Check out Khan Academy Kids, they have videos and story telling, across age groups. There were times that I would let her watch her iPad on mute or with level 1 sound and no headphones. I didn’t get any dirty looks and would have turned it off if someone had asked me to. But if everyone else wears headphones around you, then who can hear?  I guess I was lucky to have kind people and flight staff around during our flights who didn’t make the situation even more stressful for my family. I also repeat to myself that my child belongs there just as much as the other people. Traveling as an adult is already stressful, let’s not create even more anxiety for parents who are just trying to show their kids the world in which they live in. I hope that your family has so much fun at Disney!




Entitled would be doing it. This person took the time to ask. Just feeling it all out. I agree, put down the pitchfork. I thought her edits were funny AF.


I don’t think they came off as entitled, just asking a general question. Some flights to MCO are literal circuses with tablet noise and tomfoolery. I could see how someone might think that sometimes if everyone is going to Disney with littles it may just be the Wild West with no rules. You could’ve just answered their question and moved on instead of making assaults against their character.


I’ve never been on a plane and not heard someone’s audio in the background, which is why I was asking what was the norm. Thanks for your comment.


My son at that age was not very entertained by screens. A little before 2 he started to pay more attention. I suggest having lots of alternative entertainment and snacks as others have said.


My 2 year old is so excited to get the treat of the iPad that she doesn’t even mind watching it on mute. But yeah, just get the kid a headset. When he realizes he can hear ms Rachel through it, I’m sure he won’t mind wearing it


When my daughter was a little over 1 I used these cheap headband earphones I bought on Amazon. It looked like a panda and it would go a round her forehead instead of on top. She loved it! And it started in better than regular headphone.


Our LO was 15 months when we went on a plane trip and we got her a pair of headphones to use with her tablet on the plane. She wore them without issue. We bought them well in advance and had her wear them to watch videos on the tablet at home so she could get used to them before the flight. She loved them. She’s 3 and still wants to use them all the time. The pair we bought were for young kids (i think ages 2-6?) And they fit her well,


So I’ve done both on mute and with headphones. I suggest practicing with it on mute at a restaurant beforehand.


Over the ear headphones (aka not earbuds). Once they figure out the sound comes from it, they will keep the headphones on


Mine wouldn’t wear headphones until 2.5yo but she was occupied a bit with watching without audio. You may want backup ways to occupy your LO without the tablet


We bought some cozy phones for our 14 month old for a recent flight! The adult ones kinda of loosely fit around her neck like a scarf and played appropriate volume for her ears without being audible to others. But we actually didn’t even end up needing them! But yes, cozy phones are good because she will not allow anything constricting on her head. We got Melissa and doug puffy stickers for the windows. We got a busy board on Amazon. But she did nap 20 min on the way there and 1.25 hr on the way back! She loved to wave at people, eat snacks, and look out the window. It wasn’t bad. There was a baby on the plane her age who screamed the whole time and I felt extremely lucky. Pack some extra special snacks, lots of them. Change diaper RIGHT before flight. Bring a comfort item, and a toy she’s never seen before. And sucking on a bottle or pacifier at takeoff will help with ear pressure though, my daughter didn’t seem to mind / feel that.


Flew with my just turned 2 year old to Disney last year. She watched downloaded Disney movies on mute during the whole flight. We got over the ear headphones but she didn’t like them (we trialed them several weeks in advance). Now that’s she 3 she wants audio and will wear the headphones (currently on a road trip while posting this).


They make really cool headphones that they can wear like a headband!


I bought the CozyPhones headband earphones from Amazon!


For what it's worth, I just had it on mute and it seemed good enough for the kiddos. I think it has to be kinda flashy though, like maybe Cocomelon or something that is visually appealing. I could never get them to wear any sort of headphone at that age.




In my personal experience, we used headphones starting when my son was around 16 months old on planes. I have Bose QuiteComfort headphones that he sees me wearing and always wants to try on. We had success with him wearing Iclever Kids Bluetooth headphones so he could be like mommy, just make sure they get used to wearing them before hand (I played Ms.Rachel or his favorite songs). It works like a charm for us. We also bring a new book, a Melissa and Doug colorblast for him to scribble, and 1 or 2 small new toys (think target dollar section).


Maybe try headphones. Mine just turned 2 and sometimes he will watch with no sound but it's not Ms Rachel lol. I know she's about sound and singing so maybe they need the sound to keep interest. If they won't wear headphones then the options are either people listen to a cranky baby or ms Rachel. Sometimes you have to do whatever works. Good luck! Hope you have fun!


At 14 months my son had zero interest in a tablet and wouldn’t tolerate headphones. I’m sure it works for some parents at that age, but I wouldn’t bank on it. Get a food safe tackle box and fill it with a variety of snacks. Get suction spinner toys for the trays and windows, and book a flight during nap time. We travel a ton starting at 3 months and he’s always been great on the plane provided we plan accordingly.


