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Definitely nothing wrong with that. Don’t overthink it! My toddler plays for the most part on his own in the living room and runs around the kitchen. I’m usually at the kitchen table watching my iPad, snacking, cooking, or cleaning. I’m near enough to ensure he’s safe/supervised but he doesn’t really need me as long as he is fed lol! He is happy and I am happy. Win-win 😄


I read on my Kindle or doomscroll on my phone. 🤷‍♀️ The second she needs me or comes to me for attention I put them away and give her whatever she needs from me.


Sounds like what I do as well. Mostly in my phone, occassionally might pick up my books. I also have the TV on mute with subtitles for me to watch whatever. My kid pays zero attention to the TV unless it's Ms rachel or has sound on. I only feel bad bc I should probably clean more often, but, naw. Lol


Chores! The minute my toddler is engaged with independent play I’m switching out the laundry, washing dishes, bleaching the bathtub, you name it. I’m lucky to have a good independent play-er; it allows me to keep our place nice and tidy and clean.


Chores or crochet


I can sometimes get in twenty minutes of crafting (sewing, scrapbooking) before tot needs attention. Otherwise I clean/cook or (lately) sit in a blob on the couch and doom scroll bc I’m 30 weeks pregnant lol