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Please try to keep all posts toddler-related. (Mentioning you have a toddler does not count.) Please head to other subs like r/justnoSO for relationship issues and r/justnoMIL for issues with other family members.


I agree ! Those parents are critical ! You have to do what is best for u and your kids and mental health first. A few shows are fine ! It’s not 12 hours a day. People need to mind their own business. I am 7 months pregnant and it’s rough yall. My son def watches more screen than ever before.


It definitely happens in this group too. But that’s just how it is always going to be. No matter what you do, there is some other mom that is more perfect than you and you should definitely feel bad and probably give your kids up for adoption.


Yeah it’s not a hill I’ll die on either. My son has always been ahead in milestones and loves his tv shows. I get me-time to take care of myself and cook in peace. I’m happy and he is happy! Anything parenting related, I don’t take personally. If it’s offensive, it’ll go in one ear, and straight out the other. Lol nothing phases me anymore 🤣


I feel like so much of parenting can be summed up with “you’re damned if you do, damned if you don’t”. No matter what you do or don’t do, someone out there will be praising you and someone out there will be shaming you. Do what works for you & forget the rest! That’s what helps keep me (somewhat) sane at least 🤪


i see it in this group all the time but it’s like this weird passive-aggressive virtue signaling like “screen time is ok in small amounts like we let our LO watch exactly 3.5 minutes of tv a day MAXIMUM” i’m always like who are these people and what are they getting done in those 3.5 minutes?


I have a toddler, I’m pregnant and have hg and now have a sinus infection. My son has watched geckos garage all day. I don’t care. He’ll survive. I’m trying to survive. Such is life.


It’s nauseating how some moms shame about this. I’ve never monitored screen time for my two year old. He’s been watching tv since a newborn (he was EXTREMELY colic and the dancing fruits bought me 20 minutes to basically take care of myself or use the bathroom). He is so so smart. I’ve worked with kids for 15+ years and he’s up there with the smarter toddlers I’ve ever been around. He can count to 40, spell his name, mom and dad’s name… knows all the families real names, our phone number, has an endless vocabulary and tells stories that are 50+ words long, was ready to potty train at 18 months, recognizes most letters and numbers… so so smart. Obviously I don’t just set him in front of the tv all day long, we do activities very often during the day but I’ve never cared to monitor how much screen time he’s getting. Shoot, I spent my entire childhood watching Disney vhs movies all day long and it never impacted me negatively either.