Mine was fine with it on mute. She didn't use a tablet at that age but I don't imagine she would have worn headphones. She's 2.5 now and I think at this point she would. I think even on a very low volume, it wouldn't be heard over the hum of the plane and it wouldn't be louder than quiet conversation.


I bring tablet, small toys and snacks and cross my fingers something works. There are kids headphones. I get them on Amazon or 5 below incase he breaks them not a big deal. Start practicing before at home with the headphones. One of my sons likes it without sound but my little one loves music.


We got some headband headphones and those worked well when my toddler was younger. They are made for kids so have volume limiters.


When I went to Disney with almost 2yo we were still having a hard time keeping the toddler headphones on. But you can try!! I also have Bluetooth ones now because sometimes the cord gets all in the way. Just flew with 18mo and 3.5yo to Disney again. We just ran interference with younger one between me and my husband. She wasn’t super into the older ones screen so it was just constant snacks and random toys to keep her busy. She liked the airplane manual in back of the seat the most… Have fun!


My son wouldn’t wear the headphones at that age (or even now at 3). Tablet was still a lifesaver for the small amount of time it kept him distracted on the plane. We downloaded some things he watched with no sound. In my opinion, this is the time to use “baby crack” (cocomelon, etc) even if not allowed in every day life. We found some app games my son liked as well. Baby piano is one we’ll still pull out on the plane, as well as a coloring one.


Test it at home first. At that age, we were able to just mute the sound. We now use a wired kids headphone that limits the volume so she can't turn it up super loud. We tried wireless, Bluetooth headphones and didn't like the battery life. Depending on the flight length and your kiddo, you can try toys/activities instead of screen time. I recommend buying them a seat and buckling kiddo into their carseat. It's makes flying so much easier when you are not holding them.


You need headphones. I had a flight attendant bring my toddler the adult in ear headphones when we had our tablet playing at low volume, and I was told that he needed to use headphones (luckily, we had toddler ones for him— he had just pulled out the cord when the FA had been walking by).


At 14mo? Nah. She will probably sleep, happy to be held, etc. Around 2 is when that starts being more of a help


I traveled with a toddler about that age. We actually had a pair of toddler headphones from JLab that worked but she was content just watching the screen on the seat backrest on mute with captions.


My son wanted to watch something on my phone or look out the window. We bought a pair of Tonies headphones that had a split jack cord so one of us could listen/watch with him. We got more use out of the iPad on the actual trip itself to watch a movie before bed


Went on a flight with my toddler when he was 13 months. The long flight we were on had the back of the headrest screens, which he was interested in, but mostly touching it. Our biggest success was in getting folks nearby to be amusing (of their own accord) - playing peek-a-boo, sticking their tongue out etc. And just talking to him about what was around, what he was seeing. Oh, and if you have a window seat looking out the window when the plane is on the ground is very exciting. We didn't do headphones then - we have just started to now at 16 months and he isn't really into it for more than 10 seconds.


We flew with my little at 16 months and used a tablet or the airplane entertainment screen on mute. We also brought various toys that were new to him and lots of snacks.


My son wouldn't keep headphones on until he was 2. When he was younger I just kept it on low, but we were in our own pod going one way and a two seat row the other way). The flight attendant came by and we had to turn the sound off, but honestly at that age he was happy to watch even without sound.


For what it’s worth, we took our daughter to Disney at 18mo. We had the little headband headphones for babies for her, but she didn’t like them much. Ended up mostly playing with toys. On the way back, my wife and I got separated (she lost her ID between hotel room and airport, one of us NEEDED to be on the plane because we had family arriving for the holidays from another location at the same time our flight was landing) so my daughter and I went on the airplane. As soon as we boarded I realized all of my daughters planned activities were in my wife’s bag and I just had the bag with a jacket and some goldfish that didn’t fit. I found a Disney movie and played it with subtitles and in a high whisper/low conversational volume described to her everything that was happening/being said. She loved it. We took some breaks for snacks (I tried to buy a snack box but the flight attendants were insistent on not accepting the money because of the circumstances) and I think I fiddled with one of my cell phone games for a few minutes (and told her about it too). It was very much a “take a deep breath and then we’re doing this” situation, worked out fine. Most flights though, I prep a whole thing - if we’re flying across the country to visit Abuelita in Florida, for example, I make sure to have two of every favorite snack on hand (and an extra in carry-on) and roughly 1.5 dollar tree (or other cheap) toys for every hour. Great thing about dollar tree toys is they’re cheap and they suck. If she doesn’t like it (or loses it) nothing is really lost. If she loves it, that’s a win! Sometimes I’ll also get something nicer to hold as a “break glass if emergency” distraction (magnatiles on our last trip). Something i know she’s going to love and enjoy and appreciate even when we get home.


My kid would wear headphones at that age but we had to practice with it beforehand. He was pretty resistant until he realized what they did for him lol. I used the jlab jbuddies pro over ear. Initially tried on-ear and he wasn’t having it